Member Reviews

This one was juicy. Ali and Ryan are teenagers when on a fateful night Ali disappears on a date. She is taken from the car by a stranger or was she? Ryan can’t remember and I he sorry picks up 5 years later. Ryan is a law student on a holiday and the car is found in a lake with two dead people in it. The story unravels to a note that was found in the care, some questionable characters, a new policewoman who came home to care for her father who was also a police officer. I really enjoyed following the twists and turns and tried to stay up with everything that was going on. In the end which I don’t want to give away is a satisfying and sad ending - the lesson is that when you go looking for answers it leads to all kind of trouble .. and juiciness for the readers!

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Wow I loved this book. Definitely one of those books that has some unexpected twists and turns. Kept me interested and loved the different point of view and storylines. I’ve never read a book like this before. Makes me want to pick up more books from Alex. I loved loved night shift so makes sense that I would love this as well.

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This story truly kept me guessing the entire time. There were plenty of things I didn’t see coming, including many specific examples of me proclaiming “oh! How could I not see that?!” I’m a big fan of Alex Finlay to start with and I feel like this novel lived up to my expectations and give another reason why I will read anything by this author.

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For the last five years Ryan has relived a nightmare of loosing his girlfriend. He was knocked unconscious and awoke to her being gone.

He hasn't lost hope that she is dead. Her vehicle is found at the bottom of a lake and she isn't in it. They find a note that changes everything and gives him hope.

From that point on this book makes it impossible to put down. So much happens and how will it end?

This is the first Alex Finlay book I have read and won't be the last.

Thank you for this ARC to read in advance and to St. Martin's Publishing. Thank you to Netgalley as well!

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I read this in 24 hours. Started out great but there were too many characters and storylines that all mixed together and it was pretty confusing at times. I had to stop and think about which character was which and who they were related to or infiltrated with multiples times.

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This was such a wild ride. So many shocking twists that kept me gripped from page to page. I absolutely loved this thriller and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good page turner of a read!

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This is my first Alex Finlay novel, but it won’t be my last. There was just enough in there to make me be able to believe what was going on. It was fast-paced and kept me interested throughout the entire thing!

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Wow I’m still shocked by what I read and I finished this about a week ago. This book was quite the action packed read. I wasn’t sure how it was going to fare being another book whose focus was a prep school and kids that go there. The ending was way more than I could have hoped for and I thoroughly enjoyed this whole damn ride. Well done Alex well done.

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Absolutely freaking amazing!
What a plot! So unique and creative. I loved this one from the very first page. The characters were so likeable. It’s told in a varying viewpoint that holds its own surprises. This tale combines something I wasn’t sure i would love ( a mafia/gang type plot) with a normal everyday teenage life. And this plot worked seamlessly. There was empathy for the “bad” guys at points. And anger at the “good” girl. This evoked some crazy thoughts and emotions and really make you think about the under current of the why is this happening. I love when books make me rethink the hero/villain roles.
I loved the flow and the writing and this one gets 5 giant stars from me

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“If Something Happens to Me” by Alex Finley grabs you on the very first page and keeps you reading long into the night. A teenage couple on a date and in a car are attacked. The girl disappears and the boy is knocked out and left behind. When he wakes he remembers nothing but has flashbacks of what he thinks is a man with no pinkie fingers on his hands at the scene. We are taken on a ride cross continents with interesting, and unusually connected characters that will keep you turning the pages and on the edge of your seat. I recommend to all who enjoy this genre.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Alex Finlay does NOT disappoint with this fast paced mystery!

This book is one I could not put down! It starts with a young girl that goes missing and morphs into a huge web that has many twists and turns!

I don’t want to dive into details and spoil any of the great mysteries this book has to offer!

Thanks to Netgalley for the eArc for my review!

