Member Reviews

I received a complimentary copy of this book "If Something Happens to Me" and all opinions expressed are my own. My first book by Alex Finlay. This book was definitely suspenseful but there were a lot of characters to keep track of. There were lots of twists and turns and you really had to keep reading to find out if your guesses were correct. I liked that it surprised me at times. But... I felt like the ending left me hanging. Almost like there could be a sequel to the story. The ending seemed a bit rushed.

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At first I wasn’t sure who all the characters were, but it all made sense and just wow! Ryan and Alison are at Lovers Lane when 2 men come out of the woods to abduct Alison. Alison is presumed missing or dead and Ryan is a suspect. Five years later, Ryan changed his name and is in law school; Alison’s car is found; and things get intense. I enjoyed this one, it’s fast paced and suspenseful. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley!

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If Something Happens to Me
by Alex Finlay
Pub Date: May 28, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
In classic Alex Finlay form, If Something Happens to Me is told by several distinct, compelling characters whose paths intersect, detonating into a story of twist after pulse-pounding twist. The novel cements Finlay as one of the leading thriller writers today.
This book is brilliant. Although there is a huge cast of characters, this book is equally focused on plotting. It is fast-paced and riveting.
While high schoolers, Ryan and Alison, are spending an evening at Lover’s Lane, Alison is abducted and Ryan becomes the main suspect. Though Ryan eventually is cleared of any wrongdoing, his life becomes absorbed in the crime and he has flashbacks of that night and finds it hard to move on. Years later, when Alison’s car is found submerged in a lake, the case gains traction and Ryan is once again pulled into the investigation.

The action never stops and the twists keep coming. This is my favorite Alex Finlay book and I eagerly await his next.
5 stars

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If Something Should Happen to Me is a thrilling crime novel about a new deputy sheriff named Poppy, Ryan, the boyfriend of kidnap victim Allison, and Shane O’Leary, a mob like figure that is out for revenge because of his son Anthony’s untimely death related to school bullying.

This story was full of characters which is common in an Alex Finlay story. He tells stories from multiple view points and ties them all together in the end.

This book was a decent and quick read. Although somewhat predictable it was still enjoyable. The web of characters kept things interesting and provided lots of cliff hanger chapters that kept you reading.

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This book kept me on the edge of my seat and guessing the whole time. I really liked it! I with the pacing in the middle was a little faster but overall I loved it!

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Five years ago, Ryan and his girlfriend were ambushed. Ryan awoke with a massive headache, and Ali was never seen or heard from again. Haunted by her disappearance, as well as publicly suspected of her murder, Ryan is shocked when the past comes back with a vengeance on his trip to Italy. With the types of twists and turns that only Alex Finlay can pull off, If Something Happens to Me is a pulse pounding story. I devoured the first 75% in one evening and then put off finishing for weeks because I simply did not want it to end! The multiple characters were so well done, the mystery was well thought out, with breadcrumbs sprinkled throughout, and lots of heavy themes of love and loss. This might just be Finlay's best yet!

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily and all views expressed are my own.

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I discovered author Alex Finlay last year when I received a copy of The Night Shift at work. The cover appealed my senses so I decided to give it a try. Mr Finlay won me over. So when I saw that an ARC was available for his newest release, I jumped on it.
The first scene of the book gets you by the throat and runs with it. I absolutely loved the storyline, the way the chapters were introduced (location POV instead of character, which is fundamental in this story), the way the twists slap you in the face (most of them I didn't see them coming even through I'm rather instinctive when it comes to plot twists). I loved reading about the lengths fathers go to protect their family (harrowing and heartbreaking), but I particularly loved the mafia-like plot. It reminds how I once had this conversation about how people getting involved in criminal gangs often don't realize that they are selling their souls to the devil, and redemption is a pretty word but most often an a
unattainable goal.

Alex Finlay is now an auto-buy author. His writing and execution are just sublime. If you enjoy mystery thrillers with intricate storylines, this one is for you.

