Member Reviews

In a small country in Eastern Europe, a lesser-known theatre of World War II, the Russians have invaded Latvia, and young Zenta's simple, secure life is about to change drastically. Her budding relationship with classmate Aleks, her plans to someday take over her parents' beloved bakery, and everything else she holds dear is threatened by the brutality of the Russian occupation.

Sadly, this changes only when the Nazis invade in 1941, and then it's a case of going from the frying pan to the fire. Zenta's brother Tomass becomes a soldier with dreadful consequences to follow, her sister Estere follows her lover to join the resistance - and subsequently falls pregnant - and her family is fractured by the internal divisions that follow these choices.

Estere's role in the Resistance continues, and the novel follows Zenta's subsequent escape, when she must leave her sister behind, so that Estere's baby Aina can be taken to safety.

This is a tragic story in many ways, and it is sometimes hard to learn more about it. To give the writer credit, Lelita Baldock does not shy away from the painful parts of this history, and you can feel Zenta's and the others characters' pain, loss and confusion throughout the book.

The second timeline is set in 2018, when Zenta is an old woman clinging fiercely to her hard-won independence. All the loose ends are brought together to be tied up for the conclusion, and long-held secrets are released. But be warned, this is a book that will linger in the mind well after you have finished reading. Well worth a read for WW II fiction enthusiasts, I give it 3.5 stars.

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I instantly was drawn to this story as I read a lot of historical fiction, and WW2 historical fiction, but had never read a story about Latvia. This was an interesting story to help learn more about an area that we don't typically see in historical fiction.
As an avid baker, the title first caught my attention, and I was hooked by the descriptive story-telling and could immediately imagine the various settings--the bakery, Zenta learning to perfect her kneading/baking skills with her father. This is a story of family and the lengths we go to for those we love, and I also liked the alternating timelines.

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I really enjoyed this book, and that the location was not typical for WWII historical fiction. The story was absolutely heartbreaking and will really stick with me and I'm sure others after reading this. Such a moving story and highly recommend once it is released.

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I have learned that the best way to discover what really happened during World War 2 is to read books from everywhere involved in the conflict. History classes only touched on the suffering, the struggles, the horrors. The books took the humanity out of the details and only mentioned the main countries.

I didn't remember learning about Latvia, a small country bordering Russia. I don't recall learning about their struggles in any of my university history classes. Reading historical fiction is an enjoyable way to learn and a guide to researching for actual details.

The Baker's Secret opened up my eyes and my heart to the people of Latvia that lived during the war and those that went on. Centering around a family running a bakery gave great insight into war torn Latvia.

The father fought in WWI. The uncle fought along side him. The father wanted to ignore the war. The uncle wanted to fight for Latvia. I was shown what it was like for a father trying to protect his children. I was shown how a father might struggle with the actions of his children. The war not only destroyed the land but destroyed families.

The son goes to war fighting for the Germans to protect his country. He thought he was doing the right thing, but soon learns he was wrong. Readers learn of the struggles of soldiers and how not all believed in the Fuher.

The daughters bring different glimpses into the past. Not all suffer the same. Not all believed the same. Not all those that survived the war, survived the freedom in joy. The Germans not only brought war to the country but it brought war to the family home.

I found that The Baker's Secret gave me an overview I cannot remember reading before. The family dynamics added to the flow and my investment in the story. I became immersed. They became real. The Story became real.

I was transported to a time that we cannot forget. Grab the book and learn. Grab the book and remember. Grab the book and never forget.

disclaimer. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A very emotional war time story set in WW2. This could be so easily be true as I am sure many things happened based on this book. 5 stars

Thanks to Netgalley, author and publisher for this ARC

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Latvia isn’t a country you normally read about in World War II. First the Soviets and then the Germans ran roughshod over the Latvians. Zenta works in her family’s bakery. First her brother is lost. Then her sister gets caught in the underground and the whole family suffers. Zenta runs with her newborn niece.
In a split-time format, we see Zenta in Australia as an old lady. Secrets about what happened while she was on the run come out. Her sister did survive the war, but returned to Latvia. Zenta has no desire to return. It wasn’t the land but the people she lost
So much heartache makes this a depressing story. You have to admire the Latvians and other Baltic countries.

