Member Reviews

A New York investigator, Warren, relocates to quite Vermont and begins working to solve the mystery surrounding a suspicious death. The story takes place during the Vietnam draft, but those themes are not developed in the story. Warren has some troubled past, which also is not well developed. As the story concludes, and the mystery solved, I didn't feel like I knew the characters well. For this reason I am assigning 3 stars.

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I eagerly anticipated the publication of Agony Hill by Sarah Stewart Taylor. Her Maggie D’arcy series was exceptional and I was expecting this one to be, as well.
I found this book dragged in places and didn’t hold my attention; I kept picking it up and putting it down.
Franklin Warren, a Boston detective has come to the Bethany state police force. As soon as he arrives, there is a fire on Agony Hill and Hugh Weber is found deceased inside his barn. Was it murder or suicide? He leaves behind a pregnant wife and four young boys. Hugh came from a wealthy family but decided to buy his farm and live off the land which was a hardship for his family. But he was determined to make it work. And Hugh was not very well liked in the community, always trying to stir up the people with his views on the new Interstate that was coming to close to Bethany.
It seems a lot of the townsfolk have secrets, along with Warren’s neighbour, Alice who likes to play amateur detective.
As I mentioned, the book dragged for me. Perhaps I was in the mood for something more meatier, I don’t know. It was well written: descriptive characters and settings. It flowed along, perhaps meandered.
If you’re looking for a soft mystery, Agony Hill will be for you.

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur Publishers for my eARC copy.

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Secrets are everywhere in Bethany, Vermont. Frank "Warren" Warren, a 30-year-old widower from Boston, is just getting settled in town when he's called--unexpectedly-- to go to work. Warren is a detective and a farm on Agony Hill has just had a fire. A body has been found.

Alice Bower, a 55-year-old widow from Washington, D.C., has also moved to Bethany and is very interested in her new next-door neighbor. She has secrets, too. Her husband was a spy. Alice knows how to get information about people. She knows how to tell if someone is watching her. Someone is. She cannot guess why.

Warren sees someone in the trees and unsuccessfully tries to catch him or her. Others in Bethany know who it is but they aren't saying. Is he the arsonist? The thief who is worrying the shop owners in Bethany, the miscreant Alice is trying to find.

"Agony Hill" by Sarah Stewart Taylor is the first volume of a new series. This story is set in 1965. The characters seem like real people, and most are very likable. The mysteries are intriguing.

I enthusiastically recommend "Agony Hill." I did wonder whether Taylor anticipates a younger audience. Early in the book she describes Alice as elderly. I then had a mental picture of her. Not much later I had to formulate a new mental picture when I learned that Alice was only 55! I thought that was the tail-end of middle age. Anyway, no harm done.

I'm looking forward to learning more about Alice, Warren, and several of the other residents of Bethany, Vermont, who look as though they might reappear in Taylor's series.

Thanks to NetGalley for the Advance Reader's Copy.

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Agony Hill introduces us to Frank Warren - a Boston police officer who has relocated to Bethany Vermont.

And so the mystery begins with a fire in a barn and a cast of characters that might have some mysteries of their own!

The writing is very good, the story is very compelling, and the ending was not at all what I expected and I love it when that happens!! I am eagerly awaiting the next book in this series! I highly recommend!

A huge thanks to Netgalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books for the digital copy of this book! This book will be published August 6, 2024.

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I found this book to be very slow. I skimmed a lot of it and don't feel like I missed much in doing so. The characters were flat and the mystery not very engaging. The whole story had a sort of dark atmosphere that I believe was supposed to be suspenseful, but it came off more as depressing - not that I expected a murder mystery to be sunny and cheerful, but still. I also guessed the plot point about Warren and his love interest form the very beginning.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend reading this one unless you like a little bit of mystery with a lot of filler about small town Vermont.

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Agony Hill is the first book in a new series featuring Franklin Warren. Set in 1965, Detective Warren leaves Boston because of a tragedy in his own life and moves to Bethany, Vermont as a State Police Detective. There is a barn fire on his first night there, and Warren is charged with determining if the death of Hugh Weber was suicide or murder. Weber was found in a room in the barn that had been locked from the inside, so while things seem clear at first, they become murkier on further investigation.

There are a whole host of suspects and others living in Bethany, and it is a lovely quaint setting with excellent descriptions of Vermont. Several of the characters (like Alice Bellows and Arthur Crannock) seem extraneous and a distraction in this novel, but they may become more important in subsequent volumes. I enjoyed this initial novel and getting to know Franklin Warren and his neighbors and colleagues in Bethany, and would consider reading subsequent entries in the series. 3.5 stars rounded up.

Thanks to St. Martins Press/Minotaur Books and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book. It will be published on August 6, 2024.

