Member Reviews

Alex Finlay’s If Something Happens to Me is a solid thriller that keeps readers engaged with its intriguing plot and well-paced narrative. The tense atmosphere and well-developed characters add depth, though some twists are predictable and the middle section drags a bit. Despite these flaws, the satisfying climax and clear writing make it an enjoyable read for thriller fans. Overall, it’s entertaining but doesn’t fully realize its potential.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books for the free ARC in exchange for my review.

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I really liked this book. Totally was surprised in the middle, wasn't at all expected things to happen like they did. There was a little bouncing around and the end was kinda sad. It wrapped up nicely but wasn't the end that I expected. Wasn't really HEA which I suppose not all mysteries get but I would have liked it to work out a little better for some of the characters. I understand though why the author did what they did. There was also an unknown assailant that I didn't consider a problem that ended up being bad, which was a nice twist too.

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4.5 stars. Another excellently plotted mystery/thriller by Finlay. I was sucked in from the opening chapter (not a surprise with a Finlay novel). All of the various characters are interesting, but I especially liked Poppy, the new sheriff's deputy. The epilogue did not end the way I expected, which was gratifying in its own way.

"For the past five years, Ryan Richardson has relived that terrible night. The car door ripping open. The crushing blow to the head. The hands yanking him from the vehicle. His girlfriend Ali’s piercing scream as she is taken.

With no trace of Ali or the car, a cloud of suspicion hangs over Ryan. But with no proof and a good lawyer, he’s never charged, though that doesn’t matter to the podcasters and internet trolls. Now, Ryan has changed his last name, and entered law school. He's put his past behind him.

Until, on a summer trip abroad to Italy with his law-school classmates, Ryan gets a call from his father: Ali's car has finally been found, submerged in a lake in his hometown. Inside are two dead men and a cryptic note with five words written on the envelope in Ali’s handwriting: If something happens to me…

Then, halfway around the world, the unthinkable happens: Ryan sees the man who has haunted his dreams since that night.

As Ryan races from the rolling hills of Tuscany, to a rural village in the UK, to the glittering streets of Paris in search of the truth, he has no idea that his salvation may lie with a young sheriff’s deputy in Kansas working her first case, and a mobster in Philadelphia who’s experienced tragedy of his own."

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed herein are my own.

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I enjoyed the twists and turns in this one and the way the connections played out. There are three parts and a major twist hits at the end of part one, but that simply pushed me to keep going and see where the story was going next.

Ryan Richardson is now a law student, but was forced to change his name and his plans after his high school girlfriend vanished and was presumed dead. The spotlight was on him until evidence was uncovered that she had become the victim of a serial killer. Years later, he still hides this part of his past from his new friends out of fear they may accuse him too.

Poppy McGee is a war vet turned small town deputy who falls into the case of a lifetime on her first day. Alison Lane’s BMW has been discovered. The girl went missing five years ago and was determined to be the victim of a serial killer. But with the man dead and two unidentified bodies in her car, is there more to Alison’s story?

Shane O’Leary runs quite the criminal organization, but always makes time for his Gina and their Anthony. After buying Anthony’s way into a prestigious academy, O’Leary’s world is rocked when his 12 year old son takes his own life, and he proceeds to rock the worlds of others when he discovers it was due to bullying that the school covered up.

Three POV’s that seem like they don’t fit in the same book, until they do…

Thank you, NetGalley, for this ARC and the opportunity to provide a voluntary review of the latest by Alex Finlay.

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Alex Finlay

Out next week, Alex Finlay’s new thriller has early readers split.

Let’s talk about it!

Known as Dodge to some, Ryan Richardson to others, but Ryan to most. He’s trying to extend himself beyond the shadows of his past. He wants to remember something he has no memory of and forget all the ghosts that haunt him, including most importantly, Allison.

They met in high school, made a fast connection, and seemed fated for each other. One night, Allison and Ryan are making out in the backseat of Allison’s car and the next thing Ryan knows he wakes up alone, Allison is gone, the car is gone, and there are no clues and no suspects, except for him.

