Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for this advance reader copy in exchange for my free and honest review. This was a nice, semi-romantic mystery novel. No spine tingling suspense or hair raising situations. A nice read from start to finish.

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I was lead to believe this was a thriller but it’s not really, more focuses on grief and life.

It was a good read, followed a storyline, good to get to know the characters but not what I was expecting.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
Two timelines and a family drama make this a quick and good read. I enjoyed it.

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You ever want to get invested into a mystery, only to find yourself invested in family and relationship drama? This book initially starts in media rez only to take us back and explain things in a way that only led to more questions for me until eventually the puzzle began to connect. With multiple points of view along with characters that are constantly lying to the reader, this book is actually a fun read. If you enjoy family dramas you will get a lot out of this incredible book.

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I enjoyed this book and it was a great read for a weekend reset. I liked the turns and the different characters and the ending was great. This book was well written and thought out and I like that. It was very enjoyable and entertaining.
I just reviewed The Night She Died by Deirdre Palmer. #TheNightSheDied #NetGalley
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This book was certainly a character driven story. Its told in a past and present timeline. The ending was bit lackluster but overall a great book.

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I went into this expecting a twisty thriller based on the blurb and was disappointed as it reads more like a family drama. This one didn't capture my attention as much as her previous book but it was an okay read.

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I thought this was going to be more of a thriller than it was - although the book was good
i was hoping for a little more thriller given the book blurb.
Well written and plotted

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This was an enjoyable enough read but I have to admit that I thought the synopsis was a little misleading..What I expected to be a psychological thriller full of intrigue and plot twists turned out to be more of a romance. Danni's death was almost an afterthought. I thought the romance was really sweet and I love the way everyone in the story was connected to someone else even if in several cases they were unaware. It was almost like those 6 degrees of separation puzzles and I thought it was really clever.. It's not the type of book I would normally choose but if you enjoy stories of family life with some romance and a bit of a mystery then it should suit you well.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book

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I love psychological thrillers! this one was a total page turner full of twists and turns, just when you think you have it all worked out, you haven't!! I would thoroughly recommend this book, thank you Netgalley x

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The night she died is a suspenseful thriller involving family drama. I loved the characters and would highly recommend! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this

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A dark and gripping thriller that I couldn't put down. Well paced and full of suspense and tension, it kept me guessing all the way through

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4 stars.

I honestly thought for some reason this was going to be a thriller, but it wasn’t. I also got a little lost here & there throughout the book. Some side stories I wasn’t sure were really needed either, but ignore that part. This unfortunately wasn’t my favorite read as of recently, but it was still a good book & I enjoyed the ending.

Thanks to NetGalley for the read. This review is 100% my personal opinion of the book.

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I’d give this a 3.5 / I thought this was going to be more of a thrill/suspense, so I was disappointed when it wasn’t. I was lost in many parts of the book. It seems like mini stories that all came together in the end. The ending wasn’t as “big reveal” as I was expecting but I felt it brought most of the book together. We could have done without some of the side stories.

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC!

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A very interesting story, though marketed as a thriller it's more character driven drama but that doesn't take away from the story. Good characters that you can get invested in, the pace is slow but I found U Couldn't put it down. Thanks to Storm publishing and Netgalley for a review copy

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This was classified as a thriller but I would say it was a family drama more so. It was still good and kept my interest though it was a bit of a slow burner.

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This was t quite the thriller I'd been expecting but I still found it very captivating none the less. It touches on a lot of topics regarding secrets, grief and loss and deals with them realistically whilst still being really interesting! It's character driven and whilst it was a let down as a thriller, it's an amazing drama that kept me invested from the start

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I am a. Huge fan of housemaid by Frieda McFadden and when I read the description it made me want to read it! This book did not disappoint! If kept me interested and engaged from the first page to the very last! This is a domestic thriller and the first I read by this author. I can’t wait to read more :)

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Reading the blurb I was convinced this was gonna be a mystery who done it big secret reveal. I was so wrong there seemed to be side stories connecting to the main story to aid in the character development.
It dealt with a lot of tough subjects grief,guilt,betrayal and inappropriate thoughts. It was a relatively short book and the actual story seemed to take a long time to fet gping. At times the story got be confised as it went from the past to a side story to present. I was a bit disappointed when the big reveal about the night she died. However I was impressed with how the stories were pulled together at the end. I found this redemmed the stoey and turned it into a 4 star read. For me there was not enough about the night she died. It was more about the effect of that night on the chatacters and their interaction with the side stories.. i f you like more about relationships than mystery you will enjoy this more.
Thank you netgallery and publisher and author

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Originally when I started this book I thought it was going to be a thriller and I discovered the more I read it wasn’t a thriller but it told the story of a family that suffered the terrible loss of their daughter and her friend and how they coped with the loss. I found my mind wandering while reading because I was expecting a thriller. This was a good book regardless. I would definitely read more from this author.

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