Member Reviews

“The Paris Widow” is a mystery (kinda thriller) book by Kimberly Belle. This book is told mainly by Stella, former flight attendant and wife to Adam. Stella and Adam are traveling around Europe - enjoying life and being with each other. In Paris, the unthinkable happens - a bomb goes off at the cafe they were just in and Adam is missing. Against her better judgement, Stella is interviewed by the press and dubbed “The Paris Widow.” She is frantic to know where Adam is and the French Police come calling … and start questioning Stella’s involvement in Adam’s involvement in stolen art. I’ll admit that I found the chapters narrated by Stella a lot more interesting than those narrated by Adam - I’m still not quite sure what Adam’s had to offer to the book other than historical asides for the most part. I did find it, for lack of a better word, convenient that Stella also had a hidden past too - and one that aligned with Adam. What was going on was a bit obvious at times, so I cannot say this read like a true mystery (more thriller). I do think this would be better as a movie - lots of action that calls for visual effects. I think this was, for the most part, an engaging book, but I cannot say it was suspenseful due to the predictability. Overall, a 3.75 read, bumped up to 4 stars.

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I've really enjoyed all the novels I read by Kimberly Belle and this one is no exception! (though I will say I prefer some of her others, specifically "Dear Wife" and "Stranger in the Lake")

3.5 stars

It was supposed to be a dream vacation, but turns into a nightmare when Stella's husband Adam goes missing. Where is he?

This definitely kept me on my toes the entire time and I finished in three days because I just had to know what happened next and what would be revealed next. I do agree with some other readers who said the plot and final reveal was a bit predictable, but there are only so many twists and turns that really feel unique these days. It might just be because I read the same genres over and over again.

Thank you to the author and netgalley for a chance to read this early in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Stella and her husband Adam are in the midst of a dream vacation in Europe when there’s a bombing at a cafe nearby. Stella has been separated from Adam and begins searching frantically for him. When she talks to the French police, she realizes that the Adam she thought she knew might have been living a double life. It’s possible that she didn’t know him at all.

I really enjoy Kimberly Belle’s books, and this one is really a wild ride! I loved the European setting and the famous places described in the book that really make the reader feel transported to Europe along with the characters. There are times that it’s really unclear who to trust which adds to the excitement of the thriller. The story is action packed and mysterious with well-placed reveals. The antiquities black market was an interesting and unique addition that I don’t think I’ve read in a thriller before! Overall, this was a twisty and fun cat and mouse chase through Paris that I’d recommend!

Thank you to Kimberly Belle, Harlequin Trade publishing, and netgalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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From the remarkable mind of Kimberly Belle comes your next favorite thriller, "The Paris Widow". Beginning to end, this story will keep you on the edge of your seat. If I hadn't taken my sleeping pills so early, I would've finished it within 24 hours. It was that good! It was fast-paced, compelling, and a knockout of a book.
Meet Stella, who thought she found the man of her dreams, Adam, - a nice, normal guy - totally different from her previous suitor who had lived life on the side of danger. On a whirl wind dream vacation with her husband, a bomb goes off in a quaint French restaurant, where they had just left moments ago and where Adam was heading back to after forgetting his sunglasses there. Days go by with no sign of Adam and Stella is left to wonder if Adam was a victim of the bombing or if he made it out alive.
As the French police investigate, Stella learns more about Adam and the secret life he had, but it leaves her with more questions than answers. Even though she is being encouraged to go back home to the States, she refuses to leave Paris until she knows what is actually happening and whether or not Adam is dead or alive.
Meet Adam, who is embroiled in the business of rare and stolen blood antiquities from around the world with the face of a legit business. When he double crosses a client, he is a dead man walking. But is a good guy or bad guy? And will he get out of this alive? And if he does, will Stella still want him after learning her nice, normal husband is anything but?
I love Kimberly Belle's style of writing. She really puts us, as readers, in each scene with the characters. We see what they see. We feel what they feel. She is a must-read author for me. Look for this book when it hits shelves on June 12th, 2024 wherever books are sold. Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row for allowing me to read an advanced readers copy of this book.

