Member Reviews

What a journey!

This book was hard to put down. I enjoyed the multiple POVs and that they were very easy to follow along. The chapters were short, which made it a super quick read and very easy to convince myself that I will just read "one more chapter" before I go to bed.

If you are looking for a book that keeps you on the edge of your seat, this one is for you!

Thank you to NetGalley for letting me check this one out early!

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This was an incredibly engaging read and was very gripping. The major twist, I didn’t see coming. However, I did found that there were too many characters intertwined into the plot lines and it felt a little confusing at times

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Ryan and his girlfriend are on Lover's Lane when his car door is wrenched open and he is knocked out. His girlfriend Ali is kidnapped and he is the prime suspect.

This is one of those stories where you can't say too much even to praise it because it's a spoiler. The story is told from multiple view points which at first had me questioning why we were getting their story. It all comes together and is one fast paced and action packed ride! I could not put it down. This is my new favorite by Finlay. I highly recommend it to everyone!

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This is the first book by Alex Finlay that I’ve read, but it definitely will not be the last. “If Something Happens To Me” is a fabulous thriller, with just the right level of complexity to keep the reader guessing. I really appreciated the unusual structural elements that created one of the major twists in this story about an abducted woman and her boyfriend who was left behind to face scrutiny and wonder what really happened. I also really liked that so many characters appeared to be neither patently good or bad, and that aspect added depth to this book. Once I started reading I didn’t want to stop and so this was a quick, exciting read. Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Something I’ve loved about Alex Finlay’s books is his ability to provide multiple POV and storylines, keep his reader engaged, then seamlessly reveal how they are entangled. You know when you’re reading there’s a way everything’s connected, but you cannot even begin to guess how so. I loved each individual side story and gasped when everything fell into place. I read this in less than 24 hours, as it kept me fully engaged and intrigued.

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Devoured If Something Happens to Me! Not sure if it was the thrilling plotline alone or the quick chapters (can we please do more of this in books?!) but I was hooked on this book!

Lots of great characters, lots of plots, and lots of twists. But easy to follow it all.

Add it to your list! I'm off to binge all of Alex's books!

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Alex Finlay does it again. This book was pretty good; Thank you netgalley for the read. I had a good time reading this.

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I decided to give Finlay another try after DNF'ing his last two books. The reviews for If Something Happens to Me convinced me to request it. The first 20-30% of the story, I was enjoying. Then, when the mafia became involved, I knew that this was just something I was not going to continue to be interested in. I know the blurb for the book says "mobster", but I just did not enjoy reading about the mafia. I did enjoy Ryan's trip abroad and just the whole vibe with that. I think things were so very well described. I honestly think if the mob story wasn't a factor, I would've really enjoyed this. 3 stars

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Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press( Minotaur Books) for access to this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

This was one of those books that I started reading before bed and immediately had to grab for when I woke up the next morning.

When the book begins, we have two young teenage lovers, Allison and Ryan out at a lover's lane in Leavenworth Kansas. The night ends in tragedy with Allison believed to be dead and Ryan accused of killing her. Eventually, Allison's murder is linked to a serial killer and it seems the case is closed. Years later, Allison's father's vehicle is recovered from the lake and there are bodies inside- but neither one belongs to Allison. As a new deputy investigates, other characters emerge that make it clear that there is more to this case than originally thought.

While I am recommending this book, I caution that in the beginning there are a lot of characters with storylines that make you wonder how it will all connect. Be patient. All will be revealed in good time. There will also be times that you may need to suspend belief BUT it's too good of a tale to pass up.

Expected Publication Date 28/05/24
Goodreads Review 21/04/24

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This is another 5 star book by this author. I loved it! If Something Happens to Me is a fast paced action packed thriller. I love how Alex Finlay lays everything out and wraps it up. The short chapters keeps the story moving. I can’t wait to handsell this book!

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This was a great thriller that I didn’t want to put down. This story had me captivated and I really liked the characters. This was my first book by this author and I look forward to reading more by Alex Finlay. Definitely worth the read.

