Member Reviews

Combining multiple genres is no small feat and Fennell succeeded rather elegantly. Historical fiction, fae, and mystery/thriller all in one. The writing was (lacking a better word, but it's fitting) charming, the characters' relationships were tightly wound, and there was just enough action to keep things interesting! The pacing was right on point, the female character (Alice) was not annoying but a rather strong lead, and the male character (Cyan) is exactly what you think of when you define the word "brooding". Their dialogue was fun, fit the time period, and I overall enjoyed this book!

Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for an advanced copy.

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I just finished The Charmed: Fae of the Crystal Palace A Spellbinding Romantic Fantasy Series (Book 1)
by Kylie Fennell @kylie_fennell and here is my review.

Lady Alice Hyde grates under the constraints of being a woman living in Victorian England. Due to marry a man she does not love, thanks to an arranged marriage set up by her uncle, she has her whole boring life mapped out the way society deems.

During a tour of The Great Exhibition at the crystal palace has her curious mind alive with wonder. She is having a wonderful time until she discovers the body of a young woman. A woman she has met. She cannot allow her death to go unpunished and joins the investigation with Cyan, a man she dislikes immensely and it puts her into mortal danger.

Not only does the investigation lead her hot on the trail of a killer but opens her eyes to the world around her full of magic, destiny and desire.
I have never read a historical romantasy before and I have to say, I loved it a lot! Cyan is the perfect grumpy fae and Alice the optimist. I love their dynamic. It was an interesting concept, having fae in historical fiction with technology and knowledge far outstriping what is known for the time. The whole murder mystery mixed in gave it a nice twist too. I never read a book that falls into so many genres but this book managed to nail it for me.

The story of Alice and her family history was very interesting and I am intrigued enough that it is the catalyst for my longing to read book 2. There was a lot going on and the book managed to hold it all together very well.

I thought the whole book was very well written and was a great start to what I hope will be a very good and long series. It wrapped up most of my questions while setting up book 2. I was thoroughly entertained and the author has quite a talent.

4.5 stars

Thank you to @netgalley and @lorikeetink for my gifted copy!

#thecharmedfaeofcrystalpalace #kyliefennell #romantsy #historicalfiction #fae #reader #bookreview #bookish #bookblogger #igreader #readercommunity

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I really enjoyed this! There’s a Victorian vibe to it, the romance was really well written as well. And there’s fae! This is like a combination of Bridgerton, A Court of Thorns and Roses, but with more mystery elements to the plot.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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✔️historical fantasy
✔️dislike to love
✔️ Victorian England
✔️ fae x human

This was a lovely book. I really had fun while reading it. The whole fae magical world mingled with the human world in the Victorian Era was so whimsical. I absolutely adored all the historical bits, like the Great Exhibition and the Crystal Palace; both sounded so magical. I loved how Kylie Fennel put those historical facts in this fantasy setting. The mystery element only added more intrigue to the whole story.

Alice, our FMC, is a strong, curious, intelligent woman who is eager to be more than what society dictates her to be. I loved the journey she experiences in the story and how much she learns about herself and the world she lives in. I would've loved to be friends with Alice!

Cyan, our MMC, is a distant, cold, enigmatic man who is not interested in the slightest to play nice with Alice. But gradually and almost without himself noticing, he begins to warm up towards her.

I think Alice and Cyan were perfect for each other. They were exactly what the other needed. They were super cute, too.

The story, writing, and plot itself have so much potential. Unfortunately, there were several things that I missed in this book. The story itself was predictable, but that didn't bother me. I felt like there wasn't enough depth to either the characters or the fae world. I didn't connect with either. I feel like I didn't even know who the characters were or the significance of the fae world and the damage it had suffered. Also, the writing was good, and I think the author has so much potential. But here, I felt it a bit abrupt. Some scenes and conversations happened so fast and changed so abruptly that it didn't give me time to engage emotionally or even mentally. The romance was a bit shallow, too. I didn't feel the build-up at all. Their love was cute, but it could've been so much more.

Overall, it was a lovely book, but unfortunately, it didn't work for me as I hoped. Still, I know many people will love this one.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Lorikeet Ink for this opportunity to read rate and review this arc which is now available since November 30,2023!

Historical Romance of Bridgerton meets the mystery of Sherlock with a sprinkle of ACOTAR because it has fae in it.

Quite a lofty tag line too bad to me it failed to reach even Bridgerton level. I was bored. It feel repetitive and boring. The characters were one dimensional. Plot lagged a lot in places. The pacing was all over the place.
I did not enjoy myself.

Now just because it was not my cup of tea I do feel that there is an audience for this book. If you like mysteries with medium steam that has Victorian era fae then give this book a gander

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I recived a free ARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. So thank you to them for the opportunity to review this book.

I didn't enjoy this book at all but I also could not retain anything from this book. To sum up this book in a word it was bland. There were no intresting twists on the fey. None of the characters were compelling and I frankly did not see any chemistry between Alice and Cyan. I felt no hook to the murder mystery either. I had no reason to care about any if these characters, not Alice, Rowan, Cyan or the victim whose name I forgotten because the book gave nothing.