Thank you Net Galley and Minotaur for this e-ARC in exchange of my honest review.

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This was my favorite FInlay book yet! This read was similarly action-packed as his last novel (WHAT HAVE WE DONE), but a lot less over the top. Notice I just said less- it certainly is still over the top, make no mistake. However, the action scenes are laid out in much more manageable and more realistic(ish) ways, making this read quite balanced between action, thriller, and mystery. I really enjoyed the multiple storylines and seeing how they all came together in the end. I don't even think I could pick a favorite perspective since I really did enjoy them all.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advanced copy in exchange for a review.

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📚 Book Review 📚

Title: If Something Happens To Me
Author: Alex Finlay
Genre: Thriller/Suspense
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (3.5/5 stars)

*Trigger Warning: teenage bullying and suicide

This is a propulsive page turner that combines mystery, thriller, and suspense. It’s told from multiple POV’s with a two-storyline plot featuring a missing teenage girl and a mob boss.

While this book is fast-paced and gripping, it’s also relatively over the top and far-fetched in many ways. As the reader, you’re forced to suspend your disbelief for the majority of it. I was on board for the first half, after which, things really started going off the rails. If you’re simply looking for a good escape and a wild ride, this would be the book for you. But be aware that you’ll have to just go along for the ride without getting a realistic and plausible story in the end.

*Thank you @netgalley and @stmartinspress for this advanced reader copy. This book hits shelves on 5/28/24.*

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There are multiple stories happening in this book that don't seem connected. When you figure out how the pieces intertwine it's really amazing. I enjoyed how the book unfolded and each chapter was a different perspective in a different location. Once I reached part 2 I could not put it down and read the rest in one sitting. I would recommend for anyone that likes books with multi-POVs and lots of suspense, secrets and quick chapters.

Thank you Minotaur Books and NetGalley for an early copy. Make sure to check out If Something Happens to Me that comes out May 28, 2024.

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Alright, so I just finished reading "If Something Happens to Me" by Alex Finlay, and wow, what a ride! The main guy, Ryan, is all caught up in the mystery of his girlfriend Ali's disappearance. This book took me all over Europe, and the suspense was off the charts. There's this note that pops up, and suddenly Ryan's life is tangled up with a cop in Kansas and a mobster in Philly.

I gotta say, Alex Finlay knows how to tell a story that keeps you glued to the pages. The way the plot unfolds from different angles is super clever, and it kept me guessing the whole time. The action scenes? Top-notch. And the characters felt so real, I was totally invested in their stories.

To sum it up, "If Something Happens to Me" is a killer thriller that's more than just a page-turner—it sticks with you. Alex Finlay really knocked it out of the park with this one, and I'd say it's a must for anyone who digs a good suspense novel. Totally worth the read!

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Wow, wow, wow and wow. This book will literally grip you on page 1 with the kidnapping of a young woman who is with her boyfriend on lovers lane in their small town, seamlessly you are taken to the streets of Philadelphia and through the countryside of Tuscany. The way in which Alex Finlay weaves his storylines together is nothing short of incredible. I audibly gasped at one point and could not go to bed until I finished this book, I pulled my first all nighter in years!!! Alex Finlay has a way with words, his storylines are so incredibly thought out and it’s very evident that he thoroughly researches the different locations related to the plot. Hands down this is at the top of the best books I have ever read. I implore you to read all of Alex Finlays other books if you have not already. Five stars across the board!!!!!

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"If Something Happens To Me" was an absolutely thrilling read! From start to finish I was pulled into this storyline; it kept me on the edge of seat flipping pages eager to try and solve the mystery right alongside the main characters.

The plot, pacing and characters in this book are so expertly crafted. This storyline spans across multiple countries, time periods and narrators seamlessly. The story is packed full of action, suspense, twists and turns.

I will definitely be recommending this one!

