Member Reviews

If Something Happens to Me
Alex Finlay
Publication Date: May 28, 2024
5/5 stars

This was my first book by this author and I really enjoyed it! The story starts with a couple who go to a secluded spot only to have the woman go missing. Everyone thinks her boyfriend is guilty. The book is told by multiple POVs with cliffhangers at the end of many chapters making you want to continue reading to find out what happens. The multiple POVs are a little hard to keep track of in the beginning, but everything comes together as you keep reading. If you are looking for a thriller, this would be a great choice!

Thank you Alex Finlay, St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A good, quick thriller, with plenty of twists and perspectives. I really enjoyed the school girl perspective, the intenational travel and the scary monster idea that kids dream up in the unknown.

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I really enjoyed this great summer thriller from Alex Finlay. Following multiple characters, the case of a missing teen, Alison, is slowly uncovered. I loved how eventually all the characters' POVs came together to bring the big story together. There were a couple of OMG moments for me that I really enjoyed. The twists were good, and I felt that everything closed well with the ending. This is the perfect thriller for summer! Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martin's Press, Minotaur for the advanced e-copy!

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Alex Finlay’s 𝘐𝘧 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘔𝘦 is an enjoyable, page-turning thriller. In the book, a true crime influencer locates a car from a missing persons case, but the wrong people are inside of it. We follow the lead investigator and the wrongly accused (not a spoiler) suspect as they try to figure out what actually happened.

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝗱:
- Action. This book has action in spades. From the first chapter, we are off to the races. This is a very plot-driven book and, thankfully, that plot is engaging.
- Short chapters. I know this seems weird but sometimes you want to have a hard stopping point to put down your book so you can do something else. Also, sometimes you just don’t like a certain part of the story and short chapters get you out of there quickly.
- Point of view. The story covers several points of view, but mainly three big ones. You spend the novel trying to piece them together.
- The first twist. This book has two twists. Without giving them away, the first one is pretty well done and unexpected.

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜 𝗱𝗶𝗱𝗻’𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲:
- The second twist. At the point in the novel the second “twist” occurs, you will realize that you were explicitly informed about it earlier in the novel.
- Setting. This is a fast-paced thriller, so usually setting and, for a large part, character have to go. You expect somewhat flat characters. The only reason setting falls flat for me is that in the author’s notes, he states he picked Leavenworth, Kansas, so he could use a specific setting in the book. That setting covered maybe two sentences and the scene could have occurred anywhere. The book takes places in both the US and Europe but it’s a very “high-level” Europe.
- Dialogue. Listen. This book knows what it is. It’s a fun (if a thriller can be fun) read, not Faulkner. However, the dialogue - especially at the beginning of the book when it’s used as exposition - is very rough.

It's a good casual beach/pool read. I recommend if you are looking for that.

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If Something Happens to Me, Alex Finlay’s latest novel, is an action-packed immersive thriller! Finlay is a masterful storyteller, and has crafted an intense, intricately plotted suspense story.
It begins in Leavenworth, Kansas. The reader is launched into the mystery with a dramatic opening scene, where high school students Ryan and Ali are ripped from their car by two mysterious men, each missing a pinky finger. Ryan is knocked out and Ali is taken. Ryan is considered a suspect but not arrested. Five years later, Ryan is in law school and Ali is still missing, case unsolved.
From here, the story unfolds quickly as various groups in different plot threads are exposed and cleverly woven together, supplying a deep look into the back stories of the protagonists and how their actions intersect. There are plenty of bad guys, and a few violent, graphic scenes. The good guys shine, especially newly-minted local sheriff Poppy McGee, as she delves into Ali’s disappearance with fresh energy and new evidence.
While a great mystery/thriller is exciting to read, what elevates this story is the author’s touches of humanity—the everyday family dramas involving parents and children, the characters’ introspection, and the complex motivations that inform the reader and propel the plot forward in a pleasingly dramatic fashion.
The tone of the prose is well-suited for the subject, and is enjoyably atmospheric, since Finlay writes of locales he knows and in which he has spent time—a nice plus for the reader.
I highly recommend this excellent thriller to readers who enjoy sophisticated plotting involving several threads deftly brought together to become a satisfying and very enjoyably exciting story!

Thank you to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for the ARC. This is my honest review.

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If I really wanted to nitpick I’m sure I can find something and say that is not how it works but I enjoyed Alison’s story enough that I wasn’t looking for inaccuracies. My interest was caught from the first chapter to the end, I never got bored. There was one twist that I did not see coming but most everything else I had a pretty good idea where Finlay was leading but it was great getting to read exactly how it happened.

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this eARC!

