Member Reviews

Mixed feelings about this book, I flew through it, finishing it within 2 days, but the main character reads like a teenager rather than the described 28 year old. Her solution to any confrontation was running away... I loved the romantic tension between the characters and the plot twists were predictable but enjoyable nonetheless. Didn't like the cliffhanger ending, even with another book potentially in the works, the ending just felt unfinished.

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The main character truly aggravated me; at 28 years old, her maturity level was comparable to that of a 16-year-old. Her default was to hate everyone and flee, and sometimes it was justified, and other times it wasn't. Her mood swings gave me whiplash. Sometimes she needed to take a seat, utilize her mind, and consider things.

The characters' inconsistent behavior bothers me as well. Rune and Layla, the blood queen, differ greatly from page to page and when contrasting their deeds with their words. By relocating the servants to opulent guest apartments instead of the chilly servant ones, the queen is being painted as a caring and hospitable monarch. But it sounds so fake given how inconsistently she discusses everything else.

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This was a really unique and interesting read! I loved that the storyline moved at a fast pace so it was easier to get through. Although the main character at times needed to go beyond I loved that she was independent. Hated the cliffhanger but can’t wait for book 2

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I enjoyed reading The Blood Queen. I enjoyed the interaction between royals and their soul shards- I liked what this added to the story. The main character was a bit frustrating because she wasn’t seeing the whole picture, but I loved that she was a strong independent character that went to great lengths to find out the truth. I did not like the ending because of the major cliffhanger, but that also makes it exciting to see what book 2 brings.

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3.5 stars
I found Blood Queen to be a really fast-paced and enjoyable book. It was a little predictable and there were quite a few inconsistencies... but overall I enjoyed the story!

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Sadly, this book turned out to be not my cup of tea. There were a bit too many inconsistencies and things that didn't flow right with the story in my opinion. The general development of both characters and story could have been handled differently as well. I really had to push myself through to keep on reading, partly because of the very immature characters. Nevertheless it reads very fluently once you put yourself to it and has an interesting magic system that I would have liked to see more of.
2,5/5 ⭐

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC. My opinion is and remains my own.

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Blood Queen is a snarky fast paced tale that follows an orphaned queen who protects her kingdom from thief’s and spies with a bloody blade and her shadow powers that cloak her dark as night hiding her from prying eyes. Her only trusted confidant is her trusted advisor (who has mentored and cared for her safety) who also advised her parents before their murder.

What happened to her parents and why she murders by night is not fully explained but much comes to light as her arranged marriage looms near. The time has come to meet her groom and she sneaks out for a night of fun that will have deep ramifications for her upcoming marriage. The world building and magic system is a bit weak and I hope to see greater development in how and why Layla has powers and ultimately what does it mean for her kingdom . I think there’s a lot of potential for growth and I look forward to seeing what happens in the future.

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My thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book had potential. The premise, the setting, even some of the side characters, were strong. I liked the soul shards. Unfortunately, I found the main characters very lacking and their relationship far too superficial and toxic.

Layla, the main character, was far from a heroine. I love a character with relatable flaws. But, the way Layla was written - weak, detached, submissive - was not for me. Rune was a disappointing male lead. Violent, deceptive, abusive. These characteristics made for a volatile relationship based only on vanity and lust.

Much of the book is spent with Layla coming to realize that her kingdom is on the brink of ruin due to her lack of leadership in the wake of her parents death. The story is unfocused, the pacing seems off, and none of the characters are redeemable. I was quite tempted to put the book down after (spoiler alert) Rune attempts to murder Layla. Excusing that, justifying that, was a big NOPE for me. Unfortunately, the series cannot be salvaged for me for that reason alone.

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I like FMCs that are strong headed and don't need saving. Layla was a character that was right what I wanted in that aspect. She was maybe a bit too distrusting at times and would change her mind about the prince too often. The twists were predictable, but I still enjoyed the story. I liked the MMC, being a brute but still being a softie with his "queeny". The betrayal was an interesting part of the story. I enjoyed the writing and the pacing was nice. I'm curious to see where the story goes next. Recommended if you like strong FMCs, morally grey main characters, and betrayals.

