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Some authors just have this way of telling a story and as you read it’s like the outside world it doesn’t exist and you don’t know how much time has passed, you’re just completely lost in this world. That’s what it felt like reading this book. I was endlessly saying, “just one more chapter” as my bedtime was pushed later and later. I don’t even know what it was about the book but I know that I couldn’t believe when the book ended.

The story is told in the POV of our FMC who you will love or hate. She starts off as this spoiled brat, but it’s how she was raised. As she begins to adapt and change you see her grow up and become the leader she needs to become. I do love having multiple POVs within a book but I found this worked perfectly. I think it’s better that we did not know the MMC’s POV. I would not be opposed to a novella or bonus chapters of his POV during some scenes but I like that we didn’t always know what was happening and why.

I really enjoyed that this story worked perfectly as a standalone novel. It definitely could have been expanded into another book, but the story didn’t feel rushed. I’m sure there are only so many ways the author could have written about being trapped for years and I like how the author simultaneously showed how quickly and yet how slowly time passed.

I loved the storytelling and the book further cemented my love for this author. I feel so satisfied with this book and its ending.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group for the opportunity to read this book. All opinions are my own.

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It is very safe to call me a committed Ruby Dixon reader, 2023 I read all her entire backlog except for the Bedlam Butcher series.

Bound to the Shadow Prince, despite sounding like it is is not a part of the Aspect and Anchor world just putting that out first. However I would say this standalone shares the bleakness of A&A, there’s a certain darkness Dixon explores in that series that often far out paces her others.

Story wise yes it is a long winding road but that felt intentional for experiencing the same stretched out time the characters do. Candra and Nemeth have to actively fight to understand each other while being on opposing sides of war. I loved that RD said she was pulling from the story of Helen of Troy and other Greek mythology here it added such an epic twist.

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What a fantastically magical masterpiece! Bound to the Shadow Prince is a wickedly surprising and wonderfully magnificent journey of two forgotten people who found more then ever bargained for. Guided by the questionable plans of others, they fall prey to their gods' whims. Fighting for their own survival, they can only hope their sacrifice is making a difference. With the precarious passing of time, they discover that they can truly only ever count on each other.

Candra is the spare heir of her royal family. She is the cursed one who is often overlooked and forgotten, so she does what she can to make herself heard and seen. When a disastrous surprise is used to change every part of her life, she is left with no choice, but to follow the demands of another. Under the heavy obligation of her people, she steps loyally into what feels like her own demise. Nemeth thought his life was all planned out for him. He was under no delusion of allowing his dreams to lead his heart. What he never counted on was meeting a fiery beauty like Candra. She has her own mind and fights for what she wants. Will Fate allow Nemeth to follow the desires of his own heart for once in his regimented life, or will he watch them wither and dead under the weight of responsibility and duty?

Watching the numerous and stark differences between Nemeth and Candra slowly meld and intertwine to form something utterly spectacular was truly breathtaking to behold. My heart melted and sighed each time these two fought to have something more between them. They refused to settle for anything less then everything, and I cheered them on the entire time. What a sumptuous romance that simmered with undeniable passion and pure love! I could not have asked for more then the perfection of these two brilliant characters and their fight for a life of peace and hope.

This the first book I have read by Ruby Dixon, and I must admin that I am thoroughly impressed and hopelessly besotted. Her characters are to die for, and the story line absolutely took my breath away. There is nothing better then a story that shreds your heart with its wonderful depth and consumes your very soul with its unbridled passion. You can be sure that I will be reading much more from this fantastic author!

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Firstly, thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for an e-arc of this book. It is greatly appreciated but does not impact the contents of my review.

I am a big Ruby Dixon fan. Last year I believe I read over twenty of her books, and I enjoyed myself in all of them. I am a huge fan of her Aspect and Anchor series, and although I knew this book wasn’t part of that, I had my fingers crossed that it had a similar theme.

Candra is our fmc. After a lifetime of being a spoiled princess without responsibilities or duties, Candra is shipped off to a tower for the next 7 years. She will be without servants, without adequate supplies, and without sunlight. She is not the only one who must serve seven years to the goddess. A prince from the enemy kingdom will be her only companion. Candra is wildly unprepared for the trials and tribulations of roughing it in a tower. Suddenly she is responsible for every aspect of her care, and it turns out she isn’t really equipped for it. When her companion offers a truce, Candra must decide if she should keep her enemies close.

I absolutely love the idea for this book. I’m a sucker for forced proximity, and I honestly appreciate having a break from the “badass” fmc trope. Candra is undoubtedly a spoiled princess, and there is nothing wrong with it I’m sure some people are going to find her annoying, and I think that is honestly just part of who she is as a character.