Reviewed on: Goodreads
Review Date: 03-07-24

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Stella and Adam are on a dream vacation. Trekking across Europe. Drinking wine and eating their way across Paris. Suddenly a bomb explodes and Adam is lost. Is he dead? Stella refuses to leave Paris until she finds her husband. She immediately learns that Adam is not the innocent person she thought he was. It seems like everyone is looking for Adam. The police, the British police, some sketchy extravagantly wealthy art dealers, etc etc. Stella is asking herself if her husband is the villain or victim in this story. It seems like Stella has some secrets in her past as well.

I’m torn with my thoughts on the book. It’s a suspense. As Stella investigates the disappearance of her husband the book seems a bit far fetched to me. Some secrets about Stella’s past emerge and I’m like really? That seems very convenient. Also how does Stella think that they are a regular middle class family? She’s like we shop at Costco. We are normal people. Where does she think the money comes from for this fabulous trip and all of these fancy decorations in the house. You honestly can’t make that much selling antiques. It seems like she is either looking the other way or really has her head in the sand.

I guess my major complaint with this book is that it’s pretty clear what is going on and there isn’t really a mystery to solve. To me it was a little too predictable.

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The Paris Widow by Kimberly Belle is a novel of international intrigue that will have you jetting around to some of Europe's most exciting destinations.

Stella and Adam are enjoying a decadent vacation in Paris when an explosion rocks a city square. Separated from her husband, Stella races around Paris in a desperate bid to ensure that he was uninjured in the blast. But her search will lead her to places that she never expected when police reveal that Adam has been on their radar for some time. Just how well does Stella really know the man with whom she has built a life?

I loved following Stella down the rabbit hole as she searches for the truth, and the international element added to the general intrigue of it all.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for an ARC.

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This one is ok but felt it was a little predictable in the middle but it did have enough twists and turns to keep you guessing

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What was supposed to be a dream European vacationing turns into a nightmare when Stella’s husband Adam is missing after an explosion in Paris. Stella’s life is quickly turned upside down as she searches for her husband. As she uncovers more about the bombing she begins to learn that Adam isn’t really who he says he is and is wrapped up in the world of illegal art smuggling. While Stella’s looks for her husband together the pieces of her relationship, the truth comes out about who Adam really is. What were they really doing in Europe? What really happened to Adam?

Kimberley Belle’s latest novel jumps right into the action and never really loses steam. Keeping the reader guessing about what comes next chapter after chapter. No need to wait for the first twist and they keep coming as Stella looks to find Adam and learn the truth about the man she married 4/5 stars.

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This was my first book by Kimberly Belle and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. Lots of twists, turns, and adventure made this book a quick read. While I was able to guess a few of the plot twists most had me guessing until they happened. I'm not a reader who enjoys figuring every twist and turn before it happens so I liked the fact I was kept guessing.

The ending was a little cliche but overall this was a book I thoroughly e joyed.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion which I have given.

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I loved the idea of this book but it failed to get my attention. It fell flat, and I struggled to connect with the characters. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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A mystery/thriller book set in Paris? Sign me up!

This book was off to a great start and I found myself racing through the pages, trying to figure out the mystery. Alas, halfway through, it started to drag and turn into a slow-burn, which never really picked up.

There were also no interesting twists or turns in there, nothing to keep my interest but I did care about one character and their fate and so I had to keep reading to see how this whole thing unfolds.

No surprises there, pretty predictable read but still enjoyable.

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This was a quick read but a bit predictable. I didn’t really connect with any of the characters. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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What a freaking whirlwind! Nothing is what you think with this read..I swear everytime I thought I had a grasp on what was happening another twist would throw me off balance. If you love your thrillers with international locations, a love storyline, and a con vibe this book is for you!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. I will certainly be recommending this to friends!

