Member Reviews

Sadly, I did not care much for this book. I found it poorly written compared to most of the other books I've read this year so far.
#SunDontShine #NetGalley

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thank you net galley and publisher for the eArc of this book! quick read, couldn’t put it down! enjoyed reading reece’s heartfelt story and everything she went through.

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this was sooo good
i love reading murder mysteries and have kind of been in that mood so this was absolutely perfect
highly recommend for fans of a good girls guide to murder and the amateurs

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Thank you to @netgalley, @regalhousepublishing & @crissajeanchappell for my free ARC in exchange for an honest review


If you’re looking for a quick read, this is the book for you! This book is a story about a girl named Reece that got kidnapped as a child by her father. She’s tired of keeping secrets and starts looking for answers
I really enjoyed the story and I’m happy to have discovered another great author

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #RegalHousePublishing for the book #SunDontShine by #CarissaJeanChappell. This book is about a parent kidnapping and the life a young girl is forced to live. Makes you hope all lost kids find their way home.

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Sun Don't Shine is an intriguing and compelling YA thriller that is hard to put down. It is a short book so you can definitely binge this one in one sitting. It is based on abduction by a parent so be careful if that is a trigger for you. The author did a good job with it !

Reece was definitely relatable, she went through so much. This book explores lots of different hardships and makes you think about how you would act in this situation. It is a scary thought as I am sure a lot of children out there are actually clueless about being abducted and just go through life never realizing it. It's a scary reality.

The story was well done, the plot was intriguing but the ending left me feeling a little underwhelmed as I would've like a conclusion that was more developed.

✨️Thank you to @netgalley, @regalhousepublishing & @crissajeanchappell for my free ARC in exchange for an honest review

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Sun Don't Shine is a heart felt YA drama with a mystery element. A fast read taking me a few hours at a guess with enough draw that it kept me reading from beginning to end without a break. Your heart (Especially if you are a mother like me) can't help but feel for Reece and everything she's been through. I loved the characters, even her Dad. I wish at times we had more of a back story on him as I felt it would have maybe helped us understand it all a bit more. The 'explanation' near the end (I won't say more I don't give spoilers) didn't really give me enough. The ending was a little bit too 'put together' for my liking. After such a climax and HUGE decision for Reece I felt it was a little too short/quick.

My reason for the 3.5 stars and not anything higher was namely I hoped there would be more mystery. I kind of worked a few things out earlier on. I also felt the 'darker' side of things felt a little undeveloped, but this could have been because it was a YA. Still, I've read some brutal YA. More of a YA/Drama/General Fiction in my opinion.

Thank you to NetGalley and Regal House Publishing, Fitzroy Books for this ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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This is a meaningful quick read. I wasn't really sure what to expect going into it but the premise sounded interesting so I had to check it out.

Reece is living on the run with her dad. Now a teen who wants to be free, it's getting harder to stay under the radar. Her father is a constant roadblock when she attempts to blossom into her own young woman. She's used to being a "we" not a "she", but she's realizing she may have been misled all this time.

This was everything. Blisteringly honest about the reality of poverty while also being full of hope. This character felt so real that I'm going to miss her. The author did an absolutely amazing job building these characters, especially in such a short novel.

It didn't have any fluff or an agenda, such as adding politics or social issues in, just because the author feels like it. The bare bones honesty was what made it compulsively readable and refreshing while you were internally cringing at the life of this poor girl. I could not put it down. I can't wait to read more from the author.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review.

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"Sun Don't Shine" by Crissa-Jean Chappell is a quick, compelling read that navigates the complexities of teenage life, mystery, and unexpected romance. The novel follows Reece, a relatable character who, despite her unique circumstances, mirrors the sense of being lost that many of us experienced in high school.

The book is very fast and quick-paced, only taking place in a few days. This pace definitely worked well for the thriller aspect of the book, but the romance definitely felt rushed in such a short time frame. I was engaged throughout, especially with Reece's relatability and the exploration of her struggles, making it a quick yet satisfying read that leaves readers wanting more.

