Member Reviews

Bound to the Shadow Prince
By: Ruby Dixon
Princess Candra is imprisoned in an isolated tower for seven years with only Nemeth, a magnetic yet fearsome winged warrior, for company. Though initially terrified of him, Candra feels an undeniable, forbidden attraction. Trapped together in tight quarters, tensions mount between them for better or worse. This steamy adult monster romance explores their enemies-to-lovers relationship unfolding against the backdrop of greater kingdom wars and betrayals.
✨Monster Romance
✨Forced Proximity
✨Forbidden Romance
✨Enemies to Friends to Lovers
✨Injury Trope
✨He takes care of her when she’s sick
✨My Mate
✨Lies and betrayal
✨Enemy Kingdoms
Spicy Chapters:
17, 18, 20, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 41, 46, 55

This is the first book that I have read by Ruby Dixon. I have heard fantastic things about her most popular series, “Ice Planet Barbarians,” which is on my TBR. I enjoyed this book; it was steamy and had enough world-building to visualize where the characters were.
Feedback/Constructive Criticism:
If you are writing a book set in a historical/fantasy period, make sure your characters are using words, phrases, and sayings that fit the time period. I have a hard time looking past that when I am trying to get lost in a book.
The ending felt rushed. I saw where the plot was going, and the ending made sense. But it could have used another 25-50 pages worth of conflict resolution.

*This Book was provided as an ARC through Netgalley*

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It's neither B&B nor Rapunzel but steals elements from both for a basically soft erotica concoction that has some plot somewhere. Not for me!

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Thank you netgalley and publishers for allowing me to give my opinion on this book.

I'm a suckered for a great enemies to lovers, forced proximity and touch her and dye vibes.

I really enjoyed this read. Two different characters coming together for their benefit resulting in great banter to become lovers.

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This fantasy monster romance was amazing. It is an enemy to lovers. I loved the development of the mc’s and personal growth they both had. It was a human bratty princess with a blood curse and a rival bat like prince sent to a tower for 7yrs to appease the Gods. Well nothing turned out right so when they left the tower into a world or turmoil and strife their journey began again. With magic and war it was a challenge to get the two races to to work together. It was a great read.

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Over this was a fun read and I thoroughly enjoyed the overall plot! The world was really thought out, their was history, magic, tales of the past and it all played an important part in the over arching plot.

Things I liked:
-FMC was stubborn and hard headed
-FMC had no idea how to take care of herself
-Forced Proximity- locked in a tower
-The whole story didn't take place in the tower. ( There was an after the tower plot line)
-MMC has bat wings
-MMC is very caring

Things that I did like:
-The length- felt long and some parts moved slow

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Prince Nemeth of the First House of Darkfell and Princess Candromeda Vestalin.
Two very different species.
Two very different individuals must come together and live in a tower for 7 years together.
Locked away for 7 years to appease the Gods.

The whole plot and premise of the story is exactly why I decided to read this book. I love a good strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, different species, different customs - trope of a book.
The fact that these two individuals must spend seven years in a tower with no windows, no modern technology, I wanted to see how a book of almost 600 pages was going to go.
And I have to say that I absolutely love this book.

Princess Candra ended up being the ultimate sacrifice from her family. She’s never quite felt worthy as she is stuck with a blood curse, and it also makes her sterile. A princess who cannot bear an heir is an easy sacrifice, especially one as promiscuous and mouthy as Candra.

“He’s a polite monk of a Fellian who just happens to be trapped in a tower with a princess of loose morals who really, wants to ride his cock.”

