Member Reviews

I knew when Nan Campbell’s debut novel, The Rules of Forever, was chosen for a Lambda Literary Award, she would be one to watch. Three books later, that theory still holds true. Her talent continues to drive her to the top and make her a fast favorite among sapphic romance readers. Her newest book is a testament to that.

Like They Do in the Movies’s storyline involves an often-used trope—a celebrity falling in love with a non-celebrity. Sapphic romance readers seem to enjoy this trope because it provides a glimpse into the glamorous and often mysterious world of Hollywood. Their themes of fame and fortune provide readers with a place to enjoy the challenges of navigating a relationship that circles the public eye and the media. The interplay between the characters’ public and private personas also supplies built-in conflict for the narrative. This conflict ultimately paves the way to exposing vulnerabilities, increasing the emotional depth of the story. It’s pure escapism, and Campbell understands how to capitalize on it big time, enabling her to deliver something special for her readers.

Like They Do in the Movies is a romance that needs to be savored, though. It’s a slow burn, and Campbell uses the pace effectively, letting the romance between Chelsea and Fran unfold organically. Using time and space, she gradually builds the anticipation, tension, and chemistry. This is smart writing, especially considering the trope. Portraying the relationship in an unhurried manner fosters a deeper connection between the characters, ultimately making the romance feel more authentic. What’s more, it paves the way for reader investment, inviting readers to care about Chelsea and Fran. When the end comes, the resolution resonates in a satisfying and meaningful way.

With the completion of book three, it’s clear that Campbell is a skilled writer. It appears she works hard to hone her craft and make each book better than the last. Her research is strong, and her use of literary devices is on the money. As far as Like They Do in the Movies goes, it’s the secondary characters that nudge readers’ attention. Helen, Petal, and Lorraine subtly stir growth within Chelsea and Fran, making their change appear genuine. When all is said and done, these creative decisions benefit not only the development of the characters but the overall story.

Final remarks…

Like They Do in the Movies is a real treat for fans of celebrity romances. It contains all the necessary elements that make it entertaining—fame, glamour, media intrusion, and undeniable chemistry. This romance resonates; it’s skillfully written, immersive and sure to delight. If you’re a fan of Tinseltown romances, it needs to be on your reading list.


Well-written, compelling narrative
Well-scripted dialogue
Well-constructed, likable characters
Immersive, entertaining story world
Original twist on an old trope
A solid 4.5 book

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Fran went through a lot of professional disappointment and writing gossip made her dehumanize celebrities. When I started the book I was thinking: Campbell is gonna have to work hard to make me like her. My heart was quickly reassured. Despite having far from honorable first intentions, her main goal quickly shift to protect Chelsea at all cost. And my heart always swoons for protectors. I loved how the relationship is developed: through Fran's care and protectiveness overs Chelsea and through their passion for movies. Fran is both honest and supportive of Chelsea's work and talent. They helped each other find inspiration again in their professional life while also find their way to each other.The sword of Damocles of Fran's former job being discovered and Chelsea's difficult family's life add the perfect amount of angst and depth.
I loved the last part of the book when they finally interact as equals and lay the stones of a totally honest relationship. Campbell took the time to let them heal and forgive, and it was smart. This book is definitely a delicious slow burn celebrity romance

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Another Great book by Nan Canbell. I think she has become one of my favorite lesbian authors. Like they do in the movies was another great book. The characters are likeable and the tension created wasn't too much. Thanks Netgalley for the early access.

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This is the third of Nan Campbell’s books that I’ve read, and I have liked each one a little more than the last. She is a very good technical writer, adept at crafting her characters as flawed but believable women who just want to do better, be better than who they are and something about that really speaks to me as a reader.

I also enjoyed the pacing of this book. Campbell doesn’t rush and try to cram this story into 200 pages (which seems to be a trend nowadays). By giving her characters room to breathe, it allows us time to truly understand their motivations and go on their journeys with them. By the end of the book, I found myself smiling and just so proud of both of these characters for how far they’d come. Especially Fran, who enters into the job with Chelsea with perhaps not the best intentions but we find out is really just a softy at heart.

