Member Reviews

I enjoyed this darker fantasy romance. The setting was immersive and I liked the way author wrote. My only complaint and why I couldn’t rate this 5 stars was the fmc. She was incredibly childish and came across significantly younger than her almost 30 years.

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4/5⭐️.Really enjoyed this book and cant wait to see what the author has in store. The world building was a bit hard to get into but all of sudden the book was very action packed and was easy from there. I really liked the FMC and the spice was 10/10.

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Ebook provided by NetGalley for my review.

DNF at 57% - this was pretty bad. It needs editing, the syntax, sentence structure, and grammar made this seem unprofessional. Sentences were short, choppy, and repetitive. The main character had no consistent logic or even motivations for her different choices. The characters and the writing were immature and needed development. There also didn’t seem to be any plot or pacing, just bouncing to “Brandt betrayed me! No Rune betrayed me!” back and forth, over and over again.

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Having just completed Caitlin Denman's 'Blood Queen,' I'm left utterly mesmerized by its brilliance. The portrayal of the female protagonist aligns seamlessly with the evocative title, delivering a character whose depth and journey resonate powerfully throughout. The adeptly crafted prologue serves as an indispensable compass, guiding readers through the intricacies of her narrative and elucidating the path to her acquisition of the 'Blood Queen' mantle.

Denman's storytelling prowess is evident in the book's impeccable execution and flawlessly structured narrative. Her craftsmanship sets a high standard, undoubtedly paving the way for triumphs in her future literary ventures. A resounding 5/5, this masterpiece deserves a broad audience eager to immerse themselves in its allure. #bloodqueenbook #NetGalley

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this was a great self published work and i hope it gets a lot of recognition! it was so fun and i loved the dark fantasy aspects of it

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This one was just okay for me, and I give it around 2.5 stars. The premise was what grabbed my attention, because it had everything I love in fantasy, but it wasn't anything special for me. The plot seemed to jump around, and I found certain sections were rushed, while others were too drawn out. I also had trouble finding the main characters likeable at times, especially Layla. She was close to 30, but her naivety made her seem a lot younger.

I did like how the book started off fast paced, because sometimes fantasy reads are slow to take off. This made me think I was really going to like it, but then found myself dragging a bit to finish it. There is potential for a good story, and with that cliffhanger it does make me want to read the next one. So I'm not giving up, and here's hoping I like the next one better.

Thank you NetGalley and Victoria Editing for the ARC!

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

Somewhere between 2.5 - 3 stars. I think the biggest thing I struggled with is I didn't really like the two main characters. (Keir and Betsy were great though.) They were kind of toxic together. Most of their interactions were one of the Fs and there wasn't much character development. Sometimes Rune felt like two totally different people?

Felt like there were a lot of random parts and it just kind of jumped around plot wise. Also Layla really couldn't figure out who the bad guy was??? I understand a good cliffhanger but this one just felt abrupt.

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2.5-3 stars.

I liked how quickly the book started -with only the necessary backstory to catch you up to date. I was immediately suspicious of Brandt, and I loved Keirs character and personality (I want a cheeky bird friend).

I was excited to have a FMC who was a decent age (28 instead of 18-19) but Layla ended up being so naive at times I wish she was younger as it would let me excuse the constant internal debate of "no it can't be Brandt, he helped raise me" even after he tried to seduce her (ew).

The love/lust between the main characters just didn't feel natural to me, I think it was just too much indecisiveness on Laylas part and Runes conflicting attitude (you don't try to kill someone you supposedly love even if you think they are capable of murdering your friends). It was just a bit too "insta love" for me.

The book had all the right plot ideas, but I just felt it could have been written slightly better. It felt like it was rushed or overthought in places. There was a lot of repetition, for example about her red hair being distinctive or about what soul shards are. It only really needed to be described fully once and then could've been mentioned in passing later on instead of a full breakdown each time. It ended on a cliffhanger, but I don't know if I will continue reading the series as this book fell short for me.

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I can’t finish this. This book has so much misogyny in it that I am worried for the author. Her opinions on sex work, the not so subtle slut shaming and “dominant man in bed” at the start are just some of it. I love some degradation and dominance in books but this isn’t giving that.The first sex scene feels like its going to end in abuse, he’s being ‘dominant’ but in a way that makes me think this author has never read about or experience safe BDSM practices. Everyone, including Rune, also slut shame Layla for sleeping with Rune prior to them meeting each other, when she’s the queen rather than the night before when she’s disguised. But no one has any issue with him sleeping with her the day before they meet.

