Member Reviews

This story grabbed me from the start. Each point of view different, revealing twist after twist. What happened to Ali and why is expertly doled out throughout the other surprising connections.

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This author knows how to take you down a road and then hit you with some twists and turns. This story had me on the edge of my seat and I couldn't put it down. I can’t wait for the next book.

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Love the twists and turns from this author! I always enjoy his books and was excited to receive an early copy of this one.

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Quote: "Something's not right. The puzzle pieces are warped, disfigured."

In Philadelphia, Anthony O'Leary, teenage son of mobster Scott O'Leary is being bullied at an elite school. What happens as a result of this leaves a town a few less in number.

Five years ago, in Kansas, Ryan Richardson and his girlfriend, Alison Lane were on a date when Ryan gets hit over the head so hard that he blacks out. Upon waking up, Alison and her car are gone. Ryan is automatically a suspect. With a good lawyer and lack of evidence, Ryan gets let off the hook and allowed to carry on with his life. He travels to Italy on a school trip and that's where the story of Alison begins to unfold.

Meanwhile, in Kansas, there's a new deputy by the name of Poppy McGee. Her first day on the job finds her at Suncatcher Lake while a car with two bodies are being lifted out. Once the car is processed, a handbag is found. Inside the handbag is an envelope containing some sort of number code with the title "If Something Happens to Me" written on it.

What does this code mean?
Where's Alison Lane?
Who do the bodies in the car belong to?

Poppy will stop at nothing to find the answers to those questions.

In If Something Happens to Me, Alex Finlay introduces us to a lot of characters. It may seem a bit overwhelming at first but trust me they are all connected. In the end, you will not be left wondering where any of them fit within the storyline.

If you enjoy different locations, different points of view, and several interconnected characters, then, I would definitely recommend If Something Happens to Me. Alex Finlay does a great job with pacing. I wanted to keep reading way past my bedtime. There is a bit of language, so just be aware of that if that bothers you.

Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review If Something Happens to Me.

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This kept me flipping pages. The first half I enjoyed so much! The second half fell a little flat and the ending was just random and fell so flat. I think the true positive out of the whole book was that it was a true testament to what lengths a parent will go to to avenge and/or protect their child. Otherwise, it was your average mystery/thriller.

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★ 5 Stars ★
After reading "Every Last Fear," I knew I would be keeping my eye on Alex Finlay. His unique writing style is all-consuming and addictive.

"If Something Happens to Me" begins with the innocent relationship of two high school lovebirds, Ryan and Ally. From here, the author spins an intricately layered tale of revenge that turns into a brutal ride with no boundaries.

I love reading along while listening to the audiobook. The distinct voices in this audiobook were fantastic and made it come to life! I finished this one as quickly as possible and didn't appreciate interruptions! I highly recommend the book and author!

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and Minotaur Books for providing these early reading copies. All opinions are my own and left voluntarily.

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Ryan’s life hasn’t been the same since the night five years ago, when his high school girlfriend Alison disappeared while they were together, and he was ripped out of his car and hit over the head before he could help her. He was the center of suspicion, even though there was no proof that he was responsible for Alison’s disappearance. Ryan changed his name and left his hometown, desperate to leave behind the whispered rumors of his past. But, halfway around the world, on a school trip with his law school friends, Ryan sees the man who has haunted him since that night, the one he believes is responsible for Alison’s abduction. Racing around Europe to try to solve the twisted puzzle that started years before he met Alison, Ryan is desperate to find the only one who can clear his name. On the other side of the world, proving Ryan’s innocence may lie in the hands of a green sheriff’s deputy and a mobster in Philadelphia who is still reeling from a tragedy of his own. Thank you to NetGalley, Alex Finlay, and St. Martin’s Press for allowing me to read and review an advance copy of If Something Happens to Me!

My Thoughts:
This book had mobsters, characters racing through Europe to solve a mystery, and well-developed characters, so what’s not to love?? If Something Happens to Me is my first read by Alex Finlay, and it definitely did not disappoint! This book was so twisty, and the mystery kept me guessing. There were a few parts where I was able to guess the twist that was coming, but it did not make the book any less enjoyable for me.

I love that this book was written in multiple POVs. I thoroughly enjoy being able to read the book from the perspective of both the protagonists and antagonists. It really gives you both sides of the story. I found myself sympathizing with Ryan, for the time that he lost because of the cloud of suspicion hanging over his head, but I also found myself sympathizing with the members of the O’Leary crime ring, for the tragedies that they suffered. You know a book is good when it makes you root for the good guys and the bad guys!

