Member Reviews

Had trouble with this and almost did not finish. The FMC was very immature for her supposed age and her mood swings gave me whiplash. I also was disappointed in the world building- things kind of just popped out of no where without any background information. The romance was also lacking and had no character development/relationship development. Also the authors had horrid opinions on sex work and fatphobia that turned me off.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC of Blood Queen by Caitlin Denman

This book was a struggle for me, I enjoyed the thought behind the book but I struggled with the writing. It has the potential to be an excellent book, however I felt like it needed thorough edit.

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I LOVED this book! There were so many surprises, and I loved the characters. Layla was going through a lot of grief and it was laced very obviously throughout the story. I loved the backstories on the kingdoms, they gave enough but weren’t too in depth or overwhelming.

Layla and Rune cracked me up. I lived for the back and forth of their relationship and chemistry.

The only issue I had with this book was there were a few repeated, heavily reused words and phrases, but it wasn’t enough to effect my reading experience.

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DNF @12%

I can't really rate this since I barely read it. It's just.. there are too many errors, it's right aligned, it's all in fucking italics, and it's not interesting.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this read! I loved that the FMC had shadow powers when it feels like it's always the MMC. The ending had me SHOOK and I will be keeping my eye out for the next one!

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Just another amazing book that I put off reading for fare too long! It had a slow start so I didn't think this book was for me but soon enough I was hooked!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC of Blood Queen by Caitlin Denman

Blood Queen has a lot of potential, but I really did not get along well with the main characters. They read very teenage to me, when I was expecting a more adult approach.

The end of the book and the cliffhanger was done really well, and I feel like there can be some development and growth in book 2 that would live up to the potential I feel this series has.

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I really wanted to love this book but I struggled a lot with the writing and plot and character development.
I dont like the FMC in 80% of the books I read, and this was just one more making me roll my eyes.

Maybe I had my expectations too high for it. Or maybe I was not in the right mood...

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Blood Queen has the potential to be an excellent book, however could do with a thorough edit. I really enjoyed the story in principle and the world created within it. However, the characters often contradicted themselves and some of the writing was cliched and predictable. Additionally there was a lot of unnecessary context given and often times I found myself wishing the author would do more showing not telling.

However, the relationship between Layla and Rune was interesting, if not a little chaotic and forced at times. My favorite part was the banter between Layla and her soul shard and their bond. I also enjoyed the level of spice and the intimate scenes were well written but confusingly paced within the wider story.

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Noooooo no no no no it can't end like that!!! I need Book 2 right now!

This book was so good!! I am fully invested in this story. Layla was such an amazing FMC. She was strong, a bit dark, and didn't take sh** from anyone.

Blood Queen was the story of a girl who doesn't need any man to save her, but will allow him to tag along as eye candy anyway. I loved this, so, so much. I knew someone was betraying Layla from early on, and I was very suspicious of Rune, especially with his change of character from their first night to the next morning. But holy crap, I did NOT expect the reveal at the end, and that cliffhanger, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!

I really loved the writing and enjoyed reading this.

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This book as amazing. Such a cliffhanger that left me wanting soooo much more. I can’t wait for the next book. It has went to my top 5 and I need more people to hear about this!

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As soon as I received this ARC, I devoured it. I was simply ensnared and it refused to let me go until the very end. I read this book in one night.

I find that a good parameter of an exciting and fun book is when you sacrifice something to continue reading; your time, your hunger, your basic needs. Blood Queen was an exciting romantasy book that hooked me from the start and refused to let me go.

At 23, Layla's parents, the king and queen of the kingdom, are murdered in their beds. At 28, still haunted by their murder, has barely given thought to running her kingdom Kusmal. She simply spends her time slinking in the shadows of her kingdom, assassinating supposed 'threats', and trying to find out the culprits involved in her parents murder. She leaves the running of the country, to her advisor, Brandt.

One of her parents last wishes was her marriage agreement with a neighbouring kingdom. In a way to honour her parents, Layla agrees to continue with this arranged marriage, to a man she has never met.

As Layla finally begins to open her eyes on the inner workings of her country, she discovers far more than she anticipates. Uncovering the numerous secrets and deceptions was thrilling, and reading Layla get immersed in the conspiracies within her country was a great way to introduce the world, the players and the dangers she has to navigate. Layla's trust in others was constantly challenged and reading the unravelling of her world view was a tense affair, filled with bloody action scenes and angsty romance scenes.

"You're mine. No one fucks with what's mine."

The dynamic between Rune and Layla was a highlight of the book. The world-building was confusing and adding the conspiracies with secret organisations, different royal families, rebel factions and secret drug-running operations, it was all very complex and muddled. Rune and Layla's arranged marriage turned lovers-to-enemies-to-allies was very sexy, sometimes funny and a little too unstable. It was very hot-and-cold-and-hot again for my taste.

