Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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This book was FUN! It's the first of it's kind and it was entertaining to read and go through.

I thought i had it cracked and that all endings would be the same but I was happily proven wrong, I tried time and time again to get the HEA both Tracey and I deserved.

The spice was.. not minimal per say... more like elementary. I can tell it wasn't written by a seasoned erotica writer but I would say it was fine... good.

I further enjoyed watching Tracey grow, and like us, make rash decisions. I could see a lot of my own human qualities in the FMC.

Overall, I would recommend for something fresh and new!!!

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Kismet by Gab Tuls is a unique book that lets the reader decide which direction the story goes in and make decisions for the main character, Tracy. The overall story is about a lady, Tracy, who is having an affair with her boss, Mitch, who then fires her and says they will not be having any further contact because Mitch's wife has become pregnant. Tracy then tries various ways to look for new men and try various jobs, including a topless waitress. Before long she realises she needs a fresh start and so moves to a new part of the country, Australia.

Now, I did like the fact that the reader was able to choose the direction of the story, but this was also a critical weakness of this book and one of the main reasons I have had to reluctantly decide to give it a low rating, but I will get to that in a moment. I like this element of choice as it is unique, and I can't recall ever having read another book like it, as you are usually stuck with the storyline the author has set in their order. If this part of the book was better thought out, it could easily be an outstanding book. The plot was alright, and the chapters were short, which was nice, but other than the element of choice, I can't say there was much of anything that made this book special. Having said that, there were some really tense moments and some really good cliffhangers, which may make the reader want to read on.

My main problem with this book is the choice element. This is because I read the book choosing one combination of the choices available, but by the end of the book, I was prompted to essentially re-read the book and select better options. This annoyed me and was only made worse because when I was re-reading, many of the chapters were the same as my first read through the book, with very little change and nothing particularly special. The book also lacked a particularly interesting plot, especially on the correct sequence of choices, and so it just made this a bit of a boring, dull read, which did not really excite me all that much. Finally, this book is meant to be erotica, but compared to other erotica, there were not many erotic moments, and when there were, they were not very exciting or arousing. These moments would have been much better if the author included more details and imagery and actually aimed to arouse the reader much more.

Therefore, I have reluctantly decided to rate this book 1 star as it is not overly interesting nor very gripping. It can get very repetitive and make terrible erotica. It is probably better categorised as a romance with some sex scenes rather than an erotica. I must remind the reader of this review that these are my opinions, so if you read this book, you may think differently about yourself. I would recommend that readers read this book and form their own opinions. I must thank both NetGalley and the author Gab Tuls, who independently published this book, for providing me with an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) in return for an honest review. I would add that I love see independently published books as no one should be prevented from publishing a book and I would say to this author that they have massive potential, it may just be a case of either not including the element of choice or better developing this.

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This was the first time I have read a choose your own adventure book and it is neat to see the outcomes! The story is short and easy to read. Small amount of steamy parts. Cool to make choices for the main character. I wouldn't mind the author creating a story for the friend Kat she seems interesting! Tracey was not my most favorite character but I had fun reading nonetheless. Fun concept looking forward to this author putting out more stories!

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I wanted to like this but it confused me more than intrigued me to finish it.
I’m not sure if the main premise of the book to choose really paid off.
Overall had to DNF this

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the concept of this was really fun, and I don't think I've read a "choose your own adventure" since I used to read Goosebumps. However the actual story here was weak and I get the story was probably not the main point, but the steamy scenes for me were also not very well written.

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I was ready to give "Kismet" a strong 4-star rating, because the "choose your own adventure" aspect of it was generally fun and entertaining, however there's a "but"...

Before I elaborate on lowering my final score, I must say that Gab Tuls has a knack for writing erotica. Sex scenes in "Kismet" are not cringe-y and do not feel far off the main narrative style, which is definitely a plus. Also, the format works really well as an e-book and no matter the adventure the reader embarks on, the story feels coherent. It is still fairly simple, no matter the storyline, but it makes for an entertaining light read.

What made me lower my score (and there will be a mild spoiler here) is the fixed idea of what happy ending should look like for a character, and that will be finding a man. When after the first read I arrived at the point of Tracey realising her love interest is with someone else, there was a link encouraging me to help her finding a better ending to her story by redoing the adventure. I'd much rather prefer the finality without an agenda. There's a way to make each ending good, and not all of them must include finding a man, especially when the character would benefit much more from some work on oneself and finding that kind of peace for me would be even more of a happy ending.

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We are sad to say this book was not for me, from beginning to the concept of “choose your own adventure”, it was difficult to keep up with and understand. This book sadly is a No for me, we are all for a women having fun and making decision for her, but there were just moments in the story we could not get behind, it start right in the first chapter, the FMC sets an alarm to wake up before the guy she's hooking up with just to apply make-up and make herself "pretty" that is just sad and demeaning. Oh and after all that they go and start having sex, like why did she even bother do her make-up if it was going to get ruined. I stopped reading after the 2nd "choose your own adventure" because I just did not understand what was going on with the story.

Thank you Gab Tuls and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

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What a delightful surprise this book turned out to be! It was like revisiting a cherished pastime from my teenage years, guiding characters towards their fates. To my surprise, it was an adult, erotic choose-your-own-adventure tale—a perfect fit for my current interests. Assisting Tracey throughout the book was incredibly engaging; I explored two different paths, savoring the unique outcomes each offered. If you have a hidden love for Episode, I highly suggest diving into this novel. Let's hope this genre becomes more mainstream—it's an exhilarating journey! ! Thank you Netgalley for the ARC !