This book was a really quick and easy read. The chapters were short and exciting, and I never felt like the story was dragging out or like I was starting to get bored while reading it. I read the entire book in one sitting, and was kept entertained the whole time! I highly recommend this book if you like fast-paced easy read mysteries!

My Favorite Quotes:
-“Summer in Kansas would give hell a run for its money.” (Chapter 2)
-“She understands that good people sometimes say stupid shit, unintentionally offend because they don’t know any better or act or text or post in the heat of the moment.” (Chapter 7)
-“Few things in this world can make you feel better than a dog.” (Chapter 28)
-“So, he responds the way everyone from his generation responds to a question they don’t want to answer: He ignores the text.” (Chapter 30)

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Alex Finlay's "If Something Happens to Me" is a gripping thriller that will leave readers breathless with anticipation. The story follows Ryan Richardson, who for the past five years has carried the burden of a horrifying night that changed his life forever. The disappearance of his girlfriend, Ali, and the subsequent cloud of suspicion hanging over him has haunted him every day. But now, with new revelations surfacing, Ryan must confront his past once again.

The strength of this book lies in its solid storytelling and the thrilling pace that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Finlay's use of short chapters and multiple points of view adds an addictive layer of intensity to the narrative, ensuring that the reader remains hooked from start to finish. The characters are distinct and compelling, with their paths intersecting in unexpected ways, leading to a series of pulse-pounding twists. The seamless blending of various locations adds depth and excitement to the story, making it an enthralling and immersive reading experience.

"If Something Happens to Me" firmly establishes the author as one of the leading voices in the thriller genre. With its solid story, fun and engaging pacing, and the clever use of short chapters and multiple POVs, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking a thrilling and unputdownable ride.

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Finlay’s latest novel is a bit of a mystery, thriller, and police procedural. Ryan Richardson with his high school girlfriend lived through the terror of being thrown out of the car and his girlfriend Allison Lane kidnapped and nowhere fo be found. A lot of suspicion surrounds his story and the inability of the police to locate the missing girl. Now in law school he’s on a trip to Europe with other students when Allison’s car is pulled from the lake and the note If Something Happens… is found and he’s off to do some sleuthing to settle in his mind what happened to Allison. You’ll meet Poppy out of the army and now deputy sheriff looking to the solve the crime, her brother, the sheriff, and a nasty mobster. The story is told from multiple perspectives, a bit confusing and will make you wonder as you meet them how they will all come together and the mystery of what happened that nigh resolved. It will be hard to put the book down to the end. Thank you St Martins Press and NetGalley for the ARC.

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This book moved so slowly and had so many points of view that I just couldn’t get into it… and I triiiiiied. DNF at 25%.

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This was the second Alex Finlay book I’ve read. I enjoyed this book as much as the last one. I am beginning to like this author. Her books are solid thrillers. This story was good but not amazing. I was engaged for most of the book. I think there were a bit too many POVs. I really did not care about the chapters from Chaz’s POV. I don’t think this book had any very surprising plot twists. The ending was a bit unexpected. This was not a murder mystery. Readers didn’t have to guess whodunnit. I was just along for the ride and I had a good time reading this story.

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Love, love, love this story! I was wrapped up in all the storylines from the beginning. When they all fit together?! Perfect! Great story!!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for giving me the opportunity to read this (in one day I will add) great story!

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I would highly recommend this book if you enjoy Finlay's writing. I was entertained the entire time and enjoyed the pacing.

The ending wasn't crazy or twisty, but it was a good one. I would definitely pick this one up on Pub Day!

Thank you, Minotaur, for the digital ARC and Macmillan for the ALC. I enjoyed the audiobook; the narrator's voice and pacing were great.

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A Highly Enjoyable and Intricately Written Tale

Tonight is Alison and Ryan’s last night together; tomorrow they are headed off to different colleges. They are parked in a secluded wooded area when suddenly, their car door is ripped open. Alison screams, and Ryan is hit in the head. The next thing he knows it’s morning, he is lying in the wet grass, the car is gone, and so is Alison.

Five years later, neither Alison nor her body has ever been found. Ryan has always been under suspicion for her disappearance and has never gotten over that experience or the loss of Alison.

On a summer trip to Italy with law school classmates, Ryan gets a call from his dad. Alison’s car has just been found submerged in a lake near their hometown or Leavenworth, Kansas Inside are two dead men and an envelope with Ali’s handwriting that says, “If something happens to me. ”

If Something Happens To Me is a skillfully written and intricately woven tale of mystery and intrigue. Author Alex Finlay's writing is captivating and gut-wrenching.

The book is compulsively readable. You can't help but sympathize with Ryan, and you will not be able to stop inhaling the pages until the mystery of what happened to Alison is solved. I really liked the new deputy sheriff character Poppy McGee, who is delightfully smart and vulnerable.

