Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book. I liked the dual storyline and how everything came together. Poppy was my favorite.

Characters 5 /5
Plot 5 /5
Pacing 4/5
Enjoyment 5/5
Unable to put down 4/5
18 /20

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Ryan Richardson is forced to relive a terrible night where he was left for dead after his girlfriend, Ali, was taken and never to have been seen again. Labelled a murder, Ryan has tried moving on. But the past never stays hidden. Ryan gets a call from his father, Ali’s car was found. The past sudden catches up to him and starts spinning out of control.
Good read with lots of twists and turns. Recommended for all.

* I received an advanced reader’s copy of this book from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books in exchange for my honest review

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Pub date: May 28, 2024
Huge shoutout to and @netgalley for this twisty read

Ryan’s girlfriend Ali is taken one night while they are at a lovers lane. Ryan was the main suspect and had to change his last name to get away from the notoriety. When Ali’s car is found with bodies in it, five years later, the mystery really starts. Is she alive? Is the mafia involved? Who’s this rando contacting Ryan? There are a lot of moving parts and characters with intertwining stories. When they all came together, it made me say “duh, I should’ve realized that” 😂 Overall, this was a quick and fun thriller

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If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay
#netgalley published 5/28

Ryan did not kill his girlfriend of 4 years but yet her had to change his name bc of all of the harassing he received after she disappeared. In law school when the book starts, he finds that he is being followed by someone.

Told in 3 POV this is an exciting book. One is from Ryan's view as he is on a trip to Italy with his law school class. One from Poppy, a brand new cop in Leavenworth, Kansas. And the last one from Chaz, the hired killer of O'Leary the mobster whose kid was bullied. Each of these views are a little more broad than just the one person. It's really the story that is happening in each of the cities these MCs are in.

Can Poppy figure out what really did happen to Ali that fateful day. And why did her car end up in the lake with 2 dead men? This whole case hits her on her first day on patrol.

I took away a 1/2 ⭐ in the rating bc at one point I got confused as to when it was and who was being talked about. The confusion continued for a couple of chapters.
But I do have to say, I still love AF!

#bookstagram #bookrecommendation #bookreview

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Alex Finlay has done it again! His latest novel is suspenseful, twisty, and entertaining.

The description of this story sounded right up my alley, and it did not let me down. I enjoyed the story being told from multiple POVs. It gave the story more depth and kept it moving with a fast-paced feel. Despite the different perspectives, it was easy to follow.

The short chapters kept me wanting to read on, and I was eager to see how things would play out. I finished this in almost one sitting!

The author did a seamless job of combining all the characters and their backstories. I loved that each character's story had a wrap-up. I hate when authors leave storylines unfinished.

Read this if you’re looking for a bingeable, action-packed thriller.

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Published by ‎ Minotaur Books on May 28, 2024

If Something Happens to Me weaves together stories of crime and bullying. One crime involves Alison Lane. She is preparing to make out (or more) with Ryan Richardson, her high school boyfriend, when a man clobbers Ryan. Because Alison disappears, the police suspect that Ryan killed her. Ryan can only remember that the man who attacked him was missing his pinky fingers, a detail the police regard as fanciful.

The police can’t pin a crime on Ryan, but most members of his Kansas community assume that Ryan is a killer. They engage in the cherished American pastime of harassing him with self-righteous venom, even after evidence miraculously appears that links Alison’s disappearance to a serial killer.

When Ryan goes to college, he changes his last name. Then he changes colleges. His past catches up with him when, as a law student at Georgetown, he visits Italy on a trip taken annually by top law students.

The other crime story grows out of the bullying of a boy at a private school attended by the children of wealthy parents. Anthony doesn’t respond well to the bullying. Neither does his father, Shane O’Leary, once Shane learns about it. Shane is the head of a Philadelphia crime family. He doesn’t appreciate the school’s attempt to cover up the harassment of his son. O’Leary’s accountant, Michael Harper, is also integral to the story for reasons that can’t be revealed without spoiling one of the plot’s many twists.

The novel’s protagonist is Poppy McGee, who took a job as a deputy sheriff in Kansas after her abrupt discharge from the military for punching an officer. She’s back in her hometown with her brother Dash and a father who is battling cancer. Her first big case involves a car that is pulled from the lake. Alison Lane was apparently abducted from the car, but the two bodies in the car are both male. Both died from gunshot wounds. But where is Alison?

Poppy soon learns that someone in the Sheriff’s Department is misleading her. She also suspects that Dash and her father know more about Alison’s disappearance than they’re telling her. The Sheriff has told her not to cooperate with FBI Agent Jane Fincher, but it isn’t clear why she’s been given that command.

