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Another pulse raising instalment from our favourite detective! I love how fresh Robert still manages to keep these! Full review coming @bookedupgirl

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First and foremost, a large thank you to NetGalley, Robert Bryndza, and Raven Street Publhing for providing me with a copy of this publication, which allows me to provide you with an unbiased review.

A fan of Robert Bryndza and his Erika Foster series, I excitedly reached for the next novel in the collection. Bryndza ends Foster’s hiatus with a great novel that ticks all the boxes and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. When a prominent politician is found bound and murdered, an investigation opens. However, it will take another prominent murder with a similar clue to really get things moving. Erika Foster is in the middle of it all as she tries to chase down leads and work with a new team member. Bryndza does well and captures all that I missed with Erika for the last few years.

When Detective Chief Inspector Erika Foster discovers the body of a man who has been tied up and masking tape over his mouth, she cannot be sure if he is dead. A quick check for a pulse confirms what she thought. That this is MP Neville Lomas adds a certain concern to the discovery. After calling it in, a snarky beat cop arrives to begin collecting evidence. A call to the Met and DCI Foster is off the case, leaving a sour taste in her mouth. This is exacerbated when the death is ruled natural causes someone pressuring the medical examiner.

Two months later, a popular athlete is found in a similar situation with a collection of labelled Polaroids, same as MP Lomas. DCI Foster jumps at the case once more and discovers that there is some CCTV footage that could help. A group of five identically dressed women accompanied the athlete to his hotel room. Four later exited, leaving one as the suspected murderer. Detective Foster follows any lead she can and the hunt is on for the killer.

In a parallel narrative, a young girl is taken from her home and placed into foster care. She learns that life is anything but easy during her time in the system, which helps shape her into the woman she has become. She stays in the shadows, but has a story to tell and vengeance to dish out to those who cross her path. Will Detectives Chief Inspector Foster be able to locate her before it’s too late? Bryndza does a fabulous job with this story and shows why readers’ patience for new Erika Foster work has been worth it.

The work of Robert Bryndza has never failed to impress me. Be it the police work of Erika Foster or Kate Marshall, there is always something to enjoy. I love how Bryndza returns to this series as though no time had passed, keeping the reader fully engaged. With short chapters and a great narrative, the story moves along and keeps the reader fully engaged. The momentum build is apparent and the tension second to none.

Character development has been an ongoing thing for this series. Erika Foster has seen a great deal over her years, though Bryndza always finds ways to pepper in a little something readers do not know beforehand. Secondary characters are well presented and their backstories, particularly those essential to the novel, emerge and develop with ease. The same can be said of plot lines, where Bryndza creates and fosters (pardon the pun) these events, tossing in a twist or two along the way to keep it interesting. While it has been a few years since the last novel, it feels as though Detective Chief Inspector Erika Foster is right where we left her.

Kudos, Mr. Bryndza, for your commitment and eagerness to keep this series alive.

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Lethal Vengeance is the eighth book in the Detective Erika Foster Crime Thriller Series - and my 18th book in total.

I’m pretty sure that makes Robert Bryndza my most-read author of all time 🙌🏻❤️

A prominent politician is found dead; hog-tied in his bed. Erika is removed from the case which is then solved alarmingly quickly with an outcome - death by natural causes. That is until months later when a casting director and famous football player are found dead in strikingly similar circumstances. Strange.

Stranger yet is the CCTV footage that shows five almost identical women - making their search for the killer that bit more difficult. What ties these people together and what is making those higher up in The Met so nervous?!

This book is ingenious. There’s tension, humour, camaraderie, suspense, dead bodies and a whole lot of questions!? It’s fast paced (I read the majority in a day) with short chapters that mean ‘just one more chapter’ is inescapable. I just love Robert Bryndza’s writing.

Full of brilliant characters - It was so great being reunited with Erika, Helen, Isaac, and the gang. Erika’s refusal to bend to authority when she believes in something is admirable - I imagine she’d be a nightmare to manage, but she’s a joy to read.

A huge thanks to Raven Street Publishers and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book for review consideration.  All opinions are my own.

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When Detective Erika Foster stumbles across a murdered politician in his room, the death is quickly covered up and Erika is told to stop investigating. It is signed off as natural causes.

After the death of a local footballer, Erika realises the cases are linked and the politician’s case has to be reopened.

This is the eighth book in the series, but it can be read as a standalone. I know this because I haven’t read any of the other books in this series. I will be remedying this because it was a superb story.

It is a fast paced story and I thought that Erika was a great character. Once she has her teeth into something, she doesn’t let go.

I felt for her boyfriend, Igor, who is completely forgotten about when she is working a case.

A great plot with some fantastic twists along the way.

My thanks to NetGalley and Raven Street Publishing for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I am grateful to the Author, Publisher and Netgalley for giving me opportunity to read this book.