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What a heart crushing novel of unspeakable horrors. It left me speechless due to the intensity of suffering the Latvian people experienced during WW2. And the heartbreak thereafter—the death of loved ones, the loss of many unable to locate or reconnect with family members who were scattered or fled to other countries to save their lives. These victims of war had no choices at all. Latvians were caught in the middle between two fierce enemies: the Soviets and the Nazis. Latvian men were forced to fight for both sides. So yes, against their will. The Baker’s Secret shows clearly the unfair demands on the Latvian people. (And those who resisted paid a great price.) The sacrifices they made at being forced to fight alongside their enemy were soul shattering. To be a soldier of such an army was a tough pill to swallow. It wreaked havoc: divided and separated families and friends. Many were on the run. Death and destruction followed their every step. And as for the Latvian Jews, countless were killed during Nazis occupation. It was a horrific period of history and Lelita Baldock gives us a clear bold view of this time through extensive research. But some of that includes her grandfather’s input who had a personal connection to the events. This valuable reservoir of experience gives this story a more realistic and poignant punch. The facts come alive on the page.

This heart piercing story contains two timelines (1943 and 2018) and focuses on two Latvian sisters Zenta and Estere. They live in Riga. Their father is a baker. When the Nazis invade their home, most of their family are taken hostage. Estere begs her sister to take baby Aina and flee to safety. While her heart is bursting with sadness, Zenta decides she must leave to give her niece a chance of survival. She promises her sister she will care for and protect her daughter with hopes one day they will be reunited. But things go very wrong on the escape route. First Zenta becomes very ill and then Aina. Zenta must make a difficult choice that will change the course of their lives and the closeness she once shared with her sister.

Eventually Zenta is sent to Australia. And this part of the story is painful in parts as she not only tries to adjust to a foreign culture and landscape but becomes connected to a Latvian man who has a lot of psychological issues. She begins living and enduring another kind of war that puts her in harms way. And once again she is faced with impossible decisions.

In the second timeline of 2018, a person shows up in Australia from Zenta's past. Zenta decides she has carried her secrets long enough. These painful revelations will hurt some family members but Zenta wants to be free of the burden she has hidden.

This story is laced with opposing elements: fear and love, bondage and freedom, betrayal and loyalty. The strength of the human spirit to endure and survive the worst of events is evident but also it shows the other end of the spectrum, too. When one becomes so weary and worn down from the severe battles of trying to survive, they become drained of will and wisdom.

I was deeply moved by this story that is incredibly well-crafted. It took me to the locations and allowed me to follow every step and feel every emotion. The main ingredients of The Baker’s Secret are love and care. Thanks to Lelita for sharing her heart and family’s insight on the struggles of Latvia through this unforgettable novel. No question, it deserves 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for a review copy.

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This story goes between 2 time periods, Latvia during WWII and present times. The stories show the difficult choices made and the repercussions that followed. This is a compelling story that I couldn’t put down, so much sadness and tragedy. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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The Baker’s Secret by Lelita Baldock takes place in Latvia during WWII. I have read a lot of historical fiction about WWII. Most of them take place in Germany, France or England. It was really interesting to learn about not only the Nazi occupation of Latvia but also the Soviet invasion. Baldock also mixes in the human condition into the tale. Do you fight for your freedom knowing it could kill you and those you love or do you protect yourself by trying to stay invisible to those who occupy your home?

I want to thank Netgalley and Baldock for this ARC. This story was absolutely heartbreaking but I really enjoyed both the characters and Baldock’s writing. Highly recommend.

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WOW. It’s been so long since I’ve loved every character in a story. I had so much love for everyone and wanted the best for all. I never would have guessed the ending of this one. These sisters had to do the unimaginable time and time again. I’ll be following this author after this one!

This beautifully tragic novel absolutely broke my heart (and made me want to bake bread). It is a must read for 2024.

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the early access in exchange for a honest review.