"Are you seriously jealous of a fake husband? After you tried to kill me?"

The predictability of the plot is a common critique I am seeing, and agree with. I found that I don't mind it as much when I am enjoying the story too much to care. The fantasy and action elements, as well as the romance, outweighed the pitfalls I found in the world-building, and the predictability.

"there was a part of me that realised his darkness matched my darkness."

I find that I sympathise with Layla. I too aim to avoid things that are difficult and painful. I am the queen of procrastinating. I love sticking my head in the sand and letting the world go by. However, I have no one relying on me. I am unmarried, with no kids. I imagine in some sense, a kingdom full of people who, in some respects, are like your children. like your children. You need to nurture, and care, as well as respect them. Give them the tools, and the help to prosper by themselves. Layla has chosen to avoid her entire job of being the Queen, protecting her people and making the country prosper. She is allowed to grieve, but there must come a time the grieving period is detrimental to all, including her. Layla passed that, and more. She has no knowledge of the workings of her country and others have noted and exploited that. Her people can tell she is a pawn Queen, simply a figurehead, and they all hear whispers of her propensity to murder her citizens for no reason. Under the cover of darkness, Layla goes out and assassinates others, but she believes that there are justifiable reasons for these deaths. With such animosity growing among her citizens, I doubt telling them her supposed reasons will sway their opinion of her. Her actions speak louder than her words, and unfortunately, she doesn't speak to the public at all, so her actions are the only thing that they know, and can judge her for. And they do. As do I.

"Yes, you're both terrible people with too many knives."

Layla had flashes of brilliance, like uncovering the secret meeting, or the dock-working stint, but I found her decision skills lacking and the ease that many people were able to manipulate her concerning.

Blood Queen was a spicy romantasy that was a great end to the year 2023. It was a dark fantasy with an arranged marriage, royalty, conspiracies, betrayals, secret identities and a cliffhanger ending that made me scream and demand for book 2.

Would I recommend this book?
Big yes. I loved this book. I inhaled the entire book in a day and I want more.

Will I re-read this book/series? 
Yes, I would re-read this book. I am excited for the next in the series and would love to re-read this one just before the next is released.

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I had a hard time with this book to be honest.
The story sounds promising and has a lot of potential, but the MCs were absolutely not for me.

Layla comes across more like a teenager than an adult woman and Rune didn't seem much more grown-up to me than her.
Their relationship just didn't work me, although I really liked the idea of them meeting (🌶😉) without knowing each other before the official introduction.

The cliffhanger was well executed though.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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"Sit down before I take you on this table."

Layla is known as the Blood Queen. She'll do anything for her kingdom. After her parents' death, uncertainty and murder plague the lands. An arranged marriage to a foreign prince gives her hope for peace. However, more lies are unearthed, and Layla needs to find out the truth. Will she finally find out who murdered her parents?

Do you ever feel like a book is just alright, but you want to read the next one to see what happens? That's this book.

It's not that it was a bad book, but I found it predictable. I knew within the first few chapters who the killer was going to be. The bad vibes were definitely there.

I also felt that the main characters were wishy washy. For example, Rune was described as a cold-blooded killer one minute and acts like he's a scared child the next. He is strong and then weak in the following chapter. Layla went back and forth a lot on both love and trust. Rune and Layla relationship was very "I love you and then I hate you". Same with Layla trust in people, she lacks the ability to decide on your feelings. The inner monolog could be too much at times.

However, there are positives about the book as well. I appreciated that Rune was very protective over Layla even though she clearly doesn't need it. His cut throat attention was attractive. There was also some really good spice throughout the book, but I wanted more!!

The plot was very simple but easy to read. I didn't feel like it was long enough, and not a lot happened. The whole book left me wanting more, I would have loved for it to be longer. So yes, I want to read the next one just to see how the story continues.

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I enjoyed reading The Blood Queen. It was a good read, I enjoyed the idea of the Soul shards in the form of animal companions. The relationship between the main characters was interesting.

Read the book in a few days, but believe it was archived before I could finish. It was a good read and look forward to the next book.

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"Seems like a lot of people think the worst of me, but I perpetuated that persona. I let people fear me."

I enjoyed Blood Queen but I didn't LOVE it. I had a really hard time getting into this. For quite a while I was really feeling like this was a YA masking as a NA novel. The FMC felt incredibly adolescent for a 28yo female. Thankfully she did redeem herself a bit by the end and did have some character growth that I could appreciate.

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Blood Queen was such a great read! Very fast paced and hard to put down. Layla is so tough! From the very beginning you can tell she’s not going to be your typical Queen. She does anything and everything to keep her people safe. She doesn’t care what it takes, when it comes to her people and her kingdom, they are first in her heart.
Rune was the perfect morally grey character that we all love. Definitely a touch her and die vibe!
The spice was done fabulously and that CLIFFHANGER!! Very well done! Cannot wait until book 2 comes out.