Enemies to Lovers
Slow Burn
Size Difference
Forced Proximity
Wings, Horns, and Tails.
She’s Mine vibes
Battles, Betrayals, Secrets, Half Truth’s, and Plot Twists

This was one huge adventure.
I felt like the story flowed really well, and it kept me interested even being almost 600 pages long.
I do wish there was more in the aftermath of everything and in the epilogue.
The ending did feel a bit rushed.
I don’t know if this is a standalone, but I’m really hoping that we see more in this world . 🦇🖤

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CW: pregnancy, sexual assault (implied, off page), death of a child (off page), murder, plague, probably more I can't remember

Overall, this book was ridiculous and delightful. I've recently started reading more fantasy/shifter/monster romance and this one seemed like it might be good, so I hit that request button on NetGalley. Not gonna lie, the first couple chapters were really rough as the writing quality was... pretty bad. I don't know if that quality just really improves or if my brain sort of pushed past it, but around the time Candra gets to the tower, I was pretty immersed. Some of the twists I predicted right from the beginning, but a bunch of others took me by surprise. The book is on the longer side, partially because there is a *lot* of sexy scenes. It takes a while to get there, but once it does, Candra and Nemeth have a field day with it. I've only read a couple monster romances so far, so I can't really say how it compares, but I felt it was generally well done. Don't expect, like, deep commentary on the world or a beautiful plot arc, but it truly fulfills the job of a sexy monster romance!

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Ruby Dixon is absolutely one of my favorite authors, and Bound to the Shadow Prince was no exception to that. I loved this story from the beginning, and couldn't wait until I got to the next chapter.

We follow Candra, a princess who has lived her entire life dealing with a sickness and being pampered in every aspect, knowing that there was no expectation of her at all, however, when the royal family hears of the death of her sister, she is thrown into the sacrificial position that her sister was supposed to fulfill - being locked up in the tower for seven years with a Fellian known as Nemeth, who is an enemy of her people, and whom she has been trained to believe is evil and unworthy, and must be 'dealt with in any way necessary' to ensure that their people continue to flourish.
Spoiler alert!!
I loved Nemeth so much, and his 'knot' was a beautiful and fun twist! Candra and Nemeth formed a beautiful relationship, and you cannot help but fall in love with both of them and root for them to be successful in their journey, from the beginning all the way through.

I'm so excited to have received this arc, and cannot wait to read the next amazing Ruby release! 5++++++++ stars!

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In this captivating read, the author masterfully weaves a narrative that is both engaging and thought-provoking. Through a blend of richly developed characters and a meticulously crafted plot, the book offers a unique exploration of its central themes, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the story's depth and complexity. The narrative is paced perfectly, balancing moments of intense action with thoughtful reflection, ensuring that readers are hooked from the first page to the last. The author's ability to evoke emotion and create a vivid, immersive world is truly remarkable, making this book a must-read for anyone looking for an exceptional literary experience.

Beyond its compelling storyline, the book stands out for its insightful commentary on the human condition, weaving philosophical questions into the fabric of its narrative. The author's skillful use of language not only enriches the text but also elevates the reader's experience, offering new perspectives on familiar themes. Whether it's the intricate dynamics of relationships, the exploration of identity, or the confrontation with ethical dilemmas, this book tackles complex issues with sensitivity and intelligence. It's a testament to the power of storytelling to illuminate the nuances of life, making it a valuable addition to any book lover's collection. Regardless of genre, this is a work that resonates on multiple levels, affirming the enduring impact of well-crafted literature.

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Oh.My.Goodness. Talk about enemies to lovers, amirite? Candra and Nemeth are on opposite sides of a very old divide and they're forced to spend seven years together in a tower with only one another for company and I CAN'T HANDLE HOW MUCH I LOVED THESE TWO TOGETHER.

Frankly, Candra is a hot mess when she first gets sent to the tower. She's a little shallow (not her fault, simply a product of her upbringing and being the "useless, cursed" sister), she can barely take care of herself, and she's woefully unprepared for everything. Literally everything. She's also kind of convinced Nemeth is very much a bad guy and it takes a while before she gets over that.

As for Nemeth, he might look like a monster to Candra (at first, at least), but he's a good person through and through. He helps her when she becomes ill because it's the right thing to do and slowly the two of them begin to lean on one another as the weeks and months tick away. When the unthinkable happens and they're forced to leave the tower or starve to death, he's willing to sacrifice himself again and again if it means she'll be safe.

