Member Reviews

I eagerly anticipate whatever twisted tale Alex Finlay pulls from the shadows next.

When done right, multiple narrators and multiple timelines can create the perfect eerie, twisted mystery. This is something I’ve really enjoyed in Finlay’s writing in the past, but he knocks it out of the park in If Something Happens to Me. He pulls you out of each POV at the perfect timing to leave you dying to know what happens next, while also desperately searching for each puzzle piece to the mystery as it unravels. There’s one particular reveal in this book that felt really satisfying and Finlay pulled it off in such a smooth way that you felt the way it impacted the story in every timeline. This novel perfectly balanced the depth of the human story with the thrill of the mystery.

I highly recommend Finlay’s books to everyone who is looking for a fast-paced, yet emotional and haunting thriller. Wether you binge read his novels like I tend to do, or you sit with them for a few days, they stick with you long after you’ve finished with their clever plots and twists you never see coming. If Something Happens to Me should be at the top of everyone’s list to read this year and it’s great to see Finlay’s craft strengthen with each new release.

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This was a fast-paced read. Right from the jump I was fully immersed and I just knew it was going to be a really good book. I love when a book has more than 2 POV's and Iiked the 3 POV's that this book had. I enjoyed the twist and turns and If your looking for a great thriller with a lot of mystery, you will appreciate this one.

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Thank you to Alex Finlay & St Martins Press/Minotaur Books for the opportunity to read this ARC!
Alex Finlay is becoming one of my favorite authors! I rarely get hooked early into a book & If Something Happens To Me had me from the beginning. I loved the multi story approach to the book that weaves together in the end. I even thought I had it figured out then BAM, I was completely wrong. I cannot wait to read more from him.
4.5/5 stars!

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Alex Finlay sure knows how to take multiple stories that seem completely separate and weave them together to create a tangled web of great literature. This book was incredibly fast-paced and kept me guess all the way up until the end. I'm taking .5 stars away because the ending became very predictable and rushed, but leading up to it, I was whipping through the story trying to find out what happened to Ali. 4.5 stars.

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I seem to have mixed feelings about Alex Finlay’s books. I really enjoyed The Night Shift but both What Have We Done and this novel fell a bit flat for me. This felt more like a mystery and less like a thriller. There were a lot of POVs and switching between past and present, which all felt a bit messy to me. It also felt a little too far fetched. I think others will enjoy the book but it just wasn’t for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for an ARC of this novel!

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If Something Happens to Me was my first book by Alex Finlay and I thouroughly enjoyed it! I liked the writing quite a lot, it managed to capture the atmosphere of the story perfectly.

This book follows Ryan Richardson who was thought to have killed his girlfriend, Alison. Then we follow a random (or is he) accountant for a mobster. Finally, we have the POV of Poppy, the new person on the force of the police squad in the little town she grew up in. These characters have a distinct voice and tell their story which seems to intertwine. I really enjoyed how this aspect was told and did have a moment where I gasped!

Overall, this story is fun and tense and exciting and leaves you wishing you finally get to the point and unravel everything. I felt like the ending might have been a little too rushed but overall this was a wonderful thriller/mystery.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books for the eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the second Alex Finlay book I've read, with the previous being What Have We Done. I was overall disappointed with that book but I liked his writing style enough to give him another shot. And I'm so glad I did! If I could have read this in one sitting, I absolutely would have. It immediately had me hooked with how fast-paced and exciting it was. The story was told from multiple characters' perspectives and I felt invested in all of them. I was so curious how their lives were connected and the reveal was really well done. The epilogue had a couple of choices I didn't care for but this was still such a thrilling, unputdownable book!

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Alex Finlay has cemented himself as a favorite author of mine. All of his books are spine-tingly, pulse elevating, thought provoking and wild rides that I just can't ever seem to get enough of!

If Something Happens to Me was so cleverly written! Multiple characters spanning then/now, different cities and countries, aliases, FBI, mob families, this had it all and somethings that can be TOO much, but this somehow worked and worked well!

I absolutely loved the story, the way Finlay wove one main story with smaller sub-stories together flawlessly. You must read this if you love a good thriller. This was phenomenal!

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Alex Finlay’s writing makes me remember why I love reading. I’ve read his first two books and loved them. This one was even better, in my opinion, because of the way all these different people and situations came together. It reminded me of that show that has Bryan Cranston in it that’s set in New Orleans and has the mob family and their son was killed- I can’t remember the name? Maybe “Your Honor,” I think? Anyway, the O’Leary storyline was very reminiscent of that family and I loved how they were written. As a school counselor, I have seen how serious bullying is and part of me felt like some people got what was coming to them and then other parts of me remembered that kids are dumb and do dumb things. I’m trying to say as little as I can to not spoil- but I think the details of how everyone is connected were done so well. I also really enjoy a mob tie-in and those can be really cartoonish and dumb if not done well. This was done very well, in my opinion. Alex Finlay is an auto buy for me. He’s definitely a favorite author and I’m excited I still have his 3rd novel left to read. I highly recommend this especially if you like shows like “The Killing” or “Mare of Easttown.”

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He’s done it again, friends: Alex Finlay is the QUINTESSENTIAL thriller writer!

This book hooked me from the first page and didn’t let go. I read it, cover-to-cover, in 24 hours, and the only thing that stopped me from finishing it in one sitting was not wanting it to end.

This propulsive, fast-paced mystery has it all: mobsters, hi jinx aboard, love, bullying, shady characters, a young deputy sheriff, and an inability to trust anyone on the page. It’s part mystery, part thriller, and all crime drama.

