Member Reviews

This was so good and so sad. The artwork was really interesting and I loved how they incorporated the black splotches to represent the oil that is prevalent everywhere.

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This is a very interesting subject, but the art does nothing for the story, and the book reads like a presentation of facts rather than a narrative. It's not engaging when it should be.

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I went into this title blind so it took me a minute to get some of the more subtle imagery and once I did, I was blown away. I didn't know how to feel about the art at first, it isn't my favorite style, but it fit really well so it didn't take long to get used to it. I also took WAY too long to figure out the black spots mirrored the pollution of the oil in the Amazon. It is set in Ecuador and based on real world tours of the damage oil has done. Some pages were sad and some pages were crawl into your bed and have a good cry sad. Well done and powerful book.

5 stars

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This graphic novel provides an accessible route into learning about environmental injustices in Ecuador in proximity to Texaco/Chevron oil industry productions. In the narrative, we follow Donald, a local resident who hosts “Toxic tours” through the Amazon, educating his community and visitors to his community on the history of the land and the way oil industry permeates the environment and way of life there. Amazingly, the characters and the Toxic Tours are based on ethnographic research that the authors did with real people and neighborhoods in Ecuador! I thought this was very important to know. Also, I find that using this medium is so clever for a topic as heavy as this. In plain black-and-white text a topic like this can feel unavoidably weighty, to the point where I suspect many potential readers are lost before any message can be delivered. Yet, in graphic form, there is already some levity built into the structure of the book. Though the topic isn’t any less sad or important, something about reading it through dialogue bubbles makes it easier for the heart to process. It is my hope that this book will reach a wider audience and that it will help the people and environments affected through this wider reach. I, myself, walk away from this read more educated and more interested in the intricacies of oil production and pollution. I walk away especially interested, as a person born in the US, of the impact my country’s technologies (and sometimes inhumane usage of those technologies) have on other nations and humans. This is a question that this book inspires me to keep pursuing.

Thanks so much to Netgalley and the publisher

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Sehr wichtige Message, gute Darstellung.

Dieses Buch behandelt das Thema rund um das Thema Erdöl und dessen Einflüsse auf die Umwelt und die Menschen. Das Thema ist ein, auch heute noch, sehr wichtiges Thema, darum finde ich es schonmal sehr gut, dass es hier angesprochen wird.
Auch die Darstellung und Behandlung des Themas ist meiner Meinung nach gut gelungen.

Ich hatte jedoch etwas das Gefühl, dass das Buch eher etwas für englischsprachige bis fortgeschrittene Fremdsprache Englisch war. Ich hätte es schöner gefunden, wenn es etwas leichter geschrieben gewesen wäre und somit auch für eine größere Bandbreite zugänglicher wäre.
Der Schreibstil persönlich ist eher nicht mein Fall, aber das kann ja von Person zu Person variieren. Ich finde jedoch, dass auch die Bilder nicht immer ganz eindeutig für sich gesprochen haben womit ich wieder beim Punkt der Verständlichkeit wäre.

Dennoch finde ich es sehr gut, dass mit diesem Buch hier endlich mal ein Thema repräsentiert wird was meiner Meinung nach nicht oft genug vertreten ist.

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Written by Amelia Fiske and illustrated by Jonas Fischer, illustrates the environmental damage done to the Ecuadorian Amazon through Oil and Gas production, including the Texaco waste that's been made famous through lawsuits.

The story cleverly takes the form a "toxic tour" (guided tours that focus on environmental damage) attended by three tourists (an Italian aid worker, an American who lives near a US refinery, and an Ecuadorian from the coast who is visiting the Amazon for the first time). The tour guide's narration and the tourist's questions allow the book to include large blocks of text without feeling exposition-heavy. The art style is blocky, which won't be to everyone's taste, but which is a style choice that's clearly meant to mirror the oil waste in the rivers and well water that we see at various points.

The book would be perfect for secondary school students, and ends with a teaching guide aimed at that audience. It's also a solid introduction to both the general environmental cost of O&G production, and specifically to the situation in Ecuador, so it would be a great jumping off point for anyone exploring those topics as well.

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I think Toxic is an excellent book. I often struggle with non-fiction, but I loved the format in that it was informative in its content, but still followed a narrative which made it easy to stay invested in the story. Information is presented in a comprehensive way that makes it accessible to a general audience, but never downplays the severity of the situation. It is truly horrible to see how harmful this industry is to both nature and people, and I hope that others who read this book are motivated to take action.
Along with the content, I loved the art as well and felt like it added to the narrative (and I also just think it’s neat that the font is the author’s handwriting:) ).
In addition to being a great representation of the authors’ research and passion towards environmental justice in Ecuador, I think it is also a great homage to Donald Moncayo and other “Toxic Tour” tour guides and locals who spend their lives educating others and fighting for justice and action for their community.