War, political intrigue, a cozy tower (although maybe it isn't cozy all the time), two people stumbling their way into a relationship, a knot or two that leads to some VERY good times, danger, sibling rivalries of epic proportions, a scholarly Fellian who risks everything for the woman he's grown to love, and a princess who learns that she's not nearly as useless as she's been told. MAN, I liked these two and this world and everything going on here. *thumbs up*

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Bound to the Shadow Prince is a steamy romance novel that probably should come with a warning. May be addictive and highly sexual. The story follows Candra who comes across as spoiled being offered up to the gods in the way of giving up her life for seven years. She encounters Nemeth, who must also give up his life for seven years, and a budding romance starts. The question is not of if the romance will happen but if the romance will last with all the trials they encounter. I found this book to be very steamy (lots of spicy scenes), which I normally don't mind but just about every chapter had a mention about being horny or wanting sex. Added to that, I felt towards the end, things were rushed to come to a conclusion. I enjoyed the difference elements and scenarios the characters were put in, but once we were nearing the end, things happened very quickly. I sympathized a lot with Nemeth as I readily loved his character and rooted for him when even Candra had doubts. I would have loved to have gotten a peak into his point of view as not everything is always what it seems. Give this book a try. You will be hooked. even if you put it down for a few days, you end up coming right back to reading it.

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This was a long read, which was what I was looking for. This is my first book from Ruby Dixon and now I want to read many more! The spice and plot were both phenomenal and the slow burn in the beginning had me wanting more (in a good way)!

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Ruby Dixon excels at putting FMCs in uncomfortable situations and then giving logical reasons for how they get themselves out of those same situations. This story is no different! I loved the sex and body positivity, along with the realistic (even though this is fantasy) portrayal of a person who just wants things to be easy, and whines when they are not. The struggle is part of the journey, after all! It appears that this story was built as a serial, and I believe the overall story arc suffered because of it. Clocking in at over 500 pages, there were some repeated details that should have been trimmed to shorten the overall length. However, it was a fun read from a beloved storyteller.

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3.5 Rating (I'm rounding down a bit).
First things first, Ruby Dixon can do no wrong and always manages to write a thoroughly enjoyable story, with a healthy dose of spice. I've enjoyed her early forays into Fantasy and this was also of good quality.
My issue? The book is nearly six hundred pages, and yet in the last hundred pages takes a very dark turn that drastically alters the mood of the book. Those choices weren't necessarily wrong, but there was not nearly enough time spent considering the repercussions of everything that happened.

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Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon is a steamy paranormal romance with a large fantasy royalty plot.

I didn't expect such a twisting fantasy, but I really enjoyed the secrets and war and all the gods. Candra is spoiled and sassy and experienced in pleasure, and I love it! Was so refreshing to have a female character who knows what she likes in bed and is unafraid to ask (or beg) for it! Nemeth was such a cinnamon roll, I loved getting to know him, and his people and customs.

Overall this is a great fantasy romance from Ruby Dixon!!

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This is my first time reading your work, but it will not be the last. What a unique and fascinating book. It is hard to hold my interest, but Bound to the Shadow Prince did just that. Tight world building and exceptional character attributes. The twists, turns and absolute shockers were refreshing. Many books, you can often times predict the outcome-this was an exception. I look forward to reading more of your books.

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TW: slavery, wartime mass-murder, repeated off-page rape and sexual assault, women as war prizes, attempted assault

I feel torn on rating this novel. On one hand I enjoyed much of it. The main characters and their relationship evolved at a good pace. The steamy scenes were well-written. There was even a journeying element, which was nice for a romance. However there were enough wartime crime trigger warnings (above) past the halfway point that I couldn't in good conscience rate it higher. Please make sure that these TWs are okay with you before reading. Now for a summary and some thoughts.

