Member Reviews

Stella and Adam Knox are the stars of this book. They traveled to Paris where a bomb goes went in a cafe where Adam had gone back to retrieve his sunglasses. As far as the police are concerned, he was killed in that bombing. But Stella believes differently. She believes he was able to get away.

Adam is a dealer in antiquities. A lieutenant colonel goes to Stella and tells her that Adam is doing business on the black market. That he's been following him for the last 10 years. Stella has difficulty believing this but with further investigation finds it's true.

Adam is alive and is able to get a cell phone to Stella. He phones her and tells her to throw away her current phone. He tells her to only use the phone she's been given and to text him if she needs to get in touch with him. With all that she's found out about at him, she wants answers. He tells her to get on a plane and head back to Atlanta. She tells him she's not leaving without him. She tells him that she wants a face-to-face with him and that she wants answers. He makes a reservation for her on Delta airlines and tells her to be on it. But she refuses.

He has given her a heart necklace of glass. When she takes it off and shakes it, she realizes that something is inside of it. She breaks the glass and finds a SIM card. She's able to get into the card and finds lists of accounts for his business. She decides this is her bargaining chip. She contacts one of Adam's clients, Margot. This woman has it in for him and Stella feels that she can swap the SIM card for Adam's safety. When she gets to Margot's house Adam appears and all hell breaks loose. Adam gets shot.

The author takes the reader traveling with Adam and Stella through various parts of the world. The book is set in Paris and as I transversed through those streets with Stella, I felt like I was there. The author did a fine job of making the city come alive. One of the things I really loved about this book was that Stella didn't take any crap. She wanted answers from Adam and she refused to settle for anything less. Her refusal to go home showed she had backbone, she was a strong woman, which I appreciated. I find so many times in books that the lead character backs down. They appear spineless. I was glad that wasn't the case here. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It held my attention and kept me coming back for more. I gave it five stars.

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Kimberly Belle

I love it when a book is great, and I get to come on here and tell you about it. It’s one of my favorite things to do.

THE PARIS WIDOW stars Stella on vacation with her wonderful husband Adam in the city of love, Paris. A few days into the vacation while perusing the shops and enjoying Rhône varietals Stella and Adam are separated and a building explodes with Adam in it.

Stella is now a widow and in a foreign country. She is still trying to put all the pieces together when the French police inform her that they have had Adam under surveillance and investigation for illegal antiquities dealings. All of this is almost too much for Stella to handle and there are so many questions she needs to find the answers to.

We follow as she investigates the explosion, her husband, and what she thought was her wonderful marriage and life. As the pieces start to come together the truth is as unbelievable as Paris is lonely.

Reading THE PARIS WIDOW felt like you were in the hands of a professional. Not her first rodeo, not her first sentence, not the first time she designed a twist, Belle surprised me with the evolution of her writing.

Getting better over time. Learning from prior writing what works and what works well. How to write a good book and make it better with editing and refining. How to write memorable characters who are multifaceted and as interesting as the storyline.

I had so much fun reading this and can’t wait to see what Belle does next.

Thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing | Park Row for the advanced copy! It was a pleasure to read and provide feedback!


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The Paris Widow was a captivating read that devoured in just a few days. Stella, the protagonist, grabbed me from the very beginning. Her unwavering determination, bordering on stubbornness at times, felt refreshingly relatable. I found myself rooting for her as she navigated a whirlwind of secrets and danger.

The plot itself was a masterfully woven tapestry of intrigue. Kimberly Belle skillfully blended elements of domestic suspense with a dash of Parisian flair, thanks to the inclusion of well-placed French phrases. This unique combination kept me guessing and glued to the pages, eager to unravel the truth alongside Stella.

What truly sent this novel over the edge for me was the way Belle masterfully intertwined art and historical fiction. Her descriptions weren't just about art collecting; they peeled back the curtain on its potential for darkness. We weren't just in the realm of Picassos and Monets, but in the shadowy underbelly of the art world, where whispers of "blood antiquities" swirled. Belle's meticulous research seemed to unearth the very secrets of these coveted, often-illegal artifacts, transporting me directly into the heart of a world most only glimpse in headlines. It felt like I was unraveling the mysteries of some of our planet's most hidden treasures, alongside the ever-present danger that surrounds them.

