Member Reviews

I came into this book with high hopes, but I was definitely let down. This is the story of a young man who is suspected of being involved with the disappearance of his high school girl friend, a law enforcement agent in Kanas, and some gangsters in Pennsylvania. I must admit it didn't take me too long to figure out what had happened/was going to happen in the story. I had a difficult time staying invested because the characters felt flat, and I could not connect with them. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to "root" for everyone in Philadelphia or not, because they definitely were not nice people. But Ryan kept making dumb decisions and I was not real impressed with his actions either. Poppy was really the only character I liked, but I was yelling (in my head) at her pretty quickly for trusting the wrong people. This book just had too many threads that I doubted could get tied together, but when they did, the story did not feel organic or believable. I would not recommend this book. It needed to either focus more on character development, or drop some of the crazy plot points and create a more smooth "through-line."

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Allison and Ryan are parked at Lovers Lane when terror takes hold. Ryan is ripped from the car, Allison’s screams echo and his world goes dark.

Ryan has been a suspect in Allison’s disappearance, but with no evidence to charge him, he is free to go. He leaves town and changes his name, but five years later, he receives an ominous note claiming he’s been found.

This is the third book I have read from Finlay, and definitely my favorite so far. This one was a true page turning thriller with every twist unexpected.

I love Finlay’s writing style, and the way he tells a story. This story had no shortage of surprises and shock.

Thank you NetGalley, Minotaur Books and Alex Finlay for this ARC copy of If Something Happens to Me.

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I was sooo excited to get "If Something Happens to Me" as an ARC. This is my 3rd book I've read by the author, Alex Finlay. Finlay has become synonymous with books that I cannot put down. Between the different locations around the world the story bring us to and the unique characters & POVs, this was so much fun to read. The story centers around 3 POV's & plotlines that quickly come together to reveal what really happened the night a girl was taken. I highly recommend this author to anyone who wants a book filled with action and twists. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher.

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If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay is one terrific novel (thanks to NetGalley for the advance reader copy). High school couple Ali and Ryan are parked on Lovers Lane when something terrible happens: Ryan loses consciousness and when he comes to, Ali and her car are gone. Ryan, living under a cloud of suspicion, changes his name and moves away. Five years later, the car Ali was driving is found submerged in the river with two dead bodies inside, and it becomes the job of brand new Sheriff’s deputy Poppy to pursue the reopened case. A mystery within a mystery, the story weaves three plot lines together so the reader is faced with two questions: what happened to Ali, and how do these lines intersect? Thanks to a day off and a three-hour flight, I finished this pretty much in one sitting. I’ll definitely be looking for more from this fabulous author. Five stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This is my first Alex Finlay book but it definitely won’t be my last. I could sympathize with almost all of these characters so I am not entirely sure what that says about me. I finished it in 2 days which for me is pretty quick. I didn’t want to put it down. I kept telling myself just one more chapter. The next thing I know it’s midnight and I am still reading. Some things I figured out early on but definitely not everything. 4.2⭐️ from me. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book early.

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Thank you so much for the ARC, Minotaur Books and Netgalley! I am a big fan of The Night Shift, and thrillers overall. That being said, this book was just okay. I liked the story, but found all the characters a little flat and uninteresting. I wasn’t really rooting for anyone. There’s a ton of action in this one and it’s pretty fast paced so it reads really quickly with nice quick chapters which I love.

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Thank you to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for the chance to read the e-arc of If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay.
The story starts out rather simply. Teenagers in a borrowed car head to Lover’s Lane. Girl is abducted and never found, presumed dead. Boyfriend blamed. But is it ever really that simple?

Alternating chapters with different point of view characters help the book unfold. A bit confusing at first, but I quickly got accustomed to the who’s, who of characters (and places as the action takes place in several states and countries) and settled into the wild ride. This was a twisty one! I will not spoil the main twist which neatly brings the intersecting storylines together and the narrative flowing to the satisfying ending. I truly could not put this down after the first few chapters. (I may have mostly read this in one day…)

This was my first read by Alex Finlay, and I am sure it will not be my last. 4/5 star read

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I have read all of Alex Finlay's books and loved them all! Night Shift is my favorite, and this one was a close second! Ryan and Ali are parked at the local Lover's Lane. Ryan is hit over the head and Ali is never seen again. Local gossip tries and convicts Ryan, although there is never enough evidence in a court of law. Ryan moves away and starts a new life. Years later, Ali's car is recovered, and Ryan thinks he sees the man responsible. What follows is a story told from 3 POV's. What I love about this author is he tells several different stories within the main one that don't seem related, then slowly everything comes together for quite the "aha" moment. This one is no different. I highly encourage you to give this author a shot, as I'm certain you won't be disappointed!