Bound to the Shadow Prince presents a multi-year relationship journey between two royals, set in a deteriorating world where the Goddess periodically wreaks havoc on the earth through intense storms, rain, and floods, if not pacified. (That would be recurring climate patterns for the more scientific minded.) As the time of storms approaches again, tradition demands that two royals from warring lands are sent to pacify the Goddess with their sacrifice of staying locked away in a windowless, doorless tower for seven years. One species is human while the other is more gargoyle-like. Over time they grow closer and embark on a romance together.

Unfortunately(?) for these two royals, things do not quite go as planned and when they do see the world again, it is nothing like what they expected. This new world tests the loyalty of the bond they've formed during their joint captivity.

* Romance with a setting - a fair amount of world-setting, action, and intrigue for a romance (Note: not to the level of a full-on fantasy or adventure novel. This is first and foremost a romance.)
* Good pacing and passing of time
* Good emphasis on consent in most sexual scenes
* Well-written though unrealistically fantastic sex scenes (includes knotting erotica kink), but hey it's a romance so sure

* Human slavery by the other species (Fellian)
* Wartime mass-murder, repeated off-page rape and sexual assault, women as war prizes, attempted assault. The prince does not push against this, saying that this is the cost of war... If he had denounced the situation and tried to fix it, my rating would have been higher.
* Unrealistic ease of political resolution but that's not uncommon for romance/erotica novels
* The princess was very whiney, had no life skills, and used her condition as an excuse to be pampered and never learn anything about life. She does evolve from this but still acts short-sighted, even at the end.
* Took a tone shift halfway through and became surprisingly grim (This actually does make it more of a romance epic, but see Cons above for TW content.)

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My review for
Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon


Damn, I know everyone is loving the big sexy Ice Planet Barbarians (including me 😂) but Nemeth and his wings are flying into first place for now.

I looooved this book and was invested from chapter 1. I didn’t want to put it down and might have neglected my kids a little. I enjoyed the enemies to friends to lovers progression and I thought Nemeth was just so endearing from the start. Candra was a little hard to like, but she grew on me halfway through. Her character development was really impressive. I fully went into this expecting nothing but smut and was very surprised to find an interesting story line that held my attention throughout the entire book. Don't get me wrong, though there is plenty of spice and "knotty" fun too 😏 I had no idea what would happen next, and I really enjoyed being surprised in almost every chapter. I drug this book out because I didn't want it to end and honestly was NOT expecting that ending at all. I do feel that the ending was a little rushed and I have a few questions that I wish were answered, but overall it was a 5 star read.

This book has
- Knotty fun 😏
- Curvy smart mouthed FMC
- Forced proximity
- Virgin MMC
- Enemies to friends to lovers

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This book was nice and refreshing honestly. It has decent spice but more importantly there’s a huge story that unfolds and you have no choice but be captivated by it. The world building was great and I loved the character development. Though I did see some of the twists coming I didn’t see them all which I love as well. I found myself in a bit of a reading slump just re reading my favorite series. This one has pulled me out of it and leaving excited again for my next stories and adventures that I pick up. I would definitely recommend this book

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I hread Ice Plant Barbarians a while ago. And I thought it was pretty good. But Bound to the Shadow Prince? I thought it was great. The emotional growth that we see Candra go through is paced just perfectly. I loved that she owned her sexuality and she was so clear that she wanted him. And Nemeth is a great cinnamon roll beast. There is knotting which isn’t really my cup of smexy tea, but the rest of the steam was plenty hot. And I wasn’t sure how the plot was going to work out, which honestly is pretty unique in this genre (I mean I knew there was going to be an HEA obvs). There is off page violence against women and the violent death of an infant (another character relates the story) which could be upsetting for some readers. But honestly the hard depiction of war, added to the emotional journey the couple goes on. There is a little, “well a conversation would probably be useful here”, but I was so charmed by Candra and Nemeth as characters I hardly minded. Overall very ice plant meets fae type war romance. I liked it. (I read an ARC)

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