This is a riveting crime thriller. Detective Erika Foster is such an interesting character. The mystery and suspense stays till the end and It will keep you guessing. All the characters appears to be mysterious. A lot of things happens in all of their lives. Every detail has been written with a purpose. The book is so gripping and suspenseful. I loved how Erika solved the murder mystery. The book is multilayered and loved to read Annabelle’s perspective too. If you are looking for a gripping Crime Thriller with Killer on loose and real cat and mouse chase, this is for you.

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Book 8 in the Detective Erika Foster series and as compelling brilliant as the rest of the series. Can be easily read as a stand alone but it always helps to read the previous books to learn context of the individuals. A well known sleeze bag of an MP is found dead, trussed up and disembowelled and Erika and her team are given the case. However she is immediately thwarted as the powers that be insist it be treated as an accidental death. And the author had me. Completely engrossed by this exciting and fast paced read and I knew I was in for a late night!

Briefly, Erika’s concerns were well founded when a few months later a well known footballer is found dead similarly trussed up. Photographs were discovered at both scenes signed by “Annabelle”. When a third body is found it is clear a serial killer is at large and Erika and her team are struggling to find the murderer. Who is Annabelle and are they being protected by someone further up the chain of authority.

A very clever thriller with a very clever killer, they leave no evidence, none! This crime thriller bursts with deviousness as the fiesty detective fights with her bosses for control whilst desperately trying to solve the case. The story is dark and there are some upsetting scenes, but nothing gratuitous. A gripping and shocking story, a real edge of the seat read with a startling climax and oh that cliffhanger!

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Erika Foster! She’s not your run-of-the-mill protagonist. Detective Chief Inspector Erika Foster is not just experienced, intelligent, and dedicated; she’s also not afraid to go rogue or fly under the radar on occasion if it means getting information needed to solve a case. This does not endear her to her superiors. In Robert Bryndza’s eighth book of this compelling series, Lethal Vengeance, Erika encounters murders of highly sensitive – and public – nature, and the department, including the coroner’s office, is caught in a sticky situation.

First, a Conservative member of Parliament is found dead in an unnatural position, and the higher-ups are pressured to keep the circumstances quiet. Then, a popular athlete dies. As clues emerge, the situation becomes clearer, and at the same time, even more puzzling.

As readers, we are privy to the background, thoughts, and actions of the killer, to some extent at least. This killer is clever, well prepared, and precise. How many more will die before this person is caught?

Mr. Bryndza has once again crafted a smart, dark mystery that pulls the reader in. (Warning: sexual language and and references.) While it could be read as a standalone, I would recommend reading the books in order. It’s more enjoyable when one knows the characters, and the members of Foster’s team are not introduced, per se. They are mentioned by name, but not much background information is given. Readers of the series will recognize the names Detective Kate Moss, Detective McGorry, and Detective Inspector Peterson, but only the newcomer, Dahlia Beck, is highlighted in significant detail. Her presence on the team is rather curious at times, as readers learn early on.

In what I’ve come to expect from Bryndza, the final chapters are quite dramatic and rather unexpected. Will we see more of any of these new characters?

I received a digital ARC of Lethal Vengeance in exchange for my honest review. My opinions and thoughts are my own. Thanks to NetGalley, Raven Street Publishing, and the author.

4 stars

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Twisty police procedural about a serial killer who is out for revenge.

“It was always the stupid people who were so sure of themselves.”

Lethal Vengeance is the 8th book in the Detective Erika Foster series.

Detective Chief Inspector Erika Foster happens to be having a romantic dinner with her partner when she stumbled upon the scene of the murder of a prominent politician. When his death becomes connected to a famous football star, Erika is warned not to investigate the case. Rather than take the threat lightly, Erika pushes boundaries and, in doing so, puts her job and her life at risk.

The narrative is primarily from Erika’s perspective who, even though she is a well-established detective, is struggling to find her place and is grappling with her future in the force. In addition to Erika’s POV, there are also chapters narrated by the mysterious Annabelle. I enjoyed these chapters as her cold, calculating character’s desire for revenge gradually took shape, and her voice drew me in.

The mystery of unraveling the killer’s identity has many layers, and the investigation goes deep. The intrigue surrounding the murders kept me turning the pages, and the tension and suspense continued to build, culminating in a wild showdown.

My major gripe is Brynzda’s constant reference to the characters' names multiple times in sentences and paragraphs drove me crazy as it was repetitive and overwrought. This element strained the narrative a bit as I was distracted by the overuse.

Despite my gripe with the writing, this was another solid addition to the series. The mystery is gripping, and Erika’s character continues to grow. Her relationship with Igor is cute, and I hope we see more of them in the next book.

TW: sexual assault

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and Raven Street Publishing.

