Member Reviews

I loved this action-packed novel! From the first page you couldn't put it down.
Its seemingly 3 separate story's that collide into one with so much happening all the time.
I love short chapters, and these are packed with suspense. And the characters were great - especially Poppy!

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A college kid, a new deputy, and a mob boss. What do they have in common? That is what I was asking myself as I started to read “If Something Happens to Me.”

Ryan was out many years ago with his girlfriend, Ali, when she was abducted right in front of him. He remembers nothing, except for a man with no pinkies. The story jumps between three different points of view in three different places. I wasn’t sure where it was going, but I was definitely engaged. The dialogue and action are both very fast paced. They keep your attention and keep you turning the page.

As things started to come together, it became evident to me that Alex Finlay knew what he was doing as he wove the story together. I was not left with unanswered questions. I was not familiar with the author, but I’m going to check out his other books after reading this one.

Thank you NetGalley and Minotaur Books for the ARC in excellent for my honest opinion.

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My thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ability to read an ARC of this book.

This is a rather slow burn starting with an event that occured five years ago. At that time Ryan and Ali were saying goodbye as they were about to leave Leavenworth, Kansas to head to separate colleges. They were parked in Ali’s car when suddenly they were attacked. Ryan was knocked unconscious. When he woke the next morning Ali and her car were gone. Of course, he was the suspect, but never charged in her disappearance.

Fast forward to the present day. Poppy, begins her first day as Deputy Sheriff in Leavenworth, when Ali’s car is discovered in Suncatcher Lake. Inside are two dead men and Ali’s purse. All of which are interesting. But of extreme interest is a sealed letter inside the purse titled “If something happens to me.”

Add to this current-day discovery the fact that Ryan, who was in the car with Ali five years ago, is in Italy when he is sure he spots the man who attacked them in the car. This man shares that Ali may not be dead.

I enjoyed this story which consisted of multiple POVs, interesting characters (several to keep track of), and various locals.

My Concerns
As with many books, there are a few places where you’ll need to suspend disbelief.

Final Thoughts

To be honest, I have more time to listen to books than read them, so I listened to this book with “text to speech.” Each time I do this it gives me a new appreciation for narrators. My point is that even though I listened to this story being read in a dry, monotone, the book was interesting.

It is an interesting, multilayered story that weaves together into a satisfying ending. Yes, it’s worth your time to give this a try.

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“We all delude ourselves for the ones we love the most.”

If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay is a gripping, fast-paced mystery that will keep you captivated and turning the page. Ryan and Ali are young and in love. One night they drive to Lovers Lane, only for Ryan to be knocked unconscious and Ali and the vehicle they were in missing. For 5 years Ryan has had to live with this terrible night, be considered a suspect, and even change his name. Enter new Deputy Sheriff Poppy, whose dad is friends with the Sheriff and whose older brother was in school with Ryan and Ali. On her first day, Ali’s car is found submerged in a lake, with two dead bodies inside. Also found in a waterproof pouch is a note in special code – labeled: “If Something Happens to Me.”

Set in Kansas, Pennsylvania and multiple cities over Europe, with Mobsters and backstories and new identities, you will be shocked how far one family goes to get revenge and how another will do anything to keep their family safe.

Multiple storylines are woven together seamlessly for an action-packed addictive thriller. My only complaint was that I wish the ending had a little more umph – I felt like I finally made it to the top of the cliff out of breath, expecting this Wham-Bam ending and then while good, felt like I was just reading the ending instead of really being mesmerized or feeling it. (I can’t say anything without giving it away.)

And as a side note, I thought the continual tie-ins with Chipotle were hysterical (my husband is obsessed, and I’m not a huge fan). Finlay is a phenomenal writer; he takes you on a ride from page one and I will continue to read all he writes and recommend him! I give this you-can-run-but-you-can’t hide suspense novel 4.6 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press / Minotaur Books for this thrilling ARC; all opinions are my own!

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For the past five years, Ryan Richardson has relived that terrible night. The car door ripping open. The crushing blow to the head. The hands yanking him from the vehicle. His girlfriend Ali’s piercing scream as she is taken.