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This is a dual-timeline which follows the years of the fight for Latvia. The Vanaga family run the bakery, where Zenata enjoys helping while her sister Estere would do anything to avoid it, skipping of to see her boyfriend Valdis at any opportunity. Valdis is fighting for the cause, writing articles about freeing Latvia. The Germans are marching through the town taking Jews from their homes taking them to camps !
When Estere decides to help the resistance Zenata is unknowingly helping when she delivers messages along with the bread deliveries which is dangerous as she is becoming friendly which a German officer Otto who tries enticing her with offers of cheese and chocolate.
When Otto comes into the bakery and it’s obvious to Zenata’s father Nikolai that Otto knows her it causes some unrest.
Things become more dangerous when Otto starts watching the girls coming and going. Will Zenata be able to carry out her sisters wishes and look after a most precious bundle!

In honesty I found some parts of the story confusing, especially the present day part. In my personal opinion I think it would have been better to get a feel for the historical part first, then introduced the current story. That said, I did really enjoy the historical part.

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Wow! I am speechless.... What an amazing resd! Truly one of the best this year. What an accurate description of war and the effect it has on people..

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A wonderful story of life in Latvia in the Second World War. From a small family bakery the story of how families had to suffer to try to survive. You will smile with them and cry with them as they meet the horrors of the Russian army and the German army as they are caught between them. After the war they end up in Australia and fiend a new life but hold to each other to survive again. You must read this book!

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I found this book to be both powerful and moving.

During the Nazi occupation of Latvia, two sisters faced unimaginable choices.

In a time of danger and uncertainty, the author transported me through a fearsome period of history.

There was sacrifice, courage, and love on display, demonstrating the strength and resilience of women during the Second World War.

It was an emotional and thought-provoking book.

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If you're a fan of WW2 historical fiction and want to see it from a perspective other than the UK/Germany/France (which seems to dominate this genre), The Baker's Secret would be a great read. I love learning about countries via fiction, and The Baker's Secret introduced me to Latvia and its history in an enjoyable way. The story follows two sisters who live in Latvia and the effect the war has on them, their families, and their futures. The last twenty percent of the novel really amped things up, and I loved this section (though getting here wasn't quite as exciting for me). Overall, a solid novel if WW2 hist-fic is your thing.

One of the sisters and a baby both develop a severe illness at one point in the story, along with many of the other Latvian refugees they are traveling with. They experience high fevers, cough, confusion, and lethargy. While not identified in the story, my best guess is that the illness was typhus. Typhus outbreaks are common among refugee camps where there is overcrowding. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, confusion, cough, rash, nausea, vomiting. Untreated cases have a mortality of around 40%.

Thank you Netgalley and Storm Publishing for the early opportunity to read and review this novel.

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The Bakers Secret by Lelita Baldrock

A very different tale to the usual ww2 genre that is usually set in France or Germany .
I very much enjoyed the prospective and history of the people from Latvia during the Nazi occupation.

The story starts with Zenta , an 89 year old woman , now living in Australia . She receives a call that transports her back to get young adulthood and her and her families struggle during the occupation.
Without giving too much away her and her siblings do , in their own way , what they have to do to survive the war , perhaps more so Zenta who makes the decision to flee to save a life.

A heartening and thought provoking read.

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I didn’t mind this book, but it just didn’t quite grab me. I enjoyed reading about the war in Latvia and Zenta’s brief role in the resistance, but I was disappointed in the choices that she made after that. I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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This heart-wrenching story reveals Zenta's path from youthful innocence through the terrors of war to a family gathering in Australia. It shows the love of family and country and the difficult decisions made for both.

I love historical fiction. This book is about Latvia during World War II. I learned a lot. I enjoyed the well developed characters and the different perspectives - the youth, University students, old soldiers, and families. Zenta is endearing. I would definitely read more by this author.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an ARC copy of this novel.

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I rarely give 5 stars, but this one absolutely deserves it! Beautifully written story that pulls you right into the world of Latvia during occupations from the Russian and German occupation. I have read many stories about WW2 and had low expectations, but this one is unique. I never knew the history of Latvia and what that country has endured as a people. There was just the right amount of romance, family tension, and amazing plot twist (never saw that coming). I would highly recommend this book to anyone. I plan to read this authors other books now! She is truly a gifted author!

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A family in Lativa suffers during World War II occupation. Two sisters must make difficult choices that become irrevocable situations that shadow over the family for decades.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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