This was my first Alex Finlay book, but the author was definitely one that I had heard floating around in the thriller/mystery universe. The plot sounded like an intriguing mix of characters and from the initial chapter I was definitely hooked. I enjoy books that have multiple perspectives as I love to see how they each come together and intersect. I found that Finlay did a good job keeping me guessing at how these characters would all come together, especially in the first half of the book. Unfortunately I found that the plot started to drag in the second half of the book and started to have more and more outlandish qualities. I was ultimately disappointed in how the story wrapped up and the lengths that the author went to make this work. It was a decent thriller, but I don't think that I will pick up another Alex Finlay book. Might be a good pick for those dipping their toes into the world of thrillers because it had a lot of good elements and the writing pulled me in.

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Alex Finlay returns to the scene with another twisty, fast paced novel that leaves even seasoned Finlay readers guessing what will come next.

A five year old mystery is finally hot again when a missing girl’s car is pulled from a lake - with two bodies inside and a note that will change the fate of all of those involved in this case forever. This case goes international as all of those involved - the new sheriff deputy, the seasoned FBI agent, the teenage boyfriend turned suspect - all race to find the truth and find the girl before more bodies are added to the count.

I flew through this story - from the beginning I knew this would be a one day read, but I managed to finish it in under six hours between the book and audio. The story is seamless - every person is interwoven in this plot in unsuspecting ways - even an experienced reader of thrillers and Alex Finlay’s work will not see every connection before it happens. It’s a true testament to an author’s craft when they are able to cohesively write a plot where you have to pick up on every single detail or you’re going to hit a wall of shock when the reveals happen. Oh, and they happen up until the very last page.

The audiobook is well done - with dual narrators that are easy to understand at a high playback speed. Pairing both the book and the audio was a great experience for me as a reader who sat down and didn’t get up until I was done.

I’m a huge fan of Finlay - so this was an easy 5 star for me. Be sure to grab a copy or download the audio!

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4.5 stars / This review will be posted on today.

Do you ever read a novel and know right away what the subplot and the villains are? Not this one. I was nearly dumbfounded two thirds of the way through the book when the pieces started falling together. That is what makes a great crime/thriller/mystery novel.

Leavenworth Kansas is the site of a very famous prison, and the setting for the novel. Poppy McGee has just come home from an army discharge to start her new gig as a deputy sheriff. Her father is longtime friends with the Sheriff. This enabled Poppy to join the department without much effort.

Almost at the same time, a car is pulled out of the nearby lake. A car belonging to another of her father’s old friends, and the car that was last seen driven by Alison Lane. Alison Lane who has been missing for years. Alleged to have been killed by the notorious serial killer roaming the area at the time.

Only this car contains two unknown men.

Poppy is assigned to the case, as she is new to the department. It is up to Poppy to forge through the tip line and maybe make some connections of her own, and possibly solve the question of whatever happened to Alison?

So well written and such an easy book to whiz through. Honestly, I love books like this. They keep you riveted and glued and up way too late at night. The only reason it wasn’t finished in one night is that my eyes were crossing. Alex Finlay is a master of this genre. I could devour these books. Well done and well recommended!

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Received an ARC on NetGalley and was the perfect MDW read before release day tomorrow

So many different storylines at first I had a hard time following them all and trying to figure out how they tied together. Love how it all connected though and was truly hooked the whole time. What an insanely corrupt group of people and example of being careful what you get involved with - once you’re in, there’s really only one way out. Highly recommend everyone order and get for release day, 5/28

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If Something Happens To Me, Alex Finlay
Pub Date: May 28/24

Finlay is back with a new thriller that is spans time and the globe! A high-school grad couple’s future is shattered when the girl goes missing and a the boy is blamed for her disappearance. With no traces left behind and a faint recollection of a pinky-less man, Ryan has to endure the ongoing threats and challenges that pin him as a murderer. Years later and pursuing a law degree under an alias, and just as he is coming to terms with his losses and past, Ryan comes face-to-face with the man who he believes kidnapped Ali.

I read 50% on my flight to Vancouver and the last 50% on the way home.

The flying around (and turbulence) added to the suspense as I was reading about Ryan’s ordeal flying from the US to Europe and back as he retraced his steps, followed leads, and tried to track down Ali, whose disappearance has been haunting him for 5 long years.

Short chapters yet fast paced,
Unreliable characters,
Timelines and POV changes,
Twists, turns & mobster run-ins.

This was a fun story sure to be hit this summer with suspense lovers.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Solid thriller from Alex Finley, my first book by this author, now I will need to dive into the backlist. The tale of a high school girls disappearance and presumed murder is told five years later from a cast of those involved, the true story is slowly and engagingly revealed to the reader. Recommend to thriller readers. Thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for this ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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This is my first novel by this acclaimed author. I was impressed at the style of writing. He keeps the suspense going and keeps the reader vested in the outcome. Read the intro provided by the publisher, it is excellently described.
Main characters:
Poppy McGee, new sheriff deputy in Kansas, former military, unfairly discharged for defending herself.
Ryan Richardson, in present day a law student, former boyfriend of Alison Lane, who was captured while out on a date with him 5 yrs prior.
Shane O'Leary - Leader and crime boss of a mafia type organization
Michael Lane - former military, now accountant of O'Leary's dealing in shady business = his daughter Alison is the missing girl
Chaz Donnelly - right hand henchman for O'Leary's group of bad guys

The plot of the novel is the abduction of Alison when she was out on Lovers Lane with Ryan when they were teens. They were in love as only teens can be. He was knocked unconscious when she was taken and he has carried guilt since that he couldn't help her. Ryan was persecuted by everyone thinking he killed her, so his life since has been difficult, but her body and BMW were never found, until 5 years later, present day, when the car shows up underwater with two dead males inside, no Alison. Ryan is obsessed with getting answers and the novel takes us on his journey near and far for those answers.