And oh, the romance… This book is definitely a slow burn (my favorite) and the chemistry and pull between the two leads is palpable. There is an acknowledgment of feelings somewhat early on, but a good amount of angst and time is thrown in between that by the time they do get together it’s scorching hot!!

If you haven’t read any of Nan Campbell’s books yet this is a great one to start with! 4.5 stars.

I received an ARC copy of this book by Netgalley and all opinions are my own.

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Nan Campbell took a genre that isn't my favorite and made this story an absolute gem even with the age gap which I'm not a huge fan of either.

Fran Underhill is a struggling screenwriter who writes for a gossip site for celebrities. She comes up with the idea to become a personal assistant to a star to get the inside story and find something juicer to write about. When she meets Chelsea, her carefully laid plan is at risk.

Chelsea Cartwright is an actress with two kids and an ex husband, but she is struggling, especially after the betrayal and the need to find a new assistant. Not to mention, the paparazzi somehow finding her no matter where she goes.

Fran and Chelsea meet and sparks fly. The writing was amazing and the story was almost flawless. I didn't care for the small jump in the middle, but otherwise, I very much enjoyed this book. The longing, the chemistry, the feelings from both MCS was well written and you just wanted them to kiss. Very good book.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Fran loves the movies and is an avid and talented screenwriter, but no one is picking up her scripts for rom-coms about women loving women. Having found herself working for a low paying job writing celebrity gossip online, when an opportunity presents itself to work as an assistant to actress and Hollywood royalty Chelsea Cartwright it is one she can’t pass up. Chelsea loathes the celeb gossip sites and is struggling, so when Fran appears to be the answer to all her problems, it stirs up feelings she wasn’t expecting.

Loved every second of this. It had everything a celebrity based romance needs. Drama, tension, secrets, and scandal but amongst all that, Chelsea and Fran were genuinely lovely people just trying to make the best of situations and life. Fran had a lot at stake by taking the job with Chelsea and although her intentions at first probably weren’t the best idea, it only took seconds of being in Chelsea’s life for her to change her mind and make better choices, but because she’d omitted her writing for the celebrity website I worried about the fall out when that was discovered.

Fran was so resourceful and clever, really smart and brought out the best in Chelsea, even if at first Chelsea was wary of opening up to her. Instantly they had a connection that left me knowing Chelsea would probably feel supported and safe with Fran quite quickly, but when it became clear her previous assistant hadn’t had anything to do with her problems as she first thought, I enjoyed the mystery of trying to figure out why the paparazzi were still following Chelsea and her family around. There was so much packed into the story that made it exciting and so much more than a celebrity romance, and you’ll just have to read it to find out what they all were because it’d just spoil everything to share in this review.

The story really delivered, and I enjoyed every second of it from the relationship building between Chelsea and Fran, to the excitement Fran shared whenever something involved the movies. It was infectious and cute, and I can’t wait to read it again and again.

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Enjoyable read. Fran Underhill is a struggling screenwriter. She is frustrated as she continues to be overlooked because in her opinion, no one is willing to take a chance on sapphic romantic comedies. She has good ideas but refuses to change one of the characters male. Fran works for a publication that focuses on celebrities. Fran leaves her job or does she? Fran is hired as a PA for actress, Chelsea Cartwright. Fran decides to use this to her advantage and write a tell all. What Fran did not plan on, was that Chelsea, mother with two children is basically a nice person. Not selfish and entitled. So, Fran has a secret. Chelsea's children, Forge and Petal (interesting-cool names) are nice additions to the story. I thought the interaction between Fran and Chelsea was witty and I embraced the celebrity troupe.

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Very pleasurable Hollywood celebrity romance. Fran Underhill is an unsold screenwriter who gets by writing clever articles for an online tabloid. She takes a chance and lands a job as a personal assistant to Hollywood actress Chelsea Cartwright. Fran hopes being on the inside of celebrity circles will work to her advantage. She isn’t expecting to like the divorced, hardworking, mother of two so much. Chelsea is easily the more likable for me of the two main characters. She loves acting but is getting the mom roles now, even though she has an Oscar. She is also very protective of her privacy and of her kids.

