Member Reviews

The author chooses to explore this topic by creating a fictionalized therapist named Julie. Each chapter begins with watching Julie counsel a client on circumstances that reflect the topic of that chapter. I did enjoy this approach as it created some excellent examples/visuals of what narcissistic abuse in marriage can look like and smoothly introduced new topics. Each chapter ended with an assignment involving journaling and actionable steps based on what was discussed in the chapter. This setup was excellent and made this read approachable and informative while also being helpful and useable.

There were some things I found less appealing about this work, though. This book, despite the title, is not as encompassing as it sounds. It is written specifically for Christian women married to a narcissistic man. This makes it where probably an estimated 30% of the book isn’t that relevant to married/non-married women who have a narcissistic parent or sibling rather than husband.

I also dislike that the author includes unnecessarily blatant Christian remarks (e.g., throwing God into many places throughout the book). This again pigeonholes the usefulness of this book and may cause harmful triggering moments for abused women reading this book looking for answers.

There were also several times that the author used other language that I found harmful and was completely unnecessary to include in this work. The main example that stood out to me was when the author stated that this book wasn’t for battered wives but was for women who underwent abuse that is much more evil. I was really put off by this statement. This isn’t a trauma contest, and physical abuse is a very real danger to women. Yes, it can be much harder to prove or see the effects of narcissistic abuse, but why did that statement even have to be included? Again, this is just one example where I felt like the author didn’t handle a difficult topic with as much sensitivity as is required.

Even with all of these negatives, this book is a helpful resource overall. Especially if you haven’t done much research into the topic and you’re wanting to learn more and/or break free from a narcissistic marriage. My thanks to NetGalley and the author for allowing me to read this work. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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This was a great easy to read book. My husband is narcissistic and I don't know what to do stay or leave i love him but hate his narcissistic ways. ( I am also in counsling for this.) But this book helped me to be able to understand and deal with my emotions better.

Thanks to netgalley. And the author for allowing me to read and review this ARC copy.

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I don't live with a narcissist, but I do have an other family member who I would consider to be a narcissist, so I thought maybe this book would help me to deal with that. Unfortunately this book was strictly about how to get out of living with a domestic narcissist. It had very good information and I learned a lot. I was awake at 1am and needed a non thriller book to read to try to go back to sleep. This book was fast paced enough that I never did go back to sleep. It was a super easy and quick read. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone in that sort of a position. It walks you step by step and tells you all the emotions you can expect to experience and how to handle them. The formatting in this book was horrible. I hope that's a netgalley thing. There are one word lines and that causes disruption while reading. The new chapter headings are right in the middle of the pages of text, no real seperation, to me that was just weird. in #HelpImLivingWithaNarcissist #NetGalley

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Great and encouraging read how to change old feeling of being a victim when living with manipulative, selfish, demanding - narcissistic man and start living your true life.

The author explains, how you can help yourself, what first steps should be taken, shares real stories.

I really loved the bill of rights, sharing some of them:
1. I do not have to feel guilty just because someone else does not like what I do, say, think, or feel.
2. I have the right to make mistakes and to be responsible for them. I have the right to be wrong.
3. I have the right to think about myself, my life, and my goals, and leave others to God.

Thank you NetGalley, Mel Christ for an advanced e-copy of Help, I’m Living With a Narcissist

#helpimlivingwithanarcissist #netgalley #melchrist

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An absolute lifesaver for anyone dealing with the emotional rollercoaster of living with a narcissistic person. This book is a comprehensive guide that helps you identify the narcissists in your life, whether they're family members, friends, or partners, and it provides practical strategies to reclaim your sanity and well-being. The author’s writing is clear, empathetic, and loaded with valuable insights that empower you to break free from the clutches of a narcissist.

This book equips you with the tools you need to regain control of your life and rediscover your own identity. Whether you're just starting to recognize the narcissistic traits in someone close to you or you've been dealing with their manipulation for years, Help, I'm Living with a Narcissist is a beacon of hope and healing.

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Help, I'm Living with a Narcissist by Mel Christ is like a superhero's guide to dealing with the emotional vampires in your life. From identifying those tricky narcissistic traits to disarming their manipulative tactics, Mel Christ's got your back.

Why should you read this? Because it's time to stop letting narcissists drain your happiness and push away the people you love. This book empowers you with practical steps to break free from their grip and take back control of your life. No more feeling powerless, my friends – it's time to rediscover your strength and live a life free from their toxic influence.

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Thank you to Net Galley for this e-copy of Help, I’m Living with a Narcissist by Mel Christ in exchange for a honest review.This is a very pertinent book for me since I have a brother who is a narcissist and have witnessed the destruction of his marriage through his controlling and abusive behavior.This book offers many fictional scenarios which help the reader to identify themselves and through the help of a fictional therapist ,Julie ,offers practical and realistic advice that the reader can use to escape their destructive relationship..The most important fact I learned from this book is that abusers rarely change and it is in the best interest of the victims to escape this painful situation.This book offers practical solutions that can can help a person escape a narcissistic relationship and go on to lead a productive and meaningful life.

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I never read books like this always a thriller so this was definitely different for me . I am so glad that I read this found out so much information didn’t think I had so many narcissists in my life but wow I now know that I do. I will definitely be using some of the strategies I have read to try and compact their impact on my life. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for my advanced copy. You may have changed my life for the better. Highly recommended definitely a must read for everyone.

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