Member Reviews

Ryan and Ali were high school sweethearts preparing for college. Until one night while parked at a lover's lane, Ali is ripped from the car by a mysterious man missing his pinkies and Ryan is knocked unconscious. It's now five years later: Ali was assumed to be killed as she never reappeared and Ryan lived under suspicion as being the perpetrator. The past has now caught up with Ryan while on a school trip in Italy. Ali's car was found submerged in a lake back home and in it was a coded note to Ryan, "If something happens to me..."

I really enjoyed this one. There's a lot going on in the beginning with a large cast of characters, perspectives, and locations. But after I got all that straightened out, I was able to really get into the story. Because of this, I won't say it's fast-paced so it's one of those books you'll have to be patient with, but it paid off for me in the end. The secrets and twists are slowly unraveled which keeps you wanting more. The characters were a bit two-dimensional for me but the twisty suspenseful plot and mystery were enough to keep me interested. Be prepared to suspend belief at times but overall it was an entertaining quick read. I suspect this will be a top Summer thriller! ☀️

𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚:
• multiple POV and settings
• slow-burn twisty mysteries
• crime thrillers
• short chapters
• books with a mob element

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur books for providing me an eARC in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Ryan and Ali were two high school kids in love. One day, they are hanging out when they are both attacked and Ali is never to be seen again. Ryan now lives with the regret he did not do anything on top of being the number one suspect. But 5 years later when he is abroad, he runs into someone he never wanted to see again.. the man who attacked him and Ali. Can Ryan find out what really happened to Ali?

I read this book in one sitting! I was so wrapped up in the story I could not put it down. I loved Part 1 but when the twist is revealed (was kind of obvious for me but I read a lot of thrillers) it kind of lost the momentum from there. I did still rate this 4/5 stars because I enjoyed the crime part of the book and was wondering what exactly was going to happen! I liked the different storylines and how they all came together. While I did find the end to be meh, I enjoyed the rest of the book!

I would recommend this if you like thrillers, crime thrillers, multiple storylines, and fast burn thrillers. Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of this work. All opinions are that of my own

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I read Night Shift by Alex Finlay so this was my second foray into his work - I went in not having read the synopsis which was kind of fun to go in blind.

If you can suspend a little bit of disbelief and just go into this with an open mind to the world and scenarios this author created - then you will really enjoy this. Some of it seemed far fetched but I was bought into the characters and the plot right away so huge kudos to the author.

This book is broken into a few "parts" and features multiple narrators. I listened to the audio and am so happy it was a full cast recording because it did help me keep the narrators clear. I would highly recommend listening to the audiobook!

I was a tad confused in Part 1 as to the timelines and how all these characters fit together - but that, I believe, was the point and when everything finally did come together and the puzzle pieces started fitting, it made the experience so enjoyable and I found myself getting "OH!!!" out loud when I would fit the puzzle piece in place.

This is not like a fast paced, page turning thriller as I expected but more of a slow burn, character driven thriller and I definitely enjoyed it. It may be forgettable as time goes on just because I read a lot of books but overall, I really enjoyed this listening experience and look forward to checking out more from this author.

Thank you to Netgalley & MacMillan Audio for this advanced listen in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book was so good that I flew through it in a day.

This kicked off with some action and it felt like it never really let up. The multiple POV was easy to get into, and keeping all the characters straight wasn’t hard, especially since they’re so different from one another. The chapters are pretty short and would usually leave off on a cliffhanger, and both of these things made this book easy to binge. I was so caught up in the mystery and wondering where the story was going to go, and there were multiple twists that had my jaw hanging open. The end especially had me on the edge of my seat, and I liked the way the epilogue tied things up.

This was my first book by Alex Finlay and now I’m going to rush to read his others!

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Whew! Another engrossing, unputdownable, pulse-pounding thriller from Finlay! I was hooked in right from the beginning and flew right through this one. If I’d had the time I absolutely could have binged it in one sitting. I didn’t see the twists coming and it was such a wild ride! Short chapters and multiple POV are two of my favorites and this one had them both. 🙌🏼 I also loved how everything wrapped up so neatly in the end. Finlay has become an auto-read author for me and I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next!

