Member Reviews

I am a Ruby Dixon fan through and through, and I enjoyed my time in Bound to the Shadow Prince. I thought the story was unique, the plot twists were fun, and I loved the characterization of both the FMC and MMC. Grumpy Sunshine is always such a fun trope, and Ruby knows how to bring characters to life. The story was long, which felt unusual for one of her books, but I thought the plot had a lot of places to go so I was never bored. I laughed out loud, loved the omegaverse vibes, and the absolute dedication of Nemeth to Candra had me swooning the entire time. Plus they both had deliciously dirty mouths!

- Grumpy x Sunshine
- Enemies to friends to lovers
- Forced Proximity
- Touch her and die
- Virgin MMC
🌶️ SMUTTY 🌶️

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3.5 ⭐️

I really liked the premise of this book, forced proximity and soft enemies to lovers. Candra started out a little spoiled, but quickly realized her situation and had a lot of growth at the end. I enjoyed the twist towards the end of the book and how it came together at the end.
I do feel like the story dragged in places that could’ve been shortened up and some of the spicier scenes were a little repetitive.

Also am I the only one who pictures the MMC as the guy with horns from Star Wars?? 😭

Thank you to NetGalley for the E-ARC!!

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Thanks to NetGalley for approving me to read and review this early. Now I know what I’m getting myself for my birthday (July, where you at?)

I did not think it possible to love Mrs. Dixon any more than I already did, but I was wrong. While Ice Planet Barbarians has a special place in my heart (I picked up the first one in 2017) I absolutely adore the Risdaverse novels and novellas and, especially, the Aspect and Anchor series. These worlds are jam packed with adventure, heartbreak, passion, and a story that sticks with you like a warm hug. For the longest time I have been focused on impatiently getting through a book quickly so that I could know all of the secrets it has been hiding, and then immediately turn to another story when I have not fully digested the one before. But with Bound to the Shadow Prince I wanted to savor it and didn’t want it to end (iykyk). I quickly related to Candra, the female lead, who was born with the Vestalin blood curse (iykyk). But that doesn’t keep her down for long or rob her of the hilarious and, sometimes, naughty things that come out of her mouth. She feels so real, and Dixon writes her so well that you want to be her friend and kick ass with her. I suffer from debilitating illnesses that make me dependent upon an injection and meds (and I can’t jab myself with a needle, even to save my life, so I rely on my mother or fiancé). I felt seen with this book, as I do with every book Dixon puts out. Forgive this bit of an English lesson from an English teacher, but Dixon knows her characterization, text structure, and themes (see, my sweet 9th graders, people do use what they learned during high school in real life), and I believe this is a driving factor when it comes to why her books are so popular and why they work. So. Well.

And can we just pause and think of sweet Nemeth, Candra’s enemies-to-lovers monstrous mate who scratches that damsel-in-distress, please take care of me and love me fiercely itch I have? There were many times I, personally, wanted to strangle him for being a shite, but his love for Candra made me fall in love with this story even more. The constant whiplash from their relationship had me trying to work out was going to happen, which kept me from coming to any conclusions I trusted, based on the text evidence.

This is a fantastic book that I think will reach people who read specific genres and want to dabble in others. Bound to the Shadow Prince has court intrigue, warring sides between humans and a race of humanoid/beastly creatures, enemies-to-lovers, spying, a vengeful goddess, close quarters, forbidden love, main character with an illness, etc. It’s a cross between (and hear me out on this) Bridgerton, Lord of the Rings, Twilight, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Strange? But it WORKS.

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I was given a free ARC of this book to provide my honest opinion.

Bound to the Shadow Prince is full of action and adventure and twists and turns. It kept me going! I read this book in one sitting and couldn’t down. What starts off seeming like a horrible upcoming 7 years, turns into a crazy series of events that brings love (the 🌶️ parts are so good!) laughter, war, the worst of the worst scenarios, and a twist right where you don’t expect there to be one. This is a great Romantasy read!

