Member Reviews

Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. I have loved everything this author has written and this was up there with the best. A fast paced page turner.

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What a great plot.
I just love catching up with Erika and her team. The characters are so well defined I feel I know them.
This author is one of my favourites and I was again carried along by a thoroughly enjoyable story with twists and turns.
I would recommend this one

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Another amazing Erika Foster novel. Out of all the books in the series, I felt like this one portrayed her as more human than machine. The frustration is almost palpable in all aspects of her life. I love the fact that we get more insights on Erika as a human being, not just a DCI powerhouse! Please keep writing this series, it is one of my favourites! 5 ⭐️

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Another offering by Rob that I’ve raced through because I’ve found it impossible to put down. My only criticism is that I felt the storyline wound up rather too quickly, and that certain elements deserved a bit more explanation/contextualisation. Hopefully there will be the opportunity for those parts to be explained in the next book?

I love the Erika Foster series, although I’ve read his Kate Marshall books too. Erika will always be my favourite.

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I must Start by thanking both NetGalley as well as the publisher Raven Street for my eARC in exchange for my honest review.
Bryndza is back! I have been eagerly awaiting this next Detective Erica Foster novel since the previous. The strongly opinionated, waste no words detective leads her team of engaging characters in the twisty crime thriller, and if you have not read the series it is a must!

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Detective Erika Foster discovers a dead body by chance while out for a nice dinner. Almost immediately, she is told to step back – the case will be handled by a different police force at the behest of some unknown high-ranking government officials. The victim is a well-known politician, and he was found in a very compromising position, so she can understand why. But what she doesn’t understand is why they claim he died from natural causes. She’s even more upset when the forensic pathologist, Isaac, tells her he was also intimidated by these officials and forced to agree to their manner of death for the victim. Neither one wants to accept being threatened, but they feel they have no other option, especially Erika, with no support from her superiors.

Just when she’s almost forgotten the whole ordeal, another well-known victim is found – a celebrity athlete, and he was killed in the same manner. Now vindicated, Erika can investigate her way, with those same officials lurking in the background, of course. She and her team discover a most unlikely suspect – or suspects, rather, as it is a group of identical women dressed in costume with facial prosthetics so that any distinguishing features are hidden. This isn’t your typical serial killer by any means! The team is determined to break through the killer’s disguise before more powerful men turn up dead. But how can they do so when they are ordered to tread lightly around the victims’ families and social circles? Erika doesn’t care how affluent and above the law these people believe themselves to be – she needs answers. Will she get them by following the rules or will she have to take matters into her own hands, no matter the risk?

This was such an engaging story, told from both Erika’s point of view and the killer’s. We see how the crimes are being committed and then how Erika and her team piece the clues together. It’s always fun to see her push back against the higher-ups, whether it’s her superiors or those of a government or political institution. And her internal comments when dealing with the new detective ‘randomly’ assigned to her team are so hilarious! This is one story you won’t want to miss!

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*4.5 stars *

A dead man has been discovered naked and hog tied in his bed. However, there are no worries for Detective Chief Inspector Erika Foster about identifying the deceased man, this is a person who is regularly in the headlines - he’s a high ranking politician!

Suspicious circumstances are quickly ruled out, with the Met deciding the death was by natural causes - that is until another two identical deaths occur a few months later. One is a famous casting director, and the other, a star footballer. The Met now have to admit that they have a serial killer on the loose.

What is very surprising about this case is, that the suspects caught on CCTV (and yes there are more than one) are a group of young women who are completely identical!

Let me say that this is a very complex case, and one that will tax Erika and her devoted team, leading to some very late nights and little home life to speak of - the serial killer isn’t taking a break, and neither are they. However, every time they think they’re getting somewhere, they’re led down a dead end track, but we all know that Erika is like a Rottweiler with a bone - she’s never gonna let it go!

What can I say about the latest in this wonderful series that hasn’t already been said? Absolutely nothing, so I won’t try, other than to say it’s absolutely gripping - but then I wouldn’t expect anything less from author Robert Bryndza! Highly recommended.

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This is the 8th book in this series with Erika Foster as the lead detective. Another excellent book by Robert Bryndza, the plot grips you from the first page and doesn’t let go until the last page. I like the way it goes back in time to learn more of the killers past to tie in with what makes them like they are today. A fast paced storyline that is just brilliant to read. I hope we don’t have to wait too long for the next instalment

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Robert Bryndza is one of my all-time favourite crime thriller authors for an excellent reason. He knows exactly what the die hard crime thriller lover wants in a crime read. There’s no slow burning plots that take FOREVER to get into. The crimes are original, and Erika Foster the main protagonist, has all the qualities I love in a lead Detective. Lethal Vengeance is the eighth book in the series, and yet it still feels fresh, exciting and just as gripping as the previous books in the series.

