Member Reviews

I’ve been a fan of Alex Finlay since The Night Shift, so this was one of my most anticipated thrillers of the year and I really enjoyed it! It was fast-paced, unique and once I started it, I did not want to put it down. As with his previous books, there are multiple POVs that weave together to a pulse-pounding ending. It was intriguing trying to figure out how all the puzzle pieces fit together. I probably would have preferred a slightly different ending, but overall still recommend it.

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This was my 4th novel of Finlay's.. I really get immersed into the story and found it very unpredictable. Story takes places in Kansas, Philly, Italy, Paris and England.. Ryan a law student is a suspect of his girlfriend's disappearance from 5 years ago . He discovers he may be able to finally prove his innocence.. I could not put this down the last few days. Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy in an exchange for an honest review. #AlexFinlay # If SomeThingHappensToMe

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I liked this okay but wasn’t my favorite thriller! It was fast-paced but took me a while to get into.

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Alison, a teenaged girl and her high school boyfriend Ryan, decide “tonight’s the night” and go to lovers’ lane to finally take their relationship to the next level. It’s a nice night so they spread a blanket outside but as it starts raining they rush back to their car. Just as they are getting in to the car, Alison is abducted and Ryan is knocked out by a man who he later describes as a monster with both pinky fingers missing. Thus begins a fast paced read with twists and turns across multiple states and foreign countries. Innocence lost, suicide, corruption, lost love, murder and a diverse cast of characters are all intertwined to create an interesting series of events. Couldn’t put it down! This ARC was provided by St. Martin’s Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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4 ⭐️

Ryan works to move on from the terrible night 5 years ago when his girlfriend was snatched from her car and he was left unconscious from a blow to his head.

This pulled me in from the very beginning! I loved the story being told by different characters and how they all intersected by the end. I had an
Ah Ha moment in the middle and had to go back several times to reread. This is my third book from Alex and it was a good solid read. It was fast paced with a few twists and a mystery to figure out. I loved getting a glimpse of the scenery of different parts of the world and coming back to the hometown to complete the full circle. The short chapters were a plus and helped make it a fast paced ride. I definitely recommend grabbing this book!

*TW - suicide, bullying, violence/murder
*you will like if you like: twist and turns, complex characters, mobsters!

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This book started off with a bang and kept that same energy the whole way through. There was a lot going on - lots of characters and various settings. At times, I had to pause to focus on who was talking and where we were. That didn't take away from the enjoyment though. There were good twists and turns that helped answer all the questions I had throughout the story. The chapters were quick and easy to read. There was also nonstop action that kept me entertained and invested in what was going to happen. This was my first read by this author, but it definitely won't be my last.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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Get ready to lose some sleep! Alex Finlay’s latest, If Something Happens to Me, is so addictive you will gladly sacrifice a good night’s rest to get to the end.

He had to change his name, switch colleges, and declare a new major. For five years, Ryan Richardson’s life has been defined by one night. A rainy evening when he and his girlfriend Ali (Alison) went to Lover’s Lane and did not see the monster approaching their vehicle through the fogged-up windows. They only knew he was there after. After he had yanked open the door, ripped Ryan from the car, and driven Ali’s BMW into the night, her screams piercing the dark.

When Ali disappeared, so did Ryan’s reputation. The police were skeptical (to say the least) of his description of a man with no pinkies materializing in a remote area of a backwater town, perpetrating a kidnapping (or murder) and leaving no trace of himself, Alison, or the car. To close the case, the cops and community needed Ryan to have done it. They would all sleep better, they assured him, knowing the killer in their midst had been locked away. Unfortunately for them, lack of evidence and a good defense attorney meant Ryan was never charged, much less incarcerated. That hasn’t stopped people from convicting him in their hearts, though. Nor has it kept the media from heavily implying he got away with it. The former basketball star had to cease to be Ryan Richardson and become nerdy Ryan Smith to have a shot at a future.

Then, the past comes calling. While on a trip to Italy with his law school classmates, Ryan’s phone rings. It’s his dad, letting him know that a YouTuber called Cold Case Company has found Ali’s car submerged in a lake not far from Lover’s Lane. There are two dead men inside, but no sign of his former girlfriend.