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Genre: graphic novel
Rating: 4.25⭐️

This is a must read, especially for those that are passionate about the environment. I know very little about the oil industry, let alone its impact to South America. It was fascinating to learn more, especially in an engaging graphic novel format - it didn’t feel like I was reading something that, for all intents and purposes, is mostly nonfiction.

We follow the story of local tour guide, his daughter, and several tourists. While fictional characters, the author’s introduction lets readers know they’re based on real people. Toxic fumes, oil spills, search for clean water are just some of the many challenges the Ecquadorian and those reliant on the Amazon face. These topics are discussed during the toxic tour.

Illustrations are fitting for the story and heavy on dark colors, feeling like oil was spilling right on the pages. This is certainly a story and pictures that will stick with readers.

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Toxic was a raw and powerful graphic novel about the greed of oil companies and the environmental and social consequences of their actions. The book has an intriguing art style, which elevates the story. Toxic follows a local tour guide and a group of tourists who are learning about oil production in Ecuador and the catastrophic effects it has had on the land and its people.

I found the graphic novel to be highly educational on the history of Oil companies in Ecuador and other parts of Latin America. I found it clever how the art style had smudges of what looked like oil to represent how the extraction of oil has sullied every aspect of people's lives. The story focuses on the consequences revolving around the lives of locals, indigenous communities, farmers, children, and nature. The graphic novel serves both as a voice for these communities that for decades have been victims of oil companies and as a warning to the readers to fight such injustices. I found the book to be interesting and a valuable text that brings awareness of the various companies that destroy nature and the quality of life for animals and people with no remorse.

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No matter how good a journalist is, sometimes reading a news story or listening to a podcast creates a distance between the consumer and the events portrayed. In Toxic, Amelia Fisk and Jonas Fischer close this distance by taking the reader on a "toxic tour" in Ecuador - depicted through comic/graphic storytelling. And instead of relying entirely on exposition, Toxic uses a show *and* tell method where the reader follows a tour guide (the author's actual tour guide when she went on the toxic tour IRL) who points out various examples of the environmental devastation caused by oil exploitation in Ecuador. The tour guide explains the history, the impact on local communities, and fields questions from several tourists. And throughout the book, we see the tourists begin to recognize the massive scope of the devastation and bemoan the intractable problem of relying on fossil fuels as the key to modern life - the exact same experience that the reader will likely feel when reading.

I'd recommend this book to educators and people looking for an entrypoint into environmental activism.

#Toxic #NetGalley

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this work of graphic nonfiction was very interesting, and i appreciate the research that went into creating it. however, it was not presented in a way that was engaging. there was a lot of exposition and large blocks of text, and while the information presented was very important, i felt like i genuinely couldn't get interested because of the density of the text. it feels like if this is intended for YA audiences that a lot of the stuff would go over their head, especially because they'd be more apt to skim the biographical portions of text with no illustration. i liked the art and the message, the application was just a little rusty.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this graphic in exchange for my honest opinion. This graphic novel was actually so heart-wrenching to me. Knowing that it is fictional, yet based on real events, just seems unreal to me. I cried several times throughout this novel, learning the stories of characters in relation to their health and the environment they live in was devastating. I read this on my mobile phone, so the only thing I found lacking was with the artwork sometimes being very dark or making it difficult to read the text. Other than that, I would recommend this to anyone who cares about the environment and the stories of people effected by the oil industry.

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An incredible and dynamic graphic novel depicting the consequences of oil drilling in the Amazon. The art is fresh and colorful and I really enjoy the use of the inky black strokes that act as shadows but also as a metaphor for the oil spills and contamination. It's a really clever use of the illustrations to help the story.

The graphic novel follows Donald Moncayo's Toxic Tour showcasing people, places, and communities that have been impacted by the oil companies. The guest's conversations and banter is not only enjoyable but also informative and well-written.

An incredibly important read.

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Toxic is a cli-fi graphic novel that offers a unique and enlightening perspective on the environmental impact of the oil industry in the Ecuadorian Amazon. With a large focus on indigenous communities and fantastic art design, the novel provides a refreshing angle on the consequences of oil contamination.

The informative content is skillfully presented through a seamless comic book format, blending detailed explanations with evocative illustrations. The dark and melancholic art style effectively conveys the gravity of the subject, with oil stains serving as a powerful visual motif throughout.