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I read this book the same day I received the ARC – literally from approved email to finished was maybe four hours total. It was basically a one sitting read, and I could literally not wait to find out what was going to happen next. Alternating between a present (Stella) and very near past (Adam) POV, you're getting what's going on and what lead up to it, told in a really dramatic way. At no point did I think I had figured out what was going on. Also, the open – I loved. This will for sure be one of the big reads of the year.

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I ate this book up in one sitting. WOW. So many twists about an incredible story about Adam’s secret life that his wife Stella quickly unravels through many mutual contacts. I genuinely had no idea how this was going to end and had to wait until the last few chapters for everything to click together. The motto of this book was “trust no one” and even as a reader, you feel that throughout the ENTIRE book. The author does an amazing job telling this story and I absolutely will be purchasing a copy for my shelf.

Note to the editors: you have lots of random spacing and formatting throughout the novel that I presume will be corrected. Also the word “flits” is used a few too many times to discuss people looking around. Wasn’t a deal breaker, but I thought I would share!

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy!

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I've been a long time fan of this author and this story really reminds me why. The story telling and the characters are always done so freaking well. I can't get enough.

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Reliably Entertaining

3.5 stars

The Paris Widow is a thriller about a woman who, while on a trip to Paris, becomes entangled in a scheme related to her husband's tragic death.

Stella and Adam, married for four years, are on a three-week European vacation. While in Paris, Adam is a victim of a horrific accident. As Stella tries to put the pieces together of what happened to Adam, she finds herself caught up in a dangerous world built on deceit, lies, and murder.

Narrated by Stella and Adam, Stella is the more dominant character, and she has more chapters. She is also a more developed character. Adam’s chapters were flat and not necessarily needed. Stella is a strong lead, but the narrative structure doesn’t do her any favors when her past is finally revealed.

Belle relies too much on telling instead of showing Stella's character development. Although we learn about her past and the events that shaped her personality, we never see her in action. As a result, when her personality changes in the second half of the novel, it feels inauthentic and unconvincing. Similarly, her previous relationship lacked depth and believability, leaving me unconvinced.

The Paris Widow shares plotlines and plot devices from The Marriage Lie, but the last 3rd takes the novel in a different direction.

There are some issues, especially in the telling aspect, and a few plotholes and plot devices that didn’t fully work, but it was fun to read and experience Paris and some other European cities. Also fascinating was the focus on the art black market.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harlequin Trade Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Stella and Adam are traveling through Europe and spend a lovely afternoon in Paris before having to return home. Adam is a rare art/antiquities dealer and goes missing after a bombing. Stella works to find the truth about her husband. This book had some ups and downs and overall was fine, but not one of the best thrillers. You really need to be into art to enjoy this.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this e-ARC.

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I enjoyed this story! I did find the main character a little conflicted in that, with her past, she should have been more aware of certain things in the present.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of The Paris Widow.

This is my first book by the author and it wasn't bad.

The narrative got off to a great start; I loved the European locations and the descriptions of the countries and local foods.

The narrative soon grew tedious as Stella kept talking about how she wouldn't leave Paris without Adam, without finding out the truth.

The plot wasn't suspenseful and lacked urgency despite the high-ish stakes.

It was so obvious the guy from the embassy was an imposter, and discovering what Adam was up to, except how he's not really a bad guy but wanted to do make amends for his mistakes.

Popular tropes in these books are all here; handsome husband, beautiful wife, the coincidence that brought them together, and what are the odds that Stella has experience in trafficking stolen goods and a former boyfriend who can offer protection and support when she's in trouble?

It was nice to know Adam wasn't a total cad; in domestic thrillers, the men usually are.

The art trafficking and selling fakes plot was interesting, but this isn't the first book I've read recently that deals with this topic (nor will it be the last).

It's a popular theme in thrillers lately.

This was okay, just not an original premise with memorable characters and a hard to suspend disbelief story.

But, if you're a fan of the author, you won't be disappointed.

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