With no trace of Ali or the car, a cloud of suspicion hangs over Ryan. He's never been charged but that doesn’t matter to the podcasters and internet trolls. Now, he has changed his last name and entered law school, putting his past behind him. He has never forgotten though

Until, on a summer trip abroad to Italy with his law-school classmates, Ryan gets a call: Ali's car has finally been found, submerged in a lake in their hometown. Inside are two dead men and a cryptic note with five words written on the envelope in Ali’s handwriting: If something happens to me…

If Something Happens To Me has very short chapters that are easy to fly through. The chapters are from
different characters' perspectives, including Ryan and a new, young deputy. At first its hard to see how all of these storylines are connected. Something interesting is happening in each, but they don't seem to have anything in common. Until they do.

The twist revealed halfway through is well done and everything makes sense. The storyline picks up and there is more of a sense of urgency. That's where my interest ended though. I didn't form an attachment to any characters. While I rooted for Ryan and Poppy I felt like I was being kept at arms length. There is one character that becomes very interesting and I wouldn't have minded a story completely from his perspective.

While this is a quick read and not a long book I found many unnecessary sentences and add ons to chapters and paragraphs. They did nothing to advance the plot or deepen an understanding of the character. This caused a feeling of slowness in the narrative.

The situations characters find themselves in are serious and I enjoyed following Poppy's investigation but I found the way information is revealed to certain characters to be underwhelming. The reader already knows most of it so there's no surprise there either. When everything is revealed I was left thinking "That's it?" It's kind of like hearing something after the fact and wondering why I needed to know.

Some serious situations are presented and never dealt with properly. There are obvious consequences to them but I think it might have been better to deal with them in real time. I also feel the mysterious note fell flat and wasn't incorporated in a satisfying way.

If Something Happens To Me didn't work for me but there are many things about it other readers may like.

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A thriller with a message - bullying is never forgotten and it's effects are long reaching.
I enjoyed If Something Happens to Me and its mix of family ties, the mob, and children paying the price of their parent's mistakes. There are moments I had to suspend disbelief which I didn't mind as the bigger picture of the story was worth it.
Quick pacing kept it in the thriller zone while a dash of suspense made sure I was turning the pages long after lights out.

4.5 stars and most likely will be seeing this one on a streaming service some day

Thank you to Minotaur Books for access to an early e-copy via Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press for an advanced copy of this book!

This is my third book by Alex Finlay and it was INCREDIBLE! This story is the ultimate page-turner, I did not see the twists coming, which, as an avid mystery reader, I deeply appreciate. The journey you will go on with Ryan, Poppy, Shane and others is such a wild ride.

If Something Happens to Me is the type of book where, you think you’ll read for an hour before bed and before you know it, it’s 1am and your still thinking (and lying to yourself), ‘just one more chapter’.

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I'm convinced it's impossible for Alex Finlay to write a bad book. The way he so expertly weaves in numerous layers and complex characters and timelines to craft the perfect thriller somehow manages to surprise me every single time. The pacing of his writing is also perfect for mysteries – it's slow enough to keep you guessing and to include all the unique details and intricate character complexities, yet it's fast-paced enough to feel like you're on a thrilling roller-coaster of a ride and on the edge of your seat!

Five stars and will definitely be recommending this one to my followers upon its release.

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If Alex Finaly writes it, I'll read it. I read his newest book in 24 hours and was on the edge of my seat for the last 30% trying to figure out how it was all going to come together. It took a few chapters to keep everyone straight and remember the connections, but I ended up really liking the alternating POV's and narrators each chapter, it kept the plot moving forward and gave a past and present tie in. Some of the plot was a little far fetched for me, but all in all, this was another great read. Fans of Finaly need to add If Something Happens to Me to their TBR and pick it up when it comes out in May.
Thank you NetGalley and St Martins Press for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Yikes! Many layers of mob revenge across multiple continents- almost Shakespearean in its message… Finley’s best yet.

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This was a rollercoaster of a read. I love twisty surprising mysteries and this book really gave them to me. It was an engaging and absorbing read and I didn't want to put it down. That said, the format of the book was confusing to me. The book presented more than one timeline and more than one person who went by different names, and it took concentration to figure out what was what. Some of the twists had foreshadowing and several were surprising. All in all, I liked the book and I'll definitely read more by Alex Finlay.