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!
This was a fun, fast paced read. There are a lot of characters but once I got a few chapters in, I was able to get everyone organized in my brain lol
I did guess all the twists except one, but I do read a lot of thrillers so I'm pretty good at guessing. I still really like the book. I especially liked how the epilogue wrapped everything up nicely.
Overall, decent mystery/thriller that you will be halfway through before you even realize it!

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Excuse meeeee ! My first book by Alex Finlay and WOW !!!! This book is a mystery/thriller, with dual POV for the win. The execution of plot development and characters was written so beautifully. I enjoyed this book so much finished within a few hours because I could nottt put it down!!! It’s pretty quick pace which worked out great and with twist and turns throughout the entirety of the book. *chefs kiss*

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Could not put this one down. Alex Finlay is a master of his craft. I thoroughly enjoyed the multi-character story lines and the way that the stories weaved together. Highly recommend picking this one up!

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There were several players over several years and multiple locations - while that seems like a lot - hold on. Mob bosses and their minions, men who served in Iraq together, the FBI add in Poppy and Ryan and a you have a story that will keep the pages turning and the reader waiting for it to all come together. Tied up with a bow Alex Finley has done it again

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5 years ago: Ryan's girlfriend Alison is taken from his vehicle and he is knocked unconscious. When he wakes up, all he remembers is Ali's screams and a man's hands pulling her away from him.

Now: While on vacation in Italy, Ryan does his best to forget that awful night and the suspicion that has surrounded him since. He is living under a new name and trying to move on with his life. Until a mysterious note arrives and he sees the same man from that terrible night five years ago. With his life thrown back into a tailspin, a new deputy on the case, and a mobster seeking revenge, the mystery begins to unravel.

I enjoyed this mystery/thriller! It was broken into three parts with dual POV. I appreciated the short chapters and quick pace. I did anticipate the twist in part 1 pretty easily, but that didn't take away too much from the fun. Part 3 is where the story really fumbled for me. Things happened too quickly and without time to appreciate things coming together.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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If Something Happens to Me sucks you in from the first page and then each chapter keeps you on the edge of your chair or bed. Where ever you read! The chapters are short and sweet with a unique way to keep you staying up way later then you intended and then you are an extremely tired Librarian the next day. “No shelving was done that day”. It has a mob type/James Patterson type vibe to the story. Another dual character perspective which is always a favourite of this reader.

Another great story by Alex Finlay! I am so honoured to be picked to read this advanced readers copy as he is an absolute auto buy author for me. I have quite a few patrons I know who will enjoy this story and it will be ordered for my little library as soon as it’s ready for the world.

Thank you to @netgalley and to St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to review this book.

If Something Happens to me will be released in May.

My reviews can be found:
Instagram: @hedwigsandhopes
Goodreads: Nikki- Hedwig’s and Hope’s

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I devoured this book in a day! I loved it. The author did a fantastic job building up a twisty plot and keeping the reader guessing! Highly recommend!

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Alex Finlay is back at it with this amazing thriller!

After the disappointing [book:What Have We Done|60784578], this new book from Finlay is back with the usual charm he introduced us to in [book:Every Last Fear|53138046] and [book:The Night Shift|57693427]. There's the references to true crime podcasts and FBI agents and layers of secrets and fast paced writing. All the information needed to "solve the mystery" is available to the reader, but even then I felt like an idiot because I didn't see some of the twists coming.

But this is more than just an amazing thriller. The characters are fully developed and real. They have weaknesses and faults, but still strive to do the right thing. Even the bad guys try to do the right thing, or their definition of the 'right thing.'

So. Much. Fun! I read this in one sitting while lounging by the pool. The book contributed to my perfect vacation, so for that I thank Mr. Finlay!

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Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, and Alex Finlay for this ARC!
What an absolutely incredible read! This book sucked me in from the beginning. I have found that I really enjoy books that are structured with multiple POVs and this fully reiterated that theme for me.
From the O’Leary family to Ryan and Poppy, I found this book to be thrilling and entertaining from start to finish.
It was truly a ride that I won’t soon forget!
Publishes May 28, 2024!
5 ⭐️

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