Member Reviews

They have a beautiful marriage and are going on a beautiful vacation, until it isn’t. An explosion leads Stella to learn that her perfect husband, Adam, is actually a dealer of stolen antiques and goods. Was he the target of the explosion? Is Stella next? I couldn’t put this book down! The chapters were so fast, and I couldn’t stop! Amazing book!

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This book was a lot of fun, a good thriller. I definitely was invested in it for the first two-thirds. Adam's "secret" wasn't really much of a secret after awhile, since so many people talk about it and the flashback scenes point directly to him doing what he said he wasn't doing. But it was fun to see how Stella tried to work things out on her own.

There were a few things that felt like loose ends, like Stella's best friend, Katie, who kind of disappears halfway through the book. Also, Adam's reason for getting into the business in the first place feels a little too noble. There wasn't enough complexity or even gray there. And the fact that his sister absolutely never questions where his money comes from seems a little too convenient.

The opening of the book with Stella getting caught at the airport made me think this was going to go in a different direction, and I'm a little disappointed it didn't go that way, but the novel was fun all the same. Good for a vacation/beach read or when you need a thriller fix.

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This book was different than any I’ve read/listened to and I really enjoyed it! I listened to this one on audio and the narrator that voices Stella made the book that much better. She put the anxiety and worry in her voice like Stella would have and i think she made me love this book that much more.

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Kimberly Belle's latest novel, The Paris Widow, was suspenseful and fast-paced. I enjoyed the storyline and the characters as well as some of the twists and turns. It was a page-turner that I couldn't put down. Thank you to NetGalley and Park Row for the ARC!

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This author always delivers an entertaining, fast-paced, page turner! Stella is on a working vacation with husband Adam when an explosion has him missing. As she tries to figure out what happens long held secrets are revealing themselves which put her in danger.

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This was a fun story with action and romance. I was hooked from the prologue. A dream vacation turns deadly as the couple’s secrets come to life. Very twisty.

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Stella has been travelling in Europe with Adam, a husband she adores. It’s been an enchanting vacation but it all changes when there’s an explosion in Paris and Adam is missing.

The Paris Widow was hard to put down and I was often reading “one more chapter”. Both Stella and Adam are hiding secrets from each other and their story is compelling. The pace is good and it rarely lags. The characters are interesting and well-drawn. One of the things I enjoyed, aside from the story itself, is Ms Belle’s descriptions of the various neighborhoods and charms of Paris.

There are also explanations about precious and irreplaceable art works that are sold on the black market and then illegally disappear into the hands of private collectors. In a couple of instances, the explanations were a little too detailed, which made the book a bit longer than probably necessary. However, overall, I enjoyed The Paris Widow. It’s a well-written thriller that attests to the author’s talents. NetGalley provided an advance copy

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This book wasn’t what I was expecting but I did end up enjoying towards the end. I think this just may not be my genre anymore unfortunately😢 If you love a very plot driven mystery with twists and turns set in the beautiful Parisian backdrop you will really love this book! Thank you so much to NetGalley and Park Row publishing for the advanced reader copy of this book!

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If you are interested in a story filled with mystery, intrigue, espionage as well as a love story, The Paris Widow will keep you hypnotized, entertained as well as shocked and surprised. This book truly has it all!

When Stella and her husband Adam, an antiques dealer go on a once in a lifetime vacation to Europe, a bomb exploding in Paris next to a cafe they had just been at was not on their agenda. Having Adam going missing, presumed dead was certainly not either.

As the Paris police search for Stella's husband, but hold out little hope, Stella becomes the face of what is deemed a terrorist plot. Her face is all over the television begging people to come forward if they had seen her husband in the minutes prior to the attack. She becomes known as the Paris Widow.

Unfortunately for Stella, with Adam missing, she begins to learn more about what he was doing on their wonderful vacation. She cannot believe what she is hearing. Not only does she realize their life together may have just been an act, but now she understands that her life could be in danger. With the information she has gathered from his computer, and a mysterious ring she found, she doesn't know what to do.

