Member Reviews

This was my first read by Alex Finlay, and I was not disappointed! I’m running to read his backlist. He was obviously blessed with a gift of weaving a complicated web of intersecting characters and timelines without losing the plot, and the short chapters made the book fly by! It also helped that I didn’t want to put it down.

If you enjoy suspense and are looking for a good thriller to quickly binge, grab your popcorn and buckle up!

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A fast paced thriller involving a cold case and small town mafia. Alex finlay has written and easy and enjoyable read with this novel.

Poppy is working on the case when they pull out the car that belonged to Allison when she disappeared all those years ago. She doesn't believe that Allison boyfriend had anything to do with it. Can she get to the bottom of this case?

Grab a copy for a perfect beach read that will keep you hooked!

Thanks to St martins press, NetGalley and Minotaur books for this ARC

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Wow! This was my first Alex Finlay book and upon finishing it, I immediately added several more to my TBR list. This thriller had me on the edge of my seat turning pages. The twists and turns were unexpected and the cast of characters were memorable and well developed. When I read a thriller I want to be surprised and I want to get to know the characters and them to have depth and Alex Finley delivered.

Ryan and Alison were high school sweethearts until the tragic night that Alison was taken right in front of him. Things in their small town had never been the same since that night. Fast forward five years and Ryan receives a phone call that changes his life and sends him on a mission to rectify what happened on that stormy night many years ago. "If Something Happens to Me" is full of puzzle pieces that perfectly fit together to tell this thrilling story.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martins Press for this advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Alex Finlay is one of my favorite authors and this one was so good! It’s told from 3 different points of view and in typical Alex fashion when I finally connected dots between the 3 my jaw hit the floor. It was fast paced and engrossing throughout. I would definitely recommend if you like thrillers about the mob and unsolved mysteries!

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Throughout this book I felt a strong sense of nostalgia and regret for Ryan, who lost the love of his live Alison on a stormy night in Lover's Lane. To add to the injustice, Ryan is at first deemed a suspect in her murder.

There are mobsters and internet trolls and an accountant with a moral dilemma. And don't forget the guy with the missing pinky. There's a deputy with the unfortunate name of Poppy (really, the name made it hard to take her seriously!). There are things happening in multiple parts of the the world, from Kansas to Pennsylvania and England, Italy, and France.

Finlay is determined to keep you on your toes, though, because you know these disparate locations and people will eventually converge. How and why are the beauty of this book, which reaches its conclusion through a series of twists and turns.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for another thrilling arc by Alex Finlay!

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A fast-paced thriller with mob ties that will have you hooked from the beginning.

Alex Finlay's use of multiple perspectives and alternating time lines twists a web that makes you think you have it all figured out, until all of a sudden you don't.

I personally found some of the characters and timelines far more interesting than the others but understand the need for them all to complete the story.


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Alex Finlay has proven himself as a tremendously talented author, delivering intense and twisty tales. This book is no exception!

Having lived in Kansas for 30+ years, I was instantly hooked and greatly enjoyed all of the Kansas references. It made it all the more fun of a read to relate to the various references!

The story follows two timelines that merge to show the broader picture and tie the mystery together. From beginning to end, the action was continual. Anyone who can tie Leavenworth, KS to Italy to the UK in a thrilling and enthralling manner deserve 5 stars in my book!

I was fortunate to both read and listen to the book; both are available now and I highly recommend getting your copy as soon as possible!

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This book starts out with a bang. Ryan and Allison are just two kids going to Lover's Lane when the car doors are opened and Ryan is hit on the head. He is able to see Allison as she gets dragged away from the car, and then she's gone. Ryan is a suspect, but after a serial killer is arrested and Allison's DNA is found at his house, the case is closed.

Five years later, a car matching the description of the Allison's father's (the one they used at Lovers Lane) is dragged up from the bottom of the lake with the bodies of two unknown men. But no Allison. Ryan is a suspect again, but he's on a trip to Italy.

An international search is on. The authorities want Ryan, and Ryan wants to find answers. Just what happened to Allison?

I didn't want to put this book down and finished it in a couple days. Are there some holes in the plot? Probably. But it's fun and compelling with plenty of close calls, which is perfect.

My thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you SMP for the ARC. Respectfully, no. I liked his other books, but this was like an old man wildin on FB.

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I was hooked the second I read the title of this novel and even though I knew there would be some "in case I go missing" clues (like any good Crime Junkie should have at the ready), I was still surprised with every discovery and turn of events. I can't recall the last time I read a mystery novel that included multiple character's POVs and timelines, but I found the whole concept very exciting. The bad guy reveal at the end I was able to foresee and I found that the motives were a little foggy, but I spent about a month reading this book so I have to chalk it up to having enough time to both solve the mystery myself and forget some of the details along the way.

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I quite enjoyed this book and it was my first Alex Finlay read. I had the privilege of reading the ebook as well as listening to the audiobook. I flew through it in one sitting because I HAD to find out what happened. It kept me engaged throughout. I will say, I preferred part one the best. It started off strong, introduced characters well but just gave enough to keep you guessing. I particularly enjoyed the separate POVs and how they were all eventually intertwined. The man hunt search around the world is not something that typically "ticks my box" but it was still really enjoyable. The premise of the book was great and unlike anything I've read before. I would certainly recommend this as a physical read, an audiobook, or both, like I did! Lot's of twists and turns!