With the fast paced and shortness of the book, I did experience a bit of a lack of investment in the characters and a disconnection from the writing style. I also found the distinction between the present and the flashbacks of Reece’s childhood difficult to differentiate.

Overall, the rollercoaster of emotions and the mystery/plot kept me invested in the story.
If you're in the mood for a fast-paced read with elements of mystery and romance, this book might just be the perfect addition to your reading list.

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Sixteen-year-old Reece is an expert at keeping secrets. She has to be, since her father abducted her ten years ago.

This kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time and I never knew what was going to happen next (in a good way). Well done!

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I liked this, I didn’t love it.

While it was an interesting, quick read, I feel like I didn’t really connect with Reece and her story. The rules her dad set out were a little too out there for me.

I would recommend this if you’re looking for a book to get you out of a slump.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

3.7 rounded up to 4/5.

"Sun Don't Shine" by Crissa-Jean Chappell, immerses readers in the gripping world of sixteen-year-old Reece, a master of secrets due to her past. The novel explores the complexities of survival, friendship, and the quest for truth as Reece grapples with her father's dark and mysterious past.

Chappell crafts a compelling thriller with an intriguing premise, drawing readers into Reece's challenging life marked by abduction, homelessness, and a constant need for anonymity. The plot is not only fun but also thought-provoking, shedding light on significant societal issues such as neglect, poverty, and the harsh realities faced by those living on the fringes of society.

Reece's character is easy to root for, and the author's simple yet effective writing style keeps the narrative engaging and accessible. The incorporation of libraries as places of refuge for Reece adds a nice touch, highlighting the power of literature and knowledge in the face of adversity.

However, the novel is not without its flaws. Some logic issues may leave readers questioning certain plot developments, and the pacing occasionally falters, disrupting the flow of the story. While the book is a quick read, there's a desire for more development in certain plotlines and characters, leaving some aspects feeling underexplored.

Additionally, the plot can be somewhat predictable at times, which may impact the overall sense of suspense for readers who enjoy unexpected twists. More depth and nuance in certain elements of the narrative could elevate the story to a higher level of complexity.

In conclusion, "Sun Don't Shine" is a riveting exploration of survival, resilience, and the pursuit of truth within the framework of a compelling thriller. Despite some pacing issues and predictable moments, Chappell successfully delves into the harsh realities faced by individuals like Reece, addressing important social issues along the way. This short but impactful read leaves readers with a mix of emotions and a deeper appreciation for the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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this was on the read now section of netgalley and i was feeling the thriller vibe so i thought, why not? i probably would’ve been better off not indulging in my curiosity, i just didn’t absolutely love this.

i wasn’t really hooked at any point in the book, maybe because i fell out of my thriller mood or maybe because i didn’t care about the characters. the premise is really interesting and the plot itself was fun n well executed, it just didn’t get me super invested. the writing was alright, i suppose? idk i didn’t really pay attention to it icl 🧍🏼‍♀️

also the ending? so many conflicting feelings. on one hand, yes it makes sense. on the other, no i hate it.

so mainly just a quick thriller, if you’re looking for something like that or wanting to get out of a slump. nothing special, nothing memorable, but also not a bad read.

thank you to netgalley & royal house publishing for the arc! all opinions are my own.

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All of the concern, protectiveness, and twisted reasonings behind love weave into a grabbing tale with bite.

Reece has been running away from the 'bad' men with her father for almost as long as she can remember. From tents to vans, her homes last only as long as her father feels its safe. Their current residence, a cheap hotel in Florida, has offered a real bed and steady schooling for a couple of years...until she breaks her father's rules and begins to have a friend. Questions arise, and as she seeks the answers, the weave of secrets unravels.

This story had me engaged from beginning to end. Reece's living situation comes across naturally while carrying the required rawness to make the difficulties clear. She sympathetic despite her razor-sharp edges. The relationship with her father stays on edge, making her views of him understandable while still carrying a sense of wrongness to build tension and suspicion. There is violence, hints of drug abuse, hints of child abuse and more, but none of it tiptoes past what even upper middle graders can handle. Still, it keeps the reader at the edge of their seat and plays along the edge of a true thriller without completely crossing that line. In that sense, it isn't a true thriller but more of an edgy contemporary with a dash of mystery and plenty of dark secrets.