Overall, The Paris Widow offered a thrilling escape, perfectly balanced with relatable characters and a captivating storyline.

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I tend to enjoy Kimberly Belle‘s writing, so I was interested in The Paris Widow even before I read the blurb. Then I saw that the premise promised an international setting, an explosion and a husband with a secret life, and I wanted to read this story even more. And I have to say that this is probably my new favorite book written by this author! This is EXACTLY my kind of thriller: fast-paced, action-packed and highly engaging. And while things can be said about the credibility of it all, it sure provides you with an absolutely riveting and thrilling rollercoaster ride!

If you like thrillers with an international setting and/or travel element, you are in for a treat with The Paris Widow. This story takes you to different locations in Europe, although the main country is France. The descriptions make it feel as if you were part of the couple’s journey, and I liked what the travel element added to the plot in general. Like I said, the story is mainly set in France though, and the majority in its capital Paris. I loved how important this city was in the plot, and the use of French phrases only helped give the setting authenticity.

The Paris Widow uses a dual POV structure to tell the story, with a mystery POV right at the beginning as well (although it’s pretty obvious who it is). We have chapters told from Stella’s POV in the present set in Paris, and there are flashbacks to certain dates in the recent past told from Adam’s POV and in different locations in Europe. Stella’s POV is where the real action is and feels more urgent, while Adam’s POV is mostly to help explain exactly what he was up to. His POV was great for adding an ominous vibe to it all though!

The plot is structured in such a way that you are in the same situation as the main character Stella; clueless about what her husband was really like and in the dark about what was happening after the explosion. This made it so much easier to create a bond with Stella, and I literally couldn’t stop reading as I HAD to know the full truth. Adam’s chapters were a nice touch as well, as it gave us that travel element with multiple European locations as well as little hints at what he was hiding. I had such a great time following Stella as she tried figuring everything out, and I think her character is part of the reason this story works so well.

I do have to say that The Paris Widow is one of those stories where you definitely have to be able to suspend your disbelief to be able to enjoy it, because especially the second half is quite over the top and not exactly credible. It sure makes for an extremely entertaining ride though, and there is plenty of action and danger to be found lurking around every corner. High speed, high octane and exhilarating indeed! The way everything was wrapped up in the end was also quite convenient, but I think it fitted the rest of the story very well.

In short, if you are looking for a story that will deliver the thrill in thriller, The Paris Widow definitely fits the bill. It’s my new favorite Kimberly Belle story and I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed she will write similar stories in the future… I was hooked from the very first chapter!

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What a high octane thriller! Edge of your seat, popcorn flying all over, nail biter! This was like watching a spy movie. Black market antiquities is the third largest criminal enterprise in the world. Now imagine your husband being the target of a bombing because of his involvement in it, AND you had no idea. What a wild ride of a book. This one had so many twists my neck hurts!

4.25 rounded up

Thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collins Canada, and the author for an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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The Paris Widow was propulsive and intriguing, as readers are swept into the dangerous black market of blood antiquities in Paris. I learned much about the underground selling and forging of rare architecture and heirlooms and the treachery involved, as this was based on real-world happenings. Still, Belle is an author of psychological thrillers and this one delivered as a wide comes to terms with what she doesn't know about her husband after a catastrophe befalls them in Paris. The suspense and excitement abound as we race to the finish with the protagonist, Stella, as she tries to uncover her husband’s secrets. Very different and intelligent thriller. Thank you to NetGalley andPark Row for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This talented author has written a page turner. Mystery and intrigue. Realistic characters. The story moves quickly. Thanks Netgalley

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The Paris Widow by Kimberly Belle is a fast paced thriller about the blood antiquities trade. The twists and turns throughout the story keep you wanting to find out what happens next. It shows what lengths people are willing to go to and how they will stop at nothing to own a particular object. This book is about the world of antiquities art dealers, spies, and the theft and smuggling of priceless art pieces.

Stella and her husband Adam are on vacation in Europe when a bomb explodes at the restaurant her husband returned to for his forgotten sunglasses. Now he is missing and presumed dead and Stella is the grieving widow. As the events unfold Stella finds things out about her husband that she never knew. Her real mystery begins when French police tell her that Adam has been on their radar for a long time. As Stella searches for answers, her life maybe put in danger and her own secrets revealed.