I got to the end of part one and audibly GASPED. There were a few other moments that I said “oh no!” out loud. If it was a movie, there were a few scenes where I might have been watching from behind my hands over my eyes. It was scary and twisty and excellent.

Finlay’s writing is spectacular and it makes his novels utterly readable. Everything he has written, I have loved. He’s officially an auto-buy author for me!

Thank you to @netgalley and @minotaur_books for this advance copy in exchange for an honest review. This one drops May 28 and you are NOT going to want to miss it. Go preorder it now!

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That night has followed Ryan for the past five years, and he doesn’t think it will ever stop. He was attacked and his girlfriend disappeared, but the rumor mill was convinced he did something to her. When he takes a trip to Italy with his fellow law school students, he gets a letter that can change it all…maybe he will finally find out what happened to Ali.

OK so the first few chapters I was very confused how these stories all came together, but in the end they do! I was immediately pulled into the story on page one with the prologue of that night, and while the three storylines were so different at first, each one kept me fully engaged! This one certainly took me by surprise at several different points, and I fully enjoyed every second of this read!

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5 Stars

This was my first 5 star read of 2024. I started reading it off and on, and sat down last night to read further...needless to say I started at 24% and never stopped reading.

The story begins with Alison and Ryan, high school sweethearts on their final date before leaving for separate colleges. That night would be one that Ryan never forgets and constantly revisits, but not with fond memories.

Shane O'Leary and his wife, Gina, have suffered a tragic loss. Blinded by their anger and grief, they are determined to make everyone involved pay and will not stop until the task is completed.

Chaz is nearing retirement, looking forward to spending his final years with his grandson and enjoying life at a slower pace.

Poppy McGee is the new sheriff in town, with a lot to prove. Brought on as a favor to her father, Poppy will need to show the department that she is more than just a pity hire.

This story was thriller perfection. The story was told from multiple POV's however, it all tied back to the main plot. The twists were unpredictable and the reader was left with complete closure at the end. I would absolutely recommend this book and cannot wait to see it out on retail book shelves.

I am so grateful to the author, Minotaur Books, and NetGalley for the ARC. This book was such a great read and I look forward to the next release from Mr. Finlay.

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Five years ago, Ryan Richardson was pulled out of his car and beaten up at the same time his girlfriend was abducted. He's not criminally charged because of lack of evidence, but thanks to podcasts and the press, he's charged by public opinion, with many people thinking he was responsible for her death. With no body and no one believing the story that a man with no pinkie fingers abducted her, Ryan changed his surname. Now he’s getting his law degree, when the Pinkie Man returns to his life.

The story is told from multiple points of view and when the story comes together at the end, the twists and turns of who to trust makes for an enjoyable read.

NetGalley provided an advance copy of this novel, which RELEASES MAY 28, 2024.

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Ali is kidnapped while at Lover’s Lane with her boyfriend Ryan, and he becomes the prime suspect in her disappearance. Years later, in Italy on vacation, he learns there is much more to the story after a note Ali left behind is found.

I really enjoy Alex Finlay’s books. This is written in such a way that when a twist was revealed, my jaw literally dropped. The storylines converge and connect in a way that I just didn’t see coming! This book starts out as a slow burn but then picks up when more information is revealed. I hate to say too much for fear of spoiling the story, but just know that you’re in for a thrilling ride if you pick this book up!

Thank you to Alex Finlay, Minotaur books, and Netgalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Wow!! What did I just read?! I couldn’t put this book down!! The characters were well developed and I found myself staying up way past my bedtime to finish it. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this incredible book! I will definitely be sharing it with all of my fellow book lovers!

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Thank you to NetGalley, St. martins Press/Minotaur Books, and Alex Finlay for an advance copy of If Something Happens to Me in exchange for an honest review. I’ll start this off by saying that I don’t think Finlay can do anything wrong, I truly love all of his books.
We find ourselves quickly immersed in a story that is told with multiple POVs that happen throughout three main cities. Each individual POV kept me hooked but I was confused to how everything would flow together. As always, Finlay made everything flow so so so smoothly as the book went on and the end was truly mind blowing to me. I don’t want to say much else because I hope you pick this one up and experience it yourself on May 28th, 2024!!

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4 Stars

This one started good, got a little slow, but then definitely picked up about 60% through. I really liked the characters, even O'Leary. My favorite was Chaz. Love me an old softie tough guy. Alex did great again. The epilogue lacked a little something for me but other than that it was great.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my free copy in exchange for an honest review.

On a side note, it did not really take me 3 1/2 weeks to read. I got sick and quit reading for a good week or 2.

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And the twists just keep coming!
This is my first time reading Alex Finlay, but it won't be my last.
In this international thriller Ryan and Ali are having a night together at Lover's Lane when all of a sudden Ali is grabbed from the car by a stranger. Ryan is initially a suspect but what follows next takes us on an international search to find the truth of what happened that night.
This book is full of twists and turns that you won't see coming and the chapters are short and keep you engaged.
It's told through multiple characters that are interesting and you genuinely want to keep reading to see how they are connected. I love good arm chair travel and this book has it, taking us to Italy, France, and, the USA.
I highly recommend this book if you like thrillers!
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I have mixed feelings on this, I really liked Alex Finlay's first 2 release, but the latest ones weren't a hit for me. The plot didn't draw me in and felt formulaic in parts. It was a lot of action and suspense, and i'm not sure that is my cup of tea in books. I did enjoy it but will not remember it in a week.

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Such a twisty book! This book kept me guessing and entertained throughout. I really liked all of the backstories coming together through the book. Different than any of the thrillers I’ve read.

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