Member Reviews

While I liked this, I did not love it. The storyline was interesting and I did want to know what was going to happen next, so I kept reading and reading and reading. It felt very long and sometimes quite repetitive.

I don’t know that I liked Candra that much. At first, her attitude was fun, but then it got grating. She was always in a dire situation, and while I loved her “I’ll cry about this tomorrow, after I’m through this hard thing” attitude, the other portion of her felt immature and got rather annoying. She couldn’t be serious to save her life, which was funny at times but other times not.

Nemeth was consistent in his inconsistency. He was a scholarly, bookish man who… was adept at dirty talk? Insanely possessive and protective, except when he left her to fend for herself with 3 starving men on horseback (couldn’t have just taken them out and used their horses??) or in the middle of the sea while he went off for most of the day to fly, or when he left her alone in his apartment and ignored her completely.

There wasn’t much feeling in this book. There were spicy scenes and then scenes telling us what was going on. I didn’t feel the need to cheer for either character, didn’t feel hurt or pain or love, because I couldn’t feel their hurt or pain or love. It didn’t feel like they loved each other—it felt like they turned to each other when no one else was around and called it good.

The premise of this book drew me in and kept me reading, I just wish what was there was better.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I got this book for free and exchange for an honest opinion.
I've read every single one of Ruby Dixon books.

I love all her books. This one did have a similar vibe as her aspect books do.
But it was differentt in it's own right. The only thing I'd say is I felt the book was too long.
I love both main characters. I love how sweet and innocent he wasand hiw sure of herself she was.
Maybe because this was a serial is the reason why it felt so long. When I felt like there was a lot that wasn't needed. It could have been cut down. I don't want to give too much away, but I did like the little mystery of it. I was surprize of who it was ( Crypt that I know)and the love scenes were HOTT!
I can say if you love Ruby Dixon's books then you're gonna love this one. All in all , I'll give it 3.5 stars

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I honestly didn't expect to love this book nearly as much as I did but I couldn't put it down! It read as a fantasy royal drama romance, and I devoured every twist and turn.

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"Princess Candra must remain locked inside a tower for seven long years in order to protect her people from their goddess's wrath. Seven years without a friend—or a lover—by her side. And locked inside the tower with her? A fearsome winged Fellian warrior, Nemeth. He's terrifying, cruel, and disturbingly magnetic . . . and the only other living being in the tower. Candra is torn between wanting to kill him for his supplies or having her way with him. After all, seven years is a long time to be alone."

I was delighted by this novel. Ruby has a knack for some impressive magic system and world building within a romance/fantasy novel. Candra has a steep learning curve when she gets to the tower and has to fend for herself, and her trials are written very well. The blood curse that Candra lives with was an interesting addition to the story and when fully explained later on was well done. My only negative for the entire book was the final 1/4. Everything happened so fast, with as much build up as we had in the tower, I felt the continuing journey was just a bit quick. Otherwise, I could not stop reading!

Ruby Dixon loves to hit all of my favorite romance and fantasy troupes. If you want to read Bound to the Shadow Prince, here is a short list of what is included in the novel.

Grumpy x Sunshine (My most favorite!)
Enemies to friends to lovers
Forced Proximity
Touch her and die
Spicy Scenes!!
Virgin MMC

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I really enjoyed the storyline in Bound to the Shadow Prince. The concept of a tribute from royalty on both sides of enemy people who have to live together for 7 years really piqued my interest. The tower has its own set of unique challenges, which is truly felt by the FMC Candra, who has always had people to take care of her. This book feels like a journey with many challenges. There’s plenty of spice along the way as well. The story felt unique to me and very enjoyable.

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Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon is a fantasy romance that was originally published on Yonder. I’m a huge fan of Ruby Dixon’s books, so I had to check this one out!

Princess Candra was raised with no expectations on her since she was born with a blood curse. Her older sister was selected to marry the king and her younger sister was selected to be a worshipper for a goddess who would stay in a tower for seven years to appease her. When her younger sister gets lost at sea, Candra must take her place in the tower. She must share the tower with a member of their country’s enemy, a Fellian. Nemeth was the quiet and reserved Fellian who was also destined for the tower. Can Candra and Nemeth survive seven years with only each others’s company?