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I absolutely loved this book. It was a 1500s English murder mystery with fae. There were so many twists and turns and I was enthralled through the very end! If you love Tudor England, faeries, and detective novels, this book is for you!

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What an unusual book! Fae in Victorian England with influences from Alice in Wonderland? A captivating and enchanting read that will cast a magical spell on you!

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I gobbled this book up in a day! I love the combo of fae and Victorian England, but the pleasant surprises were the Alice in Wonderland inspiration, the detective/murder mystery journey with twists I didn’t see coming, and the very charming romance.

I’m glad this is a series, but I had hoped to see some indication that we’d follow Alice and Cyan on a journey to restore the fae world (I mean, that Marigold flower? Come on!) but I’m not sure if that’s what the author has planned. I’ll be reading the next to find out!

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ARC reader for BookSirens & NetGalley

Thoroughly enjoyable! The plot was fast paced, hardly a dull moment. Murder mystery, theft, dubious intentions, nefarious plot and a smidgeon of romance. Alice slightly reminds me of Enola Holmes in this gem of a book. Alice finds herself thrown into assisting to solve a mystery when a former acquaintance is murdered. The plot is laden with all sorts of twists and turns. I will certainly be looking forward to more from this historical fae mystery series!

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Thank you to Kylie Fennell and NetGalley for giving me an e-copy of this book.

"Bound by the constraints of Victorian England, Lady Alice Hyde's future appears secure in a marriage arranged by her uncle, the Viscount. But her heart yearns for more than being a traditional and dutiful wife. Blessed, or cursed as it seems, with a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge, she eagerly anticipates a visit to The Great Exhibition at the Crystal Palace.

However, her journey takes a darker twist when she stumbles upon the lifeless body of a young woman. Drawn into the investigation alongside the enigmatic and exasperating Cyan, Alice finds herself on a treacherous path fraught with danger and desire.

Together, Alice and Cyan battle not only dark forces but also a growing attraction that defies the chasm between their worlds.

As they unravel the mystery behind the murder, Alice discovers a whole new realm of terrifying possibilities that leads them to an all-powerful and vengeful fae who threatens both their worlds.

In a mesmerising blend of romance, fantasy and intrigue, The Charmed is a spellbinding tale of love, magic and choosing one’s destiny. Join Alice and Cyan on a heart-stilling journey where they discover that even in the darkest of shadows, love can illuminate the way and potentially conquer the impossible."

I thoroughly enjoy reading this. It has captivating plot. There are some confusing details but it did not stop me from continuing.

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This was a sweet and whimsical read that gives you a mix of Infernal Devices meets (fae) Alice in Wonderland. The writing is beautiful, but it did take me some time to adjust - it would make a great audiobook since it is quite lyrical. Once I did, I really enjoyed the murder mystery plot line based in Victorian England. Alice is a bright, clever and curious character whose independence and determination is admirable throughout the book, which leads to her finding a group of Fae working toward solving the murder. Cyan is the grumpy Fae protector who does not want Alice involved, but we later find out his real cinnamon roll tendencies. I really look forward to reading the prequel and the sequel to this series!

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*Goodreads review posted 11/30/23, see link below!

2 stars, 1.5 spice. <i>The Charmed</i> by Kylie Fennell is Book 1 in the <i>Fae of the Crystal Palace</i>, and while the concept was utterly charming, the worldbuilding and characters fell extremely short. I was exceedingly curious to find a book that promised a mixture of historical romance, fantasy, and mystery. I feel, at least personally, that that is such an underexplored mix of genres, and I do hope more authors branch out into this.

However, ultimately, this attempt fell flat. While the premise promised history, romance, mystery, and fantasy, there was basically no attempt made to build it out. It was like reading words on a page, of things happening, and characters doing things, but there was nothing to it. This is a world that needed an introduction, and with this many cast of characters, it needed to be more fully expanded and built on. Every single character felt flat. Not even like a cardboard cutout of another trope, or a caricature of something, but just… nothing. I don’t think I could even describe two traits about each character. Maybe not even one.

The writing itself was OK, but just boring. It was like reading a working manual, versus something that is a work of creative fiction. I know nothing about the world, there was barely any detail given. I really really wished the worldbuilding was given more thought and more depth. It is already inherently, just based on the mix of genres, prime for development, and it was just a sad missed opportunity.

I also didn’t believe the romance between the main characters whatsoever. They were strangers, didn’t like each other, then all of a sudden had this attraction and then they were in love and declaring undying love and sacrificing themselves for each other? And the FMC was still engaged to someone for most of the story. It was too insta-love and insta-lust. And the insta-stuff can be softened and expected if this was a novella with no other purpose aside from the main couple’s relationship. But because this was set up like a fantasy, and because the characters had no real personalities, the timing and development didn’t work.

