Member Reviews

This was a fast paced page turner that I couldn’t put down! There were a couple things I was able to figure out and a couple I didn’t. I really enjoyed it - it was a quick read and an interesting unraveling of the plot. One of my favorites of more recent thrillers that I’ve read.

I was provided an ARC from the publisher.

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A thrilling, page turning read.
A student bullied at school commiits suicide leaving his parents seeking revenge on those responsible.
Allison and Ryan are at Lovers' Lane when Ryan is knocked put and Alison and the car disappear.
Five years later, Ryan has entered law school under a new name. Back home, the missing car has
been retrieved with two dead men but no Allison. As the investigation begins, Poppy McGee, deputy
sheriff, uncovers information not revealed in the investigation of Allison's disappearance and surprising
connections among those invovled. Ryan gets caught up in the investigation while on vacation in Italy
and returns home to help solve the mystery.
#IfSomethingHappenstoMe #StMartinsPress #NetGalley

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If Something Happens to Me is an engaging, vivid thriller that demands attention and dares you to put it down. Adrenaline-fueled, edge of your seat stuff by Alex Finlay.

Ryan Richardson, haunted by the disappearance of his girlfriend Ali five years ago, lives under the weight of suspicion and online harassment. Despite never being charged, he changes his name and pursues a law career to move on. However, his past resurfaces when Ali's car is discovered in a lake with two bodies and a mysterious note, reigniting his quest for answers. During a trip to Italy with classmates, Ryan receives a chilling call from his father, leading him on a journey across continents to unravel the truth behind Ali's disappearance. Along the way, he encounters unexpected allies, including a rookie sheriff's deputy in Kansas and a mobster in Philadelphia, as he races against time to uncover the secrets of that fateful night.

Multiple storylines are expertly developed in parallel, containing twists and turns to keep readers off balance, before converging in an explosion of violence. Pulsating with an intensity that thrusts readers onward with a craving for discovering the truth and witnessing the end game. Which only works because the characters are expertly crafted with depth that elicit complex emotions. So, while they are divided between groups of characters that you root to succeed versus those you harbor hope of being destroyed, most of the individuals are not straight good or bad. Allowing readers to sympathize with the “bad guys” while still wishing for their demise…and harboring dislike for some of the actions of the “good guys” but ultimately cheering for them to win the day. A well-written, fast-paced and action-filled tale that’s brilliantly crafted by one hell of a thriller author.

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A high school couple are about to leave for separate colleges and want to enjoy one last, special night together. The night will most certainly be memorable - but in the most awful way possible.

Ryan is hit over the head and Ali is taken. The community suspects Ryan so much that he tries to create a life somewhere else. That effort is thwarted when Ali's father's car is found in a lake five years later - with 2 dead men in it.

Plus, there's a coded, odd letter from Ali, a newbie detective on the case, a mob accountant on the run, and a crime family with its own dramas.

For a while, it isn't clear how all these things come together. But just enjoy the ride. This was my first book by this author, but it won't be the last. I read this thriller in a couple of sittings and thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I want to thank St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the advanced readers copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars!

This is my second Alex Finlay book and again I am not disappointed! If you are a fan at all of police procedurals or crime novels I highly recommend this one. The surprises and twists never stop coming and I was legitimately shocked by several of them. The chapters are short but succinct and never dull. One of the big surprises happened at just 58% and I was wondering if that was going to be the big twist but NOPE! There were several more that kept coming and I gobbled it up. I couldn't put this down.

I only have one minor criticism and that is how many of the characters have several different aliases, or are referred to in different ways depending on who's perspective we are hearing from. It can be a bit confusing to keep track of who is who. By the end of the story I think I was able to gather who everyone was, but I was confused throughout a few times.

Overall, absolutely loved it. There are two other popular Alex Finlay books out there that I can't wait to get my hands on.

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Absolutely loved this book!! So many twists and turns you’ll never guess what comes next. This book had me glued to the page. Full of suspense and not a dull moment. Great writing. I enjoyed the multiple stories being told and how they come together. Highly recommend this fantastic thriller! Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy. So good!!

