Member Reviews

There’s nothing better than a collection of Christmas horror stories. As always there are hits and misses in collections like this but overall it’s a solid anthology.

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☆Christmas Horror Anthology☆
This is a mix of all different Christmas themed horror short stories. There's a wide range in scales of how gory/spooky each story was, so there's definitely one in here for everyone to love! Personally, I enjoyed each one, I thought they were very easy to get into and highly perfect for Christmas and horror lovers combined.

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Loved this little Christmas horror collection. Absolutely adore the beautiful cover art as well. Hope to see another volume.

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Dark Christmas stories, don't let the kiddies read lol unless that like that sorta stuff, bad things happening to Santa and everything lol. I did enjoy this some stories better then others but all in all a good read.

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An eclectic collection of Christmas themed horror stories. A mixed bag of bizarre, macabre and downright creepy. Ten different stories from various authors. This is my first collection of stories by this author. The Christmas theme is fun especially since its usually a jovial, light time of year. These stories seek out to expose the darker side of the holiday. The 10 authors all have different writing styles. Overall, this is a nice little collection of short stories. I received this book free from NetGalley for an honest review.

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Great seasonal horror! And that cover is excellent too!

This collection is pretty diverse, and honestly, there isn't a story I didn't enjoy.

Some of my favorites from this collection included stories about a call center for the deceased, a man being haunted by some Christmas carolers, an obvious and bloody vendetta between Santa's and the elves, a man who would do anything to avoid the "c word" and a horrorific retelling of the green guy who stole Christmas.

There is a story in here for everyone, and it's perfect for putting a little bit of horror into your holiday!

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This was a fun anthology of Christmas horror. If you like short stories, or want to get to know any of the authors in this anthology, give this a try. I know I found some authors whose work I’d like to follow in the future.

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DNF 67%

I'd say 67% is enough to have a proper opinion on the book. I liked some of the stories, mainly in the beginning there were one or two interesting and nicely creepy ones. then at one point they just got worse and worse and lost me completely. one of them referred to covid and had basically an elves work place union revolution? another one is just a hitman killing Santa because a rich guy didn't a toy he asked for as a kid??? I should have stopped after the dimensional psychological dilemma one but I kept hoping a good Christmas horror story was coming. special appreciation for the one with the local urban legend of a guy killing someone every Christmas and coming for whoever witnessed it the year after that.

[review posted on goodreads]

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Note: I received a free unpublished proof of this book, for a limited time, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions here are my own.

Here’s the second anthology I’ve read recently that’s the 3rd in a series, but not connected to the earlier installments.

Before I get into it, this book is definitely for adults 18+, and contains death (including children and protagonists), gore, addiction, guns, violence, blood, alcohol, and drugs. If you are more into “eerie vibes” type horror, you may not enjoy this one.

I was particularly excited about this one because I have some, uh, interesting ideas about Christmas media. I think the Norwegian film “Trollhunter” is a good film to watch at Christmas, even if I must admit it’s technically just a winter film because there is snow but Christmas is never mentioned. I don’t take McClane’s side in “Die Hard”. Oh, and one of the main reasons I enjoy Christmas in the first place despite not agreeing with Christian values is that it’s one of the only times of year it’s socially acceptable to wear a green cape and gold antlers around the house.

You get the idea.

This collection has 10 stories from a variety of authors, which varied in quality/how much they interested me.

“The Fourth Emergency Service” by Lex H. Jones was a favorite, mostly because I have a real soft spot for the tropes involved, but it was also well-written and just a strong start to the anthology as a whole. “We Want to Sing You A Song” by P. J. Blakey-Novis had touches of “Groundhog Day” and was another standout. I also liked “A Wanted Man” by Shaun Hutson; a darkly humorous action bit with gangsters.