She first starts trying to investigate on her own but soon realizes that those she thought she could trust want either her information, the ring or dead. But why? She still refuses to leave Paris, even knowing her life is in danger. Not without knowing what happened to Adam.

So, Stella, calls in a favor from her own past, a piece of her history she has never allowed anybody to know about. And hopefully with his help she will be able to put the pieces together before they discover her secrets.

Is Adam alive? Or were they able to kill them? So many questions with so little answers.

The Paris Widow is a cat and mouse game which has gone wrong, and the reader is not in on the joke. Who are the bad guys? We don't know. Suddenly, there are more killings. How is this all connected? With shocking twists and turns and an ending which will keep you reading with awe this book will hold you spellbound!

Thank you #NetGalley #ParkRow #KimberleyBelle #TheParisWidow for the advanced copy.

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Thank you to the publisher, Harlequin Trade Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Stella and her husband Adam are in Paris, on the last day of their dream vacation through Europe, when, after an explosion in a city square, Adam goes missing. Stella is desperate for any news of his whereabouts, but as the French police investigate, she learns that Adam was the subject of a years long investigation in the country for dealing in stolen antiquities. Shocked at this revelation, Stella is determined to not leave Paris until she discovers the truth, and in the process finds that Adam may have been the target of the explosion and her own life may now be in danger, as it seems more and more likely that her own long buried secrets might be a part of it all too.

I hadn’t heard of this author before, but the premise for this book sounded quite interesting and the genre usually works for me, so I was excited to try this book.

This book was more mystery than thriller but both were equally entertaining and the plot was well thought out. I loved all the plot twists and the look into the black market for art that the story revolved around. The setting of Paris was a great backdrop and added some more tension to the story for the main character trying to navigate the situation she finds herself in in a foreign country. It was quite immersive in terms of the setting and described the landmarks and the city in general well despite the action packed plot.

This was a fast paced read from beginning to end and the story was easy to follow. I liked the flashback chapters that showed both Stella and Adam’s pasts and the events leading up to the story. It was a great way to give the reader more context, and it was done in a manner that didn’t give away any major hints. The writing and narration itself was quite good, and this is the type of story that would be great on screen.

This was narrated through POV chapters for both Stella and Adam though it was very much centered around Stella. She was a strong MC and easy to connect to. It was however, somewhat lacking in character development like many other thrillers I’ve come across. That said, my attention was wholly on the plot and I barely noticed it until closer to the end.

The conclusion was as exciting as the rest of the book and while there were many hints throughout now that I look back on it, I didn’t really guess what was going to happen until it did as there seemed to be so many ways in which the story could end. It tied up all the plotlines neatly and I found the ending to be satisfactory.

Overall, The Paris Widow was a thrilling read and there wasn’t a single dull moment. I really enjoyed this book, and I’m looking forward to checking out other books by this author. I would definitely recommend it for fans of the genre!

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New book review: The Paris Widow by Kimberly Belle

🇫🇷 Summary: 🇫🇷

Stella and Adam are traveling abroad and when Adam goes back to get a pair of sunglasses he left, there is an explosion which leaves Adam missing. Now Stella must encounter a web of lies and mysteries to find out what happened to Adam.

🇫🇷My Thoughts:🇫🇷

Kimberly Belle does it again! This book had me gripped by page 1. The plot was so well written and integrated; I was so impressed by the end at how well everything fit! There’s a reason she’s always been one of my favorite authors!

I highly recommend you get your hands on a copy of this book!

Thanks to Netgalley for the advanced reader’s copy!

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How do you know someone is who you think they are? The Paris Widow brings you to this question in this fast paced thriller, I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes to be on the edge of their seat through a whole book.