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I was sucked straight into this story right from the blurb - it had everything going for it that I adore. I always love diving into a new fantasy realm and learning about the new world and politics.

Layla was a straight up bad ass physically but mentally, I couldn't believe she was 28. She was very immature and far too trusting considering she's meant to become Queen. Her attitude in general was quite childish too and I didn't really warm to her.

Rune was.. interesting. I saw his character coming a mile off but I did enjoy seeing him come to Laylas aid, even when she didn't want him to.

What I did like was the sex positivity. When Rune tries to shame Layla for her one night stand, she doesn't get upset but instead points out his misogyny. Layla is a woman who enjoys her pleasure and isn't ashamed to go out and get it and I applaud her for that!

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Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to borrow this book for my honest review.

Death gave her the throne, now death is how she will keep it. As a queen of a kingdom plagued by murders, Layla struggles to live up to the expectations her parents had of her. Whispers of rebellion and dissent grow daily and a murder stalks the townspeople. In agreeing to marry a foreign prince, she hopes to find a way to bring back to the land but will also be about love.

This story caught my attention within the first chapter. Our fierce queen is smart, strong, gifted with magic, viscous and has sex appeal. Her character was written with dynamic and impact. Ruin our steamy, strong, alpha male that also hold magic is such a likable person although can be seen as a very grey character.

Overall, if you are looking for something quick, a bit of mystery, action and steamy but mild romance this is the book for you. The ending ends on one heck of a cliff hanger! I look forward to pick up book 2.
3.75 Stars rounded to 4

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Thank you to NetGalley for a chance to read and review this book.

DNF @ 72%

I tried but it was a struggle for me to get through. The sentence structuring, grammar, and semantics felt disjointed and rough or even, at times, nonexistent. There was a lot of wordy exposition throughout the book; details or monologue repeated that didn’t contribute to whatever was happening at the time. It didn’t seem like the plot had a cohesive direction… it either unfolded too quickly without many details or inconsistently with too many subplots trying to vie for attention. The characters lack depth and any basic common sense.

Layla’s inner struggle and inability to decide who to trust felt like an endless pendulum of whiplash. Can she trust Rune, the poor mmc of interest, her betrothed, who is harboring secrets which he later divulges, whom she repeatedly claims to despise and tries to kill several times but is also the man she’s falling in love with. OR can she trust Brandt, the man whom she’s known most of her life, who has been running her kingdom for 5 years after the murder of her parents, a man she considers an uncle but who constantly creeps in the corner of her room when she’s not there and hits on her in the bedroom of her murdered parents. We just don’t know because the back and forth literally doesn’t stop… at least for 72% of the book. Girl, just flip a coin at that point. When a leading character who is “nearing thirty” acts in such a juvenile manner, well, it’s hard to dredge up an ounce of sympathy.

It’s unfortunate because the premise sounded rather interesting but it falls flat for me.

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OH MY GOD!!!!! This book was amazing and the cliff hanger?! I cannot! The twists and turns of this book were phenomenal! This is one of the better books I’ve read this year! I honestly can say that this book left me wanting more more more!

The spice was everything a girl could want and the slow burn was even better! I do not even know how to put into words some of this review because the praise wouldn’t do this book justice.

At the beginning I always suspected the villain, but how it played out I never could’ve guessed! Thank you a million times over for this opportunity!

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Thank you Netgalley and Victory Editing Net Galley Co-op for the ARC.
Blood Queen was a fresh new take on Romantasy! It was definitely a lot easier to read as it gave the energy of an entrance to romantasy vibe. It was intriguing, fast paced and funny. I would def recommend this to those who are newer to the romantasy game!
Caitlin was able to master the confusion and discovering of what was Layla’s truth to the actual truth and it was a trip. Rune was both endearing and infuriating but overall he was understanding. Especially when he had a right not to be at time.

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Thank you to netgalley and Victory editing for the chance to read this eArc for an honest review.

First the cover caught my attention, love the title and that it plays into the book! I instantly loved the characters and the sassy banter. Keir is my favorite, i love when the animal has a attitude but obviously loves their human. The idea of soul shard was interesting, a great original idea! Rune and Laylas on page chemistry is fantastic, they compliment each other very well. I also appreciate the names, they aren't to common but also not ones I had no hope of pronouncing like some fantasy books. The world building was pretty good but I definitely would have liked a bit more.