Thank you to #NetGalley, #NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

I will post my review to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Instagram and other retail and social media sites upon publication.

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If Something Happens to Me is a fast-paced thriller about a golden girl gone missing. She was with her boyfriend, Ryan, at "Lover's Lane" when Ryan was hit and knocked out, and Ali went missing. It appears that Ali was abducted, never to be seen again. Years later, her car is found at the bottom of the lake by some podcaster.
There are three primary narrators: Ryan, the boyfriend once accused of hurting Ali; Poppy a young war vet turned deputy sheriff in Leavensworth, Kansas; and Shane, the head of a crime family in Philly. How do they all connect?

The pieces of the puzzle will begin to fit as the pace takes off at record speed, filled with twists and turns giving me whiplash. There's a worldwide chase and you have to suspend some belief, but it will keep your blood pumping and your heart rate speeding along as you read. Alex Finlay is a master story web weaver! I liked this book, of all of his I put this at the top of the list behind "The Night Shift." 3.5 stars

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Alex Finlay continues to write compelling, twisty and fast paced thrillers and has yet to disappoint. This story is told from several different character views, and although you know at some point they will all intertwine I was kept guessing until the very end of the book. Although the story line does involve crime mobs, small towns, covering up murders and runaway perps which in my mind seems a little farfetched, I was on the edge of my seat and kept entertained throughout the whole story. If you have enjoyed Alex's previous thrillers, you won't want to miss this next hit

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If Something Happens to You by Lex Findlay is a book that seems to have two stories going on at the same time that at first don5 seem to go together. There is the story of two young high school kids making out in a secluded area and one goes missing. Then there is the story of a young boy in a private school who commits suicide. Both stories independently are good stories and kept me interested and engaged.. eventually the author brought both stories together in a way that made sense to the reader.

I thought the book was good, but confusing at times. Just when I would get interested in one story, it would switch to the other story and vice versa. If you are a fan of books by Alex Findlay, you should give this book a try. You will enjoy it!

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This one was awesome! A big fan of this author, this is another one that I read from cover to cover in one day.

Told in alternating points of view from: Ryan, the ex boyfriend of the girl who was "kidnapped/killed" and is still under suspicion, a young ex military veteran who is now working as a deputy in the town where the crime was committed, and a mob boss out of Philadelphia. How they all come together is revealed about halfway though the book and it is a great twist!
Fast paced, great plot twists, and an exciting read. I did not put it down once I picked it up.
Complicated enough to have to pay attention, but also the twists are recapped enough to help the reader without talking down to them like can sometimes happen.
Easy to read and fun to try to fit together the three diifferent povs and places. 

A tad bit unrealistic, but not enough that it distracted from the overall plot.

I will always read anything by this author and this novel cemented that.Will recommend to others when the book is published in May.

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“If Something Happens to Me” is a thriller/action mystery by Alex Finlay. This book started off with me a bit confused - how would the storylines come together - but once I started making connections (and some assumptions) it made a lot more sense. What I liked was the three different points of view - from Ryan, the boyfriend, to Poppy, the new deputy sheriff, and Shane, the mobster. I also liked that once things got rolling, they got rolling pretty quickly. I did think that the short chapters helped with the pacing too. I cannot say that I really felt connected to any of the characters - and it felt like a lot of covering up for the sake of covering up (though I understood why). But, to be honest, it was a really good read- something I needed.

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Gripping thriller - you’ll speed read every page trying to figure out what’s happening and still be shocked.

Has everything I love about thrillers - short chapters, 3 split POVs, mysteries and twists around every corner

The 3 POVs was a tad confusing at first, but quickly you’ll be able to distinguish each as their own voice as you figure out how the stories interlock with each other.

A huge thank you to NetGalley and the Publishers (St Martins Press and Minotaur Books) for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I have said it before and I will say it again - Alex Finlay's shifts in pacing between POVs make his books absolutely addictive. His latest novel is no exception. All three individual stories are compelling, and the way they end up intertwining is so satisfying. Loved this one and would definitely recommend!