It was no problem to get caught up in this story and root for Reece as she untangles her life to discover the lies underneath. The writing is smooth, keeps the pacing high, and brings the scenes across in all the right ways. There are more than a few logic hiccups, but these fade under the well-paced plot and desire for Reece to discover the truth. The end loosened on this end and didn't quite pull through with as much finesse, but the end pulls most threads together to leave the needed hope and satisfaction after the storm. And, of course, a bit of food for thought.

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3.5 Rounded up to 4.

Sun Don't Shine is the story of sixteen-year-old Reece who has been on the run with her father for the past ten years. They've survived by stealing out of dumpsters, sleeping wherever they can, and doing their best to get through each difficult day. But their situation is made all the more complicated by the fact that they're on the run because Reece's father *kidnapped* her and faked their deaths, and when Reece both makes a new friend and finds out that her mother is alive and has been looking for her all these years, she'll have to make some difficult choices. As awful as her life with her father has been, she loves him deeply and can't bring herself to leave, even as she starts to really comprehend the gravity of what he did to her by taking her away.

One of the reasons this book was so difficult for me was because I found myself being pulled between feeling *major* frustration with Reece for not turning her father in/clueing someone into their situation, while still feeling deeply, deeply sympathetic to her. How could a teenager bring themselves to "betray" the parent they love, even if their parent was in the wrong? Her hesitation made perfect sense, even if I desperately wanted her to do whatever necessary to get out of her horrible circumstances ASAP.

While I have conflicting thoughts about the ending of the novel and how things were tied up, Sun Don't Shine is a book unlike any other that I've read and I think it will stay with me for quite a long time.

Thank you to both NetGalley and Fitzroy books for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Reece’s father kidnapped her when she was six years old and they have been on the run ever since, living in their van or in motel rooms. Reece wants nothing more than a normal life. When she meets Shawn, the first real friend she’s ever had, she begins to question everything about their lifestyle.

This is a short but powerful and moving story about family relationships, love and loyalty.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Rated 4/5.
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book and read it in a few hours. This is a YA thriller type of read.
Reece had such a rough childhood, yet she cared so deeply for her father that put her in all sorts of situations. I am happy that she had an ending that she deserved.

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I loved this book. It was dark, but yet hopeful at times. The main character was believable and I think the author did a great job of building her characters. The cover really does a good job of showcasing the vibes of the book. I thought it was well-written and I couldn't put it down at times. Definitely going to keep my eye on this author!

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Thank you Crissa-Jean Chappell, NetGalley, and Regal House Publishing for this eARC in exchange for an honest review. Sun Don’t Shine comes out January 15, 2024.

Sun Don’t Shine follows a 16 year old girl named Reece, and her father. They move through out Florida to different motels, always on the run. Her dad has rules.

1. Don’t Talk to Strangers
2. Keep Away from Cops
3. Don’t Let Anyone Get Close

But after meeting a local boy in the parking lot of a gas station she begins to loosen her grip on those rules and allow herself some freedom to discover who she really is.

This YA thriller is perfect for fans of Ellen Hopkins and Kathleen Glasgow. Sun Don’t Shine is a gritty adventure where a kidnapped girl, finds her real family.

Content warnings I gathered: kidnapping, child abuse, mentions of drugs

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Wow - what a read! While the pacing was a little slow, it covered a lot of really important topics that I think many of us forget that many of our country's kids regularly deal with such as poverty, abuse, and homelessness. When Reece is taken from her home by her father to escape "criminals", she quickly realizes that HE is the issue, not everyone else. I'm glad Reece got her happy ending, but I'm very aware that's, sadly, not the reality for many in her shoes. I think it would be a little mature for my middle schoolers, but I think older students would devour this one. Thanks so much for the ARC!

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