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4.5 stars!!! WOW this was sooo good. It held my from the first chapter and I finished this in about 2 hours. I really like how the author built the story up. I had no idea which was this was going to go and the ending caught me off guard. I would like to say that I am pretty good at figuring things out while the story develops but I could not with this one. Poppy quickly became my favorite character.

At times, the story was slightly hard to follow since it went back and forth but once I got it, it was easy. Super fast read! This was my first book by this author and I will definitely be reading more of his work.

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Five years ago, an unknown assailant pulled Ryan's girlfriend, Ali, from her car. and knocked Ryan out in the process. Ali was never seen again. Ryan initially was the person of interest in the disappearance and the public's subject of suspicion. The police ultimately placed the blame on a serial killer - even though the killer vehemently denied that Ali was one of his victims. All these years later, Ali's car is found submerged in a lake, but she's not in it. What really happened to Ali, and can Ryan finally officially clear his name?

Every book I've read by Alex Finlay has been a 5-star read for me, and If Something Happens to Me is another 5-stars. I love how this author told this story - short chapters, multiple narrators in different locations, elements of mystery and suspense, twists and turns, the seemingly invincible villain, and the underdog. I legit couldn't put this one down and could total see this made into a limited series or movie. I loved it!

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review. I really enjoyed this fast-paced thriller about several interconnected stories. While it’s necessary to suspend disbelief, as is often the case with the genre, this was exciting, well-plotted and addictive.

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I thought this was a 5⭐️ read. I really liked it. The podcaster element was great and may have solved the entire thing. The twists and turns were well placed and every chapter just got better and better.
Alex Finlay wrote an entertaining read and I think this was his best work yet.
Thanks St. Martin’s Press via NetGalley.

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I have really mixed emotions about this book.
Let’s start with the things I really enjoyed. Fast paced, very quick read right out of the gate. I felt like I could have realistically finished this book in a day had time permitted me to do so. Overall, the author kept me guessing for 80% of the book. While I figured out several factors of the ending, I did not figure out everything - there were tons of details that played a factor in the twists. The alternating POV’s aren’t for everyone, but I personally enjoy them for the most part.

Now, onto the nitty gritty parts of how I landed on 3 stars vs 4 or 5. For me, this writing style is not necessarily my preferred. I struggled a bit getting into it just based on the way it was written. It felt a bit choppy and repetitive the way the sentences were written. Given this is an ARC copy though there may be edits coming that resolve this. But, given there were so many I think it may just be the writing style vs my personal preference.
While I enjoyed the multiple POVs, it started to feel a bit convoluted. Given it was such a fast paced read, I also feel that prevented me from getting very connected to the characters. I felt I only saw a glimpse of a new character before we switched to a new POV and location. Towards the end this made the ending a bit confusing having to refer back and confirm who each of these new characters were and their relation to the circumstances.

Overall, the book was enjoyable and I would still recommend it as we all have varying preferences and what’s not necessarily for me may be a favorite for someone else!

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Wow! What a wild ride!
4.5 stars rounded down.
I love Alex Finlay novels because they make you feel like you’re watching a movie rather than reading a book. The fast-paced action, high-speed chases, and twists and turns are enough to give you whiplash.

Did I see the some twists coming? Yeah. Did they make them any less amusing? Nope!
But the MAJOR twist?!? Oh boy did that throw me for a loop and make me jump out of my skin!! Hats off to Finlay for that one.

Having read all of Finlay’s novels, If Something Happens To Me, is his most thought-out and well-rounded one by far. Honestly, the way each character and side plot come together is just *chefs kiss*.

What I wanted more of: scenery (we’re visiting Rome & Paris for goodness sake!), action (all his others definitely had more), character depth and background stories, especially for the agents. The conclusion felt rushed and a bit of a letdown, especially since the build-up was so intense.

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I want to thank NetGalley, Alex Finlay, and St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books for gifting me the ARC of IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME! It was such a privilege to read this before publication. And I appreciate you trusting me with an honest review!

*3.5 Stars!!!

