Member Reviews

Past and present merge with separate stories that come together creating a can’t put down, page turning suspense thriller. Great character, plot and conclusion. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher.

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3.5/5 ⭐️
Thank you NetGalley for this ARC from Alex Finlay. Second book I read from this author and that I enjoyed from begging to end. I appreciated the short chapters full of suspense, I highly recommend it.

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3.5 rounded down

Very good and fast paced, another bingeable book. I felt confused at times which can definitely be and most certainly is a me thing. So overall I would recommend

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Thank you to NetGalley, Alex Finlay, and St. Martin's Press for an ARC copy of "If Something Happens to Me".

"If Something Happens to Me" is a riveting thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. The story follows Ryan Richardson, haunted by a past tragedy involving the disappearance of his girlfriend, Ali. Despite being suspected, Ryan has managed to move on, changing his last name and pursuing a career in law. However, when new evidence emerges, Ryan is thrust back into the nightmare he thought he had left behind.

"If Something Happens to Me" is a gripping and unpredictable thriller that lives up to its anticipation. I strongly recommend adding it to your reading list.

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I keep reading Finlay hoping he can recreate the genius that was his first thriller, but this one did not work for me. I found myself very unengaged from the story as the characters didn't draw me in (in fact there were too many of them), and the plot didn't have enough stakes to put me on the edge of my seat. Instead, it pushed me out of my seat and away from the book entirely.

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I normally don’t read thrillers but this was a lot of fun and I might have to pick up more! I was invested throughout and was gasping at some of the twists and turns. The characters are all well developed and I thought the ending was very apt.

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Words can't express how much I enjoyed this book! 2024 is shaping up to be a stellar year for thrillers, and this book is a tense, heart-pounding addition heading to the top of my favorite's list.

5 years ago, Alison and her boyfriend Ryan were attacked while parked at Lovers' Lane. Ryan was knocked unconscious, and Alison disappeared without a trace.  Now, new evidence has been discovered that points to Allison's disappearance not being what it initially seemed to be.  A brand new deputy is handed the old case to follow up on new leads, but, as always happens with an Alex Finlay thriller, matters are far more complicated than they appear at first glance. 

I flew thru this book! An attention-grabbing prologue immediately captured my interest, and the story never let up and allowed me a place to pause reading. The fast pace, multiple, alternating points-of-view, and short chapters kept me racing thru the pages and completely absorbed in the action-packed, twisty story. This was a total whirlwind of a thriller, and like all of the best rides, I didn't take a deep breath until the entertainment was over.

Thank you Netgalley and St Martin's Press/Minotaur Books for the opportunity to read an early copy of this book.

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I kept Alex Finlay’s upcoming novel, If Something Happens to Me, simmering in my inbox, waiting for the right moment to dive into the suspense I always find in the pages of his books. Finlay brings us a Philadelphia mobster, an honorably discharged MP who returns to her hometown to work for the sheriff’s office, and a law student trying to not look at his past when his community thought he was responsible for his girlfriend’s disappearance. Now, make sure you stick with the different storylines because what a tangled web Finlay weaves that beautifully untangles to reveal the twist like a 2x4 hitting you between the eyes before you get fitted for your own pair of concrete shoes.

Ryan and Alison go to Lover’s Lane one night when a storm is brewing. Just as things get hot, the car door is wretched open, he is hit over the head by a guy missing his pinky finger, and he never sees Alison again. He is eventually cleared when DNA is located at the campsite of a serial killer, but he moves away and changes his last name to escape the past. Five years later and confronted on a trip to Italy with law school friends by a stranger from the past, Ryan finds time has run out in escaping what happened that night. Ryan finds himself ditching his law school friends to find out the truth about that night and to find closure. If Something Happens to Me has enriched characters and a plot that keeps you guessing only to be thwarted in your detective skills. If you have read any of Finlay’s other books, this one will not disappoint. If you are looking to read your first book by Finlay, you will turn into a huge fan. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the advanced copy. Opinions expressed are my own. This book will be published on May 27, 2024.

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I absolutely loved this book. I was sucked in from the moment I started reading until the very end. This book is full of twists and turns that I never saw coming. The writing and character development are amazing and it’s so fast paced, there isn’t a moment that drags. Will definitely be recommending!

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Minotaur Books for the opportunity to read this advance copy!

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⭐The benchmark for a great thriller has just been raised! ⭐

(1) Be patient:
✔There are multiple POVs; three storylines alternating in part one and Finlay manages to unite them in parts two and three
✔This means there’s a wide range of characters to keep track of, everything from teenagers to sheriffs to serial killers to mobsters, but all great characterization and distinct
✔There’s an international setting: Leavenworth, Kansas to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Lackford and Bury Saint Edmonds, England to Montepulciano, Italy to Cordes-sur-Ciel and Paris, France
✔You’ll need to suspend disbelief in parts!