Realistic dialogues and relatable characters add depth to the narrative, showcasing the direct impact of the oil industry on local populations. The novel succeeds in balancing education and entertainment, making it a must-read for those interested in ecology, climate change, or toxicology. The inclusion of a glossary and further readings enhances its value as a comprehensive and accessible resource.

Thank you Net Galley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Explore the dangers of oil spills and its impact on the environment as you go on a tour throughout the town. No, moving isn't an option when the impact includes devaluing your home. A great graphic novel for collections needing more social justice and advocacy materials

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"Toxic" takes readers on a poignant and visually striking journey through the environmental challenges faced by the Ecuadorian Amazon, blending research and fieldwork into a compelling graphic novel format. The book introduces the concept of "Toxic Tours," a powerful tool used over the past decade to educate and raise awareness about oil contamination in the region.

Through the lens of three fictional participants – a diverse group including students, lawyers, environmental activists, journalists, and foreign tourists – the graphic novel provides a visceral depiction of the environmental degradation in the Amazon. It vividly portrays the waste pits, gas flares, and the precarious lives of the people living amidst these toxic landscapes.

The strength of "Toxic" lies in its ability to blend personal experiences with local knowledge, effectively conveying the immediacy of environmental issues. The visual storytelling captures the attention and emotions of the reader, creating a connection that goes beyond statistics and reports. The graphic novel challenges readers to confront the harsh realities faced by those living in areas burdened by industrial toxicants.

The narrative not only focuses on the environmental consequences but also delves into the social dynamics and struggles of the affected communities. It prompts readers to reflect on the profound implications of living in a time where the burden of proof often falls on those directly impacted by pollution.

By drawing parallels between the Amazon and the readers' own lives, "Toxic" serves as a powerful mirror, encouraging introspection on our roles in the production, consumption, and exposure to pollution. It challenges us to consider how we are implicated in a global system that often prioritizes profit over environmental and human well-being.

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I received a copy of this from NetGalley.

Well, I feel like I just got tricked into reading a long article about the oil industry. It was a lot of exposition, to the point where some panels were just things to read. In top of that, I didn't really like the graphics. Not the worst I've seen, but just ok.

I think I probably wasn't the right audience for this one. I assume this was meant for kids that you're trying to trick into learning things by including pictures. And the points made - which were that, of course, pollution from the oil industry is completely awful- were just overdone. I just don't need or want so much redundancy. Also, if this is how toxic tours are really done, that's awful, too. People paying for these things could sometimes fall into the contamination? And after hearing about all the sickness and spills and whatnot, they're still going to eat there? This one just wasn't for me.

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An important graphic novel explaining the oil industry consequences in the Ecuadorian Amazon - how it is everywhere, how negatively affected people are there, and people brought there by the industry and how it is still polluting today as the mistakes and flimsy infrastructures were never fixed, cleared or cleaned. This really shows how everyone has a part to play and is a part of this as long as you use plastic and take oil transports.
The art particularly supports the text as the heavy black brushstrokes reminds us all the time of oil spills and the prevalence of oil in that environment, painting a terrible film over the beautiful nature, and reminding us that people there are breathing, drinking and eating oil.
I liked the school exercises suggestions at the end, and as a parent definitely feel like that adds to the experience of thinking about the book longer and starting conversations with the kids - even if they are more on the artistic side.

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An incredibly interesting look into the side effects of the oil industry in Ecuador. The trickle effect of the disregard of nature, wildlife and humanity by big oil companies is haunting and upsetting. This graphic novel is the perfect introduction to this topic and should be required reading. Loved the inclusion of a glossary and further readings.

The art was so evocative, and the way all of our characters were always covered in oil showed us how when oil contamination touches you, it’s there forever. Eye-opening and real, this is an educational tool that everyone should read.

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As an Ecuadorian I had no idea this is going on in the amazon region, and honestly, a graphic novel was the best way for me to get to know about this. Many times, it is said that these ideas are lies. That the companies involved in this industry haven’t done anything wrong and that they take care of everything so they won’t pollute the environment. So it is nice to “see” what the actual situation is. I even got interested in taking the toxic tour myself.

I think this is a story of great value not only to inform about what happened in the region but to help the people who are currently living in this awful situation that threatens their lives.

I liked that all throughout the graphic novel there were these black spots like stains that represented how oil is everywhere, even felt that it was smudged everywhere.

One thing that I feel is missing in this story are the wild animals. Snakes, spiders, bugs. One reason I’ve never set foot on the Oriente is because I’ve heard of the animals you can find there, mostly of the size of them. Which is an instant no for me. So nice to get to know the place at least through the story.

All in all, I liked the story which is rather forward with its message. The story was a smooth path to follow and extremely enlightening about this issue.

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