The story threads eventually come together, although it takes some time to understand the relative time frames that make a unified story possible. The well-constructed plot achieves a satisfying degree of complexity without becoming convoluted. Poppy and the reader must decide which characters are worthy of trust. The answers to that question and to some of the novel’s mysteries may be surprising.

The story develops at a good pace. This isn’t an action novel, but Alex Finlay builds suspense by placing characters in danger. Self-sacrifice and redemption give the reader reasons to feel good about a couple of bad characters. The good characters are likable and the plot is more credible than is typical of modern thrillers. All of that adds up to an enjoyable read.


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I give this book 4.5 starts out of 5, rounded up.

Ryan and his girlfriend at the time, Ali, were in a car on a date, when they had pulled over onto the side of the road after arriving to their destination. When suddenly, Ryan is hit in the head, and pulled out of the car, and the vehicle takes off with Ali still inside of it. Due to Ryan being the last person to see Ali, he is a prime suspect, but is not charged. Ryan was often harrassed after this, and moved and changed his name to avoid this harrassment and to try and forget about what happened.

However, the past comes back to the forefront as Ali's car is discovered submerged in a lake, with two unknown males and a handwritten note ("If Something Happens to Me") from Ali inside of it.

The beginning of this book didn't waste any time and went right into it, which I appreciate. There was not a lot of world building, just a quick chapter to introduce what had happened. No extra fluff, which was nice. This book also alternated between THREE point of views, but it is very easy to keep up with the story line of each point of view. Usually, when there are multiple point of views, it can be easy to confuse them, especially in the beginning when there is a bunch of new information or a lot happening at once to introduce the story, but this author did it so well that there was no confusion for me on this front.

The only thing that I was originally concerned about was that the third point of view was hard to understand how it tied into the original story, since the first two point of views are listed in the synopsis and very clear. The third point of view came out of no where and at first I did not understand how it correlated until maybe about halfway through the book, when it is explained. Once this happened, I felt that it was a very good plot twist and everything clicked.

Although it's not one of my top thriller books, this book constantly had things going on and it was never boring. I read it all in one night and thoroughly enjoyed it.. I loved the concept of having a note left behind detailing what it did in this story. Although, it wasn't a HUGE part of the story (I wish it was a bigger plot point (it actually led to a really great part of the story and did not disappoint at all, don't get me wrong)), I was hoping that the letter would have more in it, like her whole life story. Because what if she did die and she wasn't actually able to tell anyone her story? But the book code was genius and it made me happy that Ryan was instantly able to know exactly what Ali used for the code.

Also.... Ali's dad is my hero :(

This is the first book that I've read by this author so I didn't know what to expect at all, but I really liked the writing style and the story that they wrote in this book.

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I enjoyed this book but having 4 different locations and told in multiple POV’s it was at times a bit hard to follow. Overall though I found the story interesting and it was wrapped up well. Thanks to NetGalley for the privilege to read and review this book.

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Gripping Twists and Human Depth
I love days like today. After a two-hour workout that left me feeling fantastic, I spent the rest of the day indulging in a great book. Recently, my reading choices have been dominated by fantasy and thrillers, and If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay perfectly fit the bill. The fact that I could finish this book in one day speaks volumes about Finlay's writing prowess; I was captivated from start to finish.
If Something Happens to Me is an incredible thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat. The story jumps around a bit, presenting different points of view, but each perspective is so engrossing that I found myself completely absorbed in the moment. The masterful pacing ensures that the switches between viewpoints come at just the right moments, maintaining a high level of engagement and a compelling need to uncover the full story. Finlay's ability to weave these perspectives into a cohesive narrative is superbly done, making for an addictive read.
The premise of the novel is intriguing, with elements reminiscent of true crime, yet it also delves deeply into the humanity of its characters. This combination creates a rich, multi-layered story that is both thrilling and emotionally resonant. Each character's perspective adds depth and dimension to the narrative, enhancing my appreciation for Finlay's character work. The romantic angles are subtle and not forced, adding a natural feel to the story without overshadowing the main plot.
This is one of the most suspenseful novels I've read in a long time. Alex Finlay has firmly established himself as one of my new favorite authors with this book. The story is so well-crafted that while you might suspect certain elements, you never feel like you can predict every twist and turn. The surprises kept coming, and I was continually hooked, eager to see how it all unfolded.
If Something Happens to Me is a testament to Alex Finlay's talent as a writer. It's a gripping, suspenseful thriller that balances intricate plotting with rich character development. The story's ability to keep you guessing and the seamless integration of multiple perspectives make it a standout read. I eagerly await more works from Finlay and highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a thrilling and well-crafted novel.

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Thank you to St. Marten's Press for the ARC of this book.

If there's someone who's good at the genre they write, it's Alex Finlay. Every thriller I've read by this author has been the same fast-paced, interesting and intense plot. The characters are well developed, the plot is thick, and there's so many plot twists that you never truly know where it's going. This book was so much fun, I read it in one sitting.