There’s a serial killer loose in London. The victims are high profile; the victims left naked, hog-tied, and dead in their beds! Without giving too much away, the Met’s top brass seem hell bent on covering up certain events BUT how far are they willing to go to protect their own? The investigation is a tough one. Every line of enquiry seems to be manipulated by the powers that be. The reader gets a genuine sense of Erika’s frustrations, and her distrust of higher-ranking officers.

Erika is one of my favourite fictional detectives. She’s ballsy and opinionated and doesn’t play by the rules if it means she can bring a killer to justice! But we get a glimpse of her vulnerable side to her in this book. She feels like a ‘dinosaur’ compared to her younger counterparts. But do not fear, she’s still feisty, and she’s not afraid to ruffle a few feathers along the way!

I appreciated the occasional chapters told from the killer’s POV. There’s something fascinating about finding out what motivates a killer! I couldn’t help but feel a smidgen of sympathy for this killer after I learnt their backstory. I appreciate a plot that veers towards the dark side. But it also has to be fuelled by tension, suspense and twists and surprises at every turn, which Robert Bryndza accomplishes with ease. Lethal Vengeance is a deliciously dark and twisted thriller that crime book junkies will devour in one hugely satisfying sitting. I cannot recommend this book enough or the whole series come to that!

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When Erika is thrust into a new series of murders, she races to find a common thread amongst them all while as always fighting the bureaucracy that wants to protect one of their own.

Erika is dealing with an unusual peace in her personal life and worrying where it is all headed when she unexpectedly arrives on the scene of a suspicious murder, with clear sexual undertones. As the body count increases it is clear that someone is settling old scores. Erika fights to stay on the case to find justice for the victims, while navigating her romantic life. As the team investigate what or who ties all the victims together. the murderer continues to use whatever means necessary to cover their tracks. Tasked with training a new recruit, as Erika moves forward she wonders just who she can and who she can't trust.

I love the Erika Foster series, especially how it portrays an outspoken woman who is an "outsider" for so many reasons trying to rise through the ranks. What makes this series especially strong is the supporting characters from the station, who all are given their chance to shine at different stages in this and previous books. Even the city is a character , as you really get the feel of London and how things work there. The chip shops, the station, etc. The author always does a good job of providing a plausible reason for the murderer's actions and gives great detail on how they carry out the crimes. I am not totally sold on where she is romantically as I always hoped for a different outcome with an existing character (s), but it makes sense in terms of her character development.

I am always excited to see a new book by the author, but this series is my gold star! I feel this book can be read as a stand alone, as most of "backstory" is not in flashbacks and do not take away from this novel.

Looking forward to spending more time with Erika, and wondering why this is not already developed into a streaming series!

*Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an advance in return for my honest review

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Detective Erika Foster is back, Yay. This is one of my favourite series and I have been following since the first book. Lethal Vengeance is book 8 in the series.
When a high-ranking politician is found dead hog tied, to prevent scandal it is reported as natural causes and Erika is nearly taken over the case.
A couple a months later a casting director and a footballer is found dead in similar circumstances. Erika is leading the case, and she is determined to find the killer and get justice for them. The Met now knows that they have a serial killer on their hands.
Erika has also got complications in her personal life with her boyfriend Igor and sixteen-year-old Son Tom. She promised to pick him up from school one day, but she was busy with work that she forgot.
I thank Raven Publishing for a copy of Robert Brydnza’s latest book. This is another fab episode in the series. This is another gripping, multi layered story, going back and forth in time to show the killers back story. The author is very good in what he writes to keep the reader’s attention throughout the story. I loved every minute of this, and I hope we don’t have to wait too long for the next book. 5 stars from me.