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Thank you @netgalley for the ARC of of Agony Hill by Sarah Stewart Taylor. This is party family drama and part mystery. It’s a first in a series and I’m looking forward to reading the others. I really enjoy books like this because you get to know the characters and the town with the element of suspense as well.

The book takes place in 1965 in Vermont. Franklin Warren moves to the area and is new on the police force. He gets called to the house of the Webers where Hugh is dead by apparent suicide. Franklin sets out to uncover the truth behind Hugh’s death.

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It is the 1960’s in rural Vermont when Franklin Warren arrives in Bethany.
Ready to begin his position as a detective with the state police.

We know something has happened in his recent past, but we don’t know what yet.
He gets thrown into the deep end right away. A suspicious fire with a death up on Agony Hill. With a fatality.

The folks at the farm are different. Not mixing with the other towns folk, and the dad has some pretty out there conspiracy theories! But how did he die in a fire with the only door locked from the inside?

It’s a mystery. And it is not the only one in town.

This is a wonderful story with characters you are invested in right away. I’m not sure I have ever read anything quite like it. It felt real.

An author to watch.

NetGalley/ St. Martin’s Press/ Minotaur August 06, 2024

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Wow! What an atmospheric read. This is a beautifully written historical fiction novel with everything crime stories need to thrive. The small town in Vermont is the stage of a collection of horrors and secrets, all kept quiet by the tenants who live in the homes. It is unique following the story through a male perspective, a much appreciated take on the thriller genre. As the detective searches to find answers to some of the town's greatest secrets, he finds that uncovering more secrets may not actually be a good thing.

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I really want to thank Sarah Stewart Taylor and Minotaur for my invitation to read this advanced reader's copy of the book through NetGalley. It was a privilege. This is my own personal and unsolicited opinion. It's an excellent read.
As I began to read, I was caught up in the danger that one homesteading-type family seemed to be facing. Boston native Franklin Warren has accepted a new assignment as a detective in the Vermont town of Bethany. He is immediately thrust into an investigation into the death of a not so well-liked man living on Agony Hill. The atmosphere created by the author felt like the life in small town mid 1960's to me. I lived that growing up in Maine. There is more than one mystery going on here and I'm so pleased to learn that this is a series.
There are interesting characters with their own stories here. Suspense builds, surprise, possible spies and darkness lurks about. Vermont is shown here in its beauty and ruggedness. I've been in this area on a vacation, White River Junction, and it is beautiful. This town will be sure to be filled with stories as progress and life flows and changes.
I personally like that there is very little slang language and that this is what I would term a clean read. It is intelligently and tastefully written. The author led me to care about the central characters.
I look forward to more in this series.

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A murder mystery set in 1960s Vermont. Taylor creates a really vibrant setting that deconstructs any notions the reader might have about idyllic small town life, and some memorable characters, including the detective with a heart of gold and a dark past. Definitely interested to see where this series continues.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I was invited to read this book by the publisher, and while it was not a book that I would have personally selected for myself, I wound up really liking this book! I thought the author did an excellent job of creating normal, relatable characters, as well as writing really good descriptions of the setting so that the reader felt like they were within the setting itself. This was also not your typical book where the resolution or culprit comes to mind easily. The reader really gets to know these characters and their backgrounds, and winds up going along on a good detective story. Lots of great characters and I really enjoyed this book!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the first book I’ve read from this author. I will definitely be reading more. Good plot. Lots of characters and their interactions and flaws. I highly recommend this book b

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I’m a huge fan of Sarah Stewart Taylor’s Irish mystery series and was interested to see how I would feel about a book set in 1960 rural Vermont. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, the slow pace, the small town/rural farm setting and the author’s familiar strong characters. The mystery plot was well developed and I did not solve it until close to the end. I so hope this is the start of a new series.

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Thanks to St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books and NetGalley for this ARC of Sarah Stewart Taylor's 'Agony Hill.'

I hadn't heard of this author before and this isn't my typical area of reading but the description I received was enticing and I thought maybe it's a series I can dip into for lighter enjoyment along the lines of Craig Johnson's 'Longmire' series (though, as it turned out, Longmire is a lot darker than 'Agony Hill.')

It's 1965 and a still-young detective relocates from Boston to rural Vermont following an initially unspecified tragedy, a story which emerges over the course of the book, where he becomes a member of Vermont's recently created state police. He's dropped right into an arson-caused suicide or murder, it's up to him to figure out which it is. It's a small town and it's not long before he's interacting with the local police chief, doctor, attorney, and his neighbor Mrs Bellows, among others. The unfolding of that case is well handled, I liked the pace and the wrong turns and the closing in on the truth.

Beyond the absence of 21st century technology and a theme of the Vietnam war and draft there's not too much here that places the story in the mid-60s, but the author does convey the social niceties and norms of the time very well in the writing.