The synopsis of this novel sounded so intriguing! And no doubt, once I started reading, I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. The pace moved at lightning speed with its short chapters and alternating POVs. Ever-building suspense had me on the edge of me seat, especially as I neared the final chapters. I kept wondering how the seemingly separate storylines and POVs would converge. That was one of the best things about this book—waiting for the big reveal about how these diverse characters from different parts of world would finally connect. And I must say, it was very satisfying once it all came together.

However, despite enjoying the book very much, I was hoping to enjoy it more. Don’t get be wrong, I couldn’t put it down. I read until the wee hours of the morning because I had to see how things would play out. To be honest, halfway through the book I thought this could easily be 5 stars. But I wanted to come away liking it more than I did once I finished the last chapter. But why didn’t I? I’ve thought about it a lot since finishing it. I think one of the biggest reasons is because I had a hard time truly relating to the main characters. Even if they were likable, like Ryan for example, I just couldn’t find myself caring enough about them. My favorite character was definitely young police officer Poppy with her feistiness and sense of justice. However, I believe character development could have been a bit better, helping the reader connect to protagonists as well as antagonists more. And the ending in my opinion felt a bit rushed, as if something was missing. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I wanted more.

And as a side note, the bullying in the beginning that ultimately provided the impetus for everything bad that happened afterwards—I don't believe being young is an excuse for bullying. It’s why I had a very hard time relating to one character in particular. You’ll know what I’m referring to once you read the book! But do I recommend reading this book? Most definitely. You’ll fly through it and be incredibly engrossed from the opening pages through the final chapter.

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Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC. This was a very short and quick read. I felt like things got to the point and they weren’t drawn out which I appreciated. I loved how everything tied together. While I wasn’t shocked much in some of the events, it was still a very good read!

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Alex Finlay books are written to be devoured.

I figured out how the pieces of all of these POVs connected pretty early on (not to pat myself on the back) but the story was so well paced and well written that I didn't even mind the lack of surprise. Just a really great crime drama!

High school senior Ryan Richardson's life changed irrevocably when his girlfriend went missing from the car on their date without a trace. Ryan can remember little about the man who knocked him out and took Ali -- and the suspicion surrounding him and the events of that night forces him to change his name, give up his dreams of being a college basketball player, and live under a cloud of guilt and shame that he let Ali get taken.

Five years later, he is trying to chart a new course for himself as a law student attending a study abroad program with his classmates. But when Ali's car is dragged from the lake back in his hometown with two dead men in the front seat, all of the questions of that night come back with it.

With his knowledge and skills and a new deputy sheriff in town, its a race to find the answers before more people are hurt.

High action, great pace, just another solid book from this author who is an auto-buy for me! Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for the ARC so I didn't have to wait for the release date!

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Alex Finlay has quickly become one of my favorite authors. I didn't even look at the synopsis before I started reading this book. Finlay did not disappoint! I devoured this book! There were parts where I guessed what was going to happen, yet I was still on the edge of my seat. This story is told in multiple points of view, which sometimes can be confusing. Finlay did it in a way that was very easy to follow and keep track of the characters. This hasn't even been released yet, and I can't wait for his next one!

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This was my first Alex Finlay book, and it didn't disappoint. I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish. Full of mystery, action, and suspense, I did not want to put it down.

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Twists and turns at every page. Short chapters with suspend full ending wanting to make you read further. The suspense builds and builds until you can no longer stand it. Mob mixed with Witsek , travel to different countries make this book very interesting. The characters are endearing. You cheer for the new cop, the old boyfriend and even the mobster father. You wonder during the reading what all these characters have in common or how the author will make them all come together. As the suspense builds you start seeing the connections. Very good book. Highly recommend if you like to read while your heart races.

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I really enjoyed this book. I’ve had my fair share of Alex Finlay let downs but I’m happy that I gave this book a chance and was gifted a copy here on netgalley. This book kept me entertained and I finished it fairly quickly. I really liked the multiple POV’s.

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Finished this one in 24 hours. Totally kept me on the edge of my seat! There were alternating POVs and I absolutely loved it. The POVs were easy to keep track of. I loved the change of locations, as well. Each location played a unique role. There were key aspects of the plot that upset me, though they were vital to the story. There was one aspect of the ending that made me so sad too! I think this bordered as a 5 star read for me!

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