Member Reviews

A quirky story involving a little dog made to bring people together. Some of the story caught me off guard and took a minute to catch up and realise at times it was from the dogs point of view which I found a bit strange

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Quirky writing never really works for me unfortunately, so I could not connect with this book. The premise was also a bit too far-fetched for me.

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3 stars

I’m not sure this one is for me. I loved the premise. However the ease of reading was quite rough. It had its moments of quirky fun, and I did enjoy the letters. Overall it didn’t capture my attention the way I had hoped.

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A fun and quirky read. The story of Ollie who adopts ting dog Tex and along the way makes new friends and find his long lost twin brother.

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Oof this was rough (ruff?). Not sure what was going on half the time. The plot didn’t make much sense and the intro was a bit ridiculous regarding the supposed “windfall”. Maybe just me, but I didn’t think it worked.

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This was an unexpected and enjoyable read. What initially appeared as a simple premise was actually multiple threads woven together to produce quite a unique rom com. Ollie has come into a significant fortune after responding to a scam email which turns out to be genuine. He longs for a partner, but is unable to delve through the many marriage proposals which flood in after his fortune. Along with his ‘pocket dog’ Tex, Ollie explores many different relationships.

I finished this book in a day, and really enjoyed the commentary on family, love, spirituality and taking chances. Many of the characters were larger than life, which was a thought provoking contrast to Ollie and Regina. I particularly loved the letters at the start of each chapter, and Ollie’s dedication to replying to each one. Thank you to the author and NetGalley for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Ollie Allyyinphree is a research librarian who randomly answered an email to help an orphanage. By helping them out he gets a monthly check for a commission. Because he’s pretty much a millionaire this weird outcast gets daily marriage proposals. Deciding he needed a dog(to find love) he adopts a xl dog and instead gets a xs dog.

My favorite part of the story was definitely the letters. They were a cute addition to the book. And of course how can you not love Tex. This book is a very unusual romcom and not like many I have read.

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What a unique and different concept for a book from the usual fiction I read and acquire. I’m so excited to read about Ollie’s journey to love and share my thoughts especially dealing with coming into money which surely makes things more difficult to find true love. I think myself and readers are really going to enjoy this heartfelt story and I can’t wait to share more very soon!

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