This was such an interesting read. I went in with certain expectations on what would occur in the story, but I didn’t realize there would be much more. I really liked how different but compatible Candra and Nemeth were. The beginning of their relationship was my favorite part to read because it did start off in a two-steps-forward-one-step-back way. I wish we had Nemeth’s point of view, but it could have lead to spoilers, so I understand why it was not included.

The world building was confusing in the beginning, but I got it after a while. It was also super long! I’ve read many of Dixon’s shorter works, so this book being a behemoth was surprising. I wish it was paced a bit better because it did drag along at some points. Ruby Dixon is a queen when it comes to 🌶️spice🌶️, so the expectations were lived up to in that aspect!

If you love fantasy romance, forced proximity, winged/magical heroes, heroines that find the humor in everything, and opposites attract, then this book is for you!

Thanks to Ruby Dixon and NetGalley for the ARC!

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From reading the synopsis of this story I was so excited to read this novel but unfortunately I just had a hard time reading this novel due to the writing style no fault to the author. I did enjoy the twist leading to the ending which tied the novel together.

I had a difficult time connecting with the characters at the start. I dislikes Candra and thought of her as an annoying princess but slowly during the storyline you started to see her grow and evolve.

• Slow burn
• Enemies to lovers
• Forced proximity
• Touch her and ☠️
• Steamy
• Possessive MMC

<b>Thank you to NetGalley, Ruby Dixon, and Wattpad for the chance to read and review this e-arc in exchange for an honest review! All thought and opinions remain my own.</b>

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an e-ARC of this book!

This monster romance was the very embodiment of the forced proximity trope. Although I didn't always care for the FMC Candra, she tended to have the most unhinged (and hilarious) bits of the book.

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Bound to the Shadow Prince is a standalone with a great premise. The protagonist, who is a chronically ill princess, gets tapped in as a sacrifice when her sister—who had been trained for it her entire life—dies on her way to her fate. As the sacrifice, Candra now has to spend seven years locked in a tower with no one but her sworn enemy. Untrained and used to being pampered in a palace, Candra has no idea how to take care of…well…anything.

The premise of the story is fantastic, as is the beginning as Candra gets settled into the tower and her life and budding romance with Nemeth. However, the story takes a turn for the worse when the two get together. From the point where Candra and Nemeth are first intimate, the story turns to be mostly about their relations. The plot doesn’t continue so much as it speeds ahead through their travels outside the tower and beyond, and a lot of the story threads and solutions aren’t fully explored.

While the premise was good, Bound to the Shadow Prince does not live up to it.

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Really good monster fantasy from Ruby Dixon! Great world building and compelling story line. Romance was slow but built along really nicely. I really liked how the heroines perceived “weakness” ended up saving the lives of many in the end.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Bound to the Shadow Prince. It was my first book by Ruby Dixon.
When I saw this book and read the description it got me very interested, a princess stuck in the tower for 7 years with a Fellian warrior, a lot can happen during that time!
In all honesty I did not enjoy reading this book and struggled to get through it. The beginning was very captivating and I couldn’t stop reading but then it felt repetitive and very long, I also couldn’t connect to the characters which made it harder to be interested in their story development. I love steamy scenes but felt like there were too many of them in the book to the point that I lost my interest in their relationship.
It is just my personal opinion and I think quite a few people will enjoy this book, it just wasn’t for me.

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Title: Bound to a Shadow Prince
Author: Ruby Dixon

Bound to a Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon is a captivating and enchanting tale that combines a unique storyline, enemies-to-lovers trope, and the thrilling concept of forced proximity. With elements of fantasy, romance, and adventure, this book takes readers on a mesmerizing journey filled with love, danger, and the power of destiny.

The story revolves around a sassy and flirty princess who finds herself trapped in a tower for seven long years. Princess Candra, known for her quick wit and playful nature, is a character that instantly captures the reader's attention. Her vibrant personality and determination to escape her confinement make her a relatable and endearing protagonist.

In this fantastical world, two kingdoms are at war, each with their own unique species. Enter the sexy winged male, the Shadow Prince, who becomes Candra's unexpected savior. Despite their initial animosity and opposing backgrounds, their paths intertwine in a way that neither of them could have anticipated.