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books, and Alex Finlay for sending this ARC ebook of If Something Happens to Me, in exchange for my honest review.

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I’m calling it now, this book will end up in my top ten at year’s end! It’s easily one of the best books I’ve read so far this year! This book is so well written; I don’t know that I’ve ever read a multi point of view story that fit together as seamlessly as this one does. Normally, with multi-POV I can get frustrated that it’s not connecting and that never happened here. The link is right there, staring you in the face, and I still missed it! There are no red herrings or trick elements that leave plot holes at the end. He wrote a straight forward story that is still full of suspense with a very intelligent plot that is perfectly paced. Everything is explained in time and there’s not a hole to be seen! Sometimes when a plot is this good the character writing can suffer; not here!! There’s a lot of characters in this story, but they are all utilized very well. None of them feel superfluous or simply there to move the plot along. Each one is well developed with clear and realistic motivations, even the side characters! I know this may sound like a generic review but honestly I just don’t want to get too detailed for fear of giving away key elements! This book is an absolute must read for thriller fans and it’ll be a top recommendation for me going forward! Finlay is an incredibly talented writer so if you’ll excuse me, I have to go put all of his books on hold at my library now!

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*4.5 stars rounded up for an exciting, suspenseful read!

The story is told from multiple points of view. It grabs the reader from page one, beginning with the prologue, which is set in Leavenworth, Kansas. The scenario: two teens, Alison and Ryan, about to head off to college, visit Lover's Lane in her father's BMW. Tonight might be the night. Just as Ali pulls off her t-shirt, someone attacks. The next thing Ryan knows, it's morning, Alison and the car are gone, and he is lying alone in the grass.

Five years later, Ryan is in Montepulciano, Italy, with a group of his fellow law students who are the new staff of the Georgetown Law Journal. Their trip is being funded by a generous alumnus donor to give them the chance to decompress after finals and plan next year's edition. Ryan has been living the past few years under a cloud of suspicion and guilt over Alison's disappearance and has resorted to changing his last name, in the hopes that no one will know his story. But even here in Italy someone leaves him a message that reads: 'I know who you are.'

Back in Leavenworth, Kansas, we are introduced to Poppy McGee, the new deputy sheriff. She has been discharged from the army where she was with the military police and returned home to take care of her father who is dying from cancer. Her first day on the job turns out to be pretty exciting--someone has spotted a vehicle submerged in the local lake.

Then the action shifts to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where mob boss Shane O'Leary and his wife Gina are worried about their young son, Anthony, who has transferred to a fancy new school and seems withdrawn and depressed. What has this got to do with what we've already read, you might be asking yourself. Hang in there. Alex Finlay is cranking up the thrill ride! If you are looking to escape this summer, look no farther. This book is hot, hot, hot!

Many thanks to the author and publisher for providing me with an arc of this new thriller via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and the opinions expressed are my own.

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Lots of twists and turns in this quick-paced thriller. I liked the short chapters and this one had me guessing throughout. 3.5 stars

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This was a fast paced, exciting novel with a few too many points of views for me. I kept having to reread sections to make sure I understood who was telling the story. Aside from that, I have no complaints. I liked the short chapters and I was constantly readjusting my predictions. Fun summer read.

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This was a great thriller that I flew through. There were a lot of different directions I felt you’re pulled into, but it was written very well and it was easy to follow. Love the short chapters, made it a pretty quick read.

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Thank you to Minotaur Books and Macmillan Audio for the copies to review!

Oh my, this one was WILD!! And I LOVED IT!! I have now read all of Finlay’s books and I’m a huge fan, this was on brand with making you think it will go one way and then whipping you with a twist and off you go in a completely different direction with zero time to recover. It is exactly how I love a thriller to be and it wrapped up in such a satisfying way. The audio was perfect and it held my attention from start to finish. If you have not read Finlay then fix that now, and start with this one, it is just fantastic.

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I feel like I was pretty hooked and invested in this story right away. The different characters really pulled me in. Though listening to it on audio I occasionally got confused about who’s POV we were in. There were some good twists I didn’t see coming and others I did. Overall I liked the story and how it played out. The epilogue at the end wasn’t super fulfilling for me and I felt a little disappointed there wasn’t more to it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin Press for my gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

This one did not disappoint. While it is not a novel that I would normally read, there is a lot of action that kept me listening to find out what would happen in the end.

I liked the fast pace of the book and the picture Alex Finlay paints because I was hooked on this story. There are some aspects that were not 100% my cup of tea such as the mob mentally and what went on as “revenge” but I enjoyed the book as a whole and could see this one as a movie.

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Alex Finlay is back with another excellent mystery/thriller! I did not want to put this one down. One thing that was somewhat difficult was there were so many characters. I did listen to this one and there were a few narrators so that was helpful. I alternated between reading by kindle and audible and I'd definitely recommend the audio version more as it's a lot easier to distinguish who's who. Once you figure out the characters and how they relate to each other, you can figure out where the story is going. It kept me on my toes and I really enjoyed it overall. I'd recommend it.

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