Member Reviews

This is a complicated story for Kelsey whose life was just turned upside down when her father sold the family ranch out from under her.
Elizabeth is still trying to prove herself to her father and he’s assigned her to over see renovations at a remote ranch their company just bought. Little does she know she’s being set up to fail.
These two woman have a very hot and instant attraction until they find out who the other is.
Kelsey and Elizabeth’s story is a strangers to hook up to enemies to endless possibilities.
This is a great story you don’t want to miss. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Thank you #NetGalley #BoldStrokesBooks #Radclyffe. For this ARC

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When you read a Radclyffe story know there is going to be turmoil, a butch/femme dynamic romance, opposites being attracted to each other, power plays, high flyers and the good guys……gals triumphing over the bad ones. So it will be of no surprise that you get that and a bit more with the addition of Cannon.

I enjoyed this out on the Ranch romance.

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Kelsey Brunel loves the land that has been in her family for generations. She manages the modestly successful dude ranch and assumes it will always be her life. Unexpectedly her father announces he has sold the property to a large company who runs wellness centers. Elizabeth Sutton is driven and ambitious. She works for her father's business and he sends to Arizona to get the newly acquired property up and running. It is just another in a long line of tests from him.

This is a story of two strong women, from different walks of life, that are dealing with situations instigated by their fathers. There are so many things to love. The small town with western landscapes is easy to imagine. The characters are richly crafted with backgrounds that have shaped who they are. The first time they meet it is for an anonymous evening. Once working together, there is yearning and boundaries before giving way to passion. I cared for Liz and Kelsey and waited patiently to see their lives turn into a HEA.

I’ve read both these authors before and this is the first time Radclyffe has collaborated in storytelling. There are a few abrupt transitions at the ends of chapters where I wondered if I missed a page or two. I expected a scene to continue only to find a jump in time a few days, but otherwise the writing flows seamlessly. I was fully engaged in the story and it is easy to recommend to others. I like that it plays out over several months so it doesn’t feel rushed. Because the secondary title refers to it as A Red Sky Ranch Romance, I am hopeful there will be more books coming from this setting. Fingers crossed that Liz’s assistant Olivia gets her own romance. I will be waiting for it or anything new from the authors individually. (4.5 Stars)

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Fire in the Sky and in their hearts.
It's always the same with the family.
They can make your life hell!
Kelsey and Elizabeth both have similar experiences, but in two very different ways.
The first meeting is super hot and exciting.
Ellie and Kelsey can't keep their eyes off each other, or their hands.
As hot and exciting as this one meeting is, the morning after is extremely sobering!
Kelsey was not privy to her father's plans.
Completely unexpectedly, from one moment to the next she finds herself merely an employee and no longer the potential heir to her beloved Red Sky Ranch!
What's more, the woman who drove her crazy the night before is the one who seemingly owns everything.
Can it get any worse? It can!
Because Kelsey hates and desires Ellie at the same time!
What a mess!
The same goes for Elizabeth. Who had no idea who she got involved with the night before, even if it was only for a hot, short period of time!

The story is very well written and can be read quickly.
I definitely couldn't stop reading, because i wanted to know who, why and so on...
However, the end came a bit abruptly, or at least that's how it seemed to me.
A happy ending is definitely guaranteed!

Thanks to the Authors Radclyffe and Julie Cannon and Bold Stroke Books for the ARC!

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I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

Kesley is blindsided when her father sale the Red Sky ranch that been in her family for years she thought she would’ve inherit. Kelsey is beside herself when she learns more of what been going on she decides to stay on to make she whomever brought the ranch will do right by it and the employees. Elizabeth has been trying to prove herself to her father when he spring on her that he bought a ranch and want her to oversee it. Kelsey and Elizabeth meets to blow off steam and windup having one night stand not knowing that they going to be working together. They both are shock when they see each other but decides to stay professional but that easier said and done when their attraction for each other is stronger then they realize. This was a good read Kelsey and Elizabeth may have grew up differently but they had more in common then they know.

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If Radclyffee is writing a book then I'm reading it. I'm hoping that this series continues to grow. Kelsey is content with her life running a dude ranch but when Elizabeth is tasked with transforming the ranch into a wellness center their differences collide. It isn't long before they are drawn to each other and the sparks are flying.