The enemies-to-lovers trope is flawlessly executed in this book. The tension between Candra and the Shadow Prince is palpable from the moment they meet. Their witty banter and fiery exchanges create a delightful push-and-pull dynamic that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages. As they are forced to spend time together, their walls begin to crumble, revealing hidden depths and vulnerabilities.

The concept of forced proximity adds an extra layer of intensity to the story. Trapped in the tower, Candra and the Shadow Prince are forced to confront their differences and find common ground. As they navigate their confined space, their relationship evolves, leading to unexpected alliances and a deepening connection.

Ruby Dixon skillfully weaves a tale of love and redemption amidst a backdrop of war and conflict. The world-building is rich and immersive, with vivid descriptions that bring the fantastical elements to life. The author's ability to balance the romance and action ensures that readers remain fully engaged throughout the story.

Bound to a Shadow Prince is a delightful blend of fantasy, romance, and adventure. It explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the power of unity. With its unique storyline, enemies-to-lovers trope, and the thrilling concept of forced proximity, this book is a must-read for fans of the genre. Ruby Dixon's ability to create compelling characters and captivating narratives is showcased brilliantly in this enchanting tale.

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The overarching world and plot of this story was significantly darker and more complex than in other Ruby Dixon books I've read, even the Aspect and Anchor series. At the same time, the relationship development between Candra and Nemeth was incredibly sweet (and steamy). Candra and Nemeth are locked together in a tower, with no knowledge of what is happening in the outside world, and this made for an engaging, mysterious external plot. I couldn't stop reading the last half of the book. While the ending was mostly satisfying, there were a couple of plot points that were either dropped or weren't fully resolved. Ultimately, it was still a great story, and I'm excited about the direction Ruby Dixon's high fantasy romance writing has taken.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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My hopes for this novel were average. The plot seemed interesting like a rewriting of Sleeping Beauty if the tale was fractured and the prince was also forced into the tower to squander seven years of their lives away to appease a vengeful God all while the prince had ulterior motives and the princess was a whiny debutant who only cared for her own needs.
Okay, there is A LOT more happening in this story and beyond the tower and having to remain within there isn’t many parallels to the traditional fairy tale. I liked that Prince Nemeth wasn’t necessarily handsome by today’s standards (or human exactly — think more gargoyle meets sater) and neither was Candra for that matter. While she was a raven haired beauty she was also described as round and big breasted. That was refreshing!!! Needless to say this lazy princess with cursed blood and a penchant for horizontal athletics was not prepared to spend seven years in a dark (no windows) tower with a male complete stranger.
I will say there were more than a few plot holes that the author tried her best to work around and fill, but the finer points of this scenario just create far too many side questions. That said take the story for what it is as you read and don’t jump down that rabbit hole. Just enjoy the building relationship between Nemeth and Candra.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Wattpad Books for the eARC! My thoughts are my own and this review is in return for an amazing adventure.

No regrets!!!!
3.5 out of 5 stars

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“𝐇𝐞’𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲, 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐤.”

Bound to the Shadow Prince is a monster fantasy romance. I was expecting to really enjoy this one, especially since having read this authors Ice Planet Barbarians series, but I have some really mixed feelings. The premise of this was so promising, 2 enemies locked together in a tower for 7 years to appease the Gods, but I struggled throughout the book.

Let’s start with the things I really liked: The fact that the FMC was curvy and sex positive. Princess Candra and Prince Nemeth were the very definition of opposites attract and balanced each other nicely. The spice was hotter than I was expecting and there was plenty of it. The twist at the end was one I never coming and surprised me in the best way.

What I disliked: The pacing. The characters spend majority of the book in the tower and while there were plenty of steamy scenes, not much else happens. Once they leave the tower, the pacing was still a bit off and the ending felt rushed, although by that point, I was just ready for the end.

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As a fan of Ruby Dixon's other popular series, I was really excited to receive this arc copy. I went into it without any knowledge of the what to expect, and while in most cases that tends to prevent any unfair expectations, it may have helped me.