I want to go slightly more in depth on my issues with the way sex work and sex workers are described and discussed in this book. I have studied this heavily as part of my criminology degree. She talks about the women “selling their bodies” due to addiction and trying to eradicate the profession through social welfare programmes (painting her as some kind of saint or something, a common theme in this book). Both these ideas are very wrong. Sex work may sometimes be a result of trafficking but not generally. It is a real and chosen profession done by many, not just women. While there are issues with sex work and treatment of sex workers many of these are actually due to the criminalisation and stigmatisation of it! This view of sex work is incredibly misogynistic, basically saying that all sex workers are brainwashed and not listening to the people doing sex work who almost entirely disagree. If you have heard of TERFs there are also SWERFs, none of which are actually feminists but this gives you an idea of how gross this view is.

I also have a problem with the inconsistency in the characters. Layla, the blood queen, and Rune are both so different from page to page and when you compare their actions to their words. This is trying so hard to paint the queen as a gracious and kind leader, like moving the servants to guest quarters that are fancy rather than the cold servant ones. But it’s so inconsistent with how she talks about everything else that it just feels false. She’s also meant to be 28 but reads as early 20s at most.

There was very little about this book that is good, maybe there is more later on but I will not be finding out.

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I really enjoyed the writing style with the world building and characters. I'm curious to see how book 2 will go because Layla and Rune have this hot/cold relationship while Layla is having her personal growth moment. I like the mystery throughout, and the pieces left for you to put together are easy enough. I want more for this book and from this book. I need more complexity in their relationship and the personalities to be more clear. I feel like his morally gray past and her past are a great base for redemption in book 2. There's so much good that she has done that no one knows about. I also like these side characters and I hope they are fleshed out more.

This book was enjoyable and an easy read. It had a good amount of spice, but I feel like the character's desires vs relationship needs more. I hope book 2 will shape it more.

If you like romantasy, slight mystery, bossy-bossy, arranged marriage, and familiars, you would like this.

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2.5 Stars

Blood Queen follows Layla, a young queen with special magic and fighting skills. Layla is set to be married to the prince of a neighboring nation to strengthen her country's political alliances- but turns out she's already met AND slept with him, thinking him just to be a merchant passing through town. With a lot of people vying for her attention and allegiance, which side will she end up choosing: her trusted advisor or her mysterious new husband-to-be?

This book had everything I thought I would want in a book: vigilante assassin queen, brooding "touch her and die" prince and love interest, palace social and political intrigue, talking animals. But somehow, this did not fully work for me. The stakes never felt that high in a warranted manner, and our 28 year old queen frequently felt like a 15 year old princess to me. I could see the bones of a really good story in here, and I was able to pick up the pieces of foreshadowing quite easily, so I may still be interested in seeking out the sequel since we did leave off on quite a cliffhanger.

Thanks to NetGalley and Victory Editing for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review! Blood Queen came out Tuesday, November 14.

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I tore through this book and was left wanting more. The book in the series features Layla who is a fierce woman who kicks absolute butt. Rune is the mysterious, dark brooding man everyone secretly longs for. Their banter had me laughing and I can't wait to see more of it. The cliffhanger at the end had me gaping and I can't wait to read what happens next.

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This has the foundation to be a great story, but it is lacking in the delivery. I liked the two main characters, but they were not memorable and I did not feel a connection to them. Their relationship was interesting and it definitely seemed like they had a love/hate relationship. I would have loved to read Rune’s POV in the moments where he and Layla were at odds. The plot was interesting, but it was a bit predictable and the main battle felt rushed. All in all it was an okay read and I would like to see where the next book goes.

*A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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I received an ARC copy from NetGalley for an honest review.
I want to start out by saying Layla is an awesome, tough female MC. I enjoyed her friendship with Marv and her soul shard Keir. I even think she had a pretty great character arc and some really sweet moments.
The romance made sense to me in some ways, then not so much in others.
“We were both vicious people, but somehow it worked.”
And I agree with this sentiment. They are vicious and Rune keeps up with her well in that way. But I feel like we’ve barely scratched the surface of them as a couple so hopefully we can dig more into that in the next book because I want to love them together.
“Yes, you’re both terrible people with too many knives. Can you both shut up already and get some rest?” My favorite quote.
Overall good book, I would definitely recommend and will be patiently waiting for the next book.