Thank you Alex Finlay, Net Galley and St. Martin's Press-Minotaur Books for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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I would read Alex Finlay's grocery list, so thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

Solid book, lots of twists and turns and even when I thought I had it figured out I was surprised again. Really enjoyable!

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Alex Finlay’s newest novel is undeniably a page-turner! I read this in nearly one sitting. The short chapters and alternating POVs kept me engaged.

I especially enjoyed Poppy as a character! She was tough, strategic, and smart.

The three POVs seem to be separate pieces, but all come together to form one puzzle in the end. If you’ve read a lot of thrillers, you can probably guess early on how certain aspects play into one another, but it is still very entertaining! I liked seeing how everything played out.

I’m also originally from Kansas, so it’s always fun when a story is set (even just partially) in a place you’re familiar with/have been to, like Leavenworth is for me!

Not even my mini reading slump that I’m currently in could make me put this book down! Still, I’m going with 4 stars because while I really liked this, I wouldn’t call it a new favorite. The Night Shift by Alex Finlay remains my favorite of his, but If Something Happens to Me is my next favorite!

Thanks to Minotaur Books and SMP for giving me access to this!

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In Alex Finlay's If Something Happens to Me, readers are immersed in a gripping tale of mystery, revenge, and redemption centered around the haunting disappearance of Ryan Richardson's girlfriend, Alison. Through a multi-perspective narrative that spans continents and years, Finlay weaves a rich tapestry of interconnected lives, propelling the story forward with short, brisk chapters and adrenaline-fueled twists. As Ryan navigates the depths of his own guilt and grief, readers are drawn into a world where the past is never truly buried, and the quest for truth becomes a journey of resilience and hope. Despite minor quibbles with the sheer number of characters and occasional suspension of disbelief, If Something Happens to Me stands as a testament to Finlay's mastery of the thriller genre, leaving readers eagerly anticipating his next masterpiece.

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Thank you so much to Minotaur Books for the ARC!

Side note: this may be one of my favorite book covers ever! I mean, look at it!!

FINALLY an actually thrilling thriller! Just like THE NIGHT SHIFT by Alex Finlay, this one had me on the edge of my seat and was non-stop action! If like me, you loved THE NIGHT SHIFT and maybe didn't love WHAT HAVE WE DONE, you need to give this one a shot!!

There was one twist that really got me good! It's so rare that a twist is SO well done and SO satisfying that I literally wanted to applaud Finlay for the way he pulled this one off!

There was a lot going and this required my full attention, which was easy to give because I couldn't look away! I started reading this with a friend and left her in the dust (sorry) because I literally couldn't put it down! Make sure when you plan to start that you carve out a large chunk of time!

Finlay has definitely become an auto-buy author for me and I can't wait to see what he comes up with next! This one will be a huge hit for sure!

This will be available on May 28th!

4.5 stars rounded up for GR

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While I'm not typically drawn to stories involving organized crime, this book had me hooked from the first chapter! Told from multiple points of view, I finished this book in a few days. Full of action, twists, and turns, you will not be able to put this down until you find out the truth of what really happened to Allison. I highly reccommend spending the day with If Something Happens to Me ... you will not regret it!

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The absolute definition of a popcorn thriller! I could not put this down!! Short thrilling chapters that ended on cliff hangers. Multiple POVs. Twists. International chases. This was SO FUN and so well written! One of the easiest reads I’ve had in a while and I absolutely devoured it. As I was reading, it played out perfectly as a movie in my head… this would do great as an adaptation! Anyways, if you’re looking for a fun, bingeable thriller, this is a must read.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ just for the entertainment factor alone!

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Alex Finlay does it again! What a wild ride this thriller was! This book had a missing girl, murder, mobsters and was completely action packed. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough! If you like short chapters, then you will love this one. With 3 different POVs/storylines this book was still so easy to follow. And the author did a great job of seamlessly intertwining all three so they came together for a perfect ending. I’ve read all of Alex Finlays books and this one was definitely in my top!

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