Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Tantor Media for giving me an early audio copy of this book. I wanted to express my gratitude for the chance to read it before it officially comes out.

As for the book itself, I think it's okay. It's not a bad read, but I do have some concerns, especially if you're considering it for a book club. It's a relatively short book that you can finish quickly, which some readers might like. However, the characters weren't well-developed, possibly because this is the author's first book in a new series.

One thing that I found a bit lacking was how predictable the plot was. While some readers might enjoy an easy-to-follow book, I personally prefer more complexity and surprises. However, I do think this book could be a suitable gift for someone who enjoys lighter, more predictable reads.

Overall, I wouldn't go out of my way to get this book, but if you're looking for something to read and have run out of other options, it might be worth picking up. That being said, I would also encourage you to explore other books and authors, as there are likely more engaging choices available.

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An interesting book about the wild west. I was a bit worried about the narrator but I actually enjoyed his voice once we got going. Good read too.

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1866, Wyoming. Tucker Cobb and Butch Keeling are making the first run of their stagecoach line, The Frontier Overland Company. Little do they know the troubles this first run will bring! A ruthless businessman, King Charles Hagen, sees their company as a danger to his shipping empire and aims to crush their budding business. Can these two fearless men carve out a place in the Wyoming Frontier, or are they doomed from the start?

While I’ve never read this author before, I have seen the name before and knew he was a prolific writer. I was interested to see that it has become a family business now. The blurb caught my attention and I decided to step back into a genre I haven’t read in awhile. Cobb and Keeling were both interesting main characters. Neither young nor old, they’ve had life experience that helps them navigate the trials they face.

I will say a supporting character overshadowed them: Hunt, a former actor and gunslinger turned preacher. I would have loved an entire book about him. Every time the book followed him, I was excited. The other supporting cast was interesting in their own way.

The plot moved very quickly and a lot is packed into this story. I had the pleasure of listening to the audio version. The narrator, Cody Roberts, brought each character to life, though there were a few occasions where a few voices were similar and I wasn’t sure which one I was hearing.

Overall, this was an exciting adventure. The abrupt ending leads me to believe it is the first in a series. I would recommend it to readers looking for a western adventure.

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Thank you NetGalley and Tantor Media for an advance audio copy of this book. This book is ok. I don’t think it would be good for a book club. It’s a pretty fast read. The characters don’t have a lot of development but this seems like it is the first in a new series for the author. It seems sort of cliched. Lots of bar brawls, a pretty woman who is a prostitute, a preacher, a bossy evangelizer and of course, a stage coach. Nothing is unpredictable, so this might be the book to give as a gift. One thing, this book is set in Wyoming but the narrator makes everyone sound like they are from Texas. Only one of the characters actually is, so that is a bit off putting. You don’t really have to go out of your way to get this book. If you don’t have anything else, pick it up, otherwise read something else.

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Tucker Cobb and Butch Keeller or on the dusty road again but before setting off Tucker hast to get in between a lovelorn spoiled adult boy in Jane the woman who is leaving for Laramie. This doesn’t sit well with the Haskins boy and he gets his workers from the mind to try and way lay the coach drivers but they although out numbered the two Road weary men were still the victors and The minors came out lesser for it. The trouble wasn’t over however because at their next stop they found the waystation man hanging in his barn with his horses gone his son unconscious and his wife frantic. This is just the beginning of an even bigger problem because when they move on to Evansville the sheriff Raquel doesn’t take too kindly to the two do goodies especially Tucker Cobb who has a harder time holding his emotion then his friend not to mention he fancies Miss Jane and in the end may have more to lose. I listen to the audiobook and thought the narrator was one of the best narrators and westerns I have ever listened to and although they do have some really great western now ration this guy could definitely win contest he is good with character distinction setting a gray tone and definitely getting the whole attitude of the cowboy in the book or the outlaw. I really liked this book and I’m disappointed I missed the first one but will definitely rectify that I am obsessed with the Johnstone westerns and love all of them I just wish they had a female western hero and not just side chicks wives and girlfriends but a main female character that is just as bad with a gun as the heroes of his books. Having said all that however I still loved this book and give it five stars. I want to thank Kensington books and Net Galley for my free arc audio and digital copy. Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my

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