Member Reviews

This was a good spicy read for me, even though I'm looking for more depth to the story. However, I'm still giving it a four-star rating because of its unique style, in which I'm able to choose the future and ending of our main character.

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I'm thinking of giving this book a 3.5/5, and for the spicy scenes, maybe a 3/5. Not something I dislike, but not exactly my favorite either. A so-so book (for me).

Now, the 'choose your own adventure' concept? Absolutely love it. The roller coaster of the adventure was cool.

Some parts of the narrative felt a bit meh tho. Maybe because it stuck too closely to the initial plot. Personally, it felt a bit forced, like something was missing.

As a reader who is taking the wheel of the adventure options, characters should evolve and grow through our choices, not sticking rigidly to their starting point or plot. It affects the spicy scenes too, some of them just vanished, even tho they were listed. Pretty disappointing.

Now, the link situation. The document I got had some wonky links, and it threw me off. The plot became inconsistencies galore (thankfully, I bookmarked it).

On the bright side, the characters here aren't dull. They're all intriguing. The language is straightforward too, not tangled up, and easy to grasp. A big plus for me. And hey, there are plenty of moral messages to take away!!

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Kismet offers readers a tantalising glimpse into the world of Tracey, whose life takes an unexpected turn after a forbidden liaison with her boss, Mitch, leaves her jobless and adrift. In this choose-your-own erotic adventure, readers are invited to accompany Tracey on a journey of self-discovery and sensual exploration.

While the story leans heavily into its erotic elements rather than romantic undertones, it introduces an innovative concept of a choose-your-own-path narrative within the erotica genre. Tuls deserves commendation for this inventive approach, which breathes new life into the genre and opens doors for further experimentation. The story was ok, it was more sexy than sweet, which is ok if that’s what you’re looking for.

The concept of a make your own path/ story but for an erotica book is actually really cool and I hope these become more mainstream. It’s revolutionary. A massive shoutout to Tuls for this idea, I’ve only ever seen sci-fi and adventure books formatted this way- but I suppose anything in life is an adventure, if you want to be deep about it.

Although Kismet delivers on its promise of steamy encounters from the outset, it remains a largely neutral experience overall. While the concept is intriguing and the execution competent, the narrative fails to evoke strong emotions or leave a lasting impression. The abundance of explicit content may cater to specific tastes, but it may not resonate equally with all readers, but this is common with erotica genres already.

Kismet offers a unique twist on the erotica genre with its choose-your-own-path format, but its impact may vary depending on individual preferences. While it provides an enjoyable read for those seeking a smut-heavy adventure, it may not leave a lasting mark on readers looking for deeper emotional resonance or narrative complexity.

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This book was so much fun!! I definitely went back and read it a second time to choose different answers. It’s so fun to change answers and get a different outcome. It was like reading a completely different book. The story does move pretty fast so characters and places aren’t super developed but they were definitely developed enough to enjoy! All in all I had so much fun!!! Definitely Recommend!!

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Kismet - Gab Tuls ★★

This is the first interactive book i’ve read and I think it’s such a cool concept, sadly I did not get in with this and had to DNF it, which made me sad as i think the book would’ve had so much potential if it wasn’t interactive - hence the 2 stars and not 1 star. This book is written in third person which is also a little harder to get into, mixed in with the interactive I just couldn’t get attached to the character.

If you’re not sure, an interactive book is on your kindle and the end of some of the chapters you select what you would like the character to do next and it jumps to that part. For me seeing the progress jump up and down and not knowing how long I had left I struggled with, as getting process updates when reading always motivates me. Also one of the things I love about reading is not knowing what’s going to happen next and the twists and turns, so then having to decide myself I wasn’t invested in the book.

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I was not familiar with choose your own adventure books, having not grown up with them as a child, so I thought as an adult this would be a fun read for me. And don't get me wrong, it was, and if you're looking for a quick read to take a break after something heaving, this could be for you. But I tend to suffer from a bit of decision fatigue, and it hadn't occurred to me that a choose your won adventure book would also tap into that fatigue. For only that reason, I wouldn't want to read another book of this type, but that's not to say I didn't enjoy the story. I did, and would recommend this to someone who wants a read that's light on plot, light on smut and lighthearted.

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This is not really a romance and, depending on the choices you make, it's not that erotic either. The book is written in third person present tense, which is a bit awkward to read. Aside from that, it is pretty well-written, nothing stands out in a good or bad way. The tense makes sense for the choose-your-own-adventure format. However, Tracey is just not a likeable heroine. She comes across as very self-absorbed. This would be fine if there was some growth during the story, but that's not the case. All the choices are just unhinged options to watch Tracey's life implode. There's no romantic arc, there's not even a self-improvement arc. Even when you get to choose what happens next, the scene doesn't always deliver what it promised. At one point you can "make a scene at work", which is so tame and anti-climactic. SInce I couldn't root for Tracey as a character, I had no interest in what happened next and skimmed most of the options. I love the concept of a choose-your-own-romance, but the execution was very disappointing.

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The concept of a choose your own adventure book as an adult novel was pretty cool, that was the aspect I enjoyed most. The characters didn't engage me, and the tense changes and grammatical errors were so frequent that it was annoying and distracting from the book. Better editing definitely is called for to improve upon this book. As for the steamy factor, it reads like a half baked "Cinemax after Dark" blurb....not much at all, sad to say. Rounding up to 2 stars only because of the interesting concept of the choose your own adventure.