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I am a strong lover of Ruby’s IPB books, so when i saw there was a chance to read a new book from her i was HOOKED and insisted that i must read it ASAP.

here’s what i loved:
- FMC coping with a serious illness
- FMC not having a clue how to take care of herself (mood)
- One tower/one bed trope
- Nemeth’s growliness (hot)
- The mating rituals
- A KNOT?????? (hot)
- Exploring the ‘after’ part of the tower and what became of the world
- how caring and thoughtful and kind Nemeth is
- HE IS A BAT???? please dear god that’s hot

here’s what i didn’t love:
- It was just a bit too long. I definitely think a little bit of the tower scenes could have been cut
- I’m not a huge fan of the “she’s wildly experienced and he’s a shy virgin” thing
- Riza taking her place once again as a caretaker? I think i would have liked to see her be more of an equal.

I can’t even think of more things i didn’t love, so perhaps this is a higher rating than i originally thought. Definitely recommend if you enjoy HEA/monster romance

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The world building and character development in this book are amazing! I enjoyed watching Candra and Nemeth grow throughout their story. The plot twist at the end was unexpected and my favorite part of the book.

While there are many positive things about this book, my 3 star rating is because I feel that a lot of the beginning is drawn out. Yes, the world building was needed but some of it was very repetitive. I would have loved to see more the world outside the tower.

All in all, this was a great story with a wonderfully constructed world.

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If you’ve ever read any of Ruby Dixon’s books or want a story with a monster romance, then prepare yourselves for Ruby’s newest story in, “Bound to the Shadow Prince”. This story followed, Candra as she had to step in as a “sacrifice” for her kingdom by staying confined inside a tower for SEVEN YEARS alongside someone from an enemy kingdom. Trying to survive and make the most out of days of isolation and utter darkness, Candra was pushed to her limits like never before especially when she had to deal with apparently the other individual with her in the tower, Prince Nemeth of Darkfell. This story had fantasy, enemies to lovers, slow burn monster romance, and tension. This was my first Ruby Dixon book to read, and I throughly enjoyed it!

I cannot begin to imagine being stuck in a castle for seven years in utter darkness alongside my enemy, talk about a tough break for Candra. As a princess, Candra was use to being waited on and everything being done for her, but now “living” in the tower she was forced to take up her own wellbeing which she definitely wasn’t use to. Despite Candra having to deal with her “blood curse”, which made her ill and weak at times, I found her to be strong in her own right. In addition, Candra was sassy, snarky, and had a bit of a smart mouth. The more I read, the more I liked Candra and how unabashedly she was in her personality especially when it came to teasing and flirting with Nemeth along the way.

Before reading, I wasn’t sure if I was going to find this hard to read. Sometimes fantasy or supernatural stories can take a while to get in the groove of learning about the characters, the world building and lore behind the main plot line. I actually found myself reading this story quickly and it was easy to follow along. Once I got to know more about Candra and Nemeth, I was more invested in their relationship, how they tried to make the best out of their situation, and eventually became friends. In terms of this story being my first read by Ruby Dixon, I can see why so many people love her books as they are really easy to understand and her characters are likable.

If I’ve said it once I’ll say it again, I LOVE SLOW BURN ROMANCES! Thinking about Candra and Nemeth being locked in a tower together for seven years was not only long, but made me wonder… “how was a romance going to happen between them?”. Having Candra and Nemeth start off as enemies was a good starting point so to speak as it then later transformed to them calling a truce, and the friendship they formed was actually sweet and fun. Being stuck in the same place for many years have Nemeth and Candra the chance to fully get to know each other, and put aside their differences since they came from opposing kingdoms which had a long history of hatred. Seeing Candra become her usual flirtatious self and making Nemeth blush and shy was entertaining for me. Also seeing Nemeth take care of Candra when she was ill was heartwarming. I feel like I discovered a new micro trope that Ruby Dixon did a wonderful job which was, “he’s your enemy, but he takes care of you when you’re sick.” The slow build up of tension, lingering looks, small, tiny touches, or even just the way a conversation became filled with teasing (mostly on Candra’s behalf) was the perfect formula to build upon Candra and Nemeth’s slow burn romance!