For added fun there are a lot of movie lines dropped into the story. Fran especially loves old movies. There is an implied age-gap but I don’t think actual ages are ever revealed. I don’t want to give spoilers but I appreciate the extra layers and texture. There is honesty in conversations and banter. Fran has career growth and new goals. Chelsea has to take her own risks and soften towards others. Campbell brings them together without an awkward power imbalance. When passion flairs the connection between Chelsea and Fran is seemingly more important than what they are physically doing. And I like that the kids are not ornamental and behave age appropriately.

On a personal note, I live forty minutes from the home of the Sundance Film Festival and have friends who volunteer there every year. I love that Campbell gets the names of the theaters correct and the smaller less famous ski resort. I hate when I can tell authors have never visited or researched a location they are writing about. If she gets the small Utah things right I trust she got the larger Southern California details correct as well.

This is an easy book to recommend. It uses familiar tropes but doesn’t feel cliche. Like They Do in the Movies is the third book from Nan Campbell and the third time I’ve given her five stars. Whatever she writes next will be on my auto read and purchase list.

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This is a slow burn romance that will not disappoint. A fun read. I enjoyed the banter, tension and overall communication between the main characters. I loved every minute of it.
I recommend, you won't be disappointed. 4.5 stars

Thank you, Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley for this ARC.

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I probably sound like a broken record when I say I love a Sapphic celebrity romance, but seriously, this trope, when done well, is so much fun. And Nan Campbell goes above and beyond in her newest release, Like They Do in The Movies.
Fran, an aspiring script writer who has been relegated to writing for a trashy online gossip rag, is searching for something. Her scripts aren’t getting picked up because no studio wants a film for a niche market, and she is losing interest in her online writing.
When she hears about an assistant job in the world of celebrity, she jumps at the chance, deciding that if she can’t be a script writer, she may as well do something that will get her access to some juicy gossip to write about.
The problem is that Chelsey Cartwright is more than she bargained for. She is the complete opposite of what Fran has come to believe all celebrities are, and on top of that, they have wicked chemistry.

Nan Campbell’s writing is succinct and fast-paced. There is never a dull moment, and it’s easy to get lost in the world these characters live in. Fran is the epitome of patient and understanding, thankfully because Chelsea can be all over the place after a divorce, raising her kids alone and helping her ex get sober. I absolutely adored them both for their individuality, but the way they connect when together is what kept me turning the pages.
Like They Do In The Movies get’s five stars from me – Nan Campbell has written a blockbuster;)

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley in exchange for my voluntary review.

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"Like They Do in the Movies" by Nan Campbell is a great read for those seeking a contemporary romance that explores the complexities of celebrity culture and the queer experience, with a focus on strong female characters and their personal growth.

The chemistry between MCs Fran and Chelsea is palpable from their first interaction. The banter, tension, and the slow-burn romance had me on the edge of my seat with anticipation. The secret identity/betrayal added an extra layer of intrigue to the story, making it even more captivating. I really enjoyed how Nan flushed out Chelsea's relationship with Forge and Petal as the story developed.

"Like They Do in the Movies" weaves together drama, tension, and the hope of Hollywood success. I just couldn't get enough. It's a must-read for anyone who loves a heartbreaking, yet empowering celebrity romance. I highly recommend it, and I can't wait to read more from Nan Campbell!

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Actress Chelsea Cartwright was once married to another actor, Beau that ended in a divorce mainly due to Beau’s addiction to alcohol. They have two children who are doing all right after the divorce or that is what Chelsea thought. Chelsea was sure someone was letting the press know where they could find her for the photo shots that keep turning up. She had gone so far as to fire her assistant, Lorraine who has worked for the past six with Chelsea but the moment Chelsea found out about the press having someone on the inside Lorraine had to go.
Fran loved everything about the entertainment industry. She had no desire to be an actor, she wanted to be the screenwriter that wrote the movies she would like to see. Her screenplays were funny, sweet and romantic but she wrote rom-coms, with lesbians playing the leads. The entertainment industry didn’t think the public was ready for that kind of movie. ( They would be wrong). Now we have Fran applying for the job that Lorraine had. A job she’d never done before but figured it would pay her bill.
Ms Campbell has written a really nice story, with some of the most likable lead characters. A Very, very enjoyable read.
ARC via NetGalley/Bold Stroke Books

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God I absolutely adored this book. I haven’t been so invested in two characters so quickly in a long time but I just had to see what played out between Fran and Chelsea, both on their own and together. Nan wrote the chemistry between these two so well that I was practically shouting KISS HER for the majority of the book and then kicking my legs when she did. Even with the problems between the two of them it was written so well them getting past it that it felt so believable to me. None of it felt rushed and this book left me fulfilled but also desperate to see more of these characters. I cannot reccomend this enough if you’re in the market for a slowburn celebrity romance!

