Member Reviews

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Ryan RIchardson was there the night his girlfriend, Ali, was pulled from the car with Ryan left unconscious. The car and Ali have not been seen for five years. Ryan remains under a cloud of suspicion with only vague memories of that night. 

While vacationing in Europe with some classmates, Ryan receives a call from his father - Ali's car has been found with two dead men inside, identities unknown.  The case is being investigated by a young deputy sheriff with little experience. As Ryan processes this information, he sees the man who has "haunted his dreams."  Ryan seeks out the mysterious man wanting to know what information he posses regarding the night that changed Ryan's life.

If Something Happens to Me caught me from the first chapter. The story is told from the perspectives of the various characters, moving from present to past, and changing countries; yet the plot line is well integrated and easily followed. Plenty of suspense will have the reader wanting more.  

Most enjoyable read I've had in weeks!  Highly recommended.

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It took me a second to get into this, but once I did, I absolutely loved it! I liked the settings, the way all the perspectives were woven together, the twists (I was surprised by one and guessed the other but still loved it), big fan. This was my first Alex Finlay book but I will be reading more now.

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The twists and turns in Part 1 & 2 kept me engaged. I felt like Part 3 was rushed and the author was trying to wrap up the ending quickly.

I would have preferred if each chapter header included who the POV was and maybe the date (past or present).

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Rating: 5 stars

Five years ago Ryan's girlfriend Ali disappeared without a trace, as he was left behind with no memory of the event. When her car is recovered years later with two dead bodies and a cryptic note labeled "if something happens to me" Ryan will do anything it takes to figure out where Ali went, and what happened after all these years.

Alex Finaly proves once again why he is one of my absolute top authors. Right from the prologue I was hooked. The story is told from three main character's perspectives, however how they are all connected isn't quite clear. How they end up intertwining was perfection. I really enjoyed the mobster perspective, the dirty doings of the O'Leary crime family was so entertaining to follow. I was able to piece clues together as I went along and would just should in my head "I KNEW IT!!!" as twists were revealed. While I don't typically love being able to predict twists, in this case I didn't mind one bit and had so much fun and satisfaction figuring it out correctly. And boy did this one have me on the edge of my seat, and even had my heart racing. I stayed up past my bedtime (which trust me is RARE) to squeeze in a few more chapters. Finlay may take my award for favorite thriller of 2024!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers St Martins Press and Minotaur Books for the advance copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was a great book with several different plot lines, which seemed separate at first but wove in and out in the most interesting ways. There were a few twists I didn't see coming and some that were more obvious; overall, it was a great read that left me wanting to get to the end to find out what happens. The author did a great job establishing each of the different characters in each of the plot lines, which made you empathize with each of them and want to see how their journey ends.

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I received an ARC of If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay.

I absolutely loved this fast-paced thriller! The storylines that were woven throughout the book were just fantastic and captivating and had twists and turns with each chapter. From the very first page, i was hooked with the story and trying to figure out what happened… how is everything connected.

How far would someone go to protect their family and the ones they love? It shows the intricacies of many different relationships .. boyfriend/girlfriend , father/daughter, brother/sister , boss/workers, etc.

There was one twist that absolutely shocked me and had me looking at everything through a different lens , and as i continued reading., the pieces started falling into place. There was a lot of action happening as well!!

This book was very fast paced and kept me intrigued until the very last page ! I would definitely recommend this book to friends and tell them to read it immediately ! This is a book that was an immediate 5 stars from me from the very beginning, and remained that way until the end. It did not disappoint!!!

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This book kept me reading. Such great twists and turns. At first I was worried about keeping track of so many points of view but I enjoyed each character.

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This was really great up until our 70 percent of the way through. Then it just fell flat. Too many characters to keep track of and very little character development. I think it could have been cut shorter. The “twist” was super predictable and the death of Michael was kind of an afterthought. They mentioned it in passing but did not go into detail and didn’t love that bit.

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Thanks to netgalley! I continue to love this author. This is a great page turner with some good twists. I felt the overall story wasn’t all that plausible, but that made it a twisty fun read which I enjoyed. I look forward to his next books.

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I really enjoyed "Every Last Fear" by Alex Finlay and was so excited to read his newest! It did not disappoint! This is a fast-paced thriller with multiple POV, chases around the world, twists, and action-packed scenes!

Teen couple Ryan and Ali are parked on a remote road together. Ali and the car are taken by a mystery man and Ryan is knocked out cold, left in the woods. Years later, Ali has never been found and presumed dead. In fact, many people think Ryan is responsible. But when Ali's car is pulled from the lake, new questions arise. Another POV is Poppy McGhee, a new deputy sheriff who is put on the case. We also follow Philly mob boss, Shane O'Leary. You'll be dying to know how all of these characters get intertwined!

I'll definitely be reading Finlay's other books as this was a super fun and twisty read! I could see this one being made into a movie. Thank you St. Martins Press and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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whewwww this was SO fast paced, and I was just mind blown. It was very interesting and I haven’t read a book like this before which made it even easier to read. The only reason this wasn’t a 5 star for me was I did feel lost at certain times. There was SO many characters to follow and it had me forgetting who people were, and losing the connection.

thank you netgalley + st martins press + minotaur books for an advanced copy in exchange for my review!!