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This is yet another brilliant thriller from Robert Bryndza. It’s the eighth in the Erika Foster series and they just keep getting better.
This one takes place a few years after the last book and Erika and Igor are now definitely an item and, unbelievably, Erika is now 50. In this latest case, the death of an MP means the involvement of the security services and men in grey suits who seem to be trying cover up the truth. Erika begins to wonder if it is all worthwhile or if she is just becoming a dinosaur. However, she gets on and does the job with her brilliant team despite all the barriers that are put in her way.
I love the balance of police work and her personal life. We get enough detail to make her a real person and we see how the job impacts negatively on her life. However this doesn’t detract from the main story line which is riveting as always.
I loved the complexity of this case and the way that the various strands were gradually drawn together by Erika and her team. The investigation built up to an exciting conclusion which tied everything together beautifully.
Although this is the eighth book in this series, it could easily be read as a standalone. However, I would definitely recommend reading all of the other books too.
The author states that he has plenty of ideas yet for what Erika is going to do next which is brilliant news. She may be 50 but I don’t think that she’s anywhere near retirement yet.
Huge thanks to Net Galley and the publishers, Raven Street Publishing, for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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SO excited for another Erika Foster book, this one the 8th in the series. Erika has grown a lot in the past and seems much happier with her life. We have a gruesome murder that the powers that be try to hide but not for long. Please write faster Mr. Bryndza! LOL. Thanks to NetGalley, Raven Street Publishing and the Author for allowing me to read and review this book.

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Thank you for my copy of this book to read and review.

Having read all of the previous books, I was so happy to see there was a new Erika Foster book.

A really fast-paced detective story with so much tension and suspense. It had me gripped and I finished it within 2 days of starting it.

Although this is part of a series, and it does have some references to previous stories and continuity with characters, I feel it would be absolutely fine to read as a standalone. But I can’t recommend the Erika Foster series enough.

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Brilliant as always! Can't believe I'll have to wait for the next installment again now though!
Love reading these stories about Erika and her team and I was puzzled until the end of this one trying to figure out the links between the murderer and the victims.

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This is book #8 in the Erika Foster series. Whilst part of a series, it can easily be read as a standalone book. I love this author, and I love the Erika Foster books and have read them all. We're back with Erika and her team to solve the case of a serial killer. I was instantly hooked into the book when it begins with Erika and Igor's romantic meal and have to admit to having a little inward chuckle with how uncomfortable Erika was throughout it! The discovery of a body several floors down certainly ended any romance and I loved following Erika through the investigation!

The book flowed along very well and I was easily caught up with the tension of the case. It's a tricky case and there weren't many clues to go on but the team methodically works their way through what they find. Erika also finds that the cases are of interest to the security services and the top brass of Metropolitan Police, which adds to the intrigue of the murders.

The storyline was full of suspense and tension. I couldn't work out where it was initially going and how the victims were linked, but all became clear as I read. The chapters from the perspective of the killer added some background history and to a certain degree I could understand why they did it! Erika, as in all the other books, was a great leading character although I was surprised at how much older she seemed to be! I loved how she lead her team, spoke her mind and was gutsy enough to stand up to her superior officers! I really hope there's another book to carry on her story! Would recommend!

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Wow Erika Foster is back with a bang!!

I have been looking forward to this latest instalment for ages and it did not disappoint.

5 identical women but which one is the killer?

I loved this and would highly reccomend

5 stars

Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for this arc

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Thank you Raven Street Publishing and Netgalley.
Well Robert has done it again, another absolutely unputdownable book!
As always a brilliant storyline and characters. I didn’t want it to finish and bang that’s it.
Nooooooo I wanted more.
Please hurry with the next book either Erika or Kate I need more.
I cannot recommend Robert’s books highly enough 10 🌟 if I could.

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Another brilliant book from Robert Bryndza in the Erika Foster series. The quality of Robert’s writing never diminishes . From the brilliant first book the Girl in the Ice through to Lethal Vengeance, the plots are complex and dark . Erika’s personality has become less troubled but she is still feisty and determined. I couldn’t stop reading it …excellent.

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A Politician is found dead, naked, bound and gagged with masking tape, a terrified look on his face. Erika is forced off the case, and the death is ruled as natural causes. (!!!!????)
Case was closed, but soon, there is a similar death, of a star footballer, and Erika flouts her superior's rules and links the death of the politician and the footballer.

This is the third book I have read by Robert Bryndza, and he does not cease to amaze me. His writing is fantastic, and the characters are well developed.
Of course, there is a female lead, and that definitely is a draw card in my opinion!
The team that Erika has is superb, each doing a good job, with Erika intent on getting the murderer despite the limits set by 'the powers that be'.
I like Erika, she is gutsy and refuses to play by the rules.She is also not a young, naive character, and has experience behind her.
I hope there are more Erika Foster books in the future, I need to catch up and read the seven books in the series before "Lethal Vengeance".

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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