Member Reviews

Moon Rains, age 13, got a terrible cold. And then it got worse. Moon’s mom didn’t believe in doctors or Western medicine or anything good like that, so when faith healing and holistic medicine didn’t work and before Moon could make a secret trip to a pharmacy to get an antibiotic to clear up her terrible sinus infection, her mom met Evelyn Larsen in the waiting room. Evelyn told her about a totally natural, world-renowned clinic that might have a free place for Moon.

Moon’s mom bit.

Off the two go to the Shetland Islands in Scotland. The meet an old woman on the train who tells Moon she’s in terrible danger, not to enter room 217, and a bunch of other stuff. It all sounds bad. Then they get there and it all gets worse. Moon’s roommate doesn’t know how long she’s been there or what happened to some of the other patients. And things spiral downward.

A fair-to-middling story. Not sure if it’s YA. I hope it is. If it’s YA, it’s fine. If not, trouble.

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This was a super intresting story, great characters, so many twists and turns, the story line was quick paced and didn’t get distracted by overly describing everything and anything. Quick, fun and very interesting read! Would have liked a little more horror.

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This was an interesting read! I truly didn’t know what to expect so I appreciated all the twists and turns it had. I think the book might be a bit too much for my 5th graders, but it’s definitely worth the read if you enjoy dark, mysterious thrillers!

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I enjoyed the book. I needed to keep going to find out exactly what was happening at Clearlake and if Moon would ever get of there alive. I really liked how the story ended but wish there was an epilogue a few months after to see how the characters were doing.

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Moon Rains, a thirteen-year-old girl who is sick with a mysterious illness, is sent to Clearlake Institute by her medical fearing mother. With a mysterious message from a woman on the train, and odd happenings at the institute Moon is unsure if Clearlake institute is what it is supposed to be.

“Clearlake” by Stanislava Buevich is a fantasy book for teens and middle schoolers. I liked how it is realistic on how a thirteen-year-old would see her mother not listening to her as ridiculous and how she thinks she knows best despite her age. She is actually very intuitive and smart for her age but also struggles with the lack of options as a thirteen-year-old. I liked her and her friends. I thought it was a very book and would be interesting for teenagers. 4 out of 5 stars.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

"Clearlake" by Stanislava Buevich weaves a compelling narrative that captivates readers from the very beginning. The intricate relationship between thirteen-year-old Moon Rains and her mother adds a layer of emotional depth to the story, beautifully portraying the nuances of love and disagreement. Despite their differences, the fond memories and genuine affection between them shine through.

The characters within the institution are a standout feature of the book. Each child is meticulously fleshed out, making them distinct and memorable. The author's ability to create such well-defined characters contributes significantly to the overall richness of the plot.

The atmospheric descriptions in the book are masterfully crafted, especially when it comes to portraying the eerie setting of Clearlake. The darkened halls, ghastly old witches, and harrowing procedures create a palpable sense of suspense and mystery. The author's skillful storytelling allows readers to immerse themselves fully in the unsettling ambiance, heightening the overall reading experience.

"Clearlake" is undeniably a book that draws you in, making it easy to get lost in its pages. The author's adept storytelling keeps the suspense alive, and the ominous warning about Room 217 adds an extra layer of intrigue. As Moon and her friends navigate the sinister mysteries surrounding Clearlake, the reader is taken on a thrilling and perilous journey. I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this book and highly recommend it to those who appreciate a well-crafted, immersive, and suspenseful tale.

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Loved this spooky YA about a young girl
trapped with some
Creepy caretakers that seem to have lived forever - with the help of her fellow boarders can they discover if the place is haunted and can the escape before it’s too late?

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Excellent job by Buevich by creating just the right amount of dread and terror mixed with intriguing characters that make your head spin (because you're curious as to what they'll do next!) Loved Moon as the protagonist - a sensible and brave soul with a true authentic voice.

This book is definitely more geared towards teen, closer to middle grade, for anyone wondering. Thank you Netgalley and Victory Editing for the digital ARC!

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"Clearlake" by Stanislava Buevich introduces readers to the haunting story of thirteen-year-old Moon Rains, who is battling a mysterious illness. In a desperate attempt to find a cure, Moon and her mother journey to the isolated Clearlake Institute on a remote Scottish island, known for its innovative treatments. However, the institute quickly reveals itself to be a place filled with secrets, shadows, and ominous mysteries.

The description sets the stage for a chilling narrative, with a cryptic warning, darkened halls, and the presence of ghastly old witches. Moon, along with newfound friends, embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the sinister truths behind Clearlake. The mention of a specific room, Room 217, and the warning associated with it, adds an element of suspense and dread to the story.

The premise combines elements of horror, mystery, and thriller, creating an atmosphere of tension and foreboding. The urgency of Moon and her friends racing against time to escape Clearlake's sinister grasp adds to the narrative's suspense.

For readers who enjoy atmospheric and chilling tales with elements of the supernatural, "Clearlake" seems to promise an engaging and suspenseful read. If you've read the book, feel free to share your thoughts or any specific aspects that stood out to you!

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