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I think I am in the minority here because I have seen nothing but rave reviews for this book, but it was just okay to me. I never really connected with the characters so it was hard for me to be excited about the outcome and any twists along the way. There are several different POVs here and the whole POV revolving around Shane O’Leary and his crew really lost my interest each time we switched to him. I kept reading the whole book waiting to be shocked, but that never came for me. Overall it was good enough for me to keep reading, but it ultimately fell kind of flat for me.

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When Ali Lane disappeared five years ago, it was like she vanished off the face of the Earth. However, when her car is discovered submerged in a lake on the first day of deputy Poppy McGee’s new job with the sheriff’s department, it sets off a chain of events that stretch from Ali’s sleepy hometown in Kansas, to Italy, to England, and Philadelphia. Along the way the mystery of what happened to Ali that fateful day becomes clear - and the answers hit closer to home than anyone was ever expecting.

The book is told from multiple POVs, all in the present timeline.

This book was really interesting and had a super fascinating mystery at its core. I was drawn in right away. These kinds of missing persons mysteries have a way of just getting under my skin and making me need to know what happened -and this one was no exception. With absolutely no leads and plenty of conjecture and gossip, the atmosphere was ripe for a good twist to pop up out of nowhere and turn this thing on its head.

And boy did it ever. There were some good ones that kept me gasping throughout. And as everything tied together, I was really blown away by the nice storytelling the author was able to accomplish. It was really clean and smooth, though possibly a little unbelievable, but hey, it needed to be done for the story to work out, I suppose.

So if you’re looking for a good thriller with a kicking mystery, this is your book, hands down. It has a little bit of everything: international travel, a thrilling mystery, internal conflict….and I could go on.

Pick this one up, and I’m going to check out more of Alex Finlay’s work!

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I read Alex Finlay's Every Last Fear and enjoyed it. This was my second book by the author. The book is an easy-to-read and fast-paced thriller that had me hooked from the beginning. The novel had everything I like in a thriller/mystery, including an intriguing plot, twists and turns, and well-developed characters. Despite having numerous characters, the storyline was easy to follow.

I found it hard to put the book down, but the responsibilities of work got in the way. I highly recommend this book as it had short chapters that kept the story moving quickly and held my attention. Even when I wasn't reading, I was thinking about it and when I could get back to the story.

I want to thank the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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If Something Happens to me by Alex Finlay is a thriller that kept me guessing from start to end.

What I liked in this story
- Foreshadowing was done in a manner that while obvious when looking back did not give away the mystery within
-charecters were beliveable if not always relateable
-The story kept me guessing which isn't something a lot of thrillers pull off
What didn't work as well for me
-The formatting on my e-arc was a bit to smushed for its default font. more spacing between the lines on a physical copy will likely solve that fine and the e reader did allow for altering the font
-pacing was a bit all over the place

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Wow! Talk about action packed!

When Ali is abducted in front of him one late night, Ryan is charged with surging guilt and afraid he may be criminally charged for her disappearance. Despite swirling suspicion, he embarks on a mission to find the truth.

Packed with many fascinating characters, this novel kept me hooked! I loved the interplay with mafia types and law enforcement as well as a Who Done It! This felt fresh from a genre that has begun to feel a bit stale for me.

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After Alex Finlays last couple of reads left me feeling lacklustre, I was super nervous of picking up this one.
HOWEVER, this is hands down his best yet. With a unique plot line and fast paced action, this is an unputdownable thriller!

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Have you ever wanted to start over, to have a new life with a new name? What if you had no choice and it wasn't something you did, but what someone else did? That's the world that Ryan and Alison find themselves in one stormy night, when all they wanted was a few moments alone to see where their relationship is going. This is a duel story-line, with several characters, but it works and it moves. Boy does it move, what a page-turner. I've read other books by this author and they never fail to pull you in and don't let go till the very last. This one was no different. Wish I could've given more than5 stars. Highly recommend!!

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If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay is a thrilling rollercoaster that weaves a complex narrative. It follows the story of Ali, who mysteriously vanishes after her boyfriend Ryan was pulled from her car, only to have that car discovered in a local lake five years later. The narrative unfolds through three distinct plotlines, each contributing to the gripping climax of the story.

The mob plotline, a glimpse into a world driven by revenge, struck a deep emotional chord with me. It delves into the heart-wrenching aftermath of a middle school bullying incident, a tragedy that resonated deeply with me as a parent. It’s a poignant part of the story that I knew would lead to anything but a devastating outcome.

I also loved the pacing. I flew through this story just having to know how the plotlines were connected and what was going to happen next. I figured out some twists, while others caused my jaw to drop in surprise. I felt like the ending was an interesting, though not surprising, choice. And overall I enjoyed this newest Alex Finlay novel. They never disappoint!

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I enjoyed reading this mystery about an attack on Lover's Lane one night. Alison goes missing, and Ryan is blamed for her disappearance. AF writes an exciting story with POV sections and characters who change their names. Nothing is as it appears to be, and the read is a wild ride chasing down the bad guys and hoping for the good ones! If you like reading about different places, this is for you.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the advanced copy. This book will be published on May 27, 2024.

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