(2) Things you’ll love:
✔Short, pacey chapters with easy reading
✔Tension created with bullying, abduction, murder, suicide, mob torture
✔Transition moments allow your heart rate to slow and emotions to kick in after being sparked by grief/redemption story
✔Brain stimulation of ciphers and cryptic notes
✔Time span; over five years
✔Adrenaline-fuelled twists sparked by revenge
✔The ‘aha’ moment when the title makes sense

I absolutely loved Alison and Ryan’s story!

Set aside time as you’ll want to binge-read this one.

I was gifted this copy by St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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LOVED this book! I read it in a day! I was struck by the emotions and attachment I had to the characters. The different settings and storylines intwined in an amazing conclusion.

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This was soooo good!!!! What a roller coaster ride of a mystery. I like how there are three different layers going on in this book. Great plot, great characters. This will be easy to recommend!

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Alex Finlay does it again. I love the thrills and twist in these stories with plots that are easy to follow without being overly predictable or over done. read this book!

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Another AWESOME read by Alex Finlay!! I couldn't put it down... I thought I had it figured out at one point but then in true Finlay Fashion, I was totally wrong. I can't wait for this one to come out and recommend to EVERYONE!! Well done!!

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I loved this story for the different perspectives and how they all connected. The reader wouldn’t be able to get it at first but Alex Finlay makes you want to continue reading to find out.

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Fast paced and action packed! This is a book that will keep you flipping pages from start to finish! I really enjoyed this one! I loved the thrill of the mystery and the twists were great! I was constantly questioning how things were connected through the multiple story lines. It was very cleverly written because as the story progressed you learn more information but at the same time are left with cliff hangers and have no choice but to keep on reading! It is gripping, plot driven, and one wild ride!

Be sure to add this book to your TBR! Comes out in May!

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Thank you to Alex Finlay, St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest opinion.

Ryan and Ali are parked at the local Lover's Lane. Ryan is hit over the head and Ali is never seen again. Local gossip spreads and Ryan moves away and starts a new life. Fast forward 5 years and Ali's car is recovered, and Ryan thinks he has it figured out. This book centers on Ryan and Poppy, who is new to the police department and tasked to take another look at the kidnapping.

What follows is a story told from three different points of view. Finlay does a wonderful job at telling different stories within the main story. At first none of it seems related, but then slowly it all comes together for a *gasp AHA* moment. I wasn't quite sure which character I should be rooting for until closer to the end. It was a fast paced thriller, full of crazy twists and turns. If you like stories about an unlikely group of friends, sketchy police force, and plenty of red herrings along the way, give this one a try!

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Fast-paced, international thriller told from multiple points of view. Loved the characters of Poppy and Ryan; both were smart and could think on their feet. The action was non-stop and the different settings added to the story. Almost five stars, but I wanted more from Ryan and Ali's story at the end.

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Allison Lane and Ryan Richardson are high school sweethearts but when they sneak off to spend some alone time tragedy strikes. Ryan is attacked and when he regains consciousness Allison is no where to be found. Speculation begins about what happened to Allison and Ryan is even accused of being involved in her disappearance.

Many years later when a car belonging to Allison’s father is found in a lake near where she disappeared this sets off a chain events that nobody could predict. It just goes to prove you can never run from your past.

I was very excited to get the chance to read this one early and it’s be fourth one by the author. I’d say this ranks number 2 of the 4. The premise is very unique and the story has so many twists. I loved the writing style with the chapters changing POV’s and short chapters. The first half is a nice slow burn but then the story takes an abrupt turn and becomes fast paced right till the end. This is another great thriller read and I will be greatly recommending it.

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I eagerly anticipate whatever twisted tale Alex Finlay pulls from the shadows next.

When done right, multiple narrators and multiple timelines can create the perfect eerie, twisted mystery. This is something I’ve really enjoyed in Finlay’s writing in the past, but he knocks it out of the park in If Something Happens to Me. He pulls you out of each POV at the perfect timing to leave you dying to know what happens next, while also desperately searching for each puzzle piece to the mystery as it unravels. There’s one particular reveal in this book that felt really satisfying and Finlay pulled it off in such a smooth way that you felt the way it impacted the story in every timeline. This novel perfectly balanced the depth of the human story with the thrill of the mystery.

I highly recommend Finlay’s books to everyone who is looking for a fast-paced, yet emotional and haunting thriller. Wether you binge read his novels like I tend to do, or you sit with them for a few days, they stick with you long after you’ve finished with their clever plots and twists you never see coming. If Something Happens to Me should be at the top of everyone’s list to read this year and it’s great to see Finlay’s craft strengthen with each new release.

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