Member Reviews

Agony Hill is the first in a new police procedural series, set in small town Vermont in the mid 1960s.
Franklin Warren has escaped Boston and a troubled past to take a job with the CBI. He’s not even finished unpacking when he’s handed his first assignment. A transplanted New Yorker, a back to the land, ornery farmer has burned to death in his barn. The circumstances make it appear to be a suicide, but Warren isn’t sure.
The book handles small town life well - how everyone is in everyone’s pocket. It takes a while but as the book goes on, the reader also gets a real sense of the times - the coming of the interstate highway, the Vietnam War and the Cold War.
The book alternates between Warren’s POV, that of Alice Bellows, his neighbor and an amateur sleuth, and Sylvie, the dead man’s wife. All the characters were fully developed and felt real. Mrs. Bellows has her own interesting history and I will be curious to see where Stewart-Taylor takes her in future books.
It’s not a fast moving story (definitely not a thriller). It’s more focused on character development and setting the reader firmly in time and place.
I recommend this for folks who are fans of William Kent Krueger.
My thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press/Minotaur Books for an advance copy of this book.

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I enjoyed everything about Agony Hill, the cover, characters, plot and descriptions. Warren, newly transplanted state trooper assigned to the town of Bethany, is thrown into action his first day when he attends the death of a man found in his barn. Not sure if it’s suicide or murder as he investigates he’s also getting to know the town and its people. There are mysteries within mysteries in this book and they’re all done well. The character of Alice Bellows is particularly interesting as her background is revealed. Reading, I felt this was the second book in a series the way things that happened in the past were presented but it’s not. I do hope it becomes one as I can envision many interesting story lines with Alice and Warren. The writing also reminded me a little of William Kent Krueger which I consider a huge compliment.

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I really enjoyed this first installment into Taylor's new series. Taylor is a new author for me, and I am a fan. There is plenty of character development in Agony Hill, and she really builds the town and its community before your eyes. I felt like I was seeing it for the first time, just like the main character, Franklin Warren. He is a complicated character, and mysterious. There is a lot of potential for future stories about this town and it's people. I absolutely love the town's 'busy body' Alice Bellows. She's a stitch, and there's much potential for her further development. Taylor's writing style reminds me a lot of William Kent Kruger, who I devour, so I will be anxiously awaiting the next book in the series. It's nice to have that sort of trope set it New England.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Many thanks for the complimentary ARC kindly provided by NetGalley and the author/publisher.

I really love Taylor’s writing and the idea was excellent, but I need more realistic police procedures if that's what involved in the story. The pace is slow but I was good with that and the quirky characters were great, but I'm not sure I bought Alice and her whole sleuthing storyline. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4 because the writing is so good. I'll look forward to trying another of her books.

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Agony Hill is my first read by Sarah Stewart Taylor. It is the first in a new series about Franklin Warren, a police officer from Boston, who moved to Vermont in the 60’s after his wife is murdered to start over. It was full of surprises and kept me engaged throughout. I really enjoyed the peaceful descriptive setting in Vermont!

Warren has just come to a new small town and on his first day, there is a fire in a barn with a body inside. It is his job to investigate to see if the body was murdered, committed suicide or just an accident. The town is close knit and just nice in general, but it appears as though a few of the townsfolk are hiding things. Hugh Weber, the body in the barn, is a miserable man that is one of the town drunks. His family, young Sylvie and her boys, are brought under suspicion, as is his brother, and the commune leader down the road.

This story weaves an intricate narrative about a small town where everyone knows everyone and their business. I loved the depth of Warren and Sylvie’s characters. They pack so much personality. I also really enjoyed Alice and hope future books tell more of her story! Looking forward to the next book!

Thank you to Minotaur Books, NetGalley, and the author for the opportunity to read this book. My opinions are honest and my own!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur Press for the ARC.

Sadly, this book did not live up to the hype or synopsis for me. I expected a story that centered around the turmoil of the mid-sixties, but the author just referenced the incidents that took place during that time. The plot, and there are many, just doesn't go anywhere -- every chapter goes in a different direction, but never comes to a completion ... too scattered!!

The main character -- a seasoned detective from Boston now living in a small Vermont community -- breaks down if he encounters blood or a dead body ... give me a break!! Maybe men in 2024 do, but NOT in the 1960s ... even if they felt like it!!

Although many of the descriptions of the locals are well written and portray beautiful mental pictures, it's the story that we want to focus on ...

Maybe next time!

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I tried so hard to get into this book but it just couldn’t grip my interest. It’s a very slow start and continued to be a slow read.

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Agony Hill by Sarah Stewart Taylor is a mystery set in a small town in Vermont. The story takes place in the summer of 1965 when it’s too hot to do much and mysteries abound. The story starts out with a bang but then falls into a slow but steady pace, introducing new characters and seeming to set the stage for future books. I enjoyed the detective but his next door neighbor and her strange back story seemed a little forced. Overall an interesting mystery and very clean. Thank you to @netgalley for the arc.

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Unfortunately for me, this book was agony for me to read. I was unable to finish it because I was bored and my mind kept wandering. I so appreciate NetGalley for the ARC.

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From the beginning this prologue had me hooked. This was a super quick read, and I quite enjoyed it. I really likes the characters, all with their own mysteries about them. I can't wait to see where we go in the next book. I know a lot of people don't really enjoy detective stories from the detective POV, but I do really like them. I love that there were other people throughout this cute little farm town that we got to know through their own POVs as well. There may be a couple trigger warning for a few things in here, like lack of consent in a very brief part, and some harm done to animals.