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4.5/5 Stars
This book has everything I could ever ask for, a FMC who doesn’t need a man but isn’t bothered by having one around, a mysterious MMC and lots of fantasy and spice. Our main character is Layla and her people call her the blood queen, because of one incident she had. Her parents were murdered, and she hopes to eventually find the murderer. She has to marry a foreign prince since it was one of the last things her parents wanted before they died.
I loved Layla, she was a fmc that i absolutely adored, because honestly sometimes reading about a fmc who doesn’t rely on a man is refreshing especially since most fantasies it seems the fmcs do. I loved Rune too, he was super mysterious and his character especially during the spicy scenes was hot. And the spicy scenes / romance scenes we did get 5/5 stars for spice, I loved every second of it.
The world building was okay, it felt like some things I should’ve known I didn’t which was fine at times but others I was just like what? Otherwise I enjoyed how the magic worked and the concept of soul shards. ( I absolutely loved Keir! )
The ending was a cliffhanger, and I can’t wait to read the next book! Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ //5

Blood Queen
by: Caitlin Denman


I want to thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for giving me the opportunity to read this e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

Do you love a book that:

-Secret Identity
-Arranged Marriage
-Touch Her And D!e
-Bonded Spirit Animals
-Cliffhanger ;)

This will be for you and it has even more within!

When I say that I devoured this delicious book—I mean it! This book had all the good elements from spice to action and romance twisted around every single corner. This book was a fast paced book that left me with the worst hangover afterwards. I spent an entire day dedicated to reading this book and I was incredibly sad to place it down. The characters were well relatable and I loved them as well as the world building/story/plot. I loved being there for the time that I could. Prince Rune YES YES I loved him to pieces & Layla was incredible! I love to see a strong FMC in a book and she was all that and more in this book. The SPICE in this book was perfection! It wasn’t too little or too much it was juuussssst riiight! I will be patiently pacing back and forth waiting for the next book I can read by this author and that book 2 comes SO FAST!

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Thank you Netgalley for the Arc.

This was, something for sure. I started by liking it and ended up forcing myself to read it. To put it plainly, it was like biting into a chocolate cupcake that was supposed to be filled with a chocolaty inside, and it was just dry.

I did not like the Female Main Character. I'm 18, okay, I'm not the most mature person on the face of the Earth but holy god damn. You're 28, not 15. The male main character was uh. I just found him very similar to other book protagonists.

The premise was interesting, don't get me wrong. But I think it could've been spectacular. The spicy scenes were something alright, and I'm speaking as someone who enjoys them. The crow however, the pet companion of the Fmc was a great addition to the story. I don't know. I like pets.

I will not completely give up on this novel tho. I might come read again.

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If you're like me and you love a stabby, fiery heroine, Blood Queen is the book for you. Our feisty FMC is basically a love child of Poppy from FBAA and Rhys from ACOTAR. Driven by the need to avenge her parents, Layla is not only a queen, but an assassin. Her people have dubbed her the Blood Queen, whether she's killing people for protection of her country or not.
Our MMC, Rune, definitely gives off 'Touch her and die' vibes, and actually says so a few times. While theirs may be an arranged betrothal, the two are a well met match.
With everything that Layla thought she knew being called in to question, and new secrets coming to light, will she be able to save her kingdom and herself?

Caitlin did a fantastic job with the world building in this book. I could not put it down. I'm on the edge of my seat, unfortunately, waiting for the next book. That cliffhanger was rough, but I know the next book will be worth the wait. The characters were well developed and there were definitely a few plot twists that I didn't see coming. If you're a romantasy fan, I cannot recommend this book enough.

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Oh, what to say about this book.

It started off pretty strong for me. I started liking the FMC and I immediately loved the MMC, but somewhere in the middle, it all fell apart. The 28-year old FMC acted like a 12-year old at the best of times, she's supposed to be the queen and yet it never felt like that for me personally.

Unfortunately, it all fell flat for me 70% through the book and I had to force myself to finish it. The first half of the book saved it from being a one star read for me. Plus the talking crow.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Thank you for the opportunity to read Blood Queen.
This book will immerse you into the world of a young queen, who does know a thing about her kingdom because she would rather be out helping her people in the guise of another. She meets up with the Prince from another country and hell breaks lose!
Great read. Low Spice. 4 Stars!

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