Thank you so much Minotaur Books and NetGalley for the early digital copy.

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If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay is an intense and thrilling novel that offers short chapters from three points of view that help set the pace for the whole book. You can’t stop reading, all of the action keeps you reading “just one more chapter.”

I appreciate a true suspense novel that takes my breath away and makes my heart pound in anticipation.


For the past five years, Ryan Richardson has relived that terrible night. The car door ripping open. The crushing blow to the head. The hands yanking him from the vehicle. His girlfriend Ali’s piercing scream as she is taken.

With no trace of Ali or the car, a cloud of suspicion hangs over Ryan. But with no proof and a good lawyer, he’s never charged, though that doesn’t matter to the podcasters and internet trolls. Now, Ryan has changed his last name, and entered law school. He’s put his past behind him.

Until, on a summer trip abroad to Italy with his law-school classmates, Ryan gets a call from his father: Ali’s car has finally been found, submerged in a lake in his hometown. Inside are two dead men and a cryptic note with five words written on the envelope in Ali’s handwriting: If something happens to me…

Then, halfway around the world, the unthinkable happens: Ryan sees the man who has haunted his dreams since that night.

As Ryan races from the rolling hills of Tuscany, to a rural village in the UK, to the glittering streets of Paris in search of the truth, he has no idea that his salvation may lie with a young sheriff’s deputy in Kansas working her first case, and a mobster in Philadelphia who’s experienced tragedy of his own.

Out on May 28

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I have been a reader of Alex Finlay's previous books but he's never been a must-read author for me. This was another quick and entertaining read that didn't leave much of an impression. While I enjoyed the story and the action, I felt like it was executed poorly. Too many location settings, too many characters and multiple POVs made it hard to keep everything straight. The writing style trended into the over-explaining territory, "saying" instead of "showing." I'll probably read more of Finlay's books but this one won't land on any of my top lists.

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One night, during his senior year in high school, Ryan Richardson’s life changed big time when his girlfriend, Ali Lane, and the car they were both in are abducted, with Ryan being flung out and left behind. Afterwards, Ryan falls under suspicion for Ali’s disappearance (especially from internet trolls and true crime podcasters) — so much so that he eventually changes his name a he tries to put it all behind him. After he begins law school and is on a summer trip to Italy with a few of his classmates, Ali’s car is found at the bottom of the lake in his hometown. Instead of Ali’s body, inside are the bodies of two men and a mysterious note in Ali’s handwriting. And, the tale begins, one told from various points of view and involving a few different storylines replete with a good share of twists and turns, until all is neatly tied together at the end. I have enjoyed other novels by Alex Finlay, and this one was a great addition to the others I have read. All in all it was a very enjoyable read that definitely kept my interest and the pages turning!

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A lot of characters. I didn't love the amount of twists; it made it unbelievable and hard to follow. Overall a decent read 3.5 stars, but not his best.
Thriller lovers will enjoy though.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ARC.

It took me a bit to wrap my thoughts up on this one. I thought I had it figured out early on, but dismissed my theory because one tiny detail was missing for it to fit. In the end, I was freaking right.

I really enjoyed this one!

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Five years ago Ryan Richardson’s life was turned upside down when his girlfriend, Ali, was ripped from their car and never seen again. For five long years, he’s been blamed for her death even though her body was never found.

Now Ryan has changed his name moved to another country and has put his past behind him, until Ali’s car was found submerged in a lake not far from where she disappeared. When her car was towed out of the water, two men were found inside that investigators discovered were shot before being submerged inside the vehicle. The trunk was empty except a small makeup bag that contained a cryptic letter in Ali’s handwriting that said “If Something Happens to Me.” Young sheriff Poppy McGee is having trouble cracking the cryptic code, so she calls the one person who knew more about Ali than anyone else in their hometown, Ryan Richardson, and with his help they crack the case wide open.

This was such a fun read! It was thrilling, fast paced, action packed, twisty, and I inhaled it within two days. I never would have guessed the biggest turn of events, and just when I thought it was over…there was so much more to be discovered.