This might be my newest, all time favorite monster romance ever! Nemeth was absolute perfection! Nemeth was a warrior, strong, powerful, but also sweet, endearing, inexperienced, but fully capable of turning Candra’s moment of shock into pure pleasure! I also loved how protective and caring Nemeth was with Candra. I discovered a new micro trope that I loved which was, he’s your enemy, but takes care of you when you’re sick! Nemeth had no obligation to help Candra, especially in the beginning, but that man (ahem, monster) took matters into his own hands, and made sure Candra was comfortable, well, and basically catered to her needs in an affectionate and respectful manner. As much as Candra was able to make Nemeth blush and surprised with her sensuality and teasing, he was also equally able to rise to her level. Nemeth was also a bit of a bookworm so YES! He was a monster scholar, and those scenes where he was reading was VERY ATTRACTIVE TO ME! I LOVE A MONSTER MAN WHOSE A FAN OF LITERATURE!

This was an interesting read for sure! Once the slow burn romance became hot and passionate, it also later revealed a bigger truth to the overarching narrative. As much as I enjoy spice like any girlie, I loved seeing how the story little by little led to a reveal that changed everything in both Candra and Nemeth’s lives. As I got closer to the end, it made me think back to all the small clues that came across the story and it all connected back to the truth that made me reconsider the story in a new light. This was a good example of a story that had a little bit of everything from fantasy, slow burn romance, enemies to lovers, while simultaneously building an intriguing plot line. I honestly didn’t see this story going in the direction that it eventually led to which was amazing.

I can safely say, this was a whirlwind of a ride! From the enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, fantasy, and overarching plot surrounding Nemeth and Candra, this was highly entertaining and addicting to read! This was my first time reading a book by Ruby Dixon, and I can see why so many people love her stories. Ruby wrote Candra and Nemeth story in a way that combined the background history of their lives, and making the fantasy aspect of the story easy to follow along. I found myself going through the chapters quickly, and I didn’t want to stop. I loved the romance between Candra and Nemeth, and OMG THE SPICE WAS HOT! PHEW! The way Nemeth went from shy, scholarly bookworm to a possessive, feral monster man was HOT! Candra was equally up to any task with her flirtatious personality and causing Nemeth to blush with her flirty words haha. This was a great fantasy read with spice, but also a great plot line. I didn’t feel like the spice overtook the plot, but it helped illustrate how much intimacy played a role in Candra and Nemeth’s relationship. The plot twists and reveals towards the end were unexpected, but added a shocking surprise I didn’t see coming. All in all, I loved this story and I definitely get the hype around the ever so lovely Ruby Dixon. A bit of a long story, but it was so worth it! I loved the way the story ended, and even the epilogue further showing my favorites Candra and Nemeth moving towards a brighter future and more in love as ever.

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Writing was a bit repetitive at first but improved throughout the book! Was not expecting how spicy it was (🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️) but if you like Radiance and Eidolon by Grace Draven you’ll like this too!

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This was such an amazing read!! Ruby Dixon has a knack for crafting such unique, funny, and all-around relatable characters! The story, while it does immediately delve into the world-building, is also very fluid and easy to immerse yourself in. The author’s writing style definitely adds to this element and had me turning the pages nonstop. I highly recommend this read for those who are looking to start a fantasy romance with a vibrant cast of characters and a fascinating world!

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Candra is a coddled princess, living with a chronic blood illness that keeps her from the line of succession. When her younger sister is killed, Candra is sent to the Tower - to be locked inside for 7 years to serve a vengeful goddess and delay a magical apocalypse. The worst part - she will be locked inside with the enemy prince - Nemeth - a gargoyle from the kingdom under the mountain. As time passes and something happens beyond the walls, Candra and Nemeth become friends, then more and eventually must decide to brave the land beyond the tower or die. What they discover will change them both.

First, this was an very long, very world-building heavy, erotic fantasy novel. The plot was great - Candra and Nemeth were well-developed - and the twist came out of no where. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend - with caveat of descriptive kink throughout.