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The interactive aspect of this book was interesting, but by choosing the options, I felt I was missing out on chunks of the book, so I read it from start to finish. I didn’t like Tracey’s character and the fact that she was the other woman, I couldn’t get on board with every man wanting to sleep with her by simply meeting her and not so much as having a conversation with her.
If you like spicy reading then this has the elements for you, but as a main character, Tracey was far too flaky for me to resonate with.

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So this was the first choose your own adventure type book I’d read and I’m not sure if I loved it or hated it because of that? The characters were fine and easy to follow, I just like a solid wrapped up ending to a book. And my ending said to go back and help her make better decisions. LOL so maybe just not for me, but u could see others really likening it!

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Thank you NetGalley and author Gab Tuls for the copy in exchange for an honest review.

"Is it possible for someone to actually fuck your brains out? Because Tracey hasn’t made a single sane decision since she began sleeping with Mitch. The sexy and charismatic advertising executive who just so happens to be her boss.

When Mitch ends the forbidden situationship, Tracey is left unemployed, single and at a crossroads. After all, this is not how she expected her twenties to play out. Her friends seem to have better jobs, better salaries and are having far better sex.

Tracey needs help."

This is a very fun and enjoyable read. You make your own choices for Tracey.

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I enjoyed the format of the choose-your-own adventure of this book, and the possibility for re-reading! I also thought the reading was relatively smooth on the Kindle/e-book format, and honestly, digital might be the ideal format for this type of book.

One issue I had though, was that it felt like there was a "correct" route to be taking - on my first read, the story ended rather abruptly and was very unsatisfying. It wasn't about making nice, moral choices (like it might be in a choices matter video game), and it wasn't like the "correct" route was obvious (like in a phone app game), and so just left me confused. A book like this would be best if there were multiple storylines that were enticing and exciting, so that a reader would be satisfied with how the plot went on the first read.

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Wow! this was so cool!
Took me back to those adventure books from when we were kids but very spicy! 🤣

Tracey hasn't made a single sane decision since she's began sleeping with Mitch. The sexy charismatic advertising executive, who just happens to be her boss.
When he ends the forbidden situation, Tracey is left unemployed, single, and at a crossroads. She needs help.
In this choose your own erotic adventure, you must help Tracey broaden her horizons and find herself. Maybe she will find a man along the way.

What you’ll find in Kismet:
- Choose your own adventure
- Spice AF
- Drama!

This was very fun! You get to decide Tracey’s fate. Great pacing and extremely entertaining.

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This was such a fun book! I love Choose Your Own Adventure books but normally they are geared towards kids. This is very much an adult book. It was a lot of fun to be able to control what Tracey was going to do. I of course went for the villain route but I want to go back and pick some of the other options to see what happens.

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Kismet follows Tracy and her romantic life. Tracy falls for her boss at work, who is married. Tracy soon learns that Mitch’s wife is pregnant, and loses her job after Mitch fires her. She is heartbroken and confused.

This book was fun in the aspect that you got to choose which path Tracy took, every few chapters you are given two options that Tracy can make! I found this aspect of it fun and enjoyed being able to change her pathway. The book was a short story so it didn’t take too long to finish it. I even went back and explored some of the other choices that Tracy could have taken. This book has a lot of spice, so if you like that in your novels, you will enjoy this book!

I loved that Tracy had a good support network with her girl friends, especially Kat. She relies on chatting with Kat through her rough periods, hoping for solid advice. I feel like Tracy’s self esteem and personal worth is very low, hence having bad habits with her choices of men. It is a short story so there isn’t much room for a great amount of character development, but if you are looking for something short and fun, this will be good for you.

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Kismet by Gab Tuls is a "choose your own adventure" story/erotica for the episode girlies like me who never had enough diamonds to make the out of pocket decisions. 🤭

Don’t always go for the crazier option however cause I ended up with If you'd like Tracey to have a happy ever after, return to the start and help her make better choices.😭
Eventually, I did go back a decision and got an epilogue but it was slightly underwhelming. To be fair though, there’s only so much a book can achieve in so few pages.

I would also recommend not taking the book too seriously if you're easily icked out by stuff. For example, the book starts off with the fmc sleeping with and obsessed with her married boss which is...not exactly a great start.

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It was sadly a disappointment. Choose your own adventure stories were something I greatly enjoyed when I was younger, and mixing it with an erotic storyline piqued my interest, I think this is a fascinating idea. The execution is far from the potential, tho.

Tracey is one of the most insufferable romance / erotica protagonist that I ever had to relate to in any way. The choices are either very underwhelming or out of the way. I found the prose very lacking, too. The cheeziness of the title being present in the story was also eyerolling at best.

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Never have I read a ‘chose your own path’ story before so this experience was very unique and interesting to get through. It made the story a new kind of fun that I haven’t experienced before. It was spicy and immersive. I loved being able to see how this character had the option to continue down her path and or do better for herself. It was a good short story but truthfully the thing that stood out the most is WAS that you get to interact with the storyline. But thank you to Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book. I look forward to reading more in the future.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for an advance e-copy of Kismet by Gab Tuls in exchange of an honest review.

"If you're a fan of interactive romance novels with spicy scenes, then 'Kismet' by Gab Tuls is the book for you. The ability to make choices for Tracey's next moves adds an exciting twist to the story. I couldn't help but smile while reading, especially thanks to the funny and lovable character of Kat. While I enjoyed the book overall, I felt that it could have delved deeper into character development. Nevertheless, 'Kismet' is a satisfying and enjoyable read for those who enjoy romance with a touch of spice."

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