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I don’t generally enjoy the celebrity trope but this was an exception. It was so well written, funny, serious, and spicy.

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I absolutely loved Like They Do In The Movies. This celebrity, age gap, boss/personal assistant novel was funny, emotional, and hot all rolled into one.

Fran is a lesbian screenwriter who keeps being looked over because she won't change the script from Paula to Paul. She writes gossip articles on the side to get cash so she can pay her monthly rent. When there is an opportunity to apply for a job as a personal assistant to a major celebrity, she jumps at the chance as it's a way to find out some juicy goss to get a bigger payout for her writing.

However, things don't go to plan when the big hot celebrity turns out to be Chelsea Cartwright, a queer icon to Fran from her college days. Chelsea is going through a divorce, and the paparazzi are harassing her left right, and center, which makes Fran both protective and guilty for even thinking about using this time as her PA to get dirt on her.

Of course, close proximity, learning more about each other, and hilarious situations make it hard for these two women not to start falling for each other.

I loved the way this book was written. It was like an extra-long prologue with the first half, and the second half all about second-chance love. It made it more emotional to know how much sexual tension there was between the two and everything that happened afterwards was so much more special.

I loved the characters, the acting scenes, and the screenwriting. I loved the dialogue between all the characters, and the truths that were said to each other to make sense of situations were heartwarming.

I absolutely would watch the movie Fran wrote, or just read it. Make it happen, Nan. Haha

Thanks to Bold Stroke Books and Nan Campbell for a copy of the ebook. This review is left voluntarily.

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I love a Hollywood romance, and this one didn't disappoint! With a fun twist on the celebrity/assistant trope, I enjoyed every moment.

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Like They Do in the Movies is a book that explores the seedy side of celebrity and the gossip rags that propel it.

A young woman who is a professional tell all writer is offered a job as an assistant to a star and takes the job. The star has no idea that her new assistant is a gossip monger. She is having a hard time in her life and the last thing she needs is pieces of personal life being thrown into the public.

The book has twists and turns not the least of which is a romance.

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I really enjoyed this book!
The main characters are Fran and Chelsea. Fran is a writer for a trashy celebrity news site. When her friend is offered a job as a personal assistant, but is not able to accept it, Fran jumps at the chance.
The personal assistant is for an actress, Chelsea, whom Fran has had a crush on since she was in her teens. Fran tries to reel her attraction to her in while trying to do the job. The two women are draw to each other regardless of how they try to fight it.
Things seem to be going well until Chelsea finds out her former occupation as a celebrity news writer.
I would recommend.

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I absolutely loved every second of this book, and I wanted more of Chelsea and Fran🥺 as someone who loves to read the celebrity trope, this was on point!!!! I'm very picky when choosing to apply for ARC, and as the very first ARC I applied for, needless to say, I'm over the moon after finishing this. The main couple was everything and more, and I absolutely loved how the story developed. One thing I really loved was how they were uplifting and helping each other to grow no matter what hurdles came towards them.

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Fran is struggling to get anyone to take a chance on her screen scripts that’s about sapphic rom coms unless she change one of her character into male so she resort to writing for a trashy gossip sites to make ends meets. She gets an opportunity to become a PA for a celebrity and decides to use this to advances but she didn’t plan on actress Chelsea being the opposite of what she thinks celebrities are entitled and selfish. Chelsea is trying to be there for her children after the divorce from their father who has a problem by taking on roles that can keep her close to home. When Chelsea needs a new to PA because she believes her last PA had betrayal her trusts she and Fran become closer to the point Chelsea tell her things she wouldn’t tell anyone but what will happens when Chelsea learn that Fran took this job under false pretenses. I enjoy the read both MCs have chemistry didn’t like Chelsea daughter you’ll find out why and even though she redeemed herself still she annoy me her brother was more wise than her.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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