Poppy McGee’s life hasn’t exactly gone as planned. Thanks to a handsy superior officer and the untimely and unexpected death of her mother, Poppy is back home in Leavenworth, Kansas. She knows she has a job as a sheriff’s deputy not because of her military experience but because her dad had served with the Sheriff in Iraq. She’s grateful for the position; her family has never been poor, but they sure aren’t rich either. With her dad’s cancer keeping him from earning a living, it’s Poppy’s paycheck that will keep them afloat.

She expected quiet days driving quiet streets, keeping drivers in line. Instead, her first day is full of tedious excitement. Excitement because Alison Lane’s vehicle has been found, breaking open a case five years cold, tedium because putting up blockades to keep the lookie-loos from compromising the scene isn’t exactly a thrill-a-minute. Her next day is even less exciting – she gets the fun, fun task of weeding through the tips that come in and coordinating with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. Little does she know those two things will be what finally sheds light on what happened during a stormy night when a couple of teens expecting a fun makeout session found themselves involved in something far more dangerous.

Weaving through the story of Alison, Ryan, and Poppy is the tale of Shane O’Leary, his son Anthony, his accountant Michael, and that man’s daughter Taylor. From Philadephia to Italy, from Paris to Kansas, the threads of these lives will tangle together into one final explosive showdown between past and present.

If Something Happens to Me is a multi-PoV tale. Readers hear from Ryan, Poppy, Shane, and a host of others, each with a riveting piece of the story to tell. The author does a fabulous job of turning the narratives of these distinct individuals into a mesmerizing whole. I read this novel in a single sitting and was so grateful I could find the time to do that since I definitely didn’t want to put it down.

Figuring out how the disparate dramas fit together is compulsive, but what really pulled me in was the people. My heart just ached for Ryan, who had his life shattered by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is a genuinely thoughtful, sincere person carrying guilt for the girl he couldn’t protect and the money his family had to spend keeping him out of prison. Ryan’s keen intelligence and courage shine through when he is sucked back into the mystery of Ali’s disappearance.

Shane O’Leary is a deeply flawed human being whose only redeeming characteristic is his love for his fragile son, Anthony. I found my heart aching for them at the start, too. Shane, like many powerful people, finds himself powerless in the face of Anthony’s social awkwardness and outsider status at school. As that situation unfolds, you can’t help but feel for them as Anthony falls prey to some cruel people, and Shane finds himself unable to protect him. I didn’t at all agree with what happensas a result, but I certainly understood the emotions driving it.

Poppy is a sweet but stock character. She plays the role of a law enforcement officer who has just plugged into the system, still has ideals, and is willing to think outside the box and push back against the powers that be when needed. She works well here because the story needs her Holy Fool-style persona, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is ultimately only a tool for the author to move the narrative forward.

My one complaint with If Something Happens to Me is its sheer unbelievability. At numerous times during the tale, I found myself close to the giggles as our heroes repeatedly battle and defeat trained killers. That’s okay because this isn’t meant to be more than a fun summer action/adventure read, but the craziness pulling me from the story a few times did cause a wee bit of a downgrade. I would still recommend this novel very strongly, however. If a few hours of entertainment is what you are looking for, you can’t do better than this.

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Alex Finlay is an amazing thriller author and this book did not disappoint.

This book follow Ryan, whose car door was open and he was hit in the head and his girlfriend Ali was taken.

For five years Ryan was scrutinized and trolled for the disappearance of Ali, although he was not charged. He changed his name and entered law school, in an attempt to try to move on with his life. While on a trip, he gets a call saying that the car was found with messages from Ali inside. On a mission to solve this mystery, Ryan travels from country to country chasing an answer.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC of this book!

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Alex Finlay has produced wonderful mystery/thrillers for past few years. Every book I pick up I put down shortly thereafter, not because it is bad, but because I cannot stop reading it and next thing I know the book is over and I am left wanting more.

Finlay's books are the definition of page turners. I read it and become so engrossed that next thing I know I am 50 pages in and didn't even realize any time has passed. If Something Happens to Me follows a young adult, Ryan, accused of disappearing his high school girlfriend. He was the last to see her after a night out. Ryan's story of what happened includes a man with missing pinky fingers (yes, both pinkys) that knocked him out and when he woke both Allison and her car were gone. It is so outlandish an occurrence even Ryan, years later, still questions if he really saw what he swears he saw. As a young adult, Ryan is still haunted by what happened but tries his best to move on. Changes his name, goes to school miles away from home, and losed touch with pretty much everyone from his past. Or so he thinks until pinky man suddenly reappears and brings that night and what happened to Allison back into question.