Nemeth is our MMC, and I really miss the dual pov from Ice Planet Barbarians for the MMC. I thought Nemeth was okay for the first half of the book, and by the end, I really wanted someone who adored Candra more. I really like when men worship their women, and I found that lacking in this book. Nemeth consistently keeps secrets from Candra and sometimes just flat out ignores her worries/questions. Even when they *spoiler* go back to his kingdom and see all the human slaves, he just isn’t motivated enough to actually help her. ALSO I thought Nemeth leaving her with those gross humans because they had horses was absolutely ridiculous. You could have stolen those horses. She literally thought she was going to be raped, and that he had abandoned her, while he was just creeping in the shadows. It’s stupid. *end spoiler kinda*

Anyways, as always the smut in this is good. Ruby always has good smut and this was no exception. I really enjoyed them being in the tower together, and it wasn’t until afterwards where I felt Nemeth lacking. Overall, I had a good time, and I am sure I will continue to read just about anything Ruby Dixon writes.

3.75/5 stars. Rounded up to 4 stars

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Bound to the Shadow Prince was a really fun read. This enemies-to-lovers romance is full of intrigue and has a sassy female lead character that had me laughing out loud at times. Perfect for fans of Dixon's other works and other fantasy romance like Jennifer L Armentrout.

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Honestly this wasn't my cup of tea, maybe I'm just not into monster romances lol This was my first attempt at one and I just didn't vibe with it at all, and if I had to read the word "knot" one more time I was gonna lose it. I will say the characters were fun and I liked their banter and dynamic in the beginning, but I quickly lost my interest with them half way through. I also think I just got bored with them being stuck in the tower for two years, more than half the book. It just felt very stagnant.

While this wasn't for me personally, I do think it will appeal to a lot of other readers. So definitely give it a try!

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I enjoyed this. I'm not sure how to review without giving away too much but THAT plot twist towards the ending! I did not see that coming! I loved out two main characters. The only thing that would have made it better is if we could have had his POV as well. I loved the spicy bits of the book as well as the sweet moments. The author really gets you hooked and I was stressed for these characters throughout the book.

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This book was fun. I do feel like it dragged a bit longer than necessary. This book was over 500 pages and probably could have been edited down 100 pages or so. However, I liked the main relationship in this and the twist at the end was good. It was a bit predictable at times but in a way that made me want to get to the end to have all my questions answered. I was curious about a new Ruby Dixon book after Ice Planet Barbarians. This was certainly different but I’m glad I got my hands on it. She really is one of the spice queens. And it was my first Knotted Romance and I can’t say I’m mad about it lol. If you're a fan of other Ruby Dixon books you'll certainly enjoy this one. Her writing has really matured, which is evident throughout this book.

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Sassy cursed princess. Noble shadow price. One tower. Adorable. This is my first Ruby Dixon so I came into this with a clean slate. This reads like it was a salacious fantasy history channel feature. A good time with a meatier plot toward the end.

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Overall, I had a difficult time with this book. There was a lot of pacing issues as well as super consistent language that needed variety! This did not have the spice and fluidity that i associate with Ruby Dixon's materials. It does make sense though after I found out this used to be a pay-to-read chapters story, but I wish there could have been better editing for a bound copy.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was slow to start, and I almost gave up, but I'm glad I stuck with it. If you enjoy close proximity, enemies to lovers, with a hint of Beauty and the Beast vibes, I highly recommend this book.

The romance between Candra and Nemeth was a little slow, but worth it. Several spicy scenes and Nemeth's adorable ignorance vs Candra's temptress guiles made this one of my favorite romantasy books of the month. Even though there was a pregnancy, I fully expected it and didn't feel like it detracted from the story at all.

This was the first of Ruby Dixon's novels that I've read, and I'm definitely interested in reading more.

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I love Rubys writing, and as a new series of hers, this definitely did not disappoint.
Imagine being locked in a tower with your enemy for 7 years, because that is what Princess Chandra has to do. As you can expect, Chandra isn’t thrilled with this outcome. Enter Prince Nemeth. A tall, winged, broody, clawed Fallian (monster) warrior. Nemeth has spent his whole life training for this endeavor, and Chandra realizes she may not survive this ordeal at all.
Overall, I love this book. Forced proximity, disability, feisty fmc, it was giving everything id hope it would. Patiently waiting for book 2

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If there's one thing about Ruby Dixon it's that she will get you out of a reading slump! This book was so entertaining and easy to read. Was it anything profound? No. Was it fun and entertaining? ABSOLUTELY.I loved her IPB series and now I can add this one to the list to keep me busy.

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“Bound To The Shadow Prince" is a captivating blend of cozy confinement and thrilling adventure, making it a standout in the realm of romantic fantasy. The story begins with Princess Candra, who must endure seven years locked in a tower to appease a vengeful goddess. This setting initially creates a surprisingly cozy atmosphere, allowing for deep character exploration and the development of a complex, enthralling relationship between Candra and her Fellian companion, Nemeth.

The book takes a refreshing turn in the second half, bursting into a world brimming with unforeseen challenges and revelations. The narrative is skillfully woven with twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat, gasping for air right until the exhilarating conclusion.