I liked “Lord of the Sleigh” by Gage Greenwood but I felt there were some bits that didn’t quite make sense. While “Three Sizes Too Small” by John Durgin was a unique take on the Grinch story, again, I thought it would have been interesting if more of the original Grinch “lore” had been worked in there somehow. “The Legend of Ho Ho Howard” by R. J. Roles was alright and adhered to some traditional horror tropes, but I kind of wished that more had been done with it. “Mary Lwyd” by David Watkins was a neat take on an old Welsh tradition, but it still left me sort of confused. I felt that “The Last Christmas” by Veronica Smith and “Tis the Season” by Daemon Manx were alright, but they did not stand out or particularly catch my interest. The only story that sort of fell flat for me was “The C-Word” by Matthew Cash, but only because I have a hard time imagining Santa being that nihilistic. : )

Overall, I enjoyed this anthology and recommend it to anybody who enjoys horror and Christmas stories.

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Thank you Netgalley and Kevin J Kennedy for this collection of short Christmas horror stories,

I really enjoyed reading them all. Having coming across several of these indie authors, these shorts are a great intro to some very talented authors. Most of these shorts have a feeling of dread and pretty much turns the Christmas meaning on its head. A special thank you to those indie Authors. A great anthology to read any time of the year but especially at Christmas !

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I love short stories and I love horror so I knew I would love this. I enjoyed some stories more than others but on the whole I really enjoyed it. The ones that I loved the most were the ones that gave me a different tone and really made me feel that feeling of desolation which combined with the magical feeling you ordinarily feel at Christmas worked really well

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I have a particular fondness for Christmas horror. This collection was a little uneven, but there were a few original stories that made it worth my while.
Christmas horror is different, and some of these writers really got that, with stories that weren't just horrifying but also melancholy.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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I tell you, this was a doozy to read. In a good way, but it's not for the faint of heart, unless you are the Grinch. :)

This collection of short stories involved a few tales involving Santa Claus and ... ah, let's just say I really don't want to end up on these Santas' bad lists.

I enjoyed the fact that the stories took various elements of folklore surrounding Christmas things (like Santa) and twisted them into something different.

Thank you NetGalley and Kevin J. Kennedy for an e-copy of COLLECTED CHRISTMAS HORROR SHORTS 3 to review.

I rate COLLECTED CHRISTMAS HORROR SHORTS 3 four out of five stars.

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Collected Christmas Horror Shorts lll
Curated By: Kevin Kennedy
A wonderfully creepy and macabre mix of 10 different stories from different horror authors. I loved every single story in its own Unique way! Usually anthology’s are nice because you can read a short story and move to something and take breaks as needed. I could not put this down! It was the perfectly curated collection of eccentric and horrifying holiday horror!

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Collected Christmas Horror Shorts 3 edited by Kevin J. Kennedy was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. I had never heard of this collection before but I will seek out more of the series. The anthology introduced new authors and new thoughts on horror and a specific holiday theme made it timely.

4 Stars

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Collected Christmas Horror Shorts 3 is a collection of short stories that all center around Christmas and/or Santa. I really enjoyed the first 2 or 3, but a few of them were just a little corny. I really did like the idea of horror stories based at the holiday just for something new.

Thank you to the authors and NetGalley for my free copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a change of pace from the Christmas books I have been reading. Some of the stories were actually quite good while some were a bit on the ridiculous scale. The whole book certainly was a interesting concept to the cozy Christmas story. I would recommend it as something as a change of pace.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kevin J Kennedy for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my review.

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Another awesome anthology from KJK Publishing- this time the subject being festive Christmas horror!

These stories are creepy, shocking, and definitely not meant to be read to the little ones as a Christmas Eve bedtime tale.

Thank you to NetGalley & Kevin J Kennedy for a copy!

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Thanks to the publishers for sharing this one. It's an interesting collection. My full review appears on Weekend Notes.

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This is a very interesting collection of short stories. I love the holiday theme, that was a great idea to bring together a collection of eclectic tales highlighting the darker side of Christmas. The writing styles of the authors featured here varies so be ready for that. I am not familiar with many of the authors featured here so maybe they are newer authors or perhaps international authors. Either way, some of the writing is a little draggy, and sometimes too simple for seasoned horror readers, but I certainly enjoyed the imagination coming off of these pages.

The best stories included, in my opinion, are:

The Fourth Emergency Service by Lex H. Jones

The Legend of Ho Ho Howard by RJ Roles

We Want To Sing You A Song by P.J. Blakey-Novis

Three Sizes Too Small by John Durgin

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