Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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Very cute and unexpected read. This first presented itself to be a simple concept but the further i got i realized how multiple threads were woven together. There was great commentary on family, love and spirituality.

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Jim Garland’s "Pocket Dog" is a charming and heartfelt story that captures the unique bond between a small dog and its owner. Set in a quaint town, the novel follows the adventures and misadventures of a tiny, spirited dog that fits perfectly into the pocket of his owner’s coat, making for a unique and endearing premise.

Garland's writing is warm and inviting, with a knack for humor and detailed storytelling that brings the characters and their small-town setting to life. The relationship between the dog and its owner is portrayed with tenderness and depth, exploring themes of companionship, loyalty, and the joy pets bring into our lives.

"Pocket Dog" is a delightful read, ideal for animal lovers and anyone who enjoys stories of friendship and community, infused with light-heartedness and genuine emotion.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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Ollie Allyinphree is a very nerdy man who enjoys researching obscure subjects and has a wealth of knowledge about long dead languages and far flung places that he has never visited except through the pages of a book. Despite all his knowledge he has no idea how to meet and interact with women. on seeking advice he decides to get a manly XL dog to attract the ladies, this leads to a series of events that will eventually change his life. I found this book to be strewn with nuggets of charm and humour. However, Ollie's complete haplessness and lack of awareness does get a bit old as we traverse though his adventures.

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Such a great book!

Ollie's world opens up when he wins $60 million in the weirdest way ever. Because of that, he starts thinking of his love life (or lack of it) and his lost twin brother. His story is known all around the world, and women all over it are sending him marriage proposals by mail. That story also helps his twin to find him... and his insights are helping him with his social skills (which were non existant).

One of the first steps to meet someone is to get a dog. He wants a big one but.... read this book so you get to know what happened when Ollie adopted Tex.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for giving me a free eARC of this book to read in exchange for my review!

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For all the dog lovers who want a cute book with great characters to make your day brighter. This was one cute book.

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This one was a miss for me. I DNF'ed after the first chapter. I just could not get into the story. I am sure it will have appeal for other readers though!

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an arc of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I felt this was a well-written cute little romcom book. I enjoyed reading it, and it definitely kept me laughing. I enjoyed that it had elements of a normal romcom but wasn't just your standard romcom you see everywhere. I enjoyed that it had a fresh twist to that norm. I would definably read this again!

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Cute, poignant and heartwarming. It made me smile and moved, I rooted for the characters and loved the storytelling.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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📚 Pocket Dog by Jim Garland: A Whimsical Rom-Com Adventure 🌟

🌟🌟🌟.5 Stars

Being a dedicated research librarian, Ollie Allyinphree's life takes an unexpected turn when a windfall brings forth a flood of marriage proposals from around the globe. Yet, Ollie's journey through relationships proves more intricate than anticipated. Enter a long-lost twin brother and a pint-sized rescue dog, and suddenly, Ollie finds himself on a quest to uncover his heart's true desires.

What I Liked:
The whimsy in Ollie's charmingly nerdy character resonated well with my bookish soul. The narrative invites readers into a journey that goes beyond the surface of relationships, delving into the complexities of decision-making and the enigmatic nature of love.

Room for Improvement:
While the storyline is engaging, I found some elements predictable, and the resolution, though sweet, unfolded somewhat predictably.

Final Thoughts:
Pocket Dog is a delightful rom-com that invites readers to ponder the intricacies of love and risk-taking. Ollie's adventure is endearing, and the inclusion of a tiny rescue dog adds a heartwarming touch. A recommended read for those seeking a light-hearted exploration of the complexities of matters of the heart. 💕

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A cute book for all we nerds out there with dogs. Loved that it was book nerdy-ish and showed how there is someone out there for everyone.

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Could not really follow the story or what was happening so struggled to get into the book. Therefore rated it one star.

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Pocket Dog
by Jim Garland

Ollie Allyyinphree is a research librarian who randomly answered an email to help an orphanage. By helping them out he gets a monthly check. He answers his mail from women seeking to marry a millionaire. Love how he is so cheerful and polite he replies.
He thought an XL dog would help him find love. He was sent Tex, an XS dog. But what a wonder the pocket dog was. I loved this book. It is not satire, but a real originally written great book.

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Oh what to do with too much money! Poor Ollie is just a librarian with a small dog that hates people. And the fortune teaches him the true meaning of sharing and socializing

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I am so glad I read this. It was a little slow for me at the beginning but very quickly grasped my attention. I devoured this in about 5 hours lol.

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This book is so weird! But once i was able to calibrate to the weirdness it was delightful. For the first 20% of the book I was very confused. Was I reading satire? The descriptions are so perfect. The circumstances are so strange! But then it finally clicked: this is how the main character sees the world! How everything not logical is absurd, which is the same feeling I had reading the book. So this is one of the BEST books I’ve ever read for putting the reader firmly in the mind of the main character!

The plot itself was fun! There’s Tex, the pocket dog from the title, and several chapters are told from his POV. I started to list other characters and realized I’d run out of space. What I’m trying to say is that there’s something relateable in each of the characters.

Thank you to the Victoria Editing Netgalley Co-op for this ARC! This is my honest review.

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I enjoyed Tex, and I enjoyed the letters, but everything else was just too "extra" for me. Every single character was overly quirky, so it just took me out of the story. I don't need rom coms to be believable, but when every character is over the top, it makes them all forgettable.

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Thank you publisher and author for allowing me to read this quirky rom-com for my honest review. Ollie is a big hearted, introvert looking for love. In his aloneness, he looks for a dog & finds Tex. Ollie is trusting and sees the best in everyone. He wants to be included and part of something. In trying to help orphans, he ends up becoming too well known & with quite a bit of money. But what he really wants is someone to live his quiet life with him.
I loved that Tex was a tiny dog with a large mission. I enjoyed the chapters that were from his view point. I liked the proposal letters that started the chapters. Ollie's answers were great. I loved Ollie and Regina.
There are a lot of oddities and seemingly random characters. No one was just a person. They all had these overpowering oddities to who they were. The long lost brother, the rapper, Fanny, every supporting character. They did not feel real to me. Overall it is a good read that wisks away the afternoon hours.

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