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I wasn't sure what to expect with this collaboration between Radclyffe and Cannon. I've read almost all of Radclyffe's books, but haven't had the pleasure of reading any of Cannon's. That will need to be rectified soon if this book is anything to judge by.

Kelsey Brunel loves Red Sky Ranch and is shocked and dismayed when her father sells it without a backward glance to some big company she'd never heard of. She's angry and hurt and when Elizabeth shows up, it's not at all what she expected.

Elizabeth Sutton has worked for the family empire for years trying to prove herself to her father, but always fails, no matter how hard she tried. When she's sent to turn their new acquisition into their latest wellness spa, it doesn't go like she though it would.

Kelsey and Elizabeth are alike in some ways and very different in others. The writing was superb and you could feel each of them and the battles they both faced. It was a great book with amazing detail that I almost fell like I was on the ranch. The chemistry exploded off the page and you want them to get together, but this is definitely a slow burn. Or more like a slow sizzle until it all finally comes to a head.

The only thing I didn't really like was the ending felt very abrupt and some of the conflicts seemed to get resolved very quickly when it seemed like it should be more. Overall, I would recommend this book as it draws you in from the very beginning and doesn't let go even after you finish it.

I received and ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Two excellent storytellers work together to bring a smart, gripping book that will keep you enthralled until the end. A story of two women both dealing with being let down by their fathers, set on an enchanting 'dude' ranch in Arizona. The sense of place is strong, the two main women are realistic, connect in a believable way, the minor characters are well rounded and the ending was engagingly dramatic. Wonderful story told well.

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is such a great collaboration between these two authors. I love the character development and the story behind both main characters. It was such a fun read! I recommend this to anyone who loves these authors.

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City slicker meets the cowgirl
Fire in the Sky is the first collaboration by two accomplished authors and it was a entertaining read. The romance is character driven. Both Kelsey, who expected to earn the ranch from her father, and Elizabeth, who has to turn said ranch (which her father bought from Kelsey‘s father) into a luxury resort and prove herself - again. I loved to see who both main characters struggle with their fathers and find their own terms.
It was fun to see how the authors played the different tropes (fling-to-forever, city slicker vs. cowgirl, enemies to lovers, strong women in a men‘s world, ice queen) and pulled it off to create an excellent read. I found the end a bit rushed though.
There is hope for a sequel because Olivia - what about Olivia? She vanished in the end and richly deserves her own story, right?

I received an ARC via netgalley. The review is left voluntarily.

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Kelsey and Elizabeth are polar opposites but have the shared experience of dismissive and unsupportive fathers. After an anonymous one night stand, Kelsey discovers that Elizabeth’s family business has purchased her father’s ranch. Devastated and irate she nonetheless works closely with Elizabeth to support the ranch staff through the transition. As the project progresses, tempers cool and attraction grows.

This light read was well paced, and didn’t lean heavily on typical insta-love or city mouse/country mouse tropes. I thought Kelsey and Elizabeth’s relationship was authentic, and their characters had depth, which made this a very enjoyable read. I really liked the side characters, particularly Olivia, who also had well rounded identities.

Thank you Bold Strokes Books, Inc. and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy of this book.

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I couldn't believe my eyes when I spotted the cover of this book. Two of my favorite sapphic writers joined forces to come up with a passionate tale as boundless as the land being fought over. The main characters traverse inner and external turmoil to rise above the ashes and obtain a HEA they so honestly deserved. None of that would have been believable if not for the talented words weaved together by the authors. Thoroughly enjoyed.

Thank you to Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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Kelsey and Elizabeth meet up and have a one night stand. Next day they discover they have to work together. Kelsey feels betrayed by her father as he has sold the ranch she expected to inherit. Elizabeth works for the companion who bought it. Sparks fly as they go head to head regarding the changes Elizabeth wants to make.

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This story delves into the lives of Kelsey and Elizabeth, both grappling with the haunting shadows of their troubled familial dynamics.. Kelsey's shattered dreams and the sense of betrayal when her father callously abandons her reverberate through the narrative, immersing readers in the depths of her emotional turmoil.