If pinky man didn't lure you in already, the pace and the characters surely will. If you enjoyed The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave, I can almost promise you will love this. I can also assure you that if you are a fan of Alex Finlay's other books, Lucy Foley, or Mary Kubica, you will also enjoy this novel.

Once again, Alex Finlay proves why he is one of my favorite mystery authors to read. I continue to be excited for what comes next and recommend him for his pacing, his twists, and his ability to help me escape reality.

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I love all things Alex Finlay, and this did not disappoint! Let on the edge of my seat. I could’ve easily finished this in a day, but life happened and it took a few days but ohhhweee!!! Loved it!!

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A really great and captivating thriller that I didn’t want to put down! Kept me so engaged and guessing the whole time. Highly recommend!

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If Something Happens To me is Me by Alex Finlay in one hell of a fast-paced edge-of-your-seat page turner of a thriller. Told from several different POVs, three timelines, and set in various cities and countries, it sounds convoluted, right? And I won’t deny it kinda is. With so much ground covered, it seems hard to figure out how all the many storylines would, or even could, come together but, somehow, Finlay not only makes them coalesce but also makes them believable. Through the use of short chapters and paragraphs, the story moves at a galloping pace and rarely let’s up, slowing only occasionally to allow the reader time to catch their breath. This is definitely the kind of book you do not want to start when you have any other commitments because, trust me, once started you will not want to put it down for anything as mundane as sleeping or work.

I received a arc of this book from Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review

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A perfect thriller! This story is fast paced and hooks you from the very beginning. You will not want to put this book down.

There are three storylines that are all good that are eventually brought together. Each of the stories have great characters that are slowly developed as the story is told. The story covers five years and travels to multiple locations - Kansas, Pennsylvania, England, France and Italy. The story starts in Kansas when a high school couple are out together - Ryan and Ali. As the author introduces characters it is not easy at first to tell the good guys from the bad guys. There is tension and twists in the story that keep you reading.

I listened and read this book in one day. I love it when I have the audiobook and the ebook so I can keep reading or listening. The narrators of the audiobook did a great job - Helen Laser, John Pirhalla and Paul Dateh.

Read or listen to this book to find out what happens to Ali and Ryan. You don't want to miss this thriller. Plus you need to find out the details about the title of the book.

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Looking at the latest offerings of new releases in front of me, nothing was catching my eye. Then I happen to catch the cover of If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay. This was a ‘new to me’ author so I was going in blind after wading through my latest ‘book slump’. Can I tell you how RELIEVED I found this author??? Let me tell you why….

Alison and Ryan were facing what many high school sweethearts deal with, the impending realization that their lives were headed in different directions. As the duo decides to spend one last night on Lovers Lane, they never could have expected events to unfold like that fateful night.

Ryan has a shadow hanging over his head after the night his girlfriend was abducted. Without enough to charge him with a crime, the young basketball player has the premise of guilt handing over his head from that night forward. With no signs of Alison anywhere, the public assumed that she met her demise.

Five years…..that’s how long it took for a glimmer of the past to rear its head. Alison’s car was found submerged in a lake, but her body wasn’t among the wreckage. Instead of the young teen finally being laid to rest, another mystery surrounds the chain of events from that fateful night. Once again, Ryan cannot escape the events from the past. However this time, he is determined to find the answers he desperately seeks.

Sound interesting?? I KNOW…..I could not put this novel down!! The events in that small Kansas town kept me glued to my reader. What happened to Alison?? Will Ryan ever escape the mysteries surrounding his past? Only time will tell….let me tell you I am so GLAD I took the risk on a ‘new to me author’. I closed the last chapter of If Something Happens to Me and immediately found more books from the author to ‘one click’. Trust me….Alex Finlay NEEDS to be a regular in your reading routine!!

