Member Reviews

Moon Rains is a sick girl with a mum who shuns modern medicine, so she ends up at an alternative institution on a Shetland island. The nurses have an unpleasant bedside manner and doctors are a bit manic, all is not well.

Moon let’s the story unfold as she makes friends and tries to work out what exactly is going on. Thoroughly engaging and enjoyable.

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Moon is used to her mother's weird antics. However, things take a dark turn for Moon when she finds herself at the Clearlake Institute, hopefully to cure what she knows is a sinus infection. There though, Moon discovers that children regularly go missing and the people who work there are mean and mysterious. With her new band of friends, Moon becomes determined to find out what is going on and break free.

Overall, I thought this was a good read. I do wish there had been more elements of the supernatural though. I feel like so many things were brought up, but then the reveal was less spooky than anticipated. Still sinister and supernatural, but not quite as out there as it seemed like it might be (and what I wanted!). Despite that, I still enjoyed reading it!

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Clearlake is a middle-grade horror novel about a girl named Moon who is put into a facility that promises to use natural methods to cure her chronic sinus infection but proves to be a much more sinister place than it first appears. This book is sure to be a hit with younger horror fans; it's very creepy and has some great imagery and mystery elements. I do wish it had tighter pacing but overall it's a fun read.

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I was hooked from the cover and description, it had everything that I was hoping for from a young adult novel. The characters felt like they belonged in this world and I enjoyed the mystery element going on. I look forward to reading more from Stanislava Buevich as I really enjoyed reading this book.

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Definitely geared toward younger readers, this is a goosebumps-type fun, creepy book. It was fast-paced and did keep me guessing, curious to see where the story would lead. Even as an adult, I thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to read some adult horror by this author! Thanks for the opportunity to read!

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Moon's story was absolutely gripping to me!
She finds herself trapped in a sinister institute with eerie hallways and mysterious staff, and the whispers of Room 217 will keep you on the edge of your seat. As she digs deeper, the tension builds and the stakes are raised. With a cast of brave and resourceful young characters, this tale of resilience and courage will keep you up all night. As a bonus, I particularly enjoyed this book because Russian is my first language, and I appreciated the author's skillful weaving of linguistic and cultural nuances throughout the story. The writing is vivid and engaging, making it feel like a thriller movie come to life. Trust me, you won't be able to put it down!

Thank you to NetGalley and Stanislava Buevich for the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy of this book.

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This is a really great spooky story perfect for young YA readers. It doesn't end how you think it will which is always a good thing and it moves at a quick pace. The characters are interesting, unique and well-written. I would recommend this! Special Thank You to Stanislava Buevich, Victory Editing and NetGalley for allowing me to read a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a middle grade mystery, and it was a fun, entertaining read. The protagonist was called Moon. I felt a connection with her from the beginning, and I liked the sincerity that she demonstrated in her narrative. The storyline was entertaining without being too drawn out or complicated. I think this book is something that my younger self would have really enjoyed, and probably the type of book I would still choose as an adult, for a light and easy read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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"Hi, I'm Moon and this is my story. It all started with a terrible cold. When the lady in purple promised my mother that Clearlake Institute would be able to cure me without the use of modern medicine, my mom was hooked

This was sooo good! Chilling and atmospheric in the best ways. I would definitely like to read more from this author.

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Clearlake is a captivating dive into the mysteries that lurk beneath serene surfaces. This atmospheric gem weaves an intriguing tale that's both spine-chilling and irresistible, making it an ideal entry point for those dipping their toes into the horror genre. The quaint town of Clearlake unfolds like a sinister pop-up storybook, each page revealing secrets that send shivers down your spine. The balance between suspense and curiosity keeps you on the edge of your seat, and the eerie ambiance is nothing short of cinematic magic. For anyone seeking a gateway into the world of horror, Clearlake is the perfect blend of creepy and curiosity-inducing, making it a thrilling journey for the uninitiated and seasoned horror fans alike.

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This book reminds me of P Bosch's The Secret Series and Lemony Snicket's Hostile Hospital -- I loved those books and this one was also great!
I like the eerie and mysterious atmosphere, the gang of misfit, Moon's personality, and the whole storyline. It was chaotic in a good way and I loved it!

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I wasn't quite sold on this one. It took me a really long time to get into it, and then I thought it just wasn't foreboding or creepy or uncomfortable enough. The pace picked up a bit towards the end which is why I'm giving three stars. Nevertheless, the very ending felt a bit hurried and overly clichéed. Wouldn't necessarily recommend, although I'm sure there are people out there who will enjoy this book.