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I’m giving this book a 2.5 star rating. First off, I’m thankful that I got an opportunity to read this ARC! Some things I did enjoy about this book were the way it all connected at the end of the story. I also liked that there were different voices for the characters & that enhanced my experience. Some things I didn’t enjoy were that I felt like the story was jumping from place to place & I felt like there were new characters always being added to the story, it felt kind of difficult to follow. Even though I rated this book a 2.5 star, I still plan on reading more books from this author! I definitely suggest you read it yourself and decide if you like it or not.

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I have read multiple books by Alex Finlay and have enjoyed all of them. This was an obvious choice to read!
I liked the short chapters and edge of your seat twists and turns. I paired the ebook with the audiobook, which enhanced my reading experience. The multi-cast narration was excellent!

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THIS BOOK WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!! I read it in nearly one sitting at the airport. Definitely one of Finlay's finest. He is certainly emerging as another go-to suspense writer. I hesitate to share any of the plot points for fear of an accidental spoiler. Suffice to say I was eagerly flipping to find out what happened next. The book takes place in multiple cities, each alternating in chapters. I would get engrossed into one subplot and move on to the next chapter only to have to keep reading to get to what happened next (and I mean that in the best way possible).

This book was a wonderful white knuckling suspense novel and I highly anticipate more from this prolific up and coming writer. Every book I have read by him has been great and I do hope there will be more to come. A cannot miss if you love plot twisting suspense!!

My very heartfelt thanks to Minotaur Books and Netgalley for giving me this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Excellent read.

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I was a little put off and confused by multiple POVs but everything came together beautifully. I really enjoyed this book and once it got going, I could not put it down.

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Thank you Minotaur Books for the advanced copy! I really loved The Night Shift by Alex Finlay so I was excited for this release.

This book was fine, I don’t know if I’d recommend it to others. It was a fast paced (maybe too fast paced?) read and a kept you wanting to know what happened next.

It seemed like it moved too quickly and didn’t give you the opportunity to really get to know any characters enough to root for them. There was a lot going on always, by the time the main twist happened it didn’t pack the punch it should have because of all the characters and you didn’t know what time line you were in. It also felt like there was a lot of telling instead of showing.

All of the pieces came together at the end but the main conflict was over in a flash that was very underwhelming. Didn’t care about the epilogue because you didn’t get to know the characters well enough.

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Thank you NetGalley and Minotaur Books for my eArc of “If Something Happens to Me”. This was my second book by Alex Finlay and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was fast paced and very interesting. The character development was spot on and the mystery wrapped in suspense was chef’s kiss!

Read if you enjoy:
•chasing all over the world
•multiple POV
•different storylines coming together
•short chapters

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This was my first Alex Finlay book and it definitely won’t be my last! This one had me hooked & I am a SUCKER for short chapters. While I did predict a lot of the twists, I really enjoyed how everything was intertwined and tied up nicely at the end. The lack of shock did knock the stars down a smidge, but overall I really liked this fast-paced multiple POV thriller!

Thank you to NetGalley & Minotaur Books for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. This book officially publishes on 05/28/24!

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Fun and fast-moving popcorn thriller with multiple POVs. I enjoyed trying to figure out how all the pieces of this story would fit together. While this didn't have me on the edge of my seat, it was a solid suspense novel that I will recommend! I think that readers who enjoyed The Night Shift will love this one.

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Alex Finlay is, hands down, one of my favorite authors. As soon as I see a new book, I instantly pre-order and I anxiously wait. I always know I'm going to get a well-plotted mystery, something that keeps me on my toes. I'm going to get well-done, complex characters and a story I can hardly put down. And this one is no exception, it's such a good read!

This one is a little different than Finlay's typical mysteries. This one is a little more witness protection, FBI, and mobsters than other reads. I was instantly drawn in right from the first chapter. A horrible decision, kids making a horrible choice, and lives are change forever.

I really appreciated the unique characters, each voice was really easy to follow because they were so different and well-done. The mystery was a race - it's broken up into 3 parts and I couldn't get through them fast enough. The ending was a shock, somehow I never put the pieces together. Loved the final twist. It will be interesting to see if we have the start of a series or if the next one will be something new again. Either way, I can't wait to read it!

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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