One of the most commendable aspects of this novel is its portrayal of a strong, badass main character who navigates a chronic illness, offering rare and much-needed representation in the genre. The evolving dynamics between Candra and Nemeth are both intense and magnetic, striking a perfect balance between emotional depth and the exhilaration of their journey.

Highly recommended for those who aren't afraid to dive into a story featuring gargoyles and seek a romantic adventure that's as heart-pounding as it is heartwarming.

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Fun fantasy monster romance smut. I believe this was written as a serial story released chapter-by-chapter on the platform Yonder and released on Wattpad books imprint. So, it’s got a sense of humor, problems that get serious and are strangely compelling. Trapped in a tower with an enemy shadow creature for seven years? Well, there is only one thing to do….

Too many “dragon shites.” Fun main female character. Also love the MMC. Similar to her blue barbarians series.

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this might be the first monster romance i've read that felt more like monster romantasy, with a fleshed out world, kingdoms at war, kings, queens, and vengeful gods and goddesses - and it was an absolute delight.

bound to the shadow prince is lengthy, but seeing as how it was originally published as a serial and was compiled and published as book, the length is to be expected. and despite its length — every chapter is FUN.

the story focuses on candra, a hedonist, spare-heir princess with a chronic illness: a blood curse that requires an injection every night, and can kill her if she misses her dose. also, part of this blood curse? infertility, making her ineligible as the queen and heir responsible for continuing the royal line.

after her younger sister dies in a shipwreck, candra inherits the role of designated sacrifice to the gods, in which she’s sent to a windowless tower to live for seven years with the other kingdom’s sacrifice. the catch: the door is bricked up behind them, and they're not able to step even one foot outside for the duration of those seven years, otherwise a terrible curse befalls their kingdoms, bringing tempests to the seas and droughts to the farmlands.

LOCKED IN A TOWER FOR SEVEN YEARS WITH AN ENEMY? a HOT, MONSTER ENEMY? sign me all the way up. (except not really, because i’m not even remotely claustrophobic, but i would need at least a window of sunlight to avoid clawing my way through the brick to freedom.)

over the course of the first year, candra and nemeth — prince of the fellian kingdom — have to cohabitate, share food and resources, and navigate the darkness and loneliness together. like the one bed trope, but one tower — a recipe for falling in love with your enemy. it’s kind of giving love island, except it’s a dark, crumbly tower, and you’ve only got one romantic option. but you're lucky because he's hot, kind, and 8 feet tall with anatomy to match.

this was honestly so much fun to read, both in terms of grade A-spicy monster smut and interesting, complex romantasy, but it’s definitely one you need to be in the mood to commit to, because she’s girthy (much like a certain scholarly virgin prince’s appendage). bound to the shadow prince is fun, but it requires a fair bit of patience while the story itself unravels over 500 pages.

note that there are a few TW/CWs to be aware of before jumping in: animal death (for food/survival), infertility and surprise pregnancies, and the death of a child (off page, recounted by a side character). and also, if the idea of being stuck in a bricked-up dark tower for seven years terrifies you, best to skip this one.

otherwise, if you’re on the hunt for monster smut that fills the romantasy hole in your heart, this delivers warring kingdoms, winged and fanged monsters, and a dash of dystopian, apocalyptic survival.

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Full-length standalone monster romantasy. And by full length, I mean a very full 536 pages. A feisty FMC and a shyer inexperienced monster MMC who come from enemy/warring peoples.

I definitely enjoyed this novel and the storyline, yet I can’t help having my overwhelming feeling be that it was too long and dragged in parts. This story was originally put out as a serial and I think the pacing and length make a lot more sense for that format vs. a novel.

There is certainly plenty of the monster smut we know and love from Ruby Dixon, but there is also plenty of fantasy plot with gods, curses, war, and magic. Definitely has some darker elements as well.

I do not recommend for someone wanting a quick monster romp, but would recommend to readers looking for a full length epic monster standalone fantasy!

3.5 stars. Stunning cover.

Thank you Netgalley and to the publisher for a free review ecopy!

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After clearing up the confusion that this was not part of the Anchor and Aspect series (took me a hundred pages or so)- I let myself really enjoy this!

Ruby did an excellent job creating two different personalities between Candra and Nemeth which I felt were reminiscent of stronger FMCs in IPB (currently also making my way through Ice Home). I loved the growth through and through, the survival through the last 30% of the book and just the expression of loyalty written.

I recieved this copy as an ARC and this is solely my own opinion!

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This was a good book. It fell flat in parts of it but picked back up. There was several scenes of spice and I would probably give it 3 chili peppers. I liked the fact that there was no cliff hanger.

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While this heroine seems a bit vain and self centered which did not make her my favorite character, overall this was an excellent book. It has a lot of twists and turns and the characters, especially the heroine, are multi-dimensional people.

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