The Blood Queen was a nice fast read, I would definitely recommend it. I do wish it hadn't felt so rushed. Layla was to quick to just leave the castle, she wants to do what she can for her country but decides to leave it in the hands of a man she suspects is trying to take it from her? I just think a bit more indepth writing on that part would have made it better. The book takes place over a week or less I think? I'm definitely excited for the second book and hopefully we get more indepth with some of the stuff that was going on. Layla is acting like a 15 year old so I'm hoping she acts more her age in the next one.

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This was a quick and easy read. It has multiple popular tropes (Enemies-to-lovers, hidden identity, arranged marrage, animals, etc). The story sounded promising at the start (badass FMC with shadow magic who murders people) but the writing style is not for me.

The FMC is 28 years old but she came across as very childish. There was some romance but it felt a bit weird: they went from enemies to being in love but we could not see them fall in love, it happened so fast.
It felt like some plot parts were missing: suddenly they ran into a monster (What? Why?) and side characters were murdered (Who? How?).

The best part about this book was definitely the animal companion, a talking crow! I need it!

Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for the copy I received. This is my honest review.

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✨ARC Review✨
📖: Blood Queen
🖋️: Caitlin Denman
⭐️: 5 of 5
🌶️: 5 of 5
💬: “All I had to do was play the lost innocent boy, and you were putty in my hands.”

⚠️: Please check the warnings as this book may not be suitable for all readers. As always, protect your mental health.💛

Tropes, Topics & Themes:
✨Arranged marriage
✨Dark Fantasy
✨Secret identities
✨Twists and turns

After Layla loses her parents, Layla steps up to look over her kingdom. Not fully prepared for all that’s to come with the responsibility. She seeks advice from her uncle.

While everyone knows who Layla is, she’s known as the Blood Queen after protecting a little girl in the alley that was being attacked by her father.

The night before she meets the prince she’s supposed to get married to. She hooks up with a stranger but that won’t be the last time she sees him again.

“Did you think you were the one playing me, Blood Queen?”

Prince Rune has a reputation just like the Queen. While he’s not happy about the arranged marriage. He has plans of his own that he plans to see happen.

“Keir, where are you? I’m getting hanged up by a child and a horse?”
“I know. I’m watching. It’s rather endearing.”

Layla’s crow had me laughing so much. I loved it! The way it was always looking out for her as well. When it got hurt, I almost cried hoping that it would be okay.

From secret identities, lies, betrayal, and more. Layla must figure out who’s behind taking over her kingdom.

I devoured this book!🔥 I could not put it down and I need the second book already the way it left us!!

Thank you, Caitlin Denman and Netgalley for this EARC! As always, my review is my opinion and thoughts. This review will be shared on my Instagram @Alexandriavwilliams_ shortly.

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This one started out pretty well but the ending seemed kind of rushed. I did enjoy it but I think that this is a take it or leave it kind of book. I do not think I would read book two. I also think that the characters could have had better development. A lot of the MC just felt like this was more ya vs adult. Then all of a sudden it would switch. So the writing was odd in places. The plot and pace was ok for the most part. But that ending again was just meh. Overall, I think this one could be great but it needs some work.

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Blood Queen is a dark fantasy romance that follows Layla, the queen of a kingdom plagued by murders and rebellions. Layla is determined to keep her throne and her people safe, even if it means marrying a foreign prince she doesn't love. But on the eve of her betrothal, she sneaks away and has one last night of passion with a stranger, who turns out to be more than he seems. As secrets and lies come to light, Layla will have to make some hard choices that could change everything.

I liked this book for its captivating and original story, its complex and flawed characters, and its steamy and emotional romance. The author did a great job of creating a rich and immersive world of magic, monsters, and politics. The plot was fast-paced and full of twists and turns that kept me hooked until the end. The chemistry between Layla and her two love interests was hot and intense, but also realistic and believable. I enjoyed their interactions throughout the story.

Overall, I think this is a good book for fans of dark fantasy romance who like their stories with magic, adventure, humor, drama, and spice. It's not a perfect book by any means, but it's definitely worth reading if you're looking for a thrilling and emotional ride.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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