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"You're mine, No-one fucks with what's mine"

Potential spoilers ahead!

After her parents murder, Layla finds herself Queen of Kusmal, widely known as the Blood Queen, and feared amongst her people. However, ruling hasn't been all it's cracked up to be, striving to live up to her parents fair but iron rule, in a Kingdom plagued with murders, betrayal and a rebellion on the rise, Layla decides to follow in her parents last decision, and marry a prince from a neighbouring Kingdom. Hoping this new union will bring peace, stability and hope for a better future for her Kingdom, but on her last night before her betrothal's arrival, Layla decides to don her working class alter ego 'Lia' and have one last passionate night with a stranger, soon finding out that this meaningless tryst may just jeopardise everything she longs to uphold.

Layla started her time on the throne, revered by the people within her Kingdom, as the daughter and only heir to Kusmal, she had big shoes to fill, with her parents being desperately beloved by all. So when she finds herself in a predicament that leads to her accidentally murdering someone whilst protecting an innocent, the Kingdom suddenly switch sides, labelling her the Blood Queen. Hellbent on revenge for the murder of her parents ,Layla is head-strong, and determined to keep the peace within her kingdom even if it means committing murder in the process. Layla holds her own and has razor-sharp wit, never without her trusty daggers nearby. I enjoyed seeing the morally grey side to her, and her ruthless, unflappable and brutal demeanour towards people who underestimate or attempt to besmirch her. She's sassy, and exceptional at banter, using her cunning wit and intellect to her advantage, and is cut-throat and ruthless when she wants to be. At times though she was inconsistent with her thoughts and feelings, and it felt sometimes like emotional whiplash with how quickly she changed her mind about certain things.

Rune, Layla's bethrothed Prince, is also ruthless, but also domineering and possessive. His banter with Layla was electrifying, he has a dirty mouth and he doesn't shy away from using it. However, his hot and cold demeanour was off putting at times, and pulled me out of the story. He changed his attitude so rapidly that you were never quite sure where you stood with him, it felt like two different people were entrapped in one body. Also, his misogyny towards Layla sleeping with him the night before he arrived, even though he did the exact same?!? Unreal, also the sheer aggressiveness with which he corners her about it made me rage like nothing else.

'Blood Queen' is a story full of betrayals, political intrigue, rising rebellion against the monarchy, and dangerous, sinister, plots. It grabs your attention from the first page, it's deliciously gritty and dark, with a lot of different plot points unfolding at once which kept it thrilling and entertaining. It also has a complex magic system with soul bonds between people and animals, which was refreshing, but it felt a little lacklustre and underdeveloped, which was only really touched on in passing, and it felt like the same parts were repeated but no additional depth added. Also the intense undercurrents of misogyny towards women and the fatphobic comments laced throughout really got under my skin. They added absolutely nothing to the plot but just felt like snide jibes at others for entertainment value alone.

Overall, this was an okay read, nothing necessarily impactful or spectacular, I also guessed the twist pretty early on, and I found the revels to be lacking the impact they could've had, and the dialogue did feel a little forced and juvenile at times.

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This book was unfortunately not for me. The premise sounded interesting, but the writing felt too juvenile. The fmc is suppose to be almost 30 but read like a teen, the mmc and romance didn’t click and I struggled to stay focused on the story. The crow was a plus but that was about it. Also the author overused certain words and descriptions (for example luscious, who even describes their own hair as luscious?) which just made me struggle even more to properly get invested in the book.

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Layla is the Blood Queen. Known for her ruthlessness and proclivity for assasination, Layla refuses to fully commit herself to her role as queen. Her world is turned upside down when Prince Rune, the man she has been arranged to marry, shows up and shows her she may not be able to trust what she has been taught.

This book includes:
- a rivalrous romance
- assassin queen
- arranged marriage
- concealed identities
- betrayal and reconciliation
- familiars

"Blood Queen" has so many elements that I love, and I will not be surprised if it gets popular. Unfortunately, this story was not for me. The story line was very predictable, the characters did not feel well developed, and plot and dialogue read very YA to me. The character building, specifically, almost caused me to DNF several times. Neither Layla or Rune felt grounded in any key traits or motivations and their personalities warped to match any current plot point the characters encountered.

I wish there weren't explicit scenes in this book, so that it could be YA and the book could be marketed to an audience that could enjoy it.

I recommend this book to lovers of "Serpent & Dove," "Raphsodic," and "the Harbinger."

I received this eBook as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley, Caitlin Denman, and the Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the opportunity to review this book. This review has been posted to GoodReads - check out my profile

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