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Thank you RB Media | Recorded Books for allowing me to audibly read and review Perfect Shot by Steve Urszenyi on NetGalley.

Published: 11/14/23

Narrator: Cynthia Farrell

Stars: 3

The synopsis grabbed me and I had high expectations for the book. Unfortunately, this may be my first time not liking a narrator, not even a little bit. I couldn't connect her voice or mannerisms to what she was reading, and it never eased up. Her voice felt cozy mystery not sniper.

I did like the thought of the character and the story. I found the dialogue juvenile and disappointing for MI-6, FBI, etc agents. This was another "You can't tell me what to do, You're not the boss, yada yada yada.".

There is profanity.

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Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this audio book.

This was an enjoyable read, good pacing and plenty of action. The characters were well fleshed out and I liked the main character. I would read more in this series. The narrator did a good job as well.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced audio copy and ebook copy.

"Perfect Shot" by Steve Urszenyi was a really enjoyable book! It was my first time reading a book by this author, and now I'm eager to read more, especially since it's part of a series. The book is about a talented female sniper named Special Agent Alexandra Martel, and let me tell you, she's really impressive.

Basically, the story follows Special Agent Martel, who works for Interpol as an FBI Agent, as she embarks on an important mission. Let me just say, the book starts off with a lot of excitement! There are car chases and helicopter rides that are described so vividly, it feels like you're right there in the action. And trust me, there are many surprising twists and turns that take you to different interesting places like Russia, Istanbul, London, and Paris. Special Agent Martel, with the support of the CIA, FBI, and Interpol, is on a mission to stop terrorists and save the world. This book really keeps you on the edge of your seat, always wondering who's really behind the terrorist attack.

One thing I really loved about this book is the great variety of characters, the thrilling action, and the well-crafted plot. Special Agent Martel, our main character, is really intelligent, strong, and brave. But you know what? She didn't start off as a sniper, she used to be a medic, and that adds a compassionate side to her character. As a fan of spy books, I have to say, "Perfect Shot" really impressed me. It's accurate and engaging, especially when compared to other books in the same genre.

Honestly, I highly recommend this book, and the fact that it's part of a series? That just makes me even more excited. With its amazing characters, gripping storyline, and all the action and suspense, this book is truly captivating. By the way, I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, and these opinions are completely my own, no strings attached.

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When I started this book, I didn’t want to like it, but by the end I was a true believer. Truly a fun ride, but the narration of this audiobook could use some help. The audiobook is plagued with mispronunciations, but aside from that I think that narration is pretty good. There’s a lot to like from this story and I think this has the foundation for a great series. Lots of great action sequences and a couple good twists. Thanks for the ARC!

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I both read and listened to Perfect Shot, so thank you to Minotaur and Recorded Books for this opportunity in exchange for my honest opinion. I wanted to like this book more than I did, but there are many good things about it that make me want to see where the series goes. I liked the character of Alex because girls can be badass ex-sniper FBI agents, too. and the action was pretty good Caleb was a little smarmy, but we'll see where that goes. My problem with the book itself was that there was an overabundance of minutia around random things, mainly the military gear, that pulled me away from the story and bogged down some of the quieter parts. My problem with the audio was that, with this badass female character in play, the narrator seemed to read her as an overwrought, over-emotional girl instead of a capable tough girl. I do appreciate the publishers above for giving me early access and look forward to seeing where Urszenyi takes Alex from here.

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Perfect Shot was a great, fun and entertaining read by Steve Urszenyi. This was my first book by the author and I know I will read more. Since this is a series, I will definitely read the next book. Perfect Shot is a great spy book, that keeps the readers on the edge of their seat. And the best part is the main character is a woman sniper, who is a perfect shot!

Perfect Shot is about a Special Agent, Alexandra Martel. an FBI Agent that works for Interpol. The book starts off with a bang. The audience is brought smack dab into a mission that Special Agent Martel is one of the leads. She is ready for action and wants to get the bad guys. The car chases and helicopter rides in this book are amazing for the imagination. There are twists abound in the book and it was a truly enjoyable ride. The book takes you to different destinations, Russia, Istanbul, London, Paris. With Special Agent Alexandra Martel on the mission there is no way the terrorists win! With the help of the CIA, FBI and Interpol Special Agent Martel needs to save the world. Who is truly behind the terrorist attack? Will it be the usual suspects?

I loved the different characters in this book, the action, the plot, and the fact that the main character is smart, strong and independent. She had a good head on her shoulders and was not a regular sniper because she started off as a medic. I think that gives her character compassion. I am no spy but it appears that a lot of the content was accurate. (I say this from my enjoyment of different spy books and comparing this book with others.)

I would definitely recommend this book. I am so excited that this is a series. I cannot wait to read more in this series. Strong characters, great story and plot, plenty of action and suspense. Very good book. I was given this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own.