This was a page turner filled with secrets that really keep you wanting to find out what happens next. I would highly recommend this book. Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for an advanced copy of this book.

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Such a good, action packed thriller from Kimberly Bell! It was an unputdownable read for me because the suspenseful cat and mouse game was so riveting. The book played like a movie in my head the whole time and I feel it could be easily adapted into an actual action thriller film. The book starts out with a bang (literally) and dark secrets and revelations are constantly coming up afterwards. The international setting, the greedy & cunning characters, and the standing tension made the read so much more enjoyable. Highly recommend putting this one on your June TBR!

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****Publishing June 11, 2024****

Stella thought she knew her husband, Adam, until she tagged along on a work trip to Europe. He ends up dead because of an explosion in Paris! Stella finds out his antique business is being accused of being a cover-up for criminal activity and that his death was apparently targeted. Stella is skeptical of the news. Is it what it seems? How will she handle the investigation and the info that is uncovered?

A fast-paced thriller with twists and turns that will keep you guessing until all is revealed! The manipulation, the speculation, the lies, and the deceit will have you turning the pages to find out the truth! If you want a highly entertaining book that won’t disappoint, then definitely take this one on vacation!

Thanks to Harlequin Trade Publishing (Park Row), I was provided an ARC of The Paris Widow by Kimberly Belle via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. #TheParisWidow #NetGalley

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In Kimberly Belle's thrilling novel, The Paris Widow, what begins as an idyllic vacation in Paris swiftly transforms into a harrowing mystery for Stella and her husband, Adam. Initially, Stella believes she has left her tumultuous past behind for a stable life with Adam, who appears to be the epitome of normalcy. However, this illusion shatters when Adam disappears following a mysterious explosion in a bustling city square, leading Stella into a desperate search amidst chaos. As she delves deeper, aided by the French police, startling truths emerge about Adam's clandestine involvement in the trade of stolen antiquities. Caught in a web of deceit, Stella must uncover whether Adam was merely a casualty or the intended target of the blast, all while sensing an ominous presence shadowing her every step in the picturesque yet perilous streets of Paris.

The Paris Widow earns a resounding five stars for its riveting pace and adept storytelling. Belle's narrative prowess shines through vivid descriptions and tightly woven plot twists that make the book nearly impossible to put down. The characters are meticulously crafted, with depth and realism that pull readers deeper into the heart of the mystery. While some plot elements might feel familiar to seasoned readers of the genre, the novel's brisk pace and engaging story arc still make it a highly recommended read for fans of mysteries and thrillers. With its blend of suspense and the allure of European locales, this novel is a captivating journey through the shadows of the past and the unpredictable twists of fate.

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If you’re building your summer TBR this would be a fantastic addition! It’s fast paced and begs to be read in one sitting, it’s addictive and has some high stakes for the characters and its set in Paris, so if you can’t make the trip there for your own vacation you can at least see the sights from the pages of this one. The author does domestic suspense really well and I enjoyed her vacation spin this time around. The idea of a dream trip turned nightmare was fascinating and I felt for Stella as she tried to navigate the mess her husband created on foreign soil which added another layer of tension and anxiety. Not all of the surprises were true surprise for me but this was still really fun and enjoyable for me.

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Best-selling author Kimberly Belle’s newest novel, “The Paris Widow” is full of drama, intrigue and suspense, and I couldn’t put it down!
I loved this book so much! This was a book that I couldn't wait to finish. It all started on the last day in Paris right before flying home to the states. Everything changes when a bomb goes off and Adam come up missing and feared dead. Stella is devistated and will not leave Paris until she determines what happened to Adam. Then the police tell Stella that her husband may not be the man she thought he was. He was doing illegal things and that she may also be a target. As she searches for her husband she can't trust anyone. She is on a long journey to keep herself safe, find her husband and discover all the answers of his past.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing/ Park Row for sharing this exciting book’s digital reviewer copy with me in exchange for my review.

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A thriller in Paris, I couldn’t put this one down! I loved the characters and the plot line, a solid 4 stars!