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I think this was the first book I’ve read (finished) by this author, and I really enjoyed it. It was a fast-paced and engaging thriller, with lots of action and I liked both Stella & Adam, the way their relationship was portrayed and the secrets within it, not to mention their journey through Europe leading up to the turning point in the holiday. There were a few predictable plot twists, and characters I knew were just up to no good, but it didn’t take anything away from the story for me.

A great read, and I would look for other books by this author — the other book I’d tried but didn’t finish was fine, but it was just too creepy for me so just not the right fit.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced reading copy!

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A happy couple, Stella and Adam, are enjoying a Paris vacation when suddenly they are separated at the same time that a bomb goes off and Stella is left wondering what has happened to her husband as well as who the man she married really is.

I finished this book in one day
The characters (and their back stores) and multiple mysteries were well developed
Great pace
Loved the setting of Paris

The ending was a bit predictable

I always love Kimberly Belle's books. This is another one that hits the mark. A solid thriller

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I have read every Kimberly Belle novel and have enjoyed them all, though they are often just 3 stars for me as sometimes they just don't resonate with me as much as other times. This one was a solid 4-star read, though. At times this one was difficult to follow as people were operating outside the law and in different timelines and from different POVs. However, I really enjoyed pretty much from page 1. I was captivated how each character's story was going to intersect and when they did, the payoff was worth it. Stella was an interesting character. At first she seems naive to what her husband is really like, but as time goes on, the reader learns there is much more to her. I couldn't put the book down and read it in just one day.

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i can’t stop thinking about this one! it was fast paced and the story moved along so well. could not put it down.

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I DNF’d this one. I just couldn’t get into it and I couldn’t connect with the characters. I know many people who have enjoyed this so perhaps it’s just that I’m not huge on twisty thrillers.

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Book: The Paris Widow
Author: Kimberly Belle
Genre: Fiction, Thriller
Places Featured: Paris, France
Review Score: ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 (rounded up)
Review: Stella and her husband are on vacation in Paris when he disappears after an explosion at a cafe–this, of course, sends Stella into a tailspin of grief and the hunt for what happened to her husband. She quickly learns that things aren’t as they seem, so Stella ends up on a search through Paris for the truth.

There aren’t any particularly wild or surprising twists, but it’s engaging enough that I read the book in just two days.

Reviews posted on Instagram (@travelbooksandmovies) and some posted on blog (

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We all have secrets, and the characters in The Paris Widow certainly do. Stella loves life with her husband, Adam. But when a terrorist incident blows up a building in Paris, it sets off a chain of events where she realizes she doesn’t know him as well as she thought.

But then, does he even know all of her past? With twists and turns that reveal new information at each moment, the reader is left wondering who to trust, and who exactly is telling the truth?

I loved how this one took me to Paris, and how our main character, Stella, is resilient and kickass – all while her husband.

I’ll admit that I’m a Kimberley Belle fan – I’ve enjoyed every book she’s written and her writing style is succinct, smart, and keeps you on riveted to the page. The Paris Widow is another great read!

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The Paris Widow" is a captivating thriller that seamlessly blends intrigue with a stunning European backdrop. Stella's life takes a dramatic turn when her seemingly ordinary boyfriend, Adam, vanishes following a devastating explosion. What begins as a personal crisis quickly spirals into a thrilling investigation, revealing Adam's hidden life as a dealer in rare and stolen antiquities.

The novel shines with its gripping plot and evocative setting. Paris, with its enchanting streets and hidden corners, becomes a character in its own right, adding depth and atmosphere to Stella's journey. The author skillfully intertwines suspense with a rich sense of place, creating a narrative that's both immersive and fast-paced.

Stella’s determination to uncover the truth about Adam’s past and her growing realization of the dangers around her make for a compelling read. The story keeps readers guessing with its unexpected twists and turns, while also exploring themes of trust and deception.

"The Paris Widow" is a must-read for fans of suspenseful mysteries and thrilling escapades, offering a tantalizing glimpse into how past secrets can unravel our present.

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