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I love some of Ruby Dixon’s previous work so I was very excited to read this and I did enjoy it! It was a lot longer then I expected it to be and then first half really felt very slow. I had a hard time attaching to the main character as well but I did think the word building and the setting was really great. I think if this book was trimmed down it would be a way stronger read but I still enjoy it and felt immersed in the world. Ruby Dixon’s spice scenes are always top tier as well.

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3.8 / 5.0 Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon is a Trojan War inspired story with Beauty and the Beast romance. This is an intense slow-burn HEA that starts strong but fizzles after 60%

The FMC, Candra, is a spoiled brat suffering from a “blood curse” that hobbles her ability to participate in traditional activities of her station, such as marriage and even extended physical activity (except for sex, apparently). She is coddled and portrayed as being flippant, though in her own mind she is fiercely independent and intelligent.

The MMC, Nemeth, is a bit of a disappointment, He is extremely submissive, and not in an interesting or endearing way, just overall a weak character. He isn’t menacing even though his species is described as basically being a gargoyle.

They are locked into a tower as sacrifices to the gods so that there is favorable weather and harvests for the next 7 years during a celestial event (a Golden Moon in the sky). The lore of this world is poorly explained, the magic is not even touched on, and the politics are a jumbled mess.

This story was originally written as a pay-to-read chapters story, which helps makes sense of the writing style and layout. It could haven been edited together better for a bound edition. The first 50% of the book is just the slow-burn, Beauty and the Beast romance, and parts of this are really good. Dixon writes excellent romances with explicit spice scenes. Her dialogue is not too cringy or embarrassing, and the characters have good chemistry.

It starts to lose stream once they progress past the romance and out into the greater world of the story. The pacing increases as the action comes to a head in the last 30% of the book. I lost the plot a few times because it felt that it was trying to resolve things quickly, which harkens back to the pay-to-read format of the original story. Paying readers won’t keep returning to a book that isn’t giving them defined progress in each installment.

Overall, I would have rated this higher if it had been re-written or edited better. There was not the fluidity I have enjoyed in other books by Dixon and too many plot points were swept together for quick completion so the story could get back to the spice.

Until Next Time,

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for access to this ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Wattpad Books for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I’d probably give this more of a 3.75 but I rounded up to a 4 because I liked the plot and world-building way more than I thought I would.

I’ve only read the author’s Ice Planet Barbarian books, which I like, but are slightly lighter in plot both in quantity and conflict. But this had courtly intrigue (which I absolutely love), warring nations, deception, betrayal, a coup, plot twists, and forbidden love! The world-building was much greater in this book as well, and I wish it weren’t a standalone because I’d love to read more about what happens in the aftermath of the war.

There are a few things that keep me from giving this 5 stars:

1. The first half of the book, when Candra and Nemeth are in the tower, feels super rushed. They’re there for two years but it doesn’t feel like that because the two get together almost immediately and then spend the rest of that time having sex. (Those scenes themselves aren’t bad but I really don’t ever want to read the phrase “milk my knot” ever again. ☠️) Anyway, it’s obvious that part was rushed so that the author could then get into the war/plot centering about that in the second half of the book, but it would’ve been better if this had been a duology so that more time could’ve been taken to develop the relationship between the two leads.

2. A big problem I have with Ruby Dixon’s writing is that she likes to play fast and loose with the issue of consent. Both in her IPB books and this one, a character starts doing sexual acts upon the other character while that person is asleep. IF 👏🏻 THEY 👏🏻 ARE 👏🏻 ASLEEP 👏🏻 THEY 👏🏻 CANNOT 👏🏻 CONSENT 👏🏻

I don’t care if they’re already in an established relationship (which Candra and Nemeth are NOT at this point), it’s still wrong, and I wish more people would call out authors on this. (Julia Quinn, looking at you 👀👀)

Anyway, I enjoyed the plot and wouldn’t overall mind seeing more in this universe.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for an eARC to review.

I am a huge fan of Ruby Dixon’s romances and I was so excited to review this book early! However, this ~600 page novel felt like it was dragging me over the finish line.

