Member Reviews

Reece is a teenage girl living a strange, peripatetic lifestyle with her father. They are constantly on the move, and there is a need for secrecy that is frequently re-emphasised, so it is virtually impossible for Reece to get close to others.

Although she hates their way of life, and questions some of the stories that her father has told her to explain away their need to keep moving, Reece does love her father very much. In fact she is a remarkably well-adjusted and kind girl, since managing most teenagers under such circumstances would be downright impossible for the majority of parents...

When Reece meets Shawn, their relationship deepens quickly. Perhaps too quickly. But then again, that is often the way of things with adolescents. While Shawn comes across as a little quirky, Reece is highly relatable, and the reader inevitably finds herself rooting for her. This is an engaging mystery, with a likeable MC. All in all, an easy read.

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Thank you NetGalley and Regal House Publishing for the copy of Sun Don’t Shine by Crissa-Jean Chappell. This is a short, engrossing story of Reece, a 16 year old living in a motel with her father. We see her struggle for survival and also learn how she ended up in this situation. I was rooting for Reece for the whole book, hoping for a happy ending to her story, because she was so compelling. I loved how she found refuge in libraries. We never get to really know her father well enough to understand his motivations because Reece was the only character that was really well defined. I was sorry to not learn more about Shawn because he was probably the most likable character and is a good example of not judging people by their outsides.

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First of all, a huge shoutout to the amazing folks who granted me early access to this ARC – diving into it before the January 16th release was an absolute privilege!

Let me introduce you to the characters in this rollercoaster of a story. First up, there's Reece, a teenager constantly on the move with her dad, evading the clutches of apparently bad guys. It's a tough hand for a teenager – unable to relish the essence of freedom and possession. The bitter twist is her ignorance due to these circumstances, a reality I hate and I can’t help but blame her Father for that.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, what captivated me about Reece was her unwavering love and wholehearted protection of her mysterious Father. She’s such a good kid, and her dad is undoubtedly fortunate to have such a resilient and loving daughter. The whole emotional rollercoaster just adds this deep layer to the story, making Reece's journey even more gripping.

Now, enter Shawn Bryants, who initially struck me as peculiar. The way he dove headfirst into loving Reece? Like, way too fast for comfort. But, you know, love's this crazy thing where time just seems to vanish. What's kinda cool, though, is that Shawn becomes Reece's escape hatch from reality. It's like, in his weirdness, she finds a breather from the craziness around her. It adds this interesting twist, showing how sometimes the people who seem a bit offbeat can be exactly what we need for a reality break.

The mention of Spirited Away had me genuinely thrilled – it's like discovering the author's shared love for anime added an extra layer of connection!

The story had me hooked for a solid four to five hours, clicking eagerly for the next page. Yet, when I reached that 100%, my immediate thought was, "Wait, that's it?" I craved more, wanting the narrative to unfold further, revealing even more intense scenes.

Having relished the experience of "Sun Don't Shine," I'm now eagerly anticipating more literary gems from this author.

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Amazing book with a story that seems almost too real. You will be drawn in by a young girl named Reece, who’s disappointment about the life she is leading with her dad, does not stop her from her unrelenting love for him. She faces a tug of war within herself; questioning the stories her father told her about their past versus her desire to leaves this life with him and find out the truth. You will root for her through this entire book and never expect the heartwarming ending.

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I read this book in a little under 24 hours, I just couldn't put it down! It enticed me in from the first page and left me thinking of nothing else during the moment I put it down. I would DEFINITELY purchase this book and read more by this talented author.

Thanks so much for the author and to netgalley for allowing me to read it.

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Thanks to Net Valley for this read!

I was immediately drawn to this cover; they say you can't judge a book by its cover, but I think in this case you can. This was a quick and easy read--great for those looking to get some last minute books in for their 2023 book challenge. More than that, the writing was compelling and the plot engrossing. I couldn't put it down and had finished it within 24hrs.

I haven't read too much YA lately, but I love a good mystery, so I went for it... and it did not disappoint. I was in my feelings with this one; the main character, Reece, felt familiar and I found myself empathizing and rooting for her through every obstacle she faced. I do wish it was longer, but that just tells me this was a good novel!

If I keep going, I'll spoil it, so I'll just say, give it a try and let me know what you think!

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This was a quick read (read it in a few hours) but I enjoyed it. It didn’t feel rushed in any way and it kept me reading. I feel like Reece really is a relatable character who is just overall lost, as most of us felt in high school - although her situation was different.

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