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I enjoy Robert Bryndza's Kate Marshall and Erika Foster murder mystery series, and this Erika Foster offering is one of the best so far.

Erika stumbles upon a murdered politician who is hog-tied and suffocated, but before she can get her team together, she is taken off the case, and the death is quickly ruled as natural causes. When another high-profile victim is found, killed in the same manner, Erika digs in her heels and battles upper management to take charge of the case. During her investigation, she uncovers another similar killing, and the hunt for the serial killer is on. The only thing known about the perpetrator is that she is a sex worker who leaves explicit photos at each crime scene, signed "Annabelle." What she looks like, and her motivation is another mystery the team needs to solve to catch the killer before she strikes again.

As usual, Bryndza does an excellent job of plotting and pacing to keep up the tension throughout the book. The reader follows Erika and Annabelle in their cat-and-mouse game, with Annabelle seemingly one step ahead. The more I got to know Annabelle, the more I was rooting for her--odd, I know, but she is so well drawn it was hard not to. Although this is the eighth book in the series, there are sufficient details to read this as a standalone and not feel lost. However, I recommend reading the entire series because it is so good.

4.5/5 stars.

Thank you, NetGalley and Raven Street Publishing, for furnishing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. The publication date is February 8, 2024.

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I can't stop thinking abo0ut this book! It was an absolutely perfect addition to the series. I love following Erica Foster, her character is so well written and real you can't help but get on board with her!
The theme of corruption is so on point, it felt like this was possible and was something that could happen, therefore, you were thrown into the book and absolutely had to keep reading!
I loved the plot, I couldn't place together the links between all the characters, it was intricate and so well done, you found out information just as you were meant to, I absolutely could not guess where this was going.
Usually, in a book, you can't get on board with the perpetrator of such a heinous crime, but this is so well written it leaves you questioning your morals.
This book is a perfect example of why I always look forward to Roberts books, and absolute masterclass in an excellent crime thriller!

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From the beginning this book draws you in. Gripping storyline which kept me on the edge of my seat and turning the page. Loved the back story that didn't give to much away but helped develop the plot. I need Dt Erika Foster in my life as a no nonsense real life character that constantly has to fight the system for a greater cause. I read this as a standalone book, but will definitely be adding the previous titles to my must read list. Loved it and would recommend to lovers of crime and mystery.

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Robert Bryndza has become another “go to” author for me. This is the 8th in his DCI Erika Foster series.

When a naked man is discovered murdered, having been hog tied and humiliated, Erika is first on the scene. The victim is a top level politician and almost immediately the case is wrested away from Erika and his death ruled natural causes. Then a popular footballer is found dead in the same circumstances. As Erika investigates, she discovers an earlier case with the same MO. Clues suggest sex worker involvement and it seems the higher ups are trying to keep Erika quiet and out of the loop. Nothing, though, will keep Erika from her pursuit of the perpetrator.

I like fifty year old Erika, despite her propensity to being rather brash and often annoying to her superiors. They put up with her because her solve rate is outstanding. Told from two POVs, Erika’s and the killers, this is yet another riveting, can’t put down mystery/thriller from Bryndza. The focus here is on the relentless pursuit of the very clever criminal as well as unraveling the why of choice of victims. I really liked the shifting narratives that explained the motivation behind the crimes.

You always know with Bryndza’s books that there will be a well plotted story that will hook you from the beginning. This book can work as a standalone. By the way, I also like his series featuring private investigator Kate Marshall.

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# 8 in the Erika Foster series, and I get a chance to read it far upfront, so exciting. Fatal Witness (#7) opened a door onto Erika's private life, and this being further worked on in this new book. Bryndza once again manages to grab my attention as from the first pages, such a pleasure to read his books. And once again, the author does not let me down, an welt built up storyline, reading comfortably away, nice balance between the police investigation and the private life of the main characters. Working towards the plot all ends nicely come together, still creating a litte surprise at the end, asking for a next book to further fulfill one of the 2 questions I still have when closing the epub. One of the question will be obvious for whomever reads, but one character mostly likely remains to be explained, still rest asure, this does not mean there are loose ends !
So happy I was allowed to read "Lethal Vengeance" upfront and absolutely looking forward to the sequel.
Thanks Rob for making reading thrillers so enjoyable !

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Ha! How about I start the review with this; I hope the 9th Erika Foster book will be just around the corner. Because. Damn.

Lethal Vengeance is the long awaited 8th isntallment of the DCI Erika Foster series. Even though this is a part of a series, it does work very well as a stand-alone (and as an introduction to DCI Foster).

Fast-paced, intense and shocking.

This was a solid cat and mouse-game between the serial killer and Erika, with personal life and political agendas mixed into the story.

A huge shout-out and thanks to Raven Street Publishing and to Robert Bryndza for letting me read Lethal Vengeance in advance!