If this was a debut work by this author, I may have been more forgiving, but this isn’t a debut, so I think I can safely say this author isn’t for me, that’s all!

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I uploaded my review to Goodreads and Amazon on release day.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Kylie Fennell for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for The Charmed: Fae of the Crystal Palace coming out November 30, 2023. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

I love Victorian fantasy, so this book sounded like it would be really fun! I really wanted to love this book. I liked it, but there were some things I’ve just read too many times before. So it felt a little too familiar. The romance was a little too quick and instant. It was kind of like you just met each other. Some of the choices were a little odd like when he said he couldn’t be with her because she was bound to another, but it was after a couple things were found out about the guy. So it was like why would you think she would still want to be bound to him? I don’t want to give anything away, but I’m not a fan of unnecessary separation either. I would check out other books by this author though.

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The review below has been posted this evening on instagram as well as Goodreads. The link for my instagram page is copied below.

Rating: 4/5
Spice: 1
This story is truly captivating. That’s the best word to describe it. Kylie Fennell is amazing with describing the surroundings and the places ventured. It was a slow burn that just kept me wanting more. The romance and suspense (even though slightly predictable) was always keeping me on my toes I never could’ve anticipated the end of this novel even if I tried. The MMC and FMC had chemistry that was off the charts. What more can a girl ask for. I would’ve liked a little more spice but otherwise this was a fantastic read.

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Fae of the Crystal Palace by Kylie Fennel, tells a story that revolves around the Great Exhibition at The Crystal Palace in London during Victorian times and adds in a murder mystery along with the fae.

What I liked most about this book was
learning about the fae and their history.

Published by Lorikeet Ink, Brisbane.

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I had high hopes for this but it just didn’t work for me. I love historical romance, I love fantasy, but I just didn’t feel like the two meshed together well in this instance.

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This was a really interesting book! I loved the way it combined historical events such as the Great London Exhibition of 1851 with fae fantasy and a murder mystery, and the characters were so charming (pun not intended).

"That's how I feel - that impossibilities are only temporary obstacles... as ephemeral and wondrous as the flowers of the Amazonian giant water lily."

I found the writing style really lyrical - with the combination of an 1800's setting and the author's writing style, it was consistently flowy and poetic. The characters backed up this writing style, as they were careful and gentle, rarely brusque or brash. I do have to say that this perhaps led to a lack of connection between myself and the characters, as I couldn't fully empathise with them, and was therefore less invested in the story or the romance (though I did adore some of the budding friendships).

"I am yours with every agonising beat of my heart.
With every ounce of my soul."

Nonetheless, the romance was extremely adorable at times, and the MMC certainly adored the FMC very dearly, which I always appreciate. The plot was also strong and intriguing, with some shocking plot-twists (always a win) and the occasional dash of action.

All in all, this was an enjoyable and really pleasant read! Thank you to the author, publisher & NetGalley for the ARC copy provided :).

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To jest książka z gatunku okej: nie jest czymś, czym mogę się zachwycać i szeroko polecać, ale czytanie nie sprawiało mi bólu. Trochę żałuję, że "The Charmed" mnie nie zachwyciło, bo fae w historycznych ramach zapowiadały się na coś rewelacyjnego, a wyszło... minimalnie nijak.
Cyan nie ma w sobie zbyt wielu cech odróżniających go od człowieka. Przez to miałam wrażenie, że czytam zwykły romans historyczny z kryminalną nutą. Dlatego też ciut rozbawiło mnie porównanie w opisie tej książki do Dworów. Otóż - ten tytuł ani w promieniu kilku kilometrów nie ociera się o spiczastouchych Maas. Świat fae najwyraźniej jest ultranowoczesny, zważywszy na to, że mają coś na kształt ekranów telewizora/laptopa, na którym mogą puszczać obrazy. Opis fae za każdym razem wtrącał mnie z rytmu czytania, nie mogłam wczuć się w typową Anglię i niby magiczne fae. Autorka nie połączyła tych dwóch światów w sposób, który łyka się bez chwili wątpliwości.
Sama Alice, jako główna protagonistka, jest trochę typową, niewinną dziewczyną z wiktoriańskiej Anglii, ale ma swojego pazura. Chociaż czytanie o takich bohaterkach zawsze cieszy, to niestety wielokrotnie widzieliśmy już takie postacie. Alice swoim usposobieniem kompletnie niczym się nie wyróżnia, po prostu ma być, na tle innych dziewcząt, charakterna i ciekawa nauki. Pozostałych cech praktycznie nie znaleziono. O żadnym z bohaterów nie mogę powiedzieć, że jest godnx zapamiętania.
Romans enemies to lovers jest, ale również z nóg nie zbija. Sam początek fabuły był wybitnie nieciekawy, pomimo trupa na Wystawie kusiło mnie porzucenie lektury.
Reasumując takie 2,5/5 ⭐, pewnie szybko zapomnę o tym tytule.

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