Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books, and Alex Finlay for this e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

I LOVED this book!! Alex Finlay has become one of my favorite and auto buy authors, and his latest novel did NOT disappoint! I loved the multiple POV's and was immediately hooked to this story from the first page and I could not put it down. 5 star read for me!

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At first, I was just flying through this book, desperate to know what happened. Then I got to a point where I was a little less interested, and as the mystery unfolded, I felt a little disappointed by it. That said, it’s got international travel, the Mafia, mysterious disappearances, gruesome murders… I mean, you can’t really go wrong even if you’re not 100% happy with how it turns out. It’s worth a read for sure.

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An immensely entertaining read, and if you love the thriller genre this Alex Finlay novel is a don’t miss. It’s a compelling story with great character AND plot development with surprises that you don’t see coming. It’s the story of young love, and complicated relationships. But more importantly, it’s the story of redemption. I can’t scream this loudly enough - pick up this read! So grateful to NetGalley and the publisher for this one for nothing was expected…and so much was delivered!!

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Thank you for the eArc in exchange for an honest review.

This book is a solid 4 stars. The story was almost broken up into two parts. The first 60% was a thriller with multi POV and ambiguity on how things were connected. The last 40% was a simple action story. I enjoyed the first 60% much better. I was able to get the connections between characters fairly early on, but that didn't take away from it for me. I did not see the final twist until right before.

I did feel like some elements were not overly realistic, such as a barely 22 year old Sherriff. The dialog was awkward at times.
All in all, I enjoyed and read it very fast. Alex Finlay is an auto read author for me.

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Ryan's girlfriend, Ali, tragically disappeared 5 years ago and with Ryan the primary suspect, he was forced to abandon his dreams and change his name. The only memory Ryan has from that night is a man with missing pinky fingers and now in another country, he comes face to face with this same dangerous stranger at the same time that his girlfriends missing car is found!

Ali's car is discovered on the newly hired sheriff's deputy's first day on the job and now she must uncover the truths! Could her dad's lifelong friend, the sheriff, be behind Ali going missing or is something more sinister at play!

If Something Happens to Me pulled me in from the very first chapter!! The story was encaptivating and the short, easy to read chapters kept me going till the very end! Some of the story was unbelievable and predictable but, overall, I really enjoyed this book!!

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I always enjoy Alex Finlay's novels and this one did not disappoint. A story about two teens, young and in love and planning for their future. And then one night everything changes and Ryan's world is torn apart when his girlfriend Ali is taken from his car with no witnesses. All Ryan can remember is being struck in the head and Ali's scream. He wakes up with no recolection of anything else other than the man who hit him missing fingers. With no leads, the case is pinned on a serial murderer and Ryan is never charged. Years later, Ali's car is found in a lake of water and Ryan returns how to find out what really happened that night. This story was really good, but I think the truth of what happened that night could have been better. It was kind of out there and I just feel readers will find that part of the story lacking. Everything leading up to it was great!

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Alex Finlay has really never let me down so I was super excited to be able to read his new one, and this was no exception! I did feel like it took a little bit to make sense of who all of the different POV's were and how they all interacted together, but once I got it I was completely hooked. This was a really complex story with a lot of layers and twists and turns so I really felt like I had to pay attention more than I do in a normal thirller, but it paid off in my opinion. This was. a solid thriller that I'd recommend to my friends!

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I have read each book by Alex Finlay and each always keeps me on the edge of my seat - If Something Happens to Me is no different. His books are so intricately detailed and so well-plotted that they have you on the edge of your seat the whole time. I was turning pages late into the night trying to work this one out. I loved that the story spanned multiple countries and was full of twisty and action-filled scenes! Cannot wait to read more from this author!

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If Something Happens to Me is a fast-paced thriller by Alex Finlay (who can truly do no wrong and I would read anything by this author).

High school senior Ryan Richardson witnessed the kidnapping of his girlfriend Alison Lane in their hometown of Leavenworth, Kansas five years ago. Ryan was left on the side of the road, injured, but with a faint remembrance of their attacker, who was never found. Alison and her car disappeared without a trace and everyone blamed Ryan. He was eventually acquitted but moved away and changed his name due to the unwanted attention and blame surrounding the mystery. Now he's visiting Italy with a group of law students when he gets a message and sees the man that he knows took Allison. He decides to follow up on this and sets out to find some answers.

Meanwhile, back in Leavenworth, Poppy McGee has recently become a local deputy and is charged with reviewing the case files from Ali's disappearance five years ago. As her investigation deepens, Poppy soon realizes that there are people close to her who might know more than they are letting on. There are people monitoring Ryan and Poppy's movements - dangerous people who will stop at nothing for revenge and money.

If Something Happens to Me is an over-the-top thriller full of action. You definitely have to suspend some belief with this one but that's what makes it so fun to read!

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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The book begins with Ryan and Alison, high school seniors who are attacked while visiting their town’s “Lovers’ Lane”. Ryan is injured and Alison vanishes. The whole town is immediately suspicious of Ryan’s story and remains so until years later when Ali’s car is found submerged in a lake with the bodies of two men inside. But where’s Ali and what is inside the envelope that’s labeled “If Something Happens to Me”?

This was a fast paced thriller that immediately sucks you in. This book had fantastic twists and turns, many of which I did not see coming. It held my attention all the way until the end. I stayed up way too late because I needed to find out what happened. This was another winner for me from Alex Finlay!