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Alex Finlay dies it again! A story full of twists and turns and action packed! I devoured this book in a day! Definitely a page turned you can't put down!

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This book was such a wild ride. It was confusing at first (in the best way) with so many characters and plot lines going on but then suddenly the puzzle pieces start to fit together and you get glimpses of the real plot. Alex Finlay has a great way of bread crumbing clues without it feeling over done and being fed. I enjoyed the tension and trying to figure out how everyone was tied in. The ending was well done and definitely kept my attention to the very end!

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Thank you Netgalley for a chance to read this book.

The book's point of view is of multiple characters and places. A deputy sheriff, an accountant, a few mobsters, and tortured young man in Phildelphia, Kansas, and Europe.

If it seems like the storyline would be confusing and messy, that would be incorrect. On the contrary, the author's style actually flows smoothly and clearly.

The story of a young man falsely accused of a crime and the disappearance of a young girl is just the beginning. So much more is involved. There is rampant corruption, ruthless mob actions, staunch loyalties and determination that cause the lives of everyone to change forever.

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For me, there was a little too much going on here. I do appreciate the short chapters and the fast pace but I overall didn’t love it. The writing was okay but there was so much going on that it’s hard to find a specific audience to recommend this to

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Would recommend for fans of…
✉️ Rizzoli and Isles
✉️ The Departed
✉️ Unsolved Mysteries

Alex Finlay’s last book wasn’t my favorite (too much action, not enough intrigue for my tastes), so I had high expectations for his latest. And I’m happy to share that If Something Happens To Me is 100% worth picking up this year.

This story is told from three POVs: Ryan, a man trying to hide from his past, Poppy, a newly minted sheriff, and Shane, an East Coast mobster. Despite their different lives, all three are brought together when new information about Ryan’s past emerges.

This is one of those titles that is hard to discuss for fear of spoiling something, but If Something Happens To Me is everything I want in a thriller…Quick pacing, fun and exciting locations, and lots of secrets. It perfectly balances the action of Finlay’s previous book, with the procedural elements of his early work, and he does a great job of giving each POV enough time to expand the story, but not allowing any one character to overstay their welcome. He also gets extra points from me for working in a couple of DC references (including Thunder Burger and Bar in Georgetown).

Overall, this is a great popcorn thriller to throw in your beach bag and read outside this summer. It’s entertaining, and isn’t too dark. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone looking to dip their toes into the mystery/thriller genre.

If Something Happens To Me is out May 28. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.5 rounded up)
Thank you, NetGalley for the ARC.

This book was a rollercoaster and I definitely enjoyed the ride!

Ryan Richardson’s life is forever changed when his high school girl is taken and presumed dead. 5 years later and holes start to form in the original case. What does a big-time mobster, an accountant, and a new small-town deputy have in common? You’ll have to read “If Something Happens to Me” to figure it out!

This book has multiple POVs and while at times it really sucked me in, other times I was a little lost/bored (mainly in the first 25-30% of the book). Once things started to pick up, it was hard to put down! The twists and turns in this book lefts me shocked and sometimes allowed me satisfaction as I screamed, “I KNEW IT!” Definitely a fast-paced read (I could have read it in a day but that beginning portion took me a while to get into - I kept putting it off haha). If you love a good crime mystery, give this book a chance!

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Like other Finlay books we have multiple POV’s that all come together in the end. I actually enjoyed most of the POV’s, though it did get a bit messy in the middle of the book. The story was a bit unbelievable but it wasn’t too hard to put that aside. Overall it was a good mystery that tied everything together nicely in the end.

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Alex Findlay has written some great novels - this is a good one with more of a typical straightforward mystery thriller approach. Standing out with good characters and short snappy chaperd the plot just rolls along. With two timelines, missing teenagers and gangsters fight it out,

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This is my new favorite Alex Finlay book, finished this one in record time as I did not want to put it down! There were a couple twists I caught on to, but not until the end. Definitely recommend this one! Thank you for this ARC!

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