The investigation into Allison’s disappearance leads nowhere. Ryan, cleared of all suspicion, tries to start his life over with a new last name, at a new school, with new friends who know nothing of that fateful night, Allison, or any implications that Ryan might be involved.

It’s years later, and another teen girl is missing. A car is found submerged in water and at first, it’s thought to be related to her case. But surprisingly what they discover is that it’s Allison’s car. And her cold case turns hot again as Poppy, new to the job, tries to solve both cases.

Are they connected and if so, how?

IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME is in its most basic form a bro thriller. We’re discussing THOT’s not thoughts and the plot revolves around high school heroes, stick shifts, and ransom letters. It lacks contemplation and cohesion, and I imagined his sentences like Tetris blocks. A little clunky and ill-fitted, not exactly in the right place.

On page, it’s a contemporary thriller set in a small town with a well-meaning detective new on the job, and a tricky case to solve. There are revolving perspectives; at first, you’re not sure how everything and everyone is related. Ultimately, it all comes together in the end, but my reading experience was more tepid than hot.

Thanks to Netgalley, Macmillan Audio, and St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books for the advanced copies!


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What I love about Alex Finlay is that he not only writes a thriller, but he writes an action packed thriller! This book had be completely invested in all of the stories that were slowly being weaved together until the climax turning point! There were multiple POVs and plenty of twists that kept the story going at maximum pace. If you like action, a complex storyline, and twists that you won't expect, then this book is for you!

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The most incredible composition of characters and the craziest twists and turns-- this was a fun read. I really enjoyed all the different perspectives and trying to find all the breadcrumbs.

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This novel opens with the mysterious disappearance of Ali, leaving her boyfriend Ryan with the blame and no memory, except of a man with no pinky fingers. Suspicions followed him, eventually leading to a name change and college career change. Then Ali's car is found in the bottom of the lake in their Kansas hometown, and a note is found in Ali's handwriting, "If something happens to me." We meet the new deputy sheriff who is no stranger to the little town, and a mobster in Philadelphia. The story is told from the different perspectives of the deputy sheriff, Ryan, and the mobster.

Even though there are three different perspectives, the back and forth is not confusing. It actually aids in the storytelling and how mysteries are revealed to the reader. There are many twist and turns and some international intrigue. This author does not disappoint, keeping you on the edge of your seat through the entire wild ride of Ryan and Ali's story.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC. The opinions expressed are my own.

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I always love a good summer thriller and this one should definitely be on your TBR!

This was a quick read, bingeable read with short chapters (which I love), and a couple of twists that kept me guessing. With this multi-layered storyline, Finlay does a great job of weaving together the lives of these characters and definitely kept me guessing as to how this was all going to come together. I definitely think this is my new favorite Alex Finlay book!

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This was my first book by Alex Finlay and I am a fan! I love how it is written. I thought it started a bit slow, but in hindsight I feel like it might have been my own confusion! Once I figured out the way it was written, I was all in!! I swear I didn’t see anything coming and Finlay tricked me several times. I really enjoyed this read and I’m glad I gave it a try!

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On a fateful night five years ago, Ali was ripped from her boyfriend Ryan’s parked car and never seen again. Despite there being no trace of Ali, people always suspected Ryan, but he was finally able to move on with his life. Now five years later, Ali’s car is found submerged in a local lake with two dead bodies inside, bringing the old mystery back to the surface.

What an engaging and entertaining thriller! This was my first Alex Finlay book, but it won’t be my last! There are three points of view: Ryan; Poppy, a young female sheriff’s deputy; and Shane, a Philadelphia mob boss. It’s not at all clear how they’re going to intersect, but it’s a twisty, turny ride to get there! I love the concept of Ali leaving an envelope marked with “If Something Happens to Me” (hence the title, love that!) with a cryptic message inside that Ryan has to decipher. When the threads of the various plotlines all come together, it’s jaw dropping and head spinning!