I experienced the book in both print and audio formats. Both formats were good. A multicast of narrators enhanced the listening experience. Narrators were Helen Laser, John Pirhalla, and Paul Dateh, all of whom did an admirable job at bringing the many characters in this enjoyable story to life.

Thanks to Netgalley, St. Martins Press, and Macmillian Audio for an advance reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Publisher St Martins Press / Macmillan Audio
Published May 28, 2024
Narrated Helen Laser, John Pirhalla, and Paul Dateh

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If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finley was a page turner for me. Believe it or not I’ve not read his books before. Once I started this book, I could not stop. I loved the slower pace in the middle because it was essential to how the story played out and character development. I enjoyed trying to put all of the pieces together. Towards the end of the book I felt like so much was happening all at once and I got a bit confused, but then it all worked out nicely. Thank you Netgalley for the Arc.

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I devoured this book while on vacation. Started it on the plane and finished it on my hotel balcony in Savannah.

Ryan is attacked at a lovers lane and his high school girlfriend, Ali, was taken. Ryan is the prime suspect (of course).

Ryan ends up not being convicted but os guilty in the court of public opinion. He ends up having to change his name, move and start his life over.

Fast forward, five years later, and Ryan gets a call that Ali's car had been found. Ryan is determined to clear his name and find out what happened to Ali.

Loved, loved this book! Grab this book on May 28th.

Thanks for NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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This book follows a cold case from five years ago, a crime boss, and a new police officer. Everything unfolds and you figure out how everyone is related and what happened five years ago. I am not going to say too much about the plot because I feel like it would be a lot of spoilers so I would recommend going into this one pretty blind because then you won’t see the twist and turns coming.

I enjoyed this book. I’ll start first with the things that I did like about this book. I love when a book has multiple characters or POV’s that you don’t know how they’re connected, but then it all comes together in the end. I feel like this book did a really good job at having multiple characters and them coming together in the surprising way.

This book was very fast-paced and I read it and just one sitting. I liked all of the characters and everyone was pretty well developed.

I do feel like the twists were a bit obvious for me and a little bit unbelievable. I think part one was better than the other two parts because the part one is full of action and fast pace where the other two not as much. I don’t think this is the best book by Alex Finlay, but I would still recommend it.

I was going to rate this one three stars, but I’m bumping it up an extra star for the fast-paced and readability of it. If a book can have me so interested, I can’t put it down, I do tend to rate it a bit higher and I did like that about this book.

Thanks so much to netgalley and St. Martins Press for the arc of this one in exchange for an honest review!

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Wow okay this book was much darker and more intricate than I expected but I really enjoyed it. It’s told from multiple perspectives so it took a little while to figure out who everyone was and to get into the story but once I did I was hooked.

It follows a guy named Ryan who’s girlfriend has been kidnapped and presumed dead for years, a gang lord / mafia leader, a young deputy sheriff trying to solve the missing girlfriends case, and so on. I loved the way the story started to tie together in the second half. I did feel like some of it was predictable but I really enjoyed it overall.

TW: severe bullying, suicide

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An excellent fast paced thriller with a well written storyline and numerous realistic characters. Very enjoyable page turning story with plenty of action, suspense, and twists/turns. Several locations with multiple characters, but all eventually tied together nicely. Highly recommend book and seller.

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I received an ARC through "NetGalley" and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

This story begins with Ryan and Alison at Lovers Lane outside thei vehicle. All of a sudden, a rainstorm arrives so they dashed to the car. Upon arriving at the car as Ryan is getting in, he is attacked and knocked. When he comes to, the vehicle with Alison in it is gone. times go by and Ryan is suspected of being involved until one day the individual identified as the MRK killer is captured and believed responsible for the event where Alison disappeared.

Time goes by and Poppy a new deputy sheriff is just starting her job. It seems that a car has been located in the lake and upon further investigation, it is the one that Alison was driving when she disappeared. In addition to the car, there were two bodies in the front seat. Poppy was assigned to follow-up what information came over the tip line. Ryan meanwhile was in Italy on a trip with college students when he becomes aware of the discovery of Alison's car. Ryan receives a criptic asking for a meet and when he gets to the location, he discovered this person is the person responsible for Alison's abduction. Ryan leaves his friends and follows this person. When he located him, he discovered that he had been killed.

A new story is presented that takes place in Philidelphia which impacts the story of Alison's disappearance. We now have Poppy looking into Alison's disappearance, Ryan following up on his hunt for answers and the family in Philly branching out.

To discover how these different stories interface, how successful is Ryan quest and what role Poppy plays in closing the case, then you need to read this book. You won''t be disappointed.

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