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While there were definitely many twists and turns in this book, and it kept my interest, something was missing for me. Maybe there was just too much going on? There were a lot of characters that eventually became interconnected, but these twists were predictable and not believable. While it was just an okay read for me, it wasn’t a bad read; I enjoyed parts of this, and I know there are lots of people that will love it!!

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Sadly, this one wasn’t great for me. The first part had me hooked and engaged, but the more it went, the less invested and interested I became. It was a bit much, a bit over the top, honestly. I just really didn’t like the direction that the story went. I struggled with the amount of characters, particularly while listening to the audiobook. My previous experience with this author has been hit or miss, I loved The Night Shift but didn’t like What Have We Done. And, unfortunately, this was more in the vein of the second one with how ridiculous it felt. Maybe I’m just not great at suspending belief, or maybe he just didn’t sell it to me well enough. I don’t think this is something I’ll be recommending. I’m still willing to give the author another shot though so, maybe next year.

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Thank you so much for this ARC!

Such an interesting read! Multiple POV's and varying locations. This was actually way darker than I had originally thought going into it, quite a bit of sadness throughout. I enjoyed the mafia storyline, admittedly, I did get confused at some points but I managed to piece it together after the reveal.

Intense, fast paced read, that will have you stamping your passport.

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A Compelling Thriller That Will Keep You Guessing Until the Very End: "If Something Happens to Me" by Alex Finlay

"If Something Happens to Me" is a heart-pounding thriller that delves into the complexities of memory, trauma, and the pursuit of justice. The novel follows Lena, a young woman who wakes up in a hospital with no memory of how she got there. As she tries to piece together the events leading up to her accident, Lena discovers a shocking truth that puts her life in danger.

Alex Finlay masterfully crafts a suspenseful narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The story is told through multiple perspectives, including Lena's first-person account and the third-person accounts of other characters. This allows Finlay to create a multi-layered and nuanced narrative that explores the different ways in which trauma can affect people.

The characters in "If Something Happens to Me" are well-developed and believable. Lena is a relatable protagonist, and her struggle to come to terms with her trauma is both heartbreaking and inspiring. The supporting characters are equally compelling, and their relationships with Lena add depth and complexity to the story.

Finlay's writing is sharp and engaging. The plot is fast-paced and full of twists and turns, and the ending is both satisfying and surprising. Overall, "If Something Happens to Me" is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers. It is a well-written and suspenseful novel that will stay with you long after you have finished reading it.

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3.5 stars on this book for me! It was an engaging enough thriller, and I do always enjoy the multi-narrator style! However, I just felt like the mystery and eventual reveal weren’t as great as I thought they would be. I wasn’t feeling the mob boss/organization as the murderers vibes. I guess I just wanted a little more depth than what I got from this story! Overall, it was written well, but I just didn’t love the way it all turned out. Felt a little too predictable!

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4

This was definitely a page turner. I half listened on audiobook and half read It. I was really curious to know what happened next even though a lot of twists fell flat. There’s a lot of characters to keep track of and POVs and i was a little confused at times remembering who was who. I loved the first half and the twist before part 2. The epilogue was pretty meh could have done without those chapters as they told you next to nothing. Still a good book, but i much prefer Alex Finlays other books. While i liked It, It absolutely didn’t stand out and i know i will forget It completely in a few months.

Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion!

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People have always believed Ryan had something to do with the disappearance of his girlfriend, Ali, all those years ago. Ryan has tried to put the past behind him, but then Ali’s car is found, with a note labeled If something happens to me… Now Ryan is determined to finally figure out what happened to Ali, and his quest leads him on a collision course with others also trying to find the answer.

This book was okay, definitely not my favorite Finlay. I liked that all the storylines came together, but I wasn’t really into the result. I would recommend other Alex Finlay books over this one.

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Alex Finlay’s "If Something Happens to Me" is a gripping thriller that captivates from the start. The story follows Ryan Richardson, who is haunted by his girlfriend Ali’s disappearance five years ago. Just as he tries to move on, Ali’s car is found in a lake with two bodies and a cryptic note. Ryan's quest for answers takes him across Europe, intertwining with a young sheriff's deputy in Kansas and a grieving mobster in Philadelphia.

Finlay masterfully weaves multiple perspectives and locations, creating a fast-paced narrative filled with unexpected twists. The well-drawn characters and vivid settings add depth and urgency to the suspense. This novel is a compelling read that solidifies Finlay’s place as a top thriller writer. Highly recommended for fans of the genre.

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Oh Alex Finlay, we are so back.

If Something Happens to Me is the latest release from one of my favorite thriller authors. It follows multiple POVs and storylines all converging to explain the disappearance of a high school senior - leaving her boyfriend the prime suspect. From there the book unravels the complicated events that lead to the crime and the mess that vengeance leaves behind.

I have read pretty much all of Finlays books, and while this one isn't my favorite, I really enjoyed it and it actually pulled me out of a 4-month thriller slump! In my opinion, this is really not a mystery. But it absolutely is thrilling. I love that Alex Finlay's novels are a little more complex than most popcorn thrillers. There's usually a lot of detail, multiple timelines and storylines, and it helps to keep me engaged. While slightly predictable, If Something Happens to Me hits all of those selling points and is a fun, gritty read.

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Exciting page turner from the very beginning. It’s a fast paced thriller about a missing girl presumed dead, a notorious crime boss and new sheriff in town. How do all the pieces fit together? Small town Kansas, Philadelphia and international settings with multiple characters, narratives. Sometimes you have to suspend belief to accept the plot, but it’s worth it. The reveal had me audibly gasp. I couldn’t wait to pick this back up and finish the story. Engaging and very entertaining.

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