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Title: Perfect Shot (Special Agent Alexandria Martel, #1)
Author: Steve Urszenyi
Narrator: Cynthia Farrell
Pub date: 11/14/23
RB Media Audiobook

Alex is a former decorated military sniper currently with the FBI. As the story begins she is trying to uncover what happened to her deceased friend only to uncover more than expected. She will work with many agencies as she works to solve the mystery. The deeper she gets, the bigger the threat. Alex will not be deterred. Will she unravel the clues in time?

This book made me think of Tom Clancy complete with spies, military and save the world themes. One of my favorite aspects was the character of Alex. She, yes SHE, is smart, strong, determined and no nonsense. I appreciated that she could stand on her own but, was a team player and kept her cool even under difficult circumstances. The story is full of details regarding weapons and other items. (I am being intentionally vague here so as not to give anything away.) If you enjoy this type of genre, this may be your next go to series. I personally look forward to more stories that involve Alex Martel.

Thank you #NetGalley and #RBMedia for giving me the opportunity to listen to this audiobook and give a review.

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Perfect Shot by Steve Urszenyi
Narrated by Cynthia Farrell
Publisher: RB Media, Recorded Books
Genre: Mystery & Thrillers
Published: November 14, 2023

Perfect Shot is the first book in the new Special Agent Alexandra Martel series by Steve Urszenyi. Wow! Just wow!

Perfect Shot is the first book I’ve read by the author and I know it won’t be the last! This was fast paced and so exciting! I thought the story was absolutely amazing and I loved the characters. I definitely recommend reading this book!!!

The narration by Cynthia Farrell was wonderful! I loved how she brought this book to life!

I can’t wait for the next book, Out in the Cold, to be released next year!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This book ... once I picked it up I had to keep reading and more or less finished in one setting, I had to get dinner ready in between but other than that I just kept flipping the pages, this was exciting. The book takes place all over Europe - Arnhem and The Hague in the Netherlands, London, Adana in Turkey, Paris with a grand finale in the Paris catacombs .. absolutely captivating.
This is the first book in the new Alex Martell series and she is awesome, a medic and a sniper, a veteran and an FBI special agent ... kind of like a female Gibbs (NCIS) but she gets a compelling and convincing back story right away - I am excited to see her again in the next book.
In this book a nuclear bomb goes missing and interagency cooperation and international teamwork is needed to recover it without it wreaking havoc. I loved how vividly the different locations were painted and authentic landmarks were used. The author served as a paramedic and a police tactical medic and is an expert in chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE) incident response - his knowledge definitely went to good use in this book!
I am handing this fast paced thriller right over to my husband ... let's see what he says about female lead in a classic line wolf fighter thriller (e
The audio for this one was narrated by Cynthia Farrell and she didn't an amazing job at putting this new very Special Agent on the scene !

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced audio copy of Steve Urszenyi’s debut novel PERFECT SHOT.

I struggled to get into this book for a few reasons:
1) The narrator was so annoying. Her narration of Alex is fine, but she does all of these male “accents” which were difficult for me to get through.
2) I got very lost in the acronyms
3) Military action doesn’t seem to be my thing, but I really don’t know why…

It’s really too bad because I tend to like action books with female protagonists, but this just didn’t do it for me. Maybe it’s a right now thing…

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*4.5 Stars On My Instagram Account*

"Do or do not. There is no try."

You quote Yoda you got my attention. Perfect Shot, Special Agent Alexandra Martel #1, by phenom debut author Steve Urszenyi is an attention grabber from the first page to the last word. Not only does it overachieve as a globetrotting mystery thriller with CIA and MI5 operatives, but has the most awesome kickass female warrior.

Alex earned her reputation as a revered sharp shooter sniper. She has saved the lives of many soldiers but now works as an FBI Special Agent on loan to Interpol. Just as she's winding down from a high octane opening chase scene where she meets the flirtatious CIA operative Caleb, who has plans for them to be permanent partners and not just out in the field, a nuclear weapon is stolen.

The biggest twist: that's not the main mystery plot. While tracking down the nuclear weapon, Alex gets word that her MI5 friend Krysten was killed in a car accident but Alex knows it was murder. With clues left in photos, wine bottles and computer codes, Alex fights for the truth only to find out everything has been a lie.

It's unbelievable this thriller is a debut novel. It is a non stop page turner. I also listened to the audiobook with the remarkably talented voice actress Cynthia Farrell. She captured the whip smart snappiness of Alex, and conquered different accents from British to Russian to various American accents. She should be a speech advisor for multi language performances.

I hope there are many more Alex (and Caleb) stories to come. Netflix should option it now. This writer took a shot and hit the bullseye.

I received a free copy of this book/audiobook from the publishers via #netgalley for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This was 1st book by Steve Urszenyi but will def not be my last! This was a great read and wild ride and I was totally here for it! I want to be Alexandra, she is a kickass woman taking no shit and getting it done! I can't wait to read the next installment to see what she gets up to.