The three narratives that coexist in this book make for something you will find so hard to put down. Prepare yourself by clearing your schedule and diving right into Alison Lane, Ryan Richardson, and Poppy McGee's stories.

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This author is one of the few that I actually like when it comes to thrillers. I enjoyed this one even though I figured out who the bad person was going to be at the end. It was still an enjoyable read.

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I listened to the audiobook version of this and was given a Net Galley ebook copy. At first I found the audiobook to be a challenge because there were a lot of characters and a lot of settings. I had to get everything straight in my head and there was no room for my mind to wander. But once I got the hang of it, I was good to go. This book is filled with the suspense you expect from this author and had a good twist at the end!

Thank you so much to Minotaur books and Net Galley for the copy!

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This book was incredible. It jumps around a bit, but every point of view is so engrossing that I would forget it had a purpose in a bigger picture when reading. The pacing is masterfully done, with the changes to other points of view coming at the right moment to keep you engaged and reading more because you have to know what happens next, what the whole story is. All-in-all, just superbly done from start to finish.

This was a really intriguing premise - with touches of true crime but also so much humanity from all of the players. Seeing different perspectives really made me appreciate the character work even more, and I enjoyed the fact that any romantic angles were forced or front and center - they were hinted at in such a way that it was definitely there but it wasn't the main focus, which means nothing felt shoehorned in and it all ended up feeling pretty natural.

This is one of the most suspenseful novels I've read in a long time and cements the fact that Alex Finlay is one of my new favorite authors. I love the fact that this story was so well done you could suspect certain elements but not feel as if you could see every twist coming - and I definitely didn't. I can't wait to read more by Finlay!

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I loved this book so much. As a DC native I pictured myself walking the streets of DC and loved those moments. The redemption of Ryan could have been more fleshed out, and I’d hoped for more from his reunion with Alison. Overall though I loved the time overlap and thought it was very entertaining.

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This was one of my most anticipated reads for the summer after enjoying Night Shift a few summers ago. There’s A LOT going on in this one, and to say it kept me guessing is a bit of an understatement. I was hooked from the beginning and flew through listening to find out it what was going on. Lots of moving parts means lots to tie up and I was impressed with how it all came together.

That being said, there were some triggers I felt - and if bullying is one for you, be aware.

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Alex Finley is quickly becoming a new favorite thriller author! This book was packed with mystery and intrigue surrounding the revisited case of a missing woman. You follow several main characters stories of them looking for answers when new evidence in the case arises. Each character brought depth to the story and the story flowed in a cohesive way. It kept me on my toes with plenty of turns.

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

Excellently unwound mystery as the story builds. This was a spellbinding story of a girl gone missing without a trace which is later to be considered another loss in a serial killer's murders. Yet a new clue is found a decade later and secrets are revealed... So many ties and connections I felt the need to keep notes! This should be on everyone's list for fans of Alex Finlay, truly one of his best books.

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5 years ago, Ryan witnessed his girlfriend Ali kidnapped without any memory of what happened that night. 5 years later, while Ryan is on a school trip, he sees someone that brings up flashbacks of what happened that night. The book is written from 3 different perspectives with each story equally being exciting and a mystery. At first these 3 different characters don't seem to have anything in common until the end. Alex wraps up the book nicely with all loose ends explained. The author does an amazing job being distinct and clear about each story and I was rooting for each one. I would love to see more stories from Poppy as her strength and personality was fresh.

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Ooh, I always enjoy a book from Alex Finlay. He writes the best edge-of-your-seat thrillers! I know once I start one of his books, I won't be able to put it down until it's finished. This was certainly the case with If Something Happens to Me!

Ryan Richardson is currently in Italy for a college school trip when he gets a call that his old girlfriend's car has been discovered. His girlfriend and her car disappeared one night years prior after a bizarre incident involving the two of them. This begins a fun adventure as Ryan seeks to discover the truth of what really happened that night and what happened to his girlfriend. We also get the POV's of a young sheriff's deputy working the case and a mysterious mobster in Philadelphia. This is a nonstop ride that ends with a huge bang of an ending!

Thank you to the publisher for an advanced copy!

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Poppy has just started a job as a deputy at the sheriff’s department in her hometown. She is almost immediately put on the case of Allison Lane, a girl that was presumed dead when she disappeared years ago. The story believed was that she was killed by a serial killer, but when her car is found with 2 dead men inside that theory no longer fits. There is a lot more going on than Poppy could have ever imagined and she will have to put all her skills to the test to get to the bottom of this one!

Shew! This book is full of characters and story lines, but when they all come together it is magical. Finlay does an amazing job of tying everything together after taking the reader down an exciting road full of twists and turns! I loved it!

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