Member Reviews

That was an absolute wild ride. The opener, oh my god. Absolutely jarring. Disgusting. Downright jaw-dropping, and I loved every bit of it! The beginning set up the characters and current situation perfectly, but when things for Lisa begin to unravel again it was an emotional rollercoaster. There were times I had to look away from the book out of disgust and fear for what was coming next. The explanation and twists were some of my favorite I’ve read in a while.
Wil knocked it out of the park with “What Waits In The Shadows,” and I wish I could post a review on Goodreads (and should the author end up on there, I will!) because I *need* to be able to recommend this!

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How long can horrifying secrets stay buried? Twenty years after watching her father's brutal murder, Lisa Kallman is on the verge of a dream life. Her father's killer is in prison, she has a job helping children who've suffered like her and she's about to be married.

This was pretty good. It felt a little overdone at times, but I still enjoyed reading it.

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This book was pretty good, I would definitely recommend

~This was given by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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First I want to thank Net Gallery for giving me the opportunity to read this book. The book was a fast read, and I was able to read it within a day. I will say even though it was entertaining the book did fall flat for me. I feel like there were some plot holes that were not completely filled (like what happened with the dog, and the interesting neighbors that owned the dog). Why did the fiancé need to cheat? And if so why did the purpose feel so underwhelming. A better plot would have been that Lisa did have a guardian angel and or fallen Angel that felt like they were helping her. For example the dad was killed because he raised his voice at her, the pedofile was place for blame for wanting to hurt her, and the reason for the “monster” to come back after 20 years is because he doesn’t want her to marry her cheating man, and the monster killed the women because they had it with the fiancé and wanted revenge for Lisa. Would have made more sense than it trying to hurt Lisa. Also I feel like there wasn’t tons of character development, and many things were rushed

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The first chapter of this book had me unsure what to think and I put it down not planning to revisit it. However I started it back up and somewhere about the 4th chapter the characters began working their way into my good graces.

There’s trigger warnings for all kind of things in this story but there’s also unexpected monster horror, lots of gross monster fluids but also redemption and hope.

I was very pleased at the ending and enjoyed the wrap up for what was going on. Unlike any monster explanation I’ve read before.

The author will be on my to watch list.

“She realized she’d temporarily left the physical world and fallen into the interior of her mind, a dark domain where a seven-year-old girl lived forever in terror. But now she was back on the solid ground of reality.”

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I really enjoyed this book. The protagonist witnessed their Dad being murdered 20 years back, and has gone on to build a great life, helping herself manage her PTSD by helping others that have struggled. It has the spooks and the shivers and the things that go bump in the night with an enduring creeping dread that is palpable.

As someone who works in the mental health industry, this really spoke to me. The hooror and the PTSD elements combined. Loved it.

I wasn’t aware of the author but would definitely recommend a read. Great fun!

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What waits in the shadows…is much darker than you’d think…don’t trust anyone…especially the ones you believe you can….

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I have not heard of this author. I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I really enjoyed it. The middle seemed to drag just a bit, but overall I would recommend reading this book.

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This book kept me reading! I was never bored and certainly never knew what was going to happen next. This was my first horror novel and I think I’ll continue to explore the genre!

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What Waits In The Shadows

5 Stars

Lisa was just a child when her father was murdered in front of her and her mother. Her mother, driven insane, is sent to an asylum while Lisa is sent to foster care. Years of therapy later, Lisa moves into her first home and gets engaged. The past is in the past, until it comes back to haunt her.

Wow! What a wild ride! From start to finish, this story had me hooked. Action-packed with an intriguing storyline, this was different from other horror that I normally read, and I loved that. I loved the characters and the fast-paced setting of the writing. It was a well written novel with a genuine spook factor that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.

I read that this is a first novel, and I am looking forward to what other works this author comes out with.

*I want to thank Netgalley and the author for this book in return for my honest review*

Stormi Ellis
Boundless Book Reviews

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I enjoyed horror books so I was excited by this book at first but it didn't have the same excitement to keep me hooked all the way through.

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Lisa watched her father be murdered when she was a child but now twenty years later, she has the perfect life. Lisa and her fiancé have bought a new home, and she has a fulfilling job. Her life starts spiraling when her father’s killer might get out of prison, and she starts hearing strange sounds in her new home.

I liked the story and the characters were well written. I liked the haunted house/spooky vibes.
I will look at more books by this author!

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I loved this book. I liked how different and unexpected it was. I found the characters enjoyable to read; the good and the evil ones. I also found the differing perspectives really easy to follow and actually added to the dynamic of the story.

What What’s in the Shadows follows the story of Lisa after the murder of her father. Just when life seems to be settling and working out, her world begins to unravel. Throughout this process she learns what truely happened the night of her father’s death and how this even now still impacts those around her.

Would post to Goodreads but not available yet!

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Starts off promising but quickly becomes just like everything else out there. At least it wasn't very long and didn't take up too much of my time to finish it.

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85/100 or 4.25 stars

This was great! I have never heard of the author before this, but it seemed interesting and I wanted to check it out. I am glad I received the arc, as this was a great time. Solid horror story with a good conclusion! I will definitely check out other stories by this author in the future. The author is not on Goodreads, so there is no way to post my review there, but I would have otherwise!

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“What Waits in the Shadows” by Wil Forbis is about Lisa. Lisa watched her father be murdered when she was a child but now twenty years later, she has the perfect life. Lisa and her fiancé have bought a new home, and she has a fulfilling job. Her life starts spiraling when her father’s killer might get out of prison, and she starts hearing strange sounds in her new home. Can her memories of that night twenty years ago be trusted and are the strange happenings currently related?

I liked the story; the characters were relatable and well written. I liked the haunted house/ spooky vibes. It isn’t a huge book and did not have useless info or I really enjoyed it. 4 out of 5 stars.

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