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This is a brilliant series so I had high expectations going into this book but Bryndza definitely exceeded those expectations.

This was a brilliantly, complex, dark novel where Erika Foster is on the trail of a killer who is targeting high profile targets who have a track record of not treating women well. Each crime scene contains polaroid pictures of the victims with the name 'Annabelle' on them. But who is Annabelle and how is Erika going to catch her?

As I say, this novel was dark but very well plotted. It moves along at a steady pace and builds to a thrilling conclusion.

Thanks to Netgalley and Raven Street Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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In Robert Bryndza's latest crime thriller, Lethal Vengeance, Detective Erika Foster takes center stage in a relentless pursuit of justice through the dark and treacherous streets of London. Bryndza masterfully crafts a narrative that intertwines suspense, psychological depth, and unexpected twists, showcasing his protagonist's resilience and complexity. As Erika confronts a series of gruesome murders, the story unfolds with a seamless blend of crime-solving intensity and moments of vulnerability, providing readers with a nuanced and authentic portrayal of the detective. The cat-and-mouse game with an intelligent and calculating killer keeps the tension high until the final pages. With its gripping exploration of the human condition and a compelling plot, Lethal Vengeance stands as a testament to Bryndza's prowess in the crime thriller genre, leaving readers eager for more from this captivating series.

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Thank you to Net Galley, the publishers and of course Robert.

Well, what is so important when reading serial books, is read them all in order, from the start.

Robert Bryndza books are a series I have followed from the start, I enjoy the characters, especially the outspoken and sharp Erika Foster, and also her whole team.

The man lay on his front, his arms and legs bound and pulled up with a rope connecting the two. His head was arched back, so he faced the curtains, and there was masking tape over his mouth. Erika gingerly reached out and checked his pulse.

Yep. Dead all right.

When Detective Erika Foster finds politician Neville Lomas naked, hog-tied, and dead in his own bed, skittish higher-ups at the Met quickly rule the death from natural causes. Case closed . . . until two months later when a well-known casting director and a star footballer are found murdered and tied with the same knots. The Met can no longer ignore what’s staring them in the face: there’s a serial killer loose in London, and they’re out to settle a score.

As Erika and her team investigate, things take a strange turn as CCTV footage turns up five female suspects . . . and they’re all identical.

In the hunt to identify the women, Erika is outpaced at every turn by an elusive sex worker with dirt on enough powerful men to make the Met’s top brass nervous – and desperate.

As time ticks away until the killer strikes again, it’s up to Erika to untangle the web of evidence and answer the critical questions: What ties the victims together, who else is caught up in this scandal, and how far are the higher-ups willing to go to protect their own?

A terrific gripping, multi-layered thriller, a crime thriller, with her team, her private life, politics, characters who you are not sure are good or bad.

A clear four star.

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Actually this is book eighth from the series and also my first read from the author. But the author doing great job gave enough ground for new reader as me to take enough grabs into the characters and the story.

This series featuring DI Erika Foster and her team. The MC is fierce, smart and humanly. Not only I got relatif senior woman as main lead, the author also provide us with depth and real personal emotions from Erika. The serial killer hunting and investigation going slow pace at beginning but very engaging. It will pick up later and I cant put this book down.

I got fun reading time with this book and cant wait to pick another installment from the author.

Thank you to Netgalley and Raven Street Publishing for providing a copy of this ebook. I have voluntarily read and reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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On a romantic night out with her partner Igor, DCI Erika Foster is panicking as she thinks Igor is about to propose. Popping out for some air and to get her emotions under control, Erika makes the mistake of going back into the building through the wrong door, and ends up being the first responder on a murder scene. However, the case is soon taken out of her hands by the powers that be, as the victim is an MP, and his dubious activities are a cause for concern within the government. After a complete whitewash by the authorities, the case is declared natural causes. However, a few months later, another suspicious death comes under Erika’s jurisdiction, and the MO, plus items left at the scene are too similar to the first death to be ignored. With the bit between her teeth, Erika is out to find the murderer, but there are several obstacles to overcome in doing so, not least the top brass who are determined to scupper all her efforts.

As usual this instalment of the DCI Erika Foster is a gripping read. Lots of clever writing and a very involved plot with great characters. There is a cliffhanger, which I do not like, but apart from that very good!

Almost perfect, now looking forward to the next set of adventures for Erika and her team.

Thank you NetGalley and Raven Street.

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This was such a good one! Erika is back with a new case. Some high profile people have been murdered, so of course, she’s being stonewalled by the higher ups. Is that going to stop Erika? Absolutely not. I think this was a formidable opponent that she was chasing. I honestly didn’t know if I was rooting for Erika or the killer to be honest. This was probably my favorite of the series & I would love seeing more from this particular killer & Erika. Great installment!

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