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An interesting concept - a "choose your own adventure" - but the execution wasn't a good fit for me. I was not a fan of the protagonist Tracey/Trace - she was cheated on by her first boyfriend and then becomes the mistress to a married man, and with little to no guilt. She seemed to either be painted as meek (run away from the office and cry in the bathroom, join Tinder) or unhinged (cause a scene, become a topless waitress) rather than a choice of being in control of her situation (firmly speak your truth and stand up for yourself, get therapy and meet someone when you're ready). Once I'm not a fan of the protagonist, it's hard to get invested in a story.

With a bit of refinement, this could be a really great story - but as it is, it lacked in execution.

ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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1.5 STARS!!

Okay, so "Kismet" had this cool choose-your-own-adventure concept where you decide the main character's moves. Fun, right? But I gotta say – the story was quite the opposite. Nothing grabbed me until Tracey (FMC) met Aiden, and that was the ONLY highlight.

I made what I thought were good choices, got a cute ending, so it gets a teensy boost from a one-star disaster. There was some spice, not mind-blowing though. But oh boy, the grammatical errors! It felt like a cringe-worthy Wattpad draft. 🤦‍♀️

Honestly, I wanted to love it, but it was a struggle to finish. Boring and confusing sums it up. Not my cup of tea.

"Thank you NetGalley, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, and the author for sending me a copy of this e-arc. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

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4 ⭐ || 3 🌶️
This "chose your own adventure" style book is steamy and fun!

"If you'd like Tracey to have a happy ever after, return to the start and help her make better choices"--my first adventure ended in disaster--awkwardly running into a life-altering hook-up who had lied about his relationship status. I had an enjoyable experience sending Tracey along on her journey, and when I got to this ending, I started from the beginning and went a different route to see what happened in her alternate realities. Wish to see more books in this format!

Thank you Net Galley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Mehn.... If you want a book where you help the character make the best decisions, this is it. I failed miserable in helping Tracey make a better life choices, but it was an interesting read.
It was a little hard to read and there were some typos, but this is a book I would love to see on shelfs.
The book was placed under erotic and I don't think it should it does not qualify as an eroyic book. It only has 1 or 2 sex scenes that wasn't even very detailed.
There are some typos I took pictures of them. Please let me know if you want to see them.

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*I received a free ARC of Kismet from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

I have only read a couple of choose your own adventure type of stories. One was while I was in elementary school, and then, oddly enough, Neil Patrick Harris's autobiography. So I thought this could be fun. After all, I enjoy a good spicy read.

That being said, the main character felt kind of wooden. The happy ending was more of a, "well, all right then" kind of ending, and I kind of kept ending up on the same path, no matter how many different choices I made. Also, I really didn't find it terribly spicy. Maybe I kept choosing wrong, somehow. It was fun, but I felt like it could have been a little bit more fun.

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This was fun!

I enjoyed the aparent messiness that was a choose your own adventure. How many times do we sit there are just scream at characters in the story and try and get them to make a different decision from the one they're making? All the damn time. So I really appreciated being given the choice to have these characters be my puppets. Our FMC was flawed and human in a way that was realistic and sometimes you're just a 20-ish year old dummy.

It was a short read, and if you enjoyed choose your own adventure books in your youth, the adult version is also fun!

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This choose-your-own-adventure style book was a lot of fun! The story itself was okay, but I did appreciate how the FMC’s HEA had to be woven by me and didn’t necessarily end up the way I expected it to. I actually failed the first time and had to start over, but that kind of made it more fun!

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley. This book was a quick and fun read. Our 24 year old MC Tracey's life is kind of falling apart. Does she get on track or enter into her villain era? In the vein of the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books I read and loved as a kid, this book presents a similar idea but with some spice! Our very sex positive main character resides in Australia and finds herself with no relationship and no job. The reader is responsible for finding Tracey's happy ending. My first time through, my ending was "If you'd like Tracey to have a happy ever after, return to the start and help her make better choices." I found this book incredibly easy to navigate on the kindle which was a great plus for me and going back through and attempting a happy ending was just as fun as reading through the first time. It's like you get multiple books in one! The theme seems to be that Tracey gets her happy ending once she chooses to focus on her life/herself and I absolutely love that message!

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I haven't read a choose-your-own adventure book in ages. Let's just say this one by Tuls is for grownups! Tons of spice and creativity. I enjoyed it. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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The interactive aspect of the book as far as being able to choose an option that resulted in different outcomes was fun and creative; however, I just wasn’t that into the story. The story wasn’t really that exciting, and nothing really caught my attention until Tracey met Aiden, which was probably the most interesting part of the book. The spice was there, but there were many grammatical errors throughout, and it almost felt like I was reading a fanfiction, which kind of ruined the experience of reading the book for me. I really wanted to like the book, but I kind of had to force myself to finish it and choose the other options in case it might’ve just been my first choices that made the book less enjoyable, but it just wasn’t for me.

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My GoodReads review will spell it out, but honestly this book was not for me. I only got maybe 17% in and I did not finish it. I couldn't get into it and was disappointed with it when I thought it would be a more fun and interesting read. The writing style was mediocre at best and the way the choices played out felt anticlimactic (specifically the chose with Tracey "making a scene" at work). I was excited for this because it is my first ever ARC, but I was let down.

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I love love love interactive stories and had an absolute BLAST going through as many scenarios as i could read my way through to find out how many different paths this story could play out. It was engaging and immersive and I love that it was adult-themed and focused and while many stories were heavily spicy, you could also choose lots of different outcomes. Loved it.

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