Many thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, and Minotaur Books for providing me an advance copy of this book.

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A law student on a summer trip to Italy. An abduction that happened in Kansas five years ago. A tragedy in a crime family in Pennsylvania. A new cop coming home to help her sick father. How could all of these stories possibly relate to each other. If Something Happens to Me is another suspenseful, twisting and turning story by Alex Finlay that will keep you wondering what will happen next with ever turn of the page. This is my second Alex Finlay book and I will definitely be back for more!

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book and give my honest opinion. Four stars for yet another great book by Alex Finlay.

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I’m a huge Alex Finlay fan and was so excited to receive a #gifted e-book (thank you @minotaur_books)!

This one kept me on my toes the entire time. I didn’t see the twist coming until right before it happened, so that’s a huge plus.

I loved the multiple point of view. It can be tricky to read, but it was done well.

TLDR - grab this one!

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I rather enjoyed this twisty thriller, though I guessed a lot of the "surprises" rather early on... there were one or two that still got me. I always love books that have multiple POVs, and this book did a great job of it.

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC of Alex Finlay’s newest: If Something Happens to Me! This one was an easy 4 star read. It had everything a popcorn thriller should: fast pacing, an unexpected twist, and a solid resolution. This one only took me a couple days to get through, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. You do have to stretch reality a small bit for it to be 100% believable, but it was so small it didn’t bother me. Definitely check this one out when it publishes on 5/28!

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This book is pretty short with short chapters and is really fast paced. So if you want to down a mystery/thriller in a day, this is your book! I thought the plot was a bit overly complicated, and I had a bit of shock/twist fatigue by the end. Definitely a good popcorn thriller!

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3.5 stars: Five years ago, Ryan’s girlfriend Alison was taken from their car, never to be seen again. People suspected Ryan had killed her, until her hair was found at a campsite for a serial killer. He denied killing Alison, despite admitting to his other kills. Five years later, Alison’s car is found with two dead men and her purse, with a note that reads: If something happens to me.. Ryan, now living in Europe sees the man he believes he saw that night five years ago, following him.

This story was a wild ride! It’s multiple POV, short chapters with cliffhangers, really fast paced. I was able to predict the twists, but I didn’t mind. It’s fun being right 😉 My biggest issues were the epilogue chapters - which I’m happy to discuss if you DM me, since this is spoiler-free! But I have a very different ending I would’ve liked to see. This was my first Alex Finlay read, and I’d be open to another.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author, for an ARC of this book, in exchange for an honest review.
"If Something Happens To Me" is the 3rd book that I have read by Alex Finlay. I found it to be an addictive, intriguing & well written story that pulled me in right away & didn't let me go until its final page.
I enjoyed how the author told the story by using 3 different locations & 2 different timelines until everything finally connected.
I can't wait to read what Mr. Finlay decides to write next.

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So, at first, I really got into this thriller, it gripped right at the beginning but started falling apart for me towards the last quarter. It just became confusing, keeping up with all the characters and the identity of Allison/Taylor/Sophia.... just too much going on for me, I guess.

Very disappointed because I was really enjoying this! It just lost me. Told in multiple POVs, which I am fine with, just could not hold my attention after a while.

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A page turner that kept me interested until the very end.

Ali and her boyfriend Ryan are excited to spend time together. They were supposed to have a nice date but it was interrupted by a thunderstorm. Once inside the car, something terrible happened in seconds. Then in the morning, Ryan is outside on the wet grass. The car is gone. So is Ali.

After five years of Ali’s disappearance, the car she was last driving in is found in a lake with two dead men and Ali’s purse. Inside the purse, there is a note written in code. And that's how it all started again.

Book packed with actions and turns. Short chapters of suspense, character-driven and gripping from the very first page. Very mysterious to the point that it sounded unrealistic but I didn’t mind as I was completely invested in this story.

This was a very good and interesting book and I look forward to reading more of Finlay's books in the future. Definitely a must-read for thriller fans.

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