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Allison Lane’s car has been found in the local lake, but her body’s not the one found inside. A note is recovered from her makeup bag years after her disappearance saying “If something happens to me”, but the contents are written in code and indecipherable by the sheriff’s deputy. Allison’s former boyfriend was labeled her killer when he described her abductor’s only identifiable feature was that he was missing both pinkies, and was the only witness to her disappearance. Five years later, the truth of that night finally comes to light.

This book was surprising and enjoyable. The twist completely caught me off guard and I loved the way the story was written. Overall a pretty good read!

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This was my first book written by Alex FInlay, and it will not be my last.

Alli was abducted out of nowhere while with her high school boyfriend, Ryan. Ryan remembers only that the man was missing his pinky fingers, and not being believed, he becomes the suspect. Fast forward 5 years, Ryan has changed his last name and is in law school. Poppy, who has been discharged from the military, returns home to be the deputy sherriff. The case gets interesting when Alli's car is found with two men inside. Poppy is on the case and is determined to find out what really happened. Meanwhile, Ryan is in Italy and thinks he has seen the man that took Alli.

There are some things that I found unbelieveable, for instance the timing of the characters. Only 5 years had passed, but they were all very far along in law school and their lives. Regardless, the plot is very engaging and keeps you turning the pages.

I love how the story is told from different points of view and they all tie in together in the end.

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If Something Happens to Me is the latest thriller from Alex Finlay, and once again he has knocked it out of the park. I’ve become such a fan of his work. I was lucky enough to not only read an arc of this book but I also had the chance to listen to an advanced copy of the audio version. And I can easily say that whether you choose to read or listen to this one, I have little doubt you’ll enjoy this one. I’d love to know how Alex plots his books. This is a complex tale and Finlay weaves it together like a master. The intro will grab you, but then when the book truly starts off you’ll feel as if you are reading three different stories, all interesting and yet they will in no way feel interconnected. But when they all come together…wow. A young man haunted by memories of the horrible night when his entire world got turned upside down, leaving his girlfriend missing and him accused of murder. A car pulled from a lake with two bodies inside, but not the bodies everyone expected. This is a tight, twisting, and fully engaging thriller. Like all of his work, If Something Happens to Me seems perfect for film/tv translation. Someone needs to make that happen ASAP. I’d like to thank St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an eARC of If Something Happens to Me.

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After REALLY loving Night Shift, I was so excited to pick up the latest thriller from Alex Finlay. Unfortunately, this one wasn't a win for me.

This was a propulsive story and I did read it quickly, but I found it completely predictable -which is always a bummer for me. Not just predictable, but I feel like Finlay basically told everyone the twist. I went back and read that section again to be sure I didn't just figure it out on my own. Nope, he basically spoiled his own twist - with a paragraph that could have been totally left out of the book all together. :(

In similar fashion, he overexplained many parts of the book and also had too much commentaty on the women in the story, on their makeup, going to yoga, etc. I didn't appreciate those parts, which is unforunate, because I think the bones could have made for a great thriller.

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur for the ARC.

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Ryan is on a lover’s lane date with his girlfriend, Ali, when he is ripped from the car. The assailant takes off with both Ali and the car. The only detail Ryan can remember about the man is he has both pinkies missing. The police suspect Ryan’s story but don’t have enough evidence to arrest him. Five years later, the car is found in a nearby lake. Two men are dead within it. Ali is not found, but her belongings contain an envelope that has If Something Happens to Me written on it. Inside, the message is in code. Poppy McGee, brand new to the local police force, investigates. Meanwhile, Ryan finds the assailant in Europe. Together can they find out what really happened that night in lover’s lane?

Part I of this book had me tearing through the pages. Each short chapter had a mini cliffhanger making it genuinely difficult to stop reading. However, the twist at the end of Part I marks a change in the book’s narrative to a more traditional thriller structure. The story lagged a bit at this point. However, the pace does pick up towards the thrilling conclusion. Overall, If Something Happens to Me is an entertaining thriller. 4 stars!

Thanks to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.

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This kind of felt like a YA Harlan Corban. And maybe bc I’ve read a bunch of those that none of what happened here came as a surprise.

I liked the characters and it was a nice, fast paced read. But the mob plot didn’t really do it for me and I think since I guessed everything early on, not much came as a surprise which took some of the suspense away.

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