Poppy is living with her father as she is assigned to her new position as deputy sheriff in Leavenworth, KS. Her father is very ill with cancer and eventually becomes bed-ridden. He's former military and close friends with Poppy's boss, Sheriff Ken Walton, and Michael Lane, as the 3 served together. Their relationship is a pivotal point of the novel, as is her brother Dash's relationship with Alison and her group of friends. The Alison Lane abduction is now Poppy's first major case,

The plot goes from past to present, character to character, and location to location, but it is not hard to follow. It is fast paced, intriguing and well crafted. Twists, shocks and surprises abound, and the epilogue wraps it up satisfactorily- BUT leaving me with one question though about Poppy's dad. How ill was he? Hmm.

I thoroughly enjoyed this and rate it a strong 4+ Release day is tomorrow, 5/28 pick up your copy at your favorite retailer.
As always, I thank St Martin's Press via NetGalley for the eARC provided for my honest review. Look forward to more of author Finlay.

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Once again I've been quickly sucked into an Alex Finlay novel and do not regret it at all! This was just what I was in the mood for reading, a fast-paced thriller with plenty of twists and turns. There were breadcrumbs that I picked up and others that passed me by making this an enjoyable read. I enjoyed the change of scenes between several different sets of characters and timing. There was also a geographical spread of places visited in this novel that left it being a whirlwind of a read.
Highly recommend and one of my favorites of the year.
#IfSomethingHappensToMe #NetGalley #StMartinsPress #Minotaur

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I found this to be a very well written book, but not very suspenseful or thrilling. The mystery is figured out with 30% of the book remaining. It read like a movie.

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This book wastes no time jumping right into the action which I appreciated. This was told from Ryan, Poppy, Shane and Michael’s perspectives. Small town settings always intrigue me, and I was interested in ever happened to Ali. I wanted to know if she was dead or alive.

The chapters were very short, which moved the plot along quickly. I was wondering how all the stories would connect, and by the end I was just kind of underwhelmed.

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Alex Finlay does it again. I was hooked from early on and almost finished this in on sitting. It was fast paced (with short chapters) and a plot that kept me entertained. I have said this over and over and will continue to do so, I'm a sucker for multiple POVs. I think they all brought something to this story. I thought it was easy to follow along. I don't know if I'd call this a thriller...but if you are interested in a mob style book, I highly suggest this one!!

I listened as I read. I thought the narrators did a great job!

Thank you NetGalley, Macmillian, Minotaur Books, and Alex Finlay for the advanced copy of If Something Happens to Me in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Minotaur Books and author Alex Finlay for this ARC to read and review!!

Whew! That was a crazy ride and I ate it up! I love losing myself in a thriller that I can’t put down … and this one did that for me! I was addicted from the wham bam beginning and flew thru the pages! Easily readable in one sitting this book is fast paced with short chapters and good flow! Plus, there are lots of good twists … some I saw and one I DID NOT! I can’t believe how shocked I was because … ya, I should have seen that! Yikes! I felt like that specific twist was really well done and perfectly timed! Kudos!

I really had fun reading this one… it did all the things to keep me hooked! This is my first book by this author and I am not sorry! Definitely adding Alex’s backlist to my TBR!

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I enjoyed this police procedural/suspense thriller, but it was not what I was expecting. There were no twists or reveals, as one would expect. It was more like the story just moved along, in sort of a “and then this happened, then this happened” fashion. The plot was predictable, but it almost seemed that way on purpose. So in that sense, I don’t exactly know what this genre was. This was my first Finley, so I did appreciate the legal accuracies and the references to the law. Even though I overall enjoyed it, I’m not inspired to go back and try more of this author’s work.

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If Something Happens to Me | By Alex Finlay
✉️ ✉️ ✉️ ✉️ ✉️ / 5
Fast paced, short chapters, various POV

I could not put this book down it was so fast paced and thrilling! At first I was trying to figure out how all the different point of views would tie together but the author did a great job piecing it all together throughout the book! I loved getting little breadcrumbs throughout the book! I audibly gasped a few times reading it that my husband requested to listen to the book during our road trip! The narration was great with three different actors (Helen Laser, John Pirhalla, and Paul Dateh) which made it all the more entertaining!

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press - Minotaur books and Macmillan Audio for the digital advanced readers and listeners copy!! This novel will be published May 28, 2024! Add it to your TBR!!

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