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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of Perfect Shot.. I always find it interesting when a man is writing as a woman protagonist. The narrator is fabulous. Alexandra (Alex) Martel is an a$$ whooping special agent who was a former sniper. This is an action packed highly anticipated thriller that I would highly recommend. It is the kind of book that when you read through the action series you actually read at a faster pace like you are really inside of the book. Love!

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A well prepared and executed plan that leads to a potentially catastrophic disaster, that must be averted at all costs. Enter our heroine and her quirky ways leading to a globetrotting circuit that keeps you on your toes all the way!

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Thanks to NetGalley and RB Media, Recorded Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

3.8 stars

Special Agent Alexandra Martel is on loan from the FBI to Interpol. Alex is a sharp shooter and former Army medic. An old friend, who ended up being an MI5 agent, was killed and Alex works find out who killed her.

I enjoyed the narration by Cynthia Farrell.

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OMG, I'm so excited to read a novel with a badass female sniper!! Thanks to Canadian author, Steve Urszenyi's debut., now the long wait to read his next novel!

Former Army sniper and paramedic Alexandra Martel is now a Special Agent with the FBI. She's on loan to work with Interpol and has to partner with Caleb from the CIA, something she isn't too happy about!

This is an action-packed globetrotting adventure that begins in the Netherlands to London, Istanbul, and Paris after terrorists get their hands on a nuke warhead. Oh yes, I was surprised at the reveal and LOVE the ending! Terrific characters, plot, and pace. I love watching sniper movies, of course, "Shooter" with Mark Wahlberg is one of them. Hahaa, yesss!! 😍

I listened to the audiobook read by Cynthia Farrell and she's terrific. I enjoy her narration from Nora Kelly's series. Somehow there is a lot of distracting mouth/breathing noise with this production or maybe just the advance copies? 🤷‍♀️

Thank you RB Media and Netgalley for the ALC.

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I was drawn to the fact that the main character was a strong female able to kick butt. I struggled with the execution of it. There were references to her past and how she become the person she is that felt like a report being read versus bringing me into her world.

There were missed opportunities in my opinion especially around the insistence of her rank when being addressed. How it was done felt a bit annoying but I think it was meant to portray a few things like the difficulty with achieving it by a female and how she was bounced around the different organizations she worked for.

Alex’s body count rivaled that of Jon Reznick from the JB Turner series, but she lacked a bit of his finesse.
There were also times when I wanted to “yell” at her to stop talking. Her brashness could be a bit off-putting but as she says, she likes to shoot, being an intelligence officer or undercover agent wouldn’t seem like a fit for her.

The pieces of Caleb’s backstory were interesting, curious if they will be explored more in future books.

There were a few things that were not quite explained and a few that seemed improbable didn’t matter much to the overall story.

It was nice to see so many female characters in this type of book that were part of the action.

The book felt a little on the long side but overall I enjoyed it. Plus I learned a few things, always a bonus.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the opportunity to do an early read and share my thoughts on the story.
Happy Reading!

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In the book Perfect Shot, author Steve Urszenyi writes about former Army sniper and now FBI Special Agent Alexandra Martel. On loan to Interpol, Alex learns that an old friend has been killed under mysterious circumstances and begins to dig into what really happened. But the more she uncovers, the more she finds she did not really know her friend. And will all the clues she is following lead her to stop a nuclear bomb detonation? And who is really friend and who is the enemy? This is a very good action packed story that keeps you guessing with the many plot twists. I would recommend this book. The audio-book narration was very good. I received a copy of this audio-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I am a big fan of action/thriller/investigation type books so I thought I would begin this new series! Audiobook was well read and enjoyed the narrators voice. To the story, it was a fun adventure. Not my favorite storyline going throughout it but it was one that was easy to follow and a fun book to read overall!

I received a free advanced copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Perfect Shot is the debut novel from Steve Ursenyi.

"Special Agent Alexandra Martel is an FBI agent on loan to Interpol. She's also a former sniper and combat medic. She finds out a former friend and MI5 agent has been killed and heads to London to investigate. Soon she's involved in a stolen nuclear missile and Russian state sposored terrorism."

Debut novels are sometimes hit-or-miss. I like the premise of this one. It's really good when Ursenyi is writing action scenes. The rest of it needs some editing and fine-tuning. There are several passages with overexplaining. I don't need four pages on how a nuclear trigger works. The beginning is clunky with no pace. And there are numerous plot holes. (Just shook my head) The ending is a wild one, though.

Cynthia Farrell does a good job with the material she has. I'm not a fan of a narrator accents especially Russian bad guys. Not sure that it ever totally works. Would have liked to hear more emotion.

I think there's potential here but this one falls a little short. If spy/action/thrillers are your jam, you may still enjoy this one.

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