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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I skimmed the synopsis of this book and thought it sounded good even though it was for middle grade. I don't mind. I did find the story interesting it was just a bit slow paced for me, it took me a week to get it finished and it’s not terribly long. I do wish the ending wasn’t so rushed. I feel like we don’t get closure about the other children or Moon’s plan with Lucy for the future. I want to see if everything turned out and how everyone was.
I would recommend this to younger readers but it may come off as a bit scary for them.

I received this book free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book, it was well written and at times actually a bit spooky! It was a lovely change of pace from some of the other books I've got on the go atm and was a delight to experience. This is a "middle grade" book and so I'd reccommend it to anyone aged 8-14 who's trying to break into reading for pleasure, or even anyone looking to get into the mystery/thriller genre 😊

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This novel is atmospheric and a great mystery. It doesn’t go where you necessarily think it will. I’d say this would appeal to upper MG and lower YA readers, who enjoy a bit of horror and a lot of creepiness. This would be excellent as a young readers first gothic story. The ending felt slightly rushed but didn’t take away from the story.
Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for the digital ARC.

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This book was CRAZY! (In a good way) There were so many little plot twists, like you figure something out, and then learn a piece of info that would completely change everything! It was so good!

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I was kindly given a chance to read Clearlake for a Book Tour instagram and also via Netgalley. This review is my honest thought and opinions based on the book. I will try and keep it as spoiler free as possible.

“I’ll snap you like gingerbread. One finger at a time. Snap, snap, snap.”

Clearlake isn't all that it seems to be. A huge monstrous building on a hill, on a secluded island; soon it will be the prison which will hold or main character and many other children.

Unfortunately for our main character Moon, fate was not on her side when she was birthed the night of the full Moon to her very eccentric mother, Ms. Raines in the bathtub of their flat. Her mother is one of those types of parents who believe Western medicine is fooey and that childhood board games like Monopoly are just a bunch of propaganda. You could say the woman is slightly mad.

Moon's unlucky destination happens on the chance she is ill. Upon exhausting all sorts of cures (except the Vicks; any Latin raised reader will understand my joke. Happened to me too.) She is taken away by her mother to this hospital on the hill. Where the staff are a bit off and odd things happen. The whole place is filled with children caught between growing up and being a child. the majority are orphans and the ones with cuckoo parents like Moon's. Every once I awhile a child is called to a room....and they never return....

Moon and her band of resistance fighters work together to try and unravel the secrets of the dark labyrinth, which Clearlake housed within its weathered walls. Will she and the rest of the lost boys and girls find the truth of the strange happenings before it's too late?

Clearlake was a quick short read. I finished it in a couple of hours. I found myself wanting to find out what the dark portrait lined halls of Clearlake echoed within the whisper of night. It is a YA horror thriller, I would say more towards the lower YA age demographic even into middle grade. It's not creepy enough for me, but I know it would be for the targeted demographic. I liked most of the characters except a handful, all the adults but one.. the plot twist with the one was so sad... As I read, I definitely had Roald Dahl Witches vibes mixed with this movie I saw on like netflix where they had all these girls in this buding from tiny kids to early teens before they would vanish. I felt like perhaps these two things may have been inspiration but I am unsure, though here I was thinking I was Sherlock Holmes and I couldn't have been more wrong, when the truth dropped, I was so surprised in a good way! Very clever!

The only thing I wished there was more of was a bit more to the ending. It was a good ending, but I had questions. I wanted to know what happened to all the kids and especially to the main group and to June. Was Lars telling the truth?

If you have a child between 8-14, I think they would definitely enjoy the book, or if you enjoy lower YA to Middle Grade stories and like spooky reads, this one is for you!

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"Clearlake" by Stanislava Buevich is a captivating story that revolves around Moon Rains, a thirteen-year-old girl, and her mother. The book also features a remarkable cast of characters in the institution where Moon is sent to recover from a mysterious illness.
Each child has a unique personality and backstory, making them unforgettable. the setting is very vividly described. The author creates a chilling atmosphere in Clearlake, where the children face terrifying dangers and mysteries. The dark corridors, creepy old witches, and dreadful procedures make the reader feel the tension and suspense.
"Clearlake" engrosses the reader and makes it hard to put down. I definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys a well-written, immersive, and suspenseful story.

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This cover grabbed me and I knew I had to read it. The story pulled me right in and held on. Rain gets sick with something that her mom is unable to heal with homeopathic efforts. She meets a lady in purple saying she can help. She tells them of this institute with people there dedicated to helping children with illnesses without the use of modern medicine. When they arrive, Rain and her mom are separated. Things are not what they seem. I did not want to put this book down. I loved the relationship between Rain and her mom. All of the children in the institute were such great characters with all different personalities. I loved this book. If you love horror, you should check this one out. Thank you to NetGalley and ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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