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The world building and characters in this book were great. It’s set in the 60’s and the author really takes you back in time. I didn’t expect the ending at all. There are multiple POV’s so the storyline never gets boring, it switches between characters often.

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I gave this book 5 stars because of the depiction of rural life, the mystery, really good characterizations, unexpected ending, and all around good writing. I would recommend it to everyone, even those not liking mysteries! I definitely want to read more by this author after reading this book....

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I really liked this new book by Sarah Stewart Taylor, my first read by her. It's set in the 1960s, giving a cool old-school detective vibe. The characters, especially Franklin, were intriguing with his hidden grief and emotions. The small-town setting added an interesting touch, leaving me excited for the next book.

Franklin, a newcomer detective in Vermont, gets caught up in a case involving a fire and a man named Hugh Weber. As he uncovers town secrets like a mysterious farm and financial troubles, the story slowly unravels with surprising twists. The different points of view and the budding romance between Franklin and Sylvie added depth to the plot.

I found this small-town mystery engaging, with hints of government intrigue and promising future storylines. A recommended read for fans of detective stories. Big thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy!

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Warren has just moved to Vermont to be the new detective. Before he’s settled in, he’s called on to investigate a death. A man’s body is found in a burned barn, locked from the inside. Is it suicide, murder, or an accident? The victim was a heavy drinker, always writing angry letters to the editor of the local paper, and verbally abusive to his wife. The family is rather a group of outsiders; good kids, but different. The story has a dark, confusing, depressing feel to it and nothing seemed to be straight forward. There were many characters, but none that I felt drawn to. They seemed a little flat, as did the story.
Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Agony Hill is the first in a new series by Sarah Stewart Taylor. I have never read this author before but I sure wish I had!

This story was based in the 1960's in Vermont. It tells the story of a mysterious death that happens in this small town of Bethany. The people of the town all seem nice but they are hiding big secrets.

I enjoyed the multiple POVs, especially Detective Warren's. He seems to have a very sad past and is good at what he does. I also was intrigued by Sylvie and Alice.

It was a bit slow at first but it really picked up and I couldn't put it down. I had to figure out why this all happened. I would recommend to my friends. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving an opportunity to read this book!

This will be published on August 8th 2024! Make sure to check it out!

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Kind of a slow mystery read. Good set of characters. Seem to leave a lot of questions not answer. Mat be equal in the works?

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This was an interesting book, in a good way. I felt like it kept me guessing, and you really do get to know a cast of characters. While you don't know them in depth, I think that helps with the intrigue. I think the book tied up nicely, and I would read another story set in the same town/area, but I am not sure it would have the same effect.

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Agony Hill is a historical mystery that's just as much about the people in the village of Bethany as it is about several fires that occur and leave a man dead. The detective in the book investigating the death of Hugh Weber is Franklin Warren, a man new to town from Boston, desperate to leave his past behind. But don't believe for one second that the charming and enigmatic Alice Barrows isn't a detective in her own right, even if she doesn't have a badge to go along with her skill set. The book is told from both of these characters points of view, as well as that of Sylvie Weber, the pregnant widow of Hugh that seems almost incapable of doing anyone harm - even though the spouse is always the first suspect. Warren is balancing working with the local cops while being a state detective based in the community, all while trying to get to know his new neighbors better, for both personal and professional reasons. The book takes place in 1965, and readers will see historical events from the time play a role in the story, draft dodging and the building of the interstate system. It has a small town cozy mystery type feel to it, with events unfolding slowly and little to no thriller elements. I can't say that it stood out as exceptional but it was enjoyable read and focused on a historical period in a way that feels more unique. A complimentary copy of this book was provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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With Agony Hill, Ms. Taylor begins a new and compelling series. It follows on her recent four books that took place in both the States and Ireland. I had hoped that there would be a fifth title in the series that began with The Mountains Wild but sadly that is not to be (at least for now? I can hope).

That said, Agony Hill is a terrific series launch. I have so much admiration for how the author has created an entirely new world and set of characters in this story that takes place in Vermont in the 1960s. I

Franklin Warren has relocated to rural Vermont where he will be a detective. It is clear from early on that he has a backstory and a life that has included some complications. Warren is glad to be in a new community. However, challenges come to him even on his very first day.

A “back to the land,” eccentric and difficult farmer by the name of Weber has died in a fire on his land. It appears that it may have been suicide as the door is locked from the inside of the building. (Of course, veteran mystery readers will know to not trust this). Hugh has left behind a young widow, four sons and a baby on the way. How will they manage? Has Hugh provided for them at all? Hugh’s brother certainly hopes not.

This becomes a case for Warren to investigate. There is also a second fire death early in the book. (no more spoilers here). It will be complex and interesting as events unfold.

While there are many characters in this story, another one to notice is Alice. She too has a history. Her life has not been limited to her beautiful gardens.

All in all, this was an absorbing story. I spent much time reading it instead of doing other things that may have needed doing.

Fans of this author and those new to her will both enjoy this one. Highly recommended.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press-Minotaur Books for this title. All opinions are my own.

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“Agony Hill” by Sarah Stewart Taylor
Many Pieces to this Puzzle !
Yes, I was hooked on this story… although I do have trouble thinking the 1960’s as historical as it was the decade I became an adult. The story brought back a lot of “60’s” memories. I enjoyed the unraveling of the entwined tales of the various characters. I think this is a fun labyrinth to navigate. Will you guess it’s ending? I didn’t. Happy Reading ! !

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