I really loved so many parts of this story. At first, I wasn't sure how I felt about Candra but she really quickly grew on me through her inner monologue. As with all of Ruby Dixon's male characters, I fell in love with how sweet and protective Nemeth was. They provided a great balance of opposites-attract, a fiercely protective mate and ample steamy scenes. I was also really invested in finding out more about the blood curse, and the plot twist/reveal at the end really surprised me. I loved the history, legends etc and wish they had been more prominent int he plot rather than just as information given to use through the narrative.

I did also find myself struggling with the pacing at times. A large portion of this story takes place within the tower, and there was (as expected) very little that happened. This was filled with a lot of information about the kingdoms and their histories, the gods etc, but since we receive this from a first-person point of view, it did become monotonous at times. I would have been far more invested had there been dual pov to follow Nemeth's balance of information and make the tower-section not feel as long and draw out (I do appreciate why first-person was necessary for the plot twists, though.)

Once the MCs reach Darkfell, this plot became far more exciting, but I feel that too much had already taken place at a really slow pace. I think this book could have been a much stronger read if the (reading) time spent in the tour was shorter, and we learned more about the histories and lores while the MCs are travelling through Lios and Darkfell. Also, if this book had been about 150 pages shorter, those amazing moments would have had a longer lasting impact on the overall experience.

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As a fan of Ruby Dixon's other popular series, I was really excited to receive this arc copy. I went into it without any knowledge of the what to expect, and while in most cases that tends to prevent any unfair expectations, it may have helped me.

I really loved so many parts of this story. At first, I wasn't sure how I felt about Candra but she really quickly grew on me through her inner monologue. As with all of Ruby Dixon's male characters, I fell in love with how sweet and protective Nemeth was. They provided a great balance of opposites-attract, a fiercely protective mate and ample steamy scenes. I was also really invested in finding out more about the blood curse, and the plot twist/reveal at the end really surprised me. I loved the history, legends etc and wish they had been more prominent int he plot rather than just as information given to use through the narrative.

I did also find myself struggling with the pacing at times. A large portion of this story takes place within the tower, and there was (as expected) very little that happened. This was filled with a lot of information about the kingdoms and their histories, the gods etc, but since we receive this from a first-person point of view, it did become monotonous at times. I would have been far more invested had there been dual pov to follow Nemeth's balance of information and make the tower-section not feel as long and draw out (I do appreciate why first-person was necessary for the plot twists, though.)

Once the MCs reach Darkfell, this plot became far more exciting, but I feel that too much had already taken place at a really slow pace. I think this book could have been a much stronger read if the (reading) time spent in the tour was shorter, and we learned more about the histories and lores while the MCs are travelling through Lios and Darkfell. Also, if this book had been about 150 pages shorter, those amazing moments would have had a longer lasting impact on the overall experience.

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3 stars!
This was you usual fun Ruby Dixon romp, if you like her books you know exactly what you are in for with this one. The story follows Candra as she struggles with being locked away in a tower with a stranger to prevent a curse from ravaging the land.
Candra has a rare sickness that runs in her family line, and has spent her whole life partying and generally not worrying about much until her sister who was always supposed to be locked away for several years to prevent a curse dies suddenly and she ends up being sent to the tower instead. While trapped in the tower she finds herself drawn to and eventually befriending Nemeth, a prince from the enemy kingdom and her fellow sacrifice.

I enjoyed the beginning of this book a lot it was fun and I had a good time watching Candra and Nemeths relationship grow, it lost me in the second half of the book sadly which is why I can’t personally rate it any higher.

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Thank you NetGalley!

Although I enjoyed the first half, the book is so slow. If it was cut down or divided into two books I would of enjoyed this book more.

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Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this arc!

Bound to the Shadow Prince was inspired by the Trojan War. Two rival armies send one of their own to a tower to be locked up for the next seven years. Candra and Nemeth should hate each other as they’re enemies, but their forced proximity brings them together. Candra has a blood curse who can’t get pregnant (or so she thought). And Nemeth cannot weird magick as well as the rest of their family. As their yearly supplies disappears, the two decide to do the forbidden and leave the tower. From there, they figured out just how corrupt both sides are.

This is a thrilling ride of fantasy filled with spice, forbidden love and plot twists!

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