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4.25 Stars rounded up! I really loved this book! It's my first Alex Finlay but for sure will not be my last. I was hooked from the first page. The action packed story and short chapters from different perspectives, kept me flipping the pages without getting too confused. It was so good, and had some twists and turns I didn't expect! I highly recommend picking this up when it comes out in May!

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for an e-arc.

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Alex Finlay has done it again! This book was an incredible nail biting journey that I devoured in less than 1 day. The twists and turns kept me guessing the whole book. The surprise twist at the end was very clever. To say this book is a thriller would be a definite misrepresentation of the genre. This book is a heart pounding edge of your seat thriller and unsolved murder mystery episode. Combine that with some Da Vinci Code type code breaking, hidden secrets to unravel all wrapped up in a coming of age story complete with disappointments and what ifs that reader's can relate to.

Pre-order this now! You won't regret it. Highly recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martins Press for allowing me to read an early copy of this story.

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This is my first Finlay novel and I was not disappointed. I enjoyed the character development and how the story builds.

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Book Title: If Something Happens To Me
Author: Alex Finlay
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press ~ Minotaur Books
Genre: Mystery Thriller
Pub Date: May 28, 2024
My Rating: 4.3 Stars!
Pages: 336

Prologue starts five years ago Leavenworth, Kansas; Ryan Richardson and Alison Lane are heading off to different colleges tomorrow. They have been together since ninth grade and want to spend some time together. Alison gets her Dad’s BMW and picks up Ryan and they head to ‘Lovers Lane’. They park but a terrible storm with lightning and thunder makes them realize they need to head back home. Before Alison can react, the car door is ripped open and Ryan is attacked and pulled out of the car onto the wet grass and the car is gone and so is Ali.

Now Ryan is in law school and has changed his last name to Smith as he want any association or reminders as to what happen.
Present Day: Poppy McGee recently was unjustly discharged from the army and returns home to Leavenworth to take care of her dad since her mother died unexpectedly. With the help of Dad’s best friend Sheriff Walton, she is now Deputy Sheriff McGee.
Her first day on the job leads her to investigating a submerged vehicle in Suncatcher Lake. It is presumed to be part of Alison Lane's, the vehicle holds two deceased men. However no Alison Lane
Poopy knew of Alison from high school .her bother Cash was in the same class as Alison and basketball buddy Ryan. Poppy was the little awkward sister.

Ryan and law school buddies are in Montepulciano, Italy when he receives word about the submerged vehicle being found with a note “If Something Happens To Me” written in Ali’s handwriting!

Stories gets very involved and when Shane O’Leary, leader of Philadelphia’s mob families, is brought into this story I was taking notes on Kindle to keep things straight or at least aware of key players.

I am a big thriller fan so should have known better - ~ Nope I was next to clueless as to what was really happening. It all pulls together and I stopped to breathe>

Yep! This is a good one!!!

To me the last piece to the great puzzle are the author’s Acknowledgements and/ especially the Author’s Note. In this case the “Reader’s Note’ which gives us readers the inside scoop to the author’s motivation, in Alex Finlay’s case it is his choice of location.

This is my fourth novel by Alex Finlay. Since I liked the other three I read, I went into this story with high expectations and really didn’t know anything about the story. I often do that when I like an author!
Needless to say I wasn't disappointed!

Want to thank NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press ~Minotaur Books for this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for May 28, 2024.

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If you can suspend your belief, this is 5/5🤌🏽

The first “part 1” was at first a little confusing with the 3 timelines and so many names and places and character details. I almost had no clue how anything was going to tie together until the last chapter and then I go wait wtf, how did I not think of this! The main twist is great and well written!

Part 2 and 3 need some grace because it’s “world wide” and randomly being able to track people down in a full ass country/ city with nothing specific to go off of. Reaching.

Really twisty and comes together nicely. It gives me similar to Harlan Coben book vibes and I could totally see this being a huge hit Netflix show! ✉️

Spoilers: I saw the Michael connection the whole time but I LOVED the way the timelines were jumbled! I thought Taylor was like a little sister or something until the last chapter of part1 I said wait hold on is Taylor??? Alison?? Soooo goood!

I’m pissed Ryan went through all that to find her to not even slightly try and get together?

How did poppy, or the whole town really, not know the alisons dad was the third bff in the sheriff and Mac’s trio?

Our last mobster didn’t deserve to die (he did) but I want him and his grandson to live out their days. 🥲

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