It's the first in a series so there's some very understandable and necessary establishing of the characters and locale that will undoubtedly form the core dramatis personae as this series progresses. A young trooper who we're told a billion times blushes a lot, a (very annoying and unpleasant, to me) Murder She Wrote/Jessica Fletcher-type character in Mrs Bellows, the disdainful local police chief, the local attorney and doctor (whose pretty daughter will, no doubt, feature in future) and others.

It'll be interesting to see where this story goes as it tackles the evolution of an ostensibly Eden-like Vermont into which the outside world is literally (the interstate is being plowed through the countryside) and figuratively encroaching. I don't think I'll join that journey though since it didn't grip me hard enough to pull me along.

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In the beginning I liked the book. I felt it was a bit slow throughout, but it kept my interest. I enjoyed the authors writing style and would read her again in the future. My only gripe was that the “mystery” was pretty simple to figure out from the beginning. Didn’t leave much to solve. Also, I was a little unclear why Alice was even much a part of the book. She seemed like a nosey old lady and I found myself skimming thru her chapters. Was unclear as well as what her husband being a secret agent had anything to do with the plot. It also left a hole in Warrens wife murder. Was it ever really said who or did his family do it? Some of these story lines just felt unnecessary to me. I would’ve liked more focus on the main plots. Either way, I will try another of the authors books if / when as I did like the writing style and the subject matter. Thanks for letting me read /review.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Franklin has moved to a quiet town in the east coast. His first case he needs to solve leads to more questions than answers. This book kept me thinking from the start.

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Because I’m such a fan of Sarah Stewart Taylor’s Maggie D’Arcy mysteries set in Ireland, I was a little reluctant to try the first in a new historical mystery series set in small-town Vermont in the mid-1960s. I should have known Taylor wouldn’t steer readers wrong with Agony Hill.

Franklin Warren is the new detective with the Vermont State Police, but he doesn’t even have a chance to settle into his new position in Bethany when he’s called to what could be a crime scene. A barn on the top of Agony Hill is half-consumed with fire, and there’s a body inside. Is Hugh Weber a murder victim or did he commit suicide? The barn door is barred from the inside, and the victim was drunk. Did he copy another suicidal farmer who protested the interstate coming through farmland in Vermont? Why did he leave his widow, Sylvie, with four sons and another baby on the way?

Warren doesn’t yet know any of the neighbors, so he relies on a young trooper, Pinky, who is local. Warren’s mysterious neighbor, Alice Farnham Bellows, seems to know most of the secrets in town. And, if she doesn’t know them, Alice knows who to ask. Her late husband was in the OSS during the war, and Alice still has some connections to the intelligence community.

When there’s another fire on Agony Hill, Warren’s early theories are no longer pertinent. And, there are just some secrets related to the Cold War and Vietnam that might remain hidden, hindering his investigation.

Agony Hill slowly unfolds, introducing an intriguing cast of characters, and some secrets that might or might not be revealed in future books. Warren has a troubled past, left behind in Boston, but it still makes him vulnerable, and compassionate. Vermont, changing due to the interstate, Vietnam, and the influx of new people, is vividly described, almost a character in the book.

Taylor doesn’t let anyone down in this traditional historical mystery. Fans of Julia Spencer-Fleming’s Clare fergusson/Russ Van Alstyne mysteries set in upstate New York might want to try Agony Hill.

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I am a long time fan of Sarah Stewart Taylor, specifically the Maggie D'Arcy series. It did not take much convincing for me to read book 1 in a new series, centred around Detective Franklin Warren and his intriguing neighbour Mrs. Bellows who has an unusual and hidden past. Unlike the more contemporary D'Arcy series, this new series is set in the mid-1960s in a small community in Vermont. Taylor's mysteries are known for their tight plotting, deeply drawn characters, and convincing sense of place and time and Agony Hill is a worthy addition to her oeuvre. The mystery unfolds slowly, the town's eccentric characters are introduced and weave in and out of the story, and the narrative takes place against the larger themes of the USA's involvement in Vietnam and the civil rights struggle. I am looking forward to the next in the series. Thank you to St. Martin's Press Minotaur Books and NetGalley for e-Arc.

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Agony Hill
By Sarah Stewart Taylor
Minotaur Books St. Martin's Publishing Group
Review by Glenda

The cover of Agony Hill jumped out from the others on the Net Galley Library and I was drawn in. A name like Agony Hill certainly makes one wonder what may lie within. Sarah Stewart Taylor writes with an eloquent balance that drew this reader in and kept me there. I will be sure to look for more of her work. I enjoyed the character development and the plot was uncomplicated with enough mystery to keep me flipping the pages. Sarah gave me a nice little plot twist that achieved a satisfying ending. I rate Agony Hill 4 out of 5 and I would recommend Agony Hill to those who enjoy mysteries as well as those who enjoy small-town Americana.
Thank you to NetGalley for the copy to review.

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