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When Stella met Adam, she believed she found a safe and stable relationship—a welcome departure from her past. However, her world is turned upside down when Adam disappears after an explosion in Paris. As police investigate, they uncover Adam’s involvement in the criminal world, shocking Stella. Desperate for the truth, Stella refuses to leave Paris until she has answers about what happened and who Adam really is… even if it means putting herself in danger.

Belle is an auto-buy author for me and this book did not disappoint. I was invested in the story as it was suspenseful, intriguing, and even a bit romantic. It’s set in various European cities, and I loved reading about each place as well as the history behind some artifacts. I also enjoyed how although the story was mostly told by Stella, we were given chapters from Adam’s POV in the days and weeks leading up to the explosion, which made you want to root for him/them as a couple. My only complaints are that it felt unrealistic at times, and Stella made many questionable choices.

Overall, this was a quick and fun read... add it to your TBR!!

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Thank you NetGalley for this advanced copy!
I’ve been a Kimberly Belle fan so this immediately piqued my interest. A cat & mouse game as a woman searches for answers about her husband’s hazy business dealings/past when he the presumed target of an attack. Clearly we are getting a story with blurred lines and chaos. The setting was beautiful. As someone who travels I enjoyed the culture and foodie references. However, there were minor issues for me with pacing. Around 60 percent I started to lose interest in the back and forth. Also, Stella frustrated me to no end. For a woman with so many resources and smarts she made some silly choices. I actually at one point screamed out “girl just go home”.

Without spoilers, I’ll say I was mostly intrigued by the side characters. The meat of the story was within the others.

Oh, the authors note was educational! 3.5 stars rounded up! Great for anyone who likes a story with history and layers.

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The Paris Widow is a fast-paced chase with couple Adam and Stella caught in the middle of a war within blood antiquities trade. I enjoyed the story, however, it lagged in places and there are a few plot holes. I wish a few character stories/background was more fleshed out instead of lots of time spent explaining things that did not add to the story.

I thought it was a fun read and a new story for me, as I haven’t read books having to do with blood antiquities and it prompted an interest to do some research on my own into the topic, which made this book event better.
I liked the main character, I found her interesting but also mysterious, she is an example of more fleshed out.
Overall, a decent read and I enjoyed the ending. It’s interesting and fun once it picks up.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing/Park Row for sharing the digital copy for me to review in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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The Paris Widow is the kind of book you want to read in one sitting! It is a fast paced story about a couple in France on vacation until an explosion happens and separates them. The twists and turns never stop throughout this story. Along the way, the reader is immersed in the world of antiquities, art dealers, spies, and people who will stop at nothing to own a particular object. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this book. Published by ParkRow Books.

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Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Expected publication date: June 11, 2024
Best-selling author Kimberly Belle’s newest novel, “The Paris Widow” is chock full of drama, intrigue and tension, and I couldn’t put it down!
Adam and Stella are on their honeymoon in Paris, happy, young and hopelessly in love, enjoying the sights and sounds. Until the day a bomb goes off in the town square, and Adam disappears. Desperate, and alone, Stella refuses to return home until she knows something, anything, about what happened to Adam. When she finally gets news, it isn’t the news she expects- not only is Adam alive but he disappeared on purpose. Some very dangerous people are looking for Adam and Stella may be next.
“Widow” is narrated by both Adam (before the bombing) and Stella (after). Both storylines not only craft sensational character development, but they serve to add more tension to the pulse-pounding plot as we learn more about what exactly Adam was up to, and the secrets Stella herself is keeping.
There are numerous twists and turns (it wouldn’t be a Belle novel if there wasn’t, after all) and the ending could’ve gone in any number of directions. As always, Belle managed to make the storyline flow in exactly the right way, and I was left guessing until the final pages.
The entire story takes place in France, so “Widow” provides an exotic locale for a bit of escapism, too, which seems to be what I’ve been seeking, if my recent novel choices are any indication.
“Widow” starts off with a bang and kept me on pins and needles (in the best way), all the way to the thrilling conclusion (and somehow still manages to be romantic? Belle continues to impress). I’ve been a fan of Belle since her early works and she keeps getting better and better! I look forward to devouring her next book, and enjoying it just as much!

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I could not put this down! So many twists and turns, I loved every bit of it! Thank you NetGalley and Park Row for providing me with an arc in return for my honest review.

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