What worked well? It’s rare that you find a character you dislike but still root for, but I found that in Candra. For the first half of the book, I wanted her to grow up and grow she did. It was really interesting the way Ruby crafted the blood curse and Candra was instantly recognizable to me as an insulin dependent diabetic. I felt this aspect of the novel was definitely handled with care. Ruby crafted a masterpiece of foreshadowing in this story. It was full of little drops of what was happening outside the tower — not enough for you to know exactly, but just enough to keep you wanting more.

My main issue? If half of the book was cut, it would definitely be a stronger story. We spend a lot of time with Candra being miserable for the first half of the book that isn’t entirely necessary. There were entire blocks of chapters I felt were unnecessary both to character or plot development. Dare I say it, though I’ve never had this issue with past Ruby novels, the sex in the second half felt like it was a distraction from the plot, adding nothing and not even being particularly interesting.

All in all, I felt like this story didn’t know what it wanted to be. It was like a few different stories shoved together — but this is an issue that I believe can be solved with stronger editing!

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Ruby Dixon does it again! Bound to the Shadow Prince is a refreshing break from the Ice Planet Barbarians for fans, and a great entry-level
Dixon book for readers of ACOTAR, Gargoyles, and other romantasy. There’s more meat to this book than IPB, as well, which made it quite an enjoyable read.

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I'm a huge Ruby Dixon fan from her IPB series, it's genuinely a series I read when I need comfort. This one was a bit slow pace and I understand how she leaned in more towards the fantasy tidbits but there were certain moments where It was flat. This one wasn't for me, I think!

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I am a big Ruby Dixon fan. I have read almost all her work. I was happy to get this book early from Net Galley to give a review. I liked the characters. I liked the story. It felt long in parts, and at times I trudged through. I liked the twist on mates in this book. It was quite a different take than most of her books. It was quite spicy also.

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I am a fan of Ruby Dixon from her IPB series. I love that she leaned into fantasy in the book as what I’ve read previously from her is all sci-fi. This book had such an interesting world. It was interesting how we learned information along with the characters. The leading duo had great chemistry and that just continued throughout the book. The twists and turns were fantastic it kept you on your toes. The romance was spectacular. I wouldn’t mind going back to this world someday.

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This has an interesting premise but honestly it was just too long. The only setting was the tower and I found myself wandering from the story. I have fun with other Ruby Dixon books but this didn’t land as well

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Thank you, NetGalley and the Publisher, for the opportunity to read this STEAMY AF title in exchange for an honest review.

Let me start off by saying two things:

#1 I've never read a Ruby Dixon novel, but I've heard a LOT about them.
#2 Based on that information, I started off my reading adventure by doing a word search for the term 'c*ck', and it appeared a staggering ONE-HUNDRED-SEVENTEEN times. And I'm not talking about BS mannerisms like "she cocked her hip" and "he cocked his head"; no. This was the real deal. This book was going to be FILTHY.

Also, I'm going to need someone to draw the MMC because I plugged his character description into an AI image generator and DO NOT DO THAT UNLESS YOU ARE BETTER AT NAVIGATING AI THAN I AM, BECAUSE IT WAS... A CHOICE.

Now, onto the review!

Did I love this? Yes
Did it have adequate world building and conflict outside of the romance? Yes
Was the narration pleasant to read? Yes
Did the characters have adequate growth? Yes
Did it hold my attention throughout the entire novel? 95% yes (I skimmed a bit in chapter 7, but that was the only place)
Was the MMC a big, cuddly humanoid with a monster d*ck and knot and loyal AF? Yes
Was the language a mixture of fantasy and contemporary terms? Yes (bit confusing, that -- but do I care?)
Was the spice satisfactory? Yes (it hit like every kink of mine; what a match! lol)
Would I recommend this novel to others? Obviously, yes -- but with the warning that they better love smut.
Is this objectively a 5-star read? Probably not, but it hit my mood just right so it's 5 stars for me.

Thank you, Ruby Dixon, for writing such a fun adventure! I look forward to reading more from your catalogue.

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