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Alex Finlay writes thrillers that read like action
Movies, and this was no exception. This book was very fast paced, and full of plot twists. I read the whole thing in a few hours, because I needed to know how it would end. There were a few aspects of the plot that were a little silly (an eight year old true crime podcaster? Really?), but overall this was a pretty enjoyable thriller. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a free e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Three different groups seek answers surrounding the disappearance of a young woman. Mystery Thriller. A father’s love, mobsters, revenge and ruination, youth, growth and friendship, riddle me this. I liked that the writing style was straightforward and succinct. Chapters were short and fast with cliffhanger endings. The young podcaster was also such an adorable approach to the now overused trope. I wanted more of him. Unfortunately, when there are three different POVs and one always seems to be behind, when two characters in a car spend time recounting the plot the audience just read (and when the final 25% of the novel is that on a loop), when the characters felt like vehicles powering a plot that in many ways seemed like the longest Afterschool Special… you’re telling me that this novel isn’t more than its set up and simple reveals. These are not inherently bad things though. This was an engaging read but it will not be one I remember during summer vacation.

*Thank you A. Finlay and Minotaur Books for the, If Something Happens to Me ARC.

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Alex Finlay is immensely talented and has quite the imagination. The yarns he weaves are all different and have yet to disappoint. A teenage couple are doing teenage couple things at a teenage Lovers Lane when they are attacked. The girl disappears; the boy survives. A crime boss’ son is relentlessly bullied and takes his own life. A Leavenworth, KS, sheriff’s deputy working her first case. Their stories intersect five years later into an explosive story you won’t be able to put down. Or guess how it ends!

Finlay is an author I will read no matter the subject matter and is one of the few I’ll read blindly. I would suggest doing the same. I find I enjoy them more when I know nothing about it. It’s rare–and quite freeing–to delve into something with no preconceived ideas and an open mind. Or as much as possible. It takes a lot of trust by the reader but is well worth it and I suggest all readers try it.

Anywho, If Something Happens to Me is a propulsive, bendy thriller that will keep you guessing till the end. I can’t recommend it enough.

Thank you to Minotaur Books via NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of If Something Happens to Me.

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"If Something Happens to Me" by Alex Finlay is a gripping thriller that follows the story of Ryan Richardson, a man haunted by the disappearance of his girlfriend Ali years ago. When new evidence emerges in Ali's case, Ryan is drawn back into the mystery as a new sheriff, Deputy Poppy, tries to uncover the truth.

The novel is praised for its fast-paced plot and complex, well-developed characters that readers can't help but get invested in. Finlay skillfully weaves together multiple storylines and perspectives, creating a layered narrative that keeps you guessing until the very end.

Overall, "If Something Happens to Me" is an engrossing and suspenseful read that cements Finlay's reputation as a master of the thriller genre. With its twists, turns, and deeply personal touches, this novel is sure to captivate readers from start to finish.

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Special Thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Book - St. Martin's Press for advanced copy for honest review.

Third book by Alex Finlay and it looks like he is becoming my next auto-buy author.

Life was good in Leavenworth, KC, so the couple, Alison and Ryan thought with their lives ahead of them. Then one night that all changed. Alison was gone, Ryan woke up not remembering anything. Over time as in most circumstances, the boyfriend is always to blame and Ryan got years of that. He remembers bits and pieces from that night, the night he was hit on the head and lost memory. But on a trip to Italy, he remembers something, as the guy with no pinkies waves at him. What could this mean? He chased him back to the UK but it was too late. That was Ryan's story, now Alison is the one you gotta keep up with. Why and how would someone come snatch her in the middle of the night? Where could she have gone? If she was alive, why isn't she going to get help? Well she can't. With no spoilers, this is the most action packed thriller I think I have ever read. This book fits the Mystery, Suspense, Thriller category in the first 5 chapters! I highly recommend this book, 5 stars!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Alex Finlay for an ebook in exchange for an honest review!

Rating: 4.25/5 Stars

Wow! This book really blew me away. I was hooked basically from the beginning and binged it somewhat quickly. Really great read!

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This book was pretty good but nothing jaw dropping. I suspected the twists but I did enjoy the read. It was definitely a good time.

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I was blown away by this one- Alex Finlay never disappoints! The slasher meets crime plot line had me hooked. I’m giving it 4 stars because although it checked all of my metaphorical thriller boxes, I do think the ending was kind of meh. Nothing I didn’t really expect to come out of a book of this caliber.

-multiple POV
-an unexpected time jump
-missing person case
-many characters that have individual story lines that imbed into one
-unique crime solving efforts

I would pick this copy up in a hard copy for myself in a heartbeat when it releases!

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I think at this point I can safely say it's not Alex Finlay, it's me. I loved Alex's first book, but I did not enjoy last year's release and for whatever reason I didn't enjoy this year's either. I hope that in the future I can be impressed again, but things just feel flat to me.

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