The comparison of Kelsey's unwavering commitment to her family's Arizona dude ranch and Elizabeth's struggle to prove her worth to her Father sets the stage for a narrative rich in contrasts. The authors weave together these seemingly disparate worlds, crafting a nuanced exploration of identity, ambition, and the pursuit of one's path amid familial expectations.

As Kelsey and Elizabeth, seemingly from different universes, collide, the tension and chemistry between them become palpable. The slow-burning attraction, set against the backdrop of conflicting desires and divergent life trajectories, adds layers of complexity to their evolving relationship.

The novel's denouement is a masterstroke, providing a deeply satisfying resolution to the characters' arcs. The love and support they find in each other offer a poignant commentary on the transformative power of genuine connection. The concept of a chosen family takes center stage, redefining the conventional notions of belonging and support. This literary work transcends the romance genre, delving into the intricate layers of human emotion, resilience, and the profound impact of found families. With well-crafted characters and a narrative that seamlessly blends heartbreak and hope, the novel leaves a lasting impression, inviting readers to reflect on the enduring strength of the human spirit.

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This is the 1st time I have read anything by these authors. I really enjoyed the storyline and I liked the characters and how the characters developed especially I would say Elizabeth's characters development.
Will read more by these authors thankyou for advanced copy.

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Two classic sapphic authors that I adore. This book brought out both their best writing!
I hope to see more collaboration between the two again!

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this exciting new book

kelsey brunel is about to have the rug pulled from under herself by non other than her father

elizabeth sutton is about to be sent to the end of the earth to try and get a backwater farm up and running in their family business, its a punishment metered out by her father for the faux par she committed

kelsy and elizabeth are about to meet but first they both need to let off some steam

what both of them dont realise until they do meet at the backwater that their night of hot steamy sex the night before was with each other

have to say i thoroughly enjoyed this one, and who doesnt with cowboys and business people coming together but it was the characters that made this book for me kelsey and elizabeth both from families that are pole apart but they each had something in common.... they each tried to get their parents approval but alas it wasnt forth coming and the heartbreak was very real, you could feel their emotions on the page

cant wait to read more from both these authors again

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All Kelsey and Elizabeth seem to have in common are ungrateful fathers. And an off the charts attraction. They meet under what looks like a one night stand before realising that they have been thrown together by their fathers, one selling the life away from Kelsey and the other banishing her from her normal business operations because she slept with the wrong woman. There some predictability where the project’s sabotage is concerned and the flow of the story seem to struggle a little, especially when the long lost mother shows up and then absolutely nothing comes out of that. A colab between 2 well established authors. A quick read for me, just about the 3.5 star mark.
Free ARC via NetGalley

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This is the story of two women who have similar issues with their immediate family members and that has somehow brought them together. Although both are much more complex than just that. Elizabeth Sutton is the daughter of a luxury resort businessman, her father has always thought less of her, although lately and due to a problem with the sister of the company's financial director, she seems to have fallen further out of favor with her father. She has dyslexia that has conditioned her life and her family has never helped her cope with it, only her best friend and coworker Olivia is the one she has been able to rely on from school until now.

Kelsey Brunel is, in turn, the daughter of the owner of Red Sky Ranch, a ranch dedicated to offering country life, with cabins, horseback riding, etc. Kelsey's father does not lead a very orderly life, Kelsey's mother abandoned them when she was a child and now her father tells her overnight that he has sold the ranch and Kelsey's life turns upside down.

Elizabeth's banishment for being caught with the director's sister forces her to take charge of the ranch, since Sutton has acquired it and plans to renovate it into a high-end establishment. And the first night that Elizabeth spends in the area, she goes to a bar in town and hooks up with Kelsey, in a fiery and too fast encounter, from which she can't escape even faster. But to the surprise of both, the next day they discover who each of them are and the tension, of all kinds, begins.

The story has fire, of course, the two women are passionate although they fight to maintain their professional relationship or even to despise each other initially, more so on Elizabeth's part, to be honest. But by dint of having to deal with each other professionally, other aspects unite them, mainly the affection that the project awakens in Elizabeth along with the love that Kelsey has always had for the ranch.

So two passionate women, who go from fire to embers, interesting secondary characters, the suspicion that there will be continuity